THE U. OF Published Duily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by THEO. UOf M IODENENDJASSIAIOIIN OrelcE: Times buIling N. Main St., opposite . post ofce. EDITORS. 11, COLEMNua, Lit. '17, Managing Editor. G. B. iloais, Lan '6, Assistant. A. W. SusTH, Lit. Spel., Assistant. IV. A. SPILL, Law ', Assistant. J. A. Lokoyv, idt. 'SO. Athleic Editor. J. S. PEAnL, Law '1, Business Manager. ILIV . Lvy, Lose'0, Assistant. Asociato Eitor. S. B. Shiley, lit. '5. i. A. Dancer, Li.'. E. L. Evans, Law '9. E.t.Sunderland,Lit'6.. Carre V.Smith.Lit'l. LR. Hamblen,Law'5(. C.A.HoughtonjDent'96. . 11. i.Parrell, Lit. '9. M Gilbert, Engr.'7. t.B.Gansmon,Medic'1. 'Minnie 9. Thompson, Lit. '7. 11. A. Seth, Plarmic '9. Subscription price 20 per year, inarably In advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the tAIY, at Stoit's, at State St. nese stand, sith any of the editors or authorized solicitor. Communications should reach (le office by 7 ocioch p. m. if they are to appear the net day. A ddress all matter itendd for publi- cation tn the Managig Editor. All busiss communicationseoud le'ene to the ua- ness Maiager. THE U. OF M. DAILY AnsiArbor,ih. 'the sinior fils ae fioally tabai- toiiei ll ideas of halvig the 11n.1)ad giown "swinig-outi" in tie gyli. 'Ths is one 11101'eillstrltion of t(ele nti- abio fait that the i'oil'liuimi rali'ni- ties havei aI prctialimonoply on'011911 social doings inthlie' isilig, Ils hey ailone '1111 affotd to ipay' (le exorbitant rintlaifet. TP1he1n11ma'terof alowin fraeritiy mine ionlliheDily 5staff1 las benicalid 1o oisr iiotit'o by a comunl~ictlini pinltedl in anioter clmnil. According to the t'ostitutili ioof(ilh' Isitepeililnt rssoctioii it wonldtibtie ii'csooy for somne chanlgesto be mlate befirsshel on art'ailgeillnl cosidbe )1crriid out. The preseint oai'iha11no0a110 ri~'ty 10 mt unless sanctioiiedl by tieasoia tion. However. frlier dscssions of the quetion is isired ani if enogi inerest is shown by (le fraternity- mn tiles'ewili beoGd ifficuniy in amlendinlg Ite constitutioni 0o 115to aii- nit liieiiitoiemlbeiship. On tlwi occasion of holidays and sie cilien-its there is usaly congre- gated in Lniversiy hal a mnajority of theo studntlfes froni all deparmetts. The bet of order prevails becase tie varions classes are not allotted speci- fied places in whichl to be seaed, On the oier halnd imnchitogtessness conducive to general wantones has bieen manifested when in previos years any event has aled the st- dents together specially classified ac- cording to he class and department which they represent. This was trey especially at the ilac of the last visit of the leislature during tlie year '93. Class spirit and lsndenoninm was carried to such a degree that the state representatives who are unused to such _ scenes imagined themselves rather in the midst ofa fierce miob than a crowd of knowledge sking people Sch disturbances are. liable t create a, wrong impressiona of col- lege life especially amooeng those s ho tli not lhuse iie oppiortuityl in, youith to partako of studeiit priv ileges. A pe rson coming to. this city for the first time anii-vwitneissiiig ouch a sseneas took pilace i to soyear'oagoosoultd surly 'calr' away 'witiihhman iiea which t'iilid 11011possibly dthie isii- tition 1111y'justice and oni tile 'otracy would likely' tinit irrepiara~bie-eharml. It is necessary thiiefore 111a1.tiletisuial ,,oosi tondnct be mlaintitled by- esell -In11 every stueint 1who10wishes to T- hose left tuponl tile 'islltltc, *whio 1971 to visit 1110. Univirsity Thiursiday a1nd1 idaihy, the imprt~esslin of ordir which svithosut xceptioii iiarks college life at Ann Arbor. A Communication. Editor I-. of M. Daily: I se 119-y10y11' paperthat lii's date of yout' lannulal electlion is approa(lechi- ilig 11111 111 vewvof the('bro'ad polic1y of your1' paper durilng (tepatitye9111 wo0uld suiggest t11t17 0(1111sep be takenIll this eletions to 011 1110ndltheliio'tooi- ttion of the 11Ind'ep enet Association 11 to ailliit fi'ateriiity io'lltexelilltises 11115I14b lieve, endea':vor'edito retire- sentlt iiclasses, wit1 h ti tioit fair- 111s9, yet nmany ifsthti fratersity n111 b leliesi'thao t a ''erswhiei elilis to swithoitittregarcd to Tily so. called idi- you11'patpet open to all iiiin ill (helie i1- sersil9- that youi can iMa~ke it in lrl broadliest sense atuly un1ie'rsity 147- 'aii. Iswrite this, ihopinig it still iletd to t fair aei mparlialditisculsst'ion 1y tothlindllependtenlts aind fr'aterniity tWrel. '111119'y 'ours, A bRATIINif MNIAN. Rules for the Indoor Meet. 