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March 21, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-21

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lit ¢ f ~ ~thing hut careful mranagement iS 10(1 gesed as a meas of proviting for j T R v ]>1
f tie fund set asde for higler ]earn- its future ladftailanie. In entertin I TV AI117IV eD,!
JJ VJJig in this satexwhn r fertence is ing tis idea peope are wont to point
Publshed Daily (Sunday excepted) during made tii the exense0 atacedi to fur- at this endoied intittions of tife, A SHIPMENT OF
fthe Cleg year by Dishing the wane failities in Other ot, particularly Ilarvard and Yale.
THE U, Of M NDEPENET ASOIAIO, tates, where twice theto1111 ll iii5010.but Michigan alunicannot b liken- R oOFC:Tmsbidn .Mi topst ntriei mlyd h ini-e otoeO uhclee.A ti et'T n S o
psoiecatfcwhccoprsnpentou h mtrhsada snee/EDITORS. is that Michigan is paiing less fie of anofer half century there wili F n7Q IR NC
11. COcEMANLit'7 Managin Editor. is tnsurpaissedt educafionial -aivaiit- iroalyhbe oiporiuiy for aryimg____________
G. . HAamIOo, Lais'O, Assistant. tags fhan aiy safe ini tie 1tini11"outth pla-of ndowd may ______('1__7'____
A. 'W. SMIvH, Lit. Pel., Assistant. This, ftir.1rihimma- failedt to mieiionl lit i itst blie c iieniemri fi th at J.AC(BS & A.LLIIAiN
W. A. SIL, Law Oil, Assistant. wenm atfeiiiptimg. s, it asietedtolprlceset the ihimni aelte oiiiiir c iupr
J. A. LEtto, Lit. 'fAthleiceEditor. emliglten the.'lipubli on tiem)(iicl ii vjl lext ailYl. Antia Wahingon Black, Ann Arbr
J. S. PEAu, Law 'st. uiness Mianager.1 jthHrad u.Yle Aioim
H. x. Levy, Laic'0, Assistant. uniersfooidiqiesion. piiin xorty of notice is tle Char- P. s.-snn our Show Window.
Associate Editors. The icompiilaion of fiuirii cotcit.u1-loh rif ofsutents xvhiiih ichign
S. . Shitey,'Lit. '5. I. A. tianeer Lit'5. img tihiscrccapitacixiiniiitur il eaiii i i iit Uitrsity has iiiaftniammce. Teiy
E. L. Evans, Law 'it. E.h.Sundertaud,Lit'iO. sudemt gratiduatei is tseless unless al iro in t majoriy of ra~es sos of
Carrie VSmth,Lt.96. L.llambten,tai'tit. tf the factors emtering imto thie1 iuhi5 iimiyswll-f-todtare-mts.xherexs tose
CAtloutghton,Dentt'i. C. H. Farell, Lit. -5. ,tiiim ire gixeni(lie 1i1oiilli 0'1i-a lt itmr m mml itccm
MI Gilbert, Engr.'9.H.h.ammton,Medic95o0h 1taeilmchsttrcr
Minnie M. Ttompson, Lit.'97,. point outf, as has tie Triiiini, tht cimlstiics; it fats'wxhicsh is eessay
. A. Heath. Phililmie .05. thi s epemi5 omr iachisude-mint hs fr theiirmtttemndamii-- ipoi sitdntiiis
Sabsription pricee$ha1IS per yer, invariably gin'eatly aigmentmfeionly atffirmis shtif w -re i xpe-isi-s tie.ftiice xxhat they
in advanee. Single copies I eeits. Sbsrip- has bexmi meitiione-i, that fti- gnei-ral tm-i- litri- This space is reserved
tions maybe let at the office o the DAILY, beftkerino-mtif -iduationiallliii, s has re Tlhei statiiannmoit ext-ct lrivat-
at Soffiet's, at State st. uric stand, witt any ulle 1 ins-eseit iost for fimemshisgifts tii lssenm its tx mxiii fr ters fo th Gr n Op a
of the editors or attiorized simctitos. peorneG a d~ ea
Commneations should reach mie offie by i t. it al .sowi-ing thiat thei liito comp, iii mmiiwv tht it lhas so fain
7o'etock p. m. i they are io appear te met allta exeseis for graiduates-s ihiriig natraimmi-i firstlass strimi-tiimi fr Ho s
day. Address alt matter Imteded oe pubi- thoeyhpstIt0 yairs lhs ief .si-itfrtm its somsifhMst coe-teimiiwi'xihithe- H u e
