Voz. V. No. 12 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1895. .PRICE-TiIREE CENTS, VO.V.N.12.UNVRIT FMIHGAWDNSA, ACH2,185 RIETasE CNS A OV CT IpT(AM Ifp1T A lfdec to pr evelit the spread of the dis-I 11. JXJAl ou t11 11il 11voii'JkJ us DR. VICTOR C. VAUGHN STATES HIS VIEWS ON THE SUBJECT. Bacilli Not in the Breath But in the Sputum-Consumptives Should be Taught to Avoid Infeoting Others -The Hospital a Fine Investment. There are annually aibout three thousand deaths from conisumpltion ill the state of Michiganc, and tile total nlumbter of consumpiltives living ill tlis state at presnt is pirobahly clot less than eighteen thousand. Each oiie of these is a rector froli which thie dis- ,ease clay, and will, iin all humian trote- fdbilihy, extend, to a greater or less extent. One of tile ohjects of iii"p10- posed hiospital is to instruict these' pceohple how to avoid infectinig their rliative(s aiid frienlds with tile disease from which they suffer. The air exhaled from tilelucngs of at oilsuileltive is germ-fre. 'There is the:.refore 110 danger of acquiring the' diseaese simply from coineing inito tile presence of alpersonisuff ering frome it. The hacillus is feounedice the matter -witch is coughed uip from the 'longs. tsually tlhio is thirowni upoii the foor, .iuote the street, or is roughed into a hanelkerchief. In iaiy case', it is likeely ;after hecomcing dried, to float through the iiir, and to infect anlyonlesswho Imacy Inhale it. Nosy a great saving of hif" would he gained if these eiglhteeni thousaind consuniptives couled he'mae~e to recalize these facts aiid couldl he taught how to thoroughly disinfeet the sputom. It meay he saied thait this could ho done hy means of pcamphcllets or other priiitedl instructlisis dis- tIleuted amiong the pceople'. No edouht couch can he done in this wray. But the lesson would he learnced iiuchibect- ter could the sick see every detail of ease. -Now, is it ncot laciinly the dhty of tihe state to taee this c'onsumphtive,, adl.forlice ticme leiicg at least. Cake cacre of icer-cicceler'if leossitble.cccie, if this is icot pcussitele, teachiche'r tee ccvoiedsiecealdici thceicifectionc? 'flhis must hedoesie sooccer or Iler; it is 'enly cc equestion is tee whieic thc' e'rkewill be 'bte'guni. eCnsumpccin hopitals swill lee blet. Thce ste' will cascectatic thact it is necessccry fec' lie proectioeicof the puleichealthc. A few hicndeidce ye'crs ago lep~rocsy tbeccee'ery cocmcmonicn Ecrope. in- eeed, it teace see comcmeoic thaet it wcas aclclerect to our airestors thcct the le'per ccmustlee tcake ceare eof, that some sicecial provisioc:iccust bl imad.'for imc. Iirsec, ice his famuccs worlk eei the geograiphiectledistriteution of edis- ease, tells us thcat there were bltt ini Euoe'not lessihccncintieteen ciceeus- and lepe'r cospeitccls. A cmaii sice withc thcis edisease coculd go frolmconie of thcese beuiledinigs to aneethier',beit. if ice. traevelee ic ayle c"mucst. wecr cc pe'ccliarc'gccrb byv whvlih Iecould elcere'coinizel. ciced if ice wendtley nighct,lice'icust cacry is hell, wvichl soccledencaloethose aong hci's waiyto.civoeIiceci. He seas rot cllowed to eicter a perivacte liecuse or an icni, or even to talk with elcose wlceccc Ice mcighct see' ODhtcewily. As a result of this isolationc, leicrosy hiasudiscip- peareed, exceplt ii a fe'ss'reccote, anl sicall plcice's, fi'omcc Rroce. Neovw lice sceiethcincgcaclibe done, and itcacnlee cioo'ti i cciccmcciccore) heiucan way to eradicaete conslctntioc. '.1ce10enly qucestioen is, Should it te clone? If wse beck ctt thcis icatter sincply ascc fincmcicial iavesticect, sve ask wvhethcer it -vill pay. Statisticians and scciccticiians climthcmt the life of eaichc cdult. is wocrteetothe state. abouct :1,000. Before the war, it good, UNIVEIRSITY POLITICS. THE REPUBLICAN AND DEMO- CRATIC CLUBS ELECT OFFICERS. F. L. Ingraham the New President of the Republican Club-J. F. Doyle is President of the Demo-I cratic Club-Republican Delegates Thce politticcansofecthie' cUn isiy tooke iossssioci of the'lasw bucilincg last iight accelthec'mieecbers of te' tswo grecatlacties ield eccetingsIcc te sa'mic'bhildicng swict t itcfrice sithceeceoter icete 1 e~st. othc mceetigs sere' hediexclussely foc' hbshnes's, so lie paticiants got esay wsithotpassing aiy resolutoins. RPUBILICANS ELECT OFFICECS AND DELEGATE. 