je . of *1. VOL V. NO. 122. UNIVERSITY 7OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. i i IS IT AN EXTRAVAGANCE I ,EXPENDITURES HAVE NOT BEEN UNWARRANTED. JMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN SIMPLY UP WITH THE TIMES. ,ethod of Education Better Than in 1865-Other Institutions No Better, Though Spending More Money-Needed Appropriation. It has always been a matatet' of pre' to the frienids' of thebcuniversity of -Aiiehigan Iliht the instiution lhs beeii aL leatder in saping, the euncationl sfieees of this eontiry. It los -eved'as g. model for th nivrsities ,Of iiaiiy of fthe western states, and tnoetods of instruction have re- evth eIa. pprobatiit of leaditg ed- ctrs of IEusrope as well as those of lihetUnit(d States. In iefesing to lihe position of the Linoversly ta ioeiber of the Dtnet - 'ibunsis staff says in his report of the fnnces of te institution, pub lished Ml'oday: "11 is a matte of ,cordIhowever, liafthe sasdigof he I niversity among edncaional in- stitutions ws'as the very est when the ,epeinditures were stiuehi more nodest thin 't the present t ia." Tie tentd- eary of the article is toward aii at- tenmpt to show tast te addiionual- proriation of $10710100 asked for is not justified by the seeds of the Iini- -versiy. Dturing the past thirty years the tUniversity lists had Into Imthe cost- petitiosn of rival instititios, whils have been flly eusipted wills sil lisat is necessary to give the cott 251- cation. The standard of education nd the mnasner of teacing Isv, y -dvanced consider. 'ly sice 18)5. ,i e that time the homieopathice asod ental colleges and thoi school o pharsoacy beets added to thedde- partnments of th 'Univr iy. Te -nmbiler of tpersons compoxsing the fa- 'ulties of the literary, sedicl anti law cdpttrtsonts lsinlcre. ed froststhirty 1o 120, while tie utber of courses tffered in the leriry departmoent alone has aeenincreased from hes than 100 in 185 toX0 for te yoat 1893-4. Thirty years ago a professor was required to giv nstrction in averal subjecswiith usualy had no relt- tion to each other sd fot the teach- ing of sonme of which lewas likely to 'have no aptitude The psenct systemn of te.a'ling is in hno- wists all eftiet 'ismproemensot the past qartr cn- tory. At the peset tisetsh~e stden receives Instrutiont frostsn "epert" 'in a given stodv, just l~b operates of one of teDtsoit ribnes "Hr g ollaler'tmaehisses ts taught by a -man who is fasiliar -wills the workin of that typesettintg muachine. As an example of te it provnem -ss whichhavbaaen made the asount o -workt done in thitsedical dso iton 'may b citd. Tbe present eus comprises'four ears of thorough in sruetion, comelling severe asturysn setlug a sadard which is rcog nized by the I edial professo' a equal to sy in lbe world. Thsha obe x an d -from -'lb cat' ooff e an 1895),whichi consisted of two ternms of six tnootots act. Tse ttprovenett inthie work of theo law desparftooentliss been equal to that of the medicalt departmsett. Sisce 18f65 the sawsottrse liss beets extenidcds frosno two terms, givintg twelve mtontto o1 istruoction, ost course of two year, whicboh will bso at onsee lentlee-tl 'a year Thumssober of professors le- turers ant inisttctosshass beetoits' creasse'uifromstre-'to twenty. Isomaing s"'tois ' I --isee isothe sisetlooss of isstutioos the Uivtitersiy has tot en etr'av'agantt. As i'ss-- dent Asgeil says liti Iis report, "iso this Untivrityosoe doll'r is sooade to io the 'iok of fromo two to three do- tots in the other' uoivrsties' of the samo class Cornell Chicago. Yale. CotslubaosinlHar'sa'td with terex- penisiturtes of lst ysitofss ttbSle- twceun$500000 'ndl $t,'75060. do not. offer soreatitractive'sasitdhpoitablet cousres than -Mihigai. Horvrdes ,heooly otte of these itstttons wvhichi haos a Ilrger siuiobes' of stut deuts. Thouesit tof the 'Unsivest- co'set ty the desired atoprotratons ae its sdetail asofollows: The reitobsrsssett of $0,000 ts the g enier'al fund is reutested 'l'his is needed for expesses icured mael inss ly in the recosstructiont of te hetisg plant. The old tplnst hd isnsben it sse aboutf twsensty 'y'ears anied ''as ctiti'ly Isnadequate.Ie t ws's slootglttbest to cosstruct the news'slati so flat an eslrgemtet 'owitsiot be neessary for a numssbr of ye-rsits order to sve the coletionsin lihr oe tseuomosfrom ruin tbeBordI of ftc" 'sswsas obi it to tlaco1ase'svroot onthlat biling. Theo presestaton of te Coumobians or- gan necesitaed eli-n-es in Lniverity hatt for is reception. All this 'sorc cassed 'stoovedat of f$20000n the general fond. Eli trie lights are teessary in r- taino (eprftments of the Univeriy, notbly its )ho istitals. ttd sts 'sho are obliged to use the library can testify to thos. inperfectfsystemo of lightisngtno'sw in use. Thoe neessa.'ry btuiling assd po'ser ar t hasd ot the camptus std it liss ben estisated sby xpers that $,000 a yar can b saved to the University by the ceon- strucfion of this plant. It will flins pay its cost in less than five years. 