eation to tileMainging Editor. Al busiiess $230.57 to, $51.t(iiisftkenl by Iii: ri- itetimtiatiil h tfitsticesi-t hihi
eoimmuiatiiins shouid be sent tii the Hst- hum' lito iitmc thaou the ielI hamve 1tmtrtol o 'tiii l ii ilmi
lesS Oanager.stn rdmybrelzdite ut_
THE U. OF M5. DAILY homme ll of th'itdiitionatl iiliiciihrit-as in tl- iast. It i-aninot tffori toi
AnniAbir, Mit-tm.tioim. T'iortaniittfacttos ial.irlioose its mpn-cisii-mtattemmiamts for (
Imto the miattrit ttthis poinit. Fliie, is'sake if thesmallredctinichii iDITfSOIN M ULSIC.-
Duing ft'tpast weeik the LUnixesit the imiras Id ateinmianmci hitshriiugt xwii'irliiiemadiinthi illol 'eixens1151ct
lhas hi-i-mithsubjectfu iie-hi disus- ito tu he flcifie f the' Tmmvirsitt uomi, hi:i-ctis',its oinugits ioxxi
Sioni oil fie part f the tDetroit Tn- $17,155.89, xwhii- l11sfmst hi iiitiaidid stimientis xwoutl btipi- vettmdof Stt i 'i ov og,
biume.'flits papier in exhemti.re i- to the sts mthirlhiiitt m i riirauvanmtagi-slxwhi-hloi fejl ai'
pioittshas givimi 1o the l'liic xwhat it to git;theliii-cliii-lilta xhs ilitix' 15 hpossitle. It i-rmtmiiiaffiurdttii-idime-iBIyllrniE. Saiyer. Trnsatons of Six
ofc-ime'siist lyets I ei isite mustcal-
a tCts(mre-tflu'.ineatfatsregaruingidi-x-iii-nmg upottiii xpaill. r'l-slt its saliay limiixt"iie-tm is mtiixxloxxirsettig. Hevy Paper.70 cens.
the' innurieal listory ut this blitheflu-sIn-imt pioisioniialcisimimu ig tan ny uuix-sity tf i maluuti' OLEESN
imsitutomt. btt xwhat ii . aity the' a-na' $it,iitri wxhiiihm.if utxdii i' ue-h itiin ilels lss f themieCOLEGE SONGS. -
iiniy himoei'to lbe' hilt aititi- hb-thie. mimnihiii' if stilietisin li tt iit liiie's, eti-ots f (ittiit admun-iieThe s-nidtrd ioletion of Cotege Songs.
)rtiloms of theii'ti-imil. a'I'll prpose anci', 2.lsi- eflurlies ±$01.27 u'ualhu'proifissiirs, whoiiiim re-m-Ox-i-c300,W)ld.it Heavy Pper, 50
of the artitli'.xu-ts tsis aulmittel i tfr ieiac h ttilcrtifrhfistiuiipiittiii i-iximg oters 1fus o tii ug (mis- cents; Coth it $1 .6.
lit editforial of the sttmieh n. to Col- lyitfa flm yeir's t~ ms - woiullproutcie-tiothii. '"COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS"
xinceu'thus tio'leii'of _Michigan wlth tlt' lcorirecu-sillreqpil uirfr gl lluilt- Ony__ash.at.the-1usd-pubtislied.-Thou
preismt sixth-indlhtax is iai!hiafe for lfg ieachmstudeli-txhei xwtlhhi iefnn-nlysofx ie thus eleadig ind 'llege- trised oen
tll nies of the institution. ind thmt xviuisy Ib' nclmehss tiain is shonTixrilei l e S e i Heavy Paper, $100.
furte ilatroriationl l omd be piro bythe iribuneui's umisalutlation.liThe, Sp c a. Y~L CLLCTONISRUMETAL GuiioR MUS
- - - fl"ne.seodhacouIieltlzyfilsAV tEihtyliwu pieces o The guiti r from te
The gist of tlb' ihogiual m asoning ishsill r xxus,,till'umbmmer of stilil lit SAV SVE bex surieu sA plcndidldcollectiii Hnd-
is directeed toxxaurdhthe expe nsi'sof xxl o uattnded'i llimg teiyears115 n omc toer 00cent.
miimittmdntesxxhich, -fionit hes fact cutiu -liin xittiuit rc'iviig uhphuuluae. r Any booi set pospid on reeipe of riec
fliat they laxe greatly increiaseti dur- Nealy 011 dhirii of the 0111 mnts iib 1U IUU OLIVER DITSON C.,
ling the paistwixenty-ivo years, lp- the liferuay - iiuttm ii-mifaeeulillhi.1 __________ - 453-63ahingmtn St., Iltn.
pear to tile Tribunme as urinmjutsie masispeiaui. Biduces this ilass miust By buyin, a Tmple Speil. C. II Dhton & C. N Y.
