THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN CEN~ UNIVERSITY HALL. Time't'abie (Revised) Nov. 18,1894. PM. A MMondayEvening N. Y. Speciil--515 N. Y.Special-__ S)3 E~asternsEx---10 25 N. S. Limted_ 0925 A. M. Pacific Es --12 15 Atlantic Es-__7 47 P. M M ARC 5 0i. N. Express ---1 40 Western Es -2 12 G. SR. Express __1155 ChiI. Nt. Es---10 25____ G. R.Ex-----557 0. W). RUGGSe, 1. W. HAYES, G. P. & '1. A t., Chicago. A t A n A rbo r.E ua y TA ..&NAM Y u e ieTaking effect Sunday, Aug.1, 1894.g n s y Tra ins leave Ann Arbor on Centrail and- i112S-1N'N ardtime. 7:18 a. m 7:5a.m VIOLIN VR U S *12:25 pm. 11:30a.m.VR U S 4:15 p.o. 901pM. *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo ASSSTEI) BY only. All trains daiiy except Soedayy W. IH.BENNETT G.PA. ToedoO. M! LACHAUME, PIANIST. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. 'Like Paderewski Y saye possesses genitus-New York World. Time Table, October 7, 1894.___ Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00,95:00 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:00 anid LaeAnArbor Junction, 7:30,9:30 ~adMISO,-5 11:30 a. m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30,7;15,9:30 and 11:00 p.m. rickets o11 sasle lit Caikins', Ann SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,:30, :30, Arbor Organ (Co. aiid Box Ofiie e;:00,6:30 and 9:00 p.nm.: . night of concert. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00,4:00, 5:30, _________________ 7:00 anid 9:30 p. m.- Cars runos city time. Fare: single trip 15331CgC SA.LE cents;: round trip tickets 25 cests.V ia WM. F. S sisano Shpt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUSINS & HALL, [1o7i11, 26 5. iUniv-rssity aven DIETAS & SCHANZ, \ 1:. OF 3A. TAIXLOPtS o - . < REGENTS' MARC-I MEETING. IS TTr AN EXTRAYVGANCE! Discussion of Fire Protection andeCA CONTINUED FR1031FIRIST PAGE. Miiitary Instruction, Vent tOlIi: o rle 91 ioniiof the111,W libirar'y Thoi' lBoaiid of Ileg titshed1:1: hoir lby ire. Ainothletrlectuire 1roomiwill bo larei: 1'i ig yesterdal~y :it('-rli::::':.1:00 9551becein-'n of2the lenglthesitg Aft:-:' somli:- disculssion of 01: - o):o-siiof::f h:'lais ('ourse. For - 01:: ipon ve1135- of bett:-r ir(-:' iotection for: II:- ti:)i- reoents the51su11of.535,000 ois reqiueste'd. Yersity-loiloiligs it wrls volod 1900(OX- Studieniots esiriiig to 0::kn work inl lend11$300) in ipurcha:sing fir, (,. :- ei('istry asn refusedlce-rtatini,:010151- tiiigifishirs atilllos(% 11:-gent 11' l Iilniti s bet-se:of t01: ,want of 10011 bouo~r lioYvoo 111:1thle sstioh!o tt :: il in tl: lOtemiiiolabioraitoory. An adi-~ii sersity groundisl be r,-2 -dto. iii ie to then btosilodiing is one of tlio botainical eiblit ii ile' lOti1m ill ut-go-nt nieedsIoofthOln 1io'eroi iy. All I:iso sooio 190-5o. 1Prtof.1I. 1-d.('ooley o::'tit-sl, dtlt "ii 10 0 lgiO01iflg 09- wss ograntdsi to'':sof lt'ebootto s of!:1: ills :and1iman~y ill thie'liteiary do9- Oh:: heinlg lalntfoor pturposoeo of OXA-T:Titlnelit havie 'oinlpuoilry 'woik irs tOT'iiio'Itingle. o-Iio'i:lry. leliirs o t9(0 S o w2,5Olab st- A letter'efrooiiCaptao1in Gardn-eiior, 1011h oraitoryey o:a:lsoo net':'ol-o, aindlthetotal Infaiitry-, staiono'ol at 1ooartOayilo, amount 1i.