1 The uto of $15000 is asked fr re- pairs in the chesical laboratory T'hattorfion of te lboratory 'swhi'h 'svws first buil is old sndtdhe ceiisgs asand floors are 'sor out. cA hotme for the speritendenet ans tesnurses and a'eisisg room, ktch-ci tansI lassndry are noeded 't the hospi S-ab. A bsilding i desiredl for this t urpose and the sumi of $2000 is re -quested. o In order to acconmodat fbi.go's- ;Ing, needs of te law department as addition is needd to th ls'svuild laIg, aecuring an enargemenest to tts freading room, a lecture room and lbs tcontrucion of a fire-proof book stack eThe present library can accotosoodat' i- lut 200 students, es thass ote-thib's Il the total nusmber. Tbe Chiltahn1- ;- Buh bequest of $10011) ill b avail s , abe for thepurhas o law book Swhen some provision is tade to pre d- CONTINUEFD ON THtRD PA E. ALL ARRANGEMENTS MADE. MIRTH AND MUSIC TONIGHT, BUT BUSINESS TOMORROW- HOW THE LEGISLATIVE PARTY WILL BE ENTERTAINED. Reception and Concert Tonight- Inspection of the University To- morrow Morning and Afternoon- Arrive at 0 O'clock. Arr'snoemtetsl-ho-ve beenm coplee fart hiessnterta inme st of the is-sltutr tenisght stntdtomsorow durinitsif ins spsections of this'Uivesity. To tie yt' 'sthitshi numtiber' )''st20 ilaivsto's lOtta sesclt rainmovoxer te SMih-in Iso rstl at 0 oclock stanid-rsd tie. Thiss' 'sill be ItakenotoGrftesmwh-re-a suippr's'sill bss-re'dy fss teiCbs- Ito thoe' evening tie visitors ''ill leien-st a reteptioin55Unmo'semts ity sita'lwithia concet b's thmtiissho'l t somosondmthIe Glee 'snd BaitoIc ilbsIThe ciiess 's' sIssmt ini enterainingi'this'legisa toras'sill beasdmiteia'ssonsithis stecoitmt the stodents' ''ill otle fur som4edoiths' i sticks.- Tomorro'svmonminsm"sproiam ise- giisos'ssillh a 'sisit to te iltsary .mans ar gallery the i's-t-tvas's'emblfingint fle cihapet iiithe Omain buioldingto"'i 8:45o'cohck. An ispesctonsof tie mtechansicatd phiysii.aso lasboratores tutd thoe.nusse-umto''ill folos'v, sfter 's'-hih the legislaors 'soll msei.t the facuoltissidstnsod'cstssilii ves'srsty hallh. Presideit Asgel anos mtesubes of the Bosrd of Ito-cts 's'il speak and addireses 'sill be msae by mm-i bert of the legislatu.ti After' dinser the hositls or th' law'svlibrry ''ill be vistee.,'accorig o preference. Tie visitorosvho dise mt hotels 'sill take carriges there and the others 'svho desie to ispet to hospitals 'sil find rcarriages 'salng at University hatt at 2s o'lck Tb~ hour from 3 to 4 ochck 's'sll be 'devoted to an inspection of the destal - clinic asd the chemictalstnd hygielie labor.atoris. At 4 ocleck the Waer- misisgytmnasisutm ''ill serelye its .share of attesitios. Thi.s'ill conlude ths 1 formal progran, though many of ftse visitors 'sihher the Lotus Glee clot and rof. Clarke in tomosrro's night's 'S. L. A. coure enlertlmssent. Judges Chosen by Northwestern. aThe Intercollegiate Debate conosit -tee has been notified by Nrthw's.ter f the seectIin of ex.-Gov. Horace' lBoles, of Io'sva,lion. F. C. Wikler of Sil's''sukoe. stnd Hon. Joist A. Mr -Mahsonsof Dayton 0., te at a sjudges In the debate. Thse gentle -men have beets accepted by Michignu but as Mr. Winkler has a son, . WI -Winker, '90 la's. in this Universit uit is probable thamt sother judge sa l_ be selected by Northwestern. eBarr to Present Cooley Bust. The senior la'ss ld a netin eysterday morning. The object wa d to elect a memober of the cas to mak 1.the speech on the pro.ntation of th l'Cooley busott behalf of the cass SMessrs. Long, Covert and Barr wet placed in nomination. Mr. Barr wa "elected oe fist rallot. , - NO GOOD STUDENT Trieus to learn 'svthout books. Some people tiough try to use musical instruments 'sith little or noton~se. We Say Buy Those Which Hae lone We sl that kind. $1 Suth Main t. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Practical % Tailor has worhe or Ismsiy yars foe oenso the fiest merhsanst fa~lor ocenseis netoiot also foe the lae J. M. Stfor~d the high clas.s talor of this city haig taught the latet system of Garmet Ct- stingwillpdce yosthfle Latest Cut and Style in Clthes Fol Dress Siloade for reaoable srice. No Trobe to Shoe Gods. 10 E. Washington at., up stairs. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, + 48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. -LARGES OPERAIG BOOM IN STAE NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, S Ann Arbor, Nich. ED. A. CADIEUX. x PROPIETOROF0 THE eLatest Improved Barber Shop Sy In the city. E. Washington t.. 1ab door b east of Seai t AntiArbor. ' MAMMOTH PIPE SALE JOLLY 8& CO'S n2I SO SoirTATE ST Don't fai to come. e Ht and Cetld Lnches at All Hers. 5 Heard's Criminal y Pleading NOW ON SALE AT '(DA HR'S. 0. Up Tewn, Dw Town, re Unliversty Beektre Oppoit CortHouse is 20 S.State St. SN ManaS ANN AR3OR