oil taxayrs. This is alhh ight as lit' eelsiiir ii the mmuiiiiler xxhiopacly STRICTLY HIGH GRADE!
fat as it guis, tut there ace Other finmish theirc'uourss adthe fiil to ExtCamie fis wheel iefore prhliasig yoie THE
conimsiierationsxxhtch, hail gley recev- 1 turinmutfoiii'graduamtioin. Itthe it ,- '95".0nit.
cd miftemitom,xoud have ut the TLi~- banme's calculamtioin lad biecnu based n J. , MEE & F. R. CIITCHEN, Lovell Diamond Cycles-
ser"Ity it thuo right light, xheeas it these fume-s mst md of liii' numimbr I MuOaNOmEarlyE. AENTS.. Are unsurpassed for
hims hIwen most shuuiinefuuhy misterifi- grualutedt here xx'uii hax'e' t, n aEATYSEED AND WORMiANSHI,
semufeui by fle fuintef potrayals of the manred duiffcu'eu- soxxnmitmutim- i THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK Good alowaice wde on seond-
pre~s Exhinses.huuuv' inceasis, butsu~t.Ann Arbor, Mlir. Capital Stc, 80,00 GEO. F. FISHER.Agn,0EUivA.
xxhat does thin-hoxx? Let the TribuneIs t mmus le thoraugly underst'uuodi surpus, 81a,W0 gn,5-E nv w
as-e by rakimhg ref:-cluce to its bh hosi xho hauvu' the oxlfuri' o the Oranied unde the General aning Lawn
asvrof this Sae. tReeives depooits, by and WXM R FTT. DE3
iuxxua progress during tie last txo I1itxi sity it thueiComilimndt that the sells echlnge on fle principal eitie of the-
doecde, oesitsflh talo ~o f nsttitiiuuis om-frmuud n -s-cyUnited States. Drafts ashed upon proper FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TI~ LRING
deaes Desi si))mkeue finiti~nnCofone o sevidentiication. Safety deposit bosento reLt.~IIl
theu ame presses anei fixtres handu with iu iremseid compuetiin. 'The' Orutumn- Cristian Ia, Pre.; IW. 0.
[iariman, -Vcee-Pres. Chas. E. llseck, Grner of Sate and William ats.,
xhichu it cemupoyedh at Ithat time? Is umiversities of tllnois, lWisconsimi liii dCusiuer; M. J. hrit Asistunt Cashier. WilIiam t.enerance
thie public nmutisied h iluthe facilities Siumutstms irehproviding uvery fuiil-
xvluclu it lui for furnishing nesss ity that iberamdapprpia~ihtlin canm con- tt- TS H RhO D ,TT O T~e-euidetamTbla Fed-thnpr001
twemy years ago? Everyone knows muand by auditioms to their ietuhuc- CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
the conrary. During that priod theo loets and uutioeii of instrumftiilm.
greatfest advanaces hae been mad Iim Miriguan by the pesent tax uamue fee-s
mll IlimaS of Iutesry mindxhat wsisfrom istudcmutsreceies onlyenouugi Yur dnaer ilitelyito arn thlin, h aa' ite urranand wsll sed 'ou te Ininrmlan pu wntand'
emitirely satisfactory to people ystler- to piay runinlg epese. t Cnou ea ad-ieuillusniraid caalaouere. PARKER PESN COMPANYT. Jaennlll, W-
say is wsholly inadequamte. today. So srot thr eforo te exiected to minain
it is withueducatiou, and this is uo ifsipositioi amaong te foremaost llt [ DI 1FISK & og
better illulsrated than attihe Univer- stitutions uneon tnough is additionalyL d E
shty of Michigan. During the period furnished each year by the state to
referred to If has kept pace with the add wvlht advautags are necesary1
advance of scientific and modern for ncreasd attendance acidfhe gen- 1000
miethods of instrucion and has ac- ral aumeloration of facilities nmad:ue-
compished It too, with from one-third indispeusile by the conpetition; of i POSITIONS FILIr1
to one-halt the oxpeldltulre of estom ofoher schools well provided for by IN 84.
endowed schools, beusdes many of the stats' and privte munificcce. Let a
foremost state institutions the University stand wshere it is td: y Snai for Amerc
The comparailve cost of education In character and the expiraion of aul.
among the various colleges is the date, ten year would fid it thilld trti In-
fromt which reckoning should be made sead of fSct among similar inutt- -Heaton Nw Ypa*
wlhen the matter is taken into consid- tiona - -Chiago "Anls,~he
eration. It is not po~ibe that any- The aid of the alumni has been sug- Toronto Wahiglai

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