(o''osslli'y foor Itissork to was, 1'::itl ty ttog ut tBarboutr. It a01 ol- e'cedlit $85,0000. Yooo'tc'ol theio 'taitlisl::io-it (if miliitariy Tb -ro is a similarT12condtiion of instrt1'~ion inithl io' ivisrity. Mto-aff::irs in tihe' ana~tomniclilabiooiator'y- s:ituthat 1a 1:1-go' i lilb 1' of e:,fte in- 'Tho:miollostudllolts wh~o hsve o rsok stitntooas gise iistlTl~tioo1i liiiitar1y int his.Ilabooi'toory 010 Tst-1 5OO'lO iieolndtaettio-s tauoght, :11101groat 'Tooting tho'ssw~ok n1:11,::1;ig;it Uon- saotisfaio-iol:is geiv:. t'aptaiii ' til lalt :)119 SilitaTl(o'room,isoldtlo be 1001e 091Nv is o'rse'nt a111001 99:01 to: 1h:'povost'iddiiith~ios itlilig .fort-hei:states t'ogo'ntsti hat theio' OosrIni::lit wo:tt toIW'laora~i-tooryof llygioo', Nssl-io-ishonosw willing 1:: fun1ish :i11 01:-- arms: aiid Ioo'ito'olintthird 11-1Stoory of 01::'phys-. :1T't9 10-iits 011:t9 woololbeto 1C' 011t::lit--l laotoory. 'tl:' tost of 00 -hen 's-. and11 liin inscor to d0 illis :" 5 010 tadditi o o 011:' iilttollit':l 1itb i'O't:rof e 1w it: llti(.s.of ttiol:odic,-,l.-1T1oraoryis 1eost:i:::0olatO $400,000). lllitaTly 0:1gb: 0-110g. fotooificat:ioo. '. ''i'll: Woove. stOlto-ntils of'''lio ewes 'l'lo Board so''lbo oon ot:(- in 1191 'of of the 0 1119 rsily are, ak-un frooi doolig 500111tlig 11n 91h: 1:1:t09:i'nd11: 'i sont i: 'ollo 1-0-p001-fto ti1eo1(,tis- wsill c'onsideto he 91:-4 9:011111000'' fuillts ti %Thi: a'i:: 'iot00l~lioilliskt(oolfor is at 11Ol: nes't 111, -911g. :::ilo- 9 107,60 )for 18905 and:1 $87030 fort (911::motionlo of IWs-ant Riot: r, 'roof. ,)( tlsllly. ;4. 1'. ltoig-et and1 0. Co --b sso'1'oograntoedo 1 is-sof :tOsoni: flo::1in ..I-I - L.:lIN- 01ho med'li:ialo'prtn t too- spared the I 1 01:: lo. ollossing 1110- -hgs isitto 01f oiu::uuno'u- in:studyinin 11 12:1r0090-an1 11_00 )10101110 10one-hirod fare forol'0::rootio soroili: a 11110p oilth9:'eo'ertfiit-:: pl:an1swilliss 'rIll' 11:-tiligoof.ii'tboardĀ«-1: l w B 0 :too otlinuedo-oday::0. 1-0)- the' 9.Woman9:'s 1-oorcgo 311o'i~ii- -Our Spring and Sumnmer Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. (Coll and see us. 48S. Statenst..Srecondloosr, A nniArbor. 22, Years in the Business.-"'3uit1~s. CITY LAUNDRY, X. X. SEABOLT, No..4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING!1 Mleaning, Pressing and Repairing done neatly by AVG(. SCHOENEWALI',, 26_E. Washingtoni EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!? 20 EAST HURION STRIEET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVE BT. Prop. ANN ARBO3R STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Genats' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. S+ W., HURON ST., ANN .ARBOR. Members of Guarantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- ciation of U. S. Coshy & Isc~eon B. B. Ticket Agency 50Adams st., Chicago. Reduced rates to all points. Branch Th~e Kindergarten No. I N. Main st. Ann Arkor Michigan. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. We are organizing a slect porty fora sum- mer tour eo Europe. leavin gNew York, June 22nd, for London, Antwerp, Brussels. Cologne, Coblentz, Frankfort. Beidelkberg, Siraseg, Baden-Baden, Paris, and lileppe, returning, sailing from Loudon August 2nd. The party will be conducted by and under the personal charge of MR.vOTTEsuNGwEusoof (Columbus, well -known as one of the "first musical in- structors of America. and a genial gentleman ef large experience In travel, Each patron will have a Perth In a large promenade deck stateroom, and the ships selected are new 8,1097 ton twin 'screw steamers, provided with electric lights ad- steam heat. Complete Itinerary and information maied on receipt ef sef-addssned stamped envelope. 5155.00 paseerpneisii I ofsghstravel and oasi. bul Inormaionand Itinerary mailed o eseapt oelfl-addressed enveie0e. Mention thin paper. WARD BROTHERIS, (Gan. Touristad Steasmship Agts., 171 N. High nt., Low ratesewerywbere)t. GsluiixiisisOhio. VICTOIR MODEL FIRST GLASS. Reduced Price. Please call and ox- amine saite. .No. 8s s. Masis, ('r. W111limSt5. CJICY15 AW Class Party of '00. Nsinet-y-s-ix Isillivegiso :1::: clas poarty :0 t Cxrlrgo-l' A99: o19:sl::oocsogt in1 1g. 1re:1911 >7. pobabootly t91::' s junilorl'plrry of 91: '-orear. 1911. .100110 of 911 - C'io'1ie llI-o-oouio, pomises102 to 11ily for 91::-fbost till::'theo 0-001101j109 tot linsw1111:- 1:':-c:_:-ol this yoear1. As clsstttisfactlicol1 is still Ixporesseon )111- Teif of 9::he oosocr ow oditionTof 91:0 sic I0 1~ d iio t:o To fifty, a d:1:1bheyIstill btol- .t)o : / ~r~i it 000911010 'locko-9s 110:1e9 lo-ot:::lov-oia:1. TRO4DE MAR00 1 "0)8.10Ih11-ly ..:001200of M Y191:91I',17 119 01:t the: '.l'ho110 :19Do lt i lito1s:'. $1. 00 SUBSCRIBE NOW $1s00 Snbscribo for the Daily. i ll ssl of /( n ~ ~o hot -,'JtATEIALTE FIREbr 4,O1AP~tR CLE CĀ°'GJICACO 10 p. Pm-Iti OrFICEVArlD prACTORY LAKE " MAL5TEDTh 5RETAIL *,AL2I ROOQ12 80 \.AeiA27sI-iI ALsflNj jWsAeenOtib e7"9-IM5EAOiE 5?', LO to0 rYOKJ P9ORTLAN DaissF ---s - - ) rL '~A faHo - ba 'y Socoiethy :1111i9V011ii', o1::::A i2s- to29) liolllsiv,.- Foor 91:: Ateuor AtI~li:' i10U0ionof .S., _1.1tr:1110)0:o 22. To- hIitenat:oiol Y. 701. C. A., Aprii to 21. \Vet) 1211(1:18 :sooo-1:hlit l:May 15 0:11 ltlI sso'otly 'ro sloytorhais 991010, 191atOdsi Juiv911--3,. at 11t1:- lirI':i. 19t:::n's 1-orleiglln Missionar:iy socityl i'1Phildelphlia~, Pa:., Aporil 2_213to 25. R01:eo-s(f091ne:1:010010onthirdl lar-efors 00 .roooioo 11210pssill to' icile fos.' ito' 'onventoion 19iii ii (Chisotian, thieao'1100 Uniotlit 11119 City,'Matreii to 28. Tiekets 0:tobo oold bMarch -, 201 ando 27, limitet-oho tursn nest oer tbhin 11110-i 29, 189). Rt. S. GREENWOOD, Agin, IV. II. BENNETT, G. P. A. NEW TS'12ATIONI2ItY. Proobably l t' oprtilest shleet of paper' 1:1 in Anii Arboor is the CELT- DIATED SWAN. LINEN. It is snow bihte 1100 has a5 surfae} like a lsbcG 'hfi-s,,hid. It is lohusoe iii any size, leor 00 lrtiled, with envelope's to itchi All priningli2asd stationery iirsts soil it. r. es