'Thi teamils foi' tha rilay races ini (le indoor m111cr)ae teraininig 'eglly in9-1 tii Ii g9'llienarmi ows,'9S lit anid the las shoiineg sup especially- ts"ll. 'fie dis- tance to tie run by- each.1111a1 sill be twso insteald of thriee lapsla 10sellr at first intenided. Btoxinig111111 wr'slihtg eatri' s for the meet tdoco oit Saturday inext,Iad uni- less itiore are receiveid at one'! somte of the classes swill be tdropped alid othier' oeents substitutedt. Entries.i-Aliall othler events close Tuesday, Mtarchi 26. Thlere shotdd be a greatt 1an119'More entries in the sprints anad rulniing, high jtumlp. The rules governing the. boxing ant1 wyrestlinlg ssill be the A. A. U. rules. A copy of these miay be found at anly time in Dr. itzgeralds otfice. For tile all-around contest for tile senate trophy, April 6, the gymnastic rules of the A. A. U. will be followed. The(se rules allow each contestatit three trials at every event. In the rope climlbing each contestant must take his start sitting en time floor aiid nusmt not touch the floor with aiiy part of his person after 'the pistol shot. Anyone in, doubt shout the rules should Siply to Dr. Fitzgerald. 11 M. DAILY. BUSINESSLOCALS. IJUST ARRIV'EDI!. STAM1P COLLECTION S. 1 We want 10 buy stamp collections and will pay cash for the same n A 00 ~ VF.TO receipt if price 'asked i' satisfactory. Collections should he sent by regis-~ t h In S o tee alor express swithi hetter naisG ns ln a lug price under separate coveri. We P n SPn N : scnd suiperior approvali sheets to re. sponsible pantics. W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., J.ACOBS & ALLMAND' Kalaimaoo,'Mmch. hlav e you r001ms to rent' ar so, ad- Washingtonm Block, Ann Arbor. vertise them in the Daily. P.S.-See our Show Window. ----------------'- This space is reserve ... iecdtt for the G and VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS mre daily demosstratinglteirmsuperi- omity. It ha s1beenmlo00 sim to mate St hbst, anid weillse suceeedl-,o we are assured by a eriticalh public-i ets, Nets, Box~ing Cloves, IFootballsy p etc'., the leaders in qulaity. - BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. The latest things I1IOTOGAPIY OVERMAN WHEEL CO. 13B I? IR Y M A N ', Mhakers. ofVit'riclstes. e gE. Huron st1Speci al Prstesto Snioes. Bostomn. 'imi~lr~pipIha, i~eront, Nen' vice, Cicargo. Denmver. Miembe'rs of Gsarantee Ticket nrokers' Asso- PACIFIC COAST. elation of 07. 5. ~smnri5'ceo, L.oAngeles, Portamm Coshy & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency ____________________________ 50 Adams St., ('hicaeoe. Rednced rates to all ,.. w.,,.- ..,.~points. Bahle 'l i he Kidlegarten Ne. a N. 9Main st. An ArbsreMihigan. Frcm the Royal Conservatory, "SixLov Sons,"Stuttgart, Germany, "SixLov Sons,"Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musics By Frankl E. Sawyer. Teanslations ef Sis Composition; also the Art of ofill rise's finest lyrics inl exSltemsia Tahig s t i g . H a y P p r 7 5 c nsf C O L L E G E S O N G S , ! S t u d i o 2 2 . D i v i s i o n S t . , A n n A r b o r , M i1 cb Thle standard collectisn of College Son"s. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ose 309,000sod Heavy Paper. 96 cents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.00. Ann Arbor, Mih. Capital Stock, O0. Sumplum, $150,t00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Organized under the General BlanhlngLane of this Stale. Receives deposits, buyo and Onlyhoo: o th kin pulised.Thesells exchasge on the principal citirs 'of the Onlybsstof he hnd pblihed.The ted States. Drafts cashed upon proper somngs of the heading colleges for women. identihication. Safety deposit to.xes to rent. Heavy Paper. $1.00. 0 mICE115: Christian Mclk, Pres.; W. D lOYiUDU COLL[CTIONUINSTRUMENTA[ GUITAR MUSIC: Cshrier:,9.3J. eFritozAsrsCasistant. Cashier. Eigilty-two pieces fer the guitsr from the heat sources. A splendid collechion. hand- soeCover. 50 cents. eto iau C f Any boot sent postpaid on receipt of price. Lunch and Dining Room. No. IS N. OL VE l 7 l co., Fourth Ave., between Arlington Betel 0 L.f.Lm.J.LIJ. and City Ofice Building. Open all 45i-4e1MasnlmgtonSt., Boston. hours. C. B. lDitson & Co. N Y. Mr. and Msrs. Edward Lewis, Props. c S IT'S HARD TO DO WIT 1 HOUTr cong e wndrflTubuktFe-hepri7t CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Tour deler imlikmly tohaethmmif nehamahtywrite u andwie'll mend ynonethe iformatmion you w0 15and or handsoellsrat9edncatlogue fe1mm PARKC E NR PL NY , Joomevle, Who" fmwi POSITIONS FILLED) IN 1894. Q Send for Agency' Boston New York Chicago Lo Angeles- Toronto Washlagtlor