'Thce ecclicancic ctig wsecalclel tee order ic the lectire roome by 11. M.; iccee ceac, the' retiring preidenet, cnd the eletioic oroicers svcco.it oncec taken up. I. L. Icgrahccmcc.'6l lcasw'.of Michigaic. csas lac 'cinice ceecc- intitoic for ipresidenit lby W. f. Alecec- dcc. fMr. Ingrcacm lad no oepositionl fer lie office. C. D. Thcomccpson, '6e lacsv of Michigcan,.sswcs elected ic presidect. There ssere tswo cmietatee. foc' tie office' of secretary. D. E. Nss- bacccndce C. L. Miuiro. Mi. Me- Guire, ws'ho swcs e'leted, is a junicir lass acid a residenit of Nebraiskae. W. X. Peink, '96, lit, sw'cs miceirtrecsirer of the cclcb for tlicesinlg yecr. 1'''len tic" timceeicee foi' the eletio of delegates to the comcing coieitione of te tRepubhlicCol ieelege lecgec'tere sves a lively coceleitio.'Micigin is chtilled tee ice delegeactesaid e lre ssere tsevec'candideates. Onie talo swas sufficient, hoseer to select W. S. Clcark, . ix. oser, F. L. Edinor- ough, 1W. . Wallace nd II. W.V ein- stein o reret te cluh at Grand Racpids netminctl. Tey sil go til- instriucteed. OFFICERS OF DEMOCRATIC CLUB. At the imeeing of the Denoeoratirc lide in itoom 12 it ivis hproposeelthaect lice' cleib imake secial arrangeiceeila o receive tepresentativ'o Donocosuo thce ocasione of the visit of te legisa- tue'tolie Uiviersity. Nodefin'iiite cc- tiomewsctakene regarding lieicmtter. It is poahle thact mnoticing sillbee done, as lie Democrcatic solon will hcme'hiles halnes full iue attempeltig to re'present les pecrty shile the legisla- tore is investigating the Uiversity. Cndidates for 11cc various offices ssere' nummerous. flee alting rcsut- eciel ice the' elecioni of the folowingc officers: President, J. h. Doyle, '%-) law, of Ilinios; firt vice presielect. E. L. Thiompsoin. 'he as, of Kcnscs; second ireipresienmt, G. J. Areier, '95 laws, of Illinois; corresponding Se- retary,' A. J.1. ioette. '5 lcas, of Mon- tana; recording secretary. N. J. Smit. 'tillas, of Texas; trecsurer, A. C. MCt'CIUtla, '90 lasv, of owam; sea- geat ct arnis, .J. P. Wassi, 'hit las, of Indeianai. The executive omemitee is com- iosed of D. A. Edswares, p. g. laws, chairmean; D. Il. Lyonu, 'hi5 laws, P. J. Crosby, '9ti lass' J. V. Iosencranc', '5 las, E. G. ityker, 'hill lac. A encc- naite on constitution swas apioined, conmposed of 'Messrs. Vioette; Torner and Toison. NO GOOD STUDENT Trios to learn cwithout books. Some people though try to use musical instruments with little or inoatoie. We Say Bay Ihose Which ae lone We sell that kind. 51 South Main st. We Employ Young Men to diutrbst w« ouraderise- sensu i prt pymet fra hegt graes Am bieyle. wicthsiwe sd tems ss aprva.No sor doe until uhe icyle arrives ad poeseI Young-Ladies ealle irnmhe Iftobc or s-cm appcytheymstccbewelreem- meoded.rtefor pariculae. ACME CYCLE COM'PANY, ELKFIART, IND. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE'S, S48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LAGS OPEAING ROOBM INSTATE NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. CADIEUX Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city EWashisot. lt der east of Main t A as Arbor. MAMMOTH A PIPE SALE JOLLY & CO'S- 2t ScT STATE ST. Don't fail ta come. Hot and Cold Leches at All Bers. Heard's Criminal Pleading NOW ON SALE AT (DAH R'S. tp Tewn, Dws Tow, unverity Boostor. Oppsie CortiHuse 25s. Stale Sh. 4N. Main S. ANN ARBOR the process carried out. Sonuc of these healthiy servant frequently Sold for 'epeaeiuelg~tEog n ul-ti mut ov shsbe ttd ,chenthy wide-read to takce ace interest iii the nutter, and many of themcc ccre al- ready fully aware of the, dango rwvhichc theey'umy inflict uheon theeir friends. But thmers, through ignorance 'cndcini- difference, scill never attened, to details of this kind unless they have beech act- ualhy drilled itotem-c. Amngflu' poorer people, isolation, ccen to a hue- itest extrent, cannot be expeeteed. Many psoor consumptive girls wvork ice fac- tories side by side wvithm the hcalthy,. and physicians of experienece in time history of infeetion can tell of mcaey instances where undoubtedly the dis- ease has been spread among working neon and working wvomni in this way. The consumeptive girl meust wvork, in order to nmake a iving, she nmust mmi- gle with those wvho are not consunep- live and she is ignorant of time precau- tions necessary for her to lake In or- the anuual neummbher of deaelths fromc c'onsuimpteion is ove'r thriee thocuscand. This meaemns me loss to time' state aenually of moen than the-e' umiones of dollacrs, anied in this comeeutctiome se do cuet take'into c'onsiermationeme c'losscOf ticme' andciciwny of those' -leo ii'' sic-i ccills lie'disease. Nows, 150 one"scill chaicetheatwsihiiumthe'nmextten yearms, or' ws'thin thee next ifty' eer achunded'ee yeamrs,conscumnptionm ciii t e mtirey blotted out of existence. Bthm supeposec thcat thee dcecti rate is reeduceed by emly twventy-five ipersonesieer year. 'This ciii ho a saving of $25t,(W., and cer- tainly tlids amountlsoculdi icesmeoreo Iliac legal interest upon any invest- mnt swhiche thee state is asked co imeake in a hositli for consumoptives. It is somoetimees stated that only the wecek and feeble acquire disease any- CONTINUED ON THIRD PAG5E.