THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHIGANG NA1 - Time Table (tRerised) July 1, 1894. Mail and Ex----45 Mil--------8 43 N. Y. Special--5 10 N.Y. Special.... 7 05 Eastern Ex----10 25 N. S.kiniled.--. 5 25 S.M. Paciic Ex--12 15 Atlantic Es-_- r4 . M. D.N.Express--- 540 Western Es....- S 5l G. iR. Express --- 11 03 hi. Nt. Es.---1025 0. W. RtUGLES 1.W HAYES, G. P. &T1Ag,Chicago. Act., Ace Arbor. FRANKLIN HOUSE DETROIT, MICH. It is wellbeftore leaving home, wsheher for bsiermor pleasnre, tn decide upon a hetel and thereby avoid confunion. When yen vsuit Detroit we wounld he pleased ao base you slop at lbseold "Frannlin aaHouse,'91ec. Larned and Balmtesnts, where you willhave a good meal and a clean bed atimoderate rates. The hour; hon been renosatedfrom top to bottom, aadis nowe in firs-clans condition. Rtespectoully, H. H. JAMES. 11'rals. 35e. Lodgings, 50. Pe Drriay, 81.50. MUSICAL GOODS AT 'HEIE STATE STREET MUJSIC STORE Chapei thiaisainywshere else in the Country. HANGSTERFER, c/ATERERfi A NEW LINK CUFF BgFour Route BEST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Oars UNIVERSITY NOTES. NOTICES. A First Class Mandoliii for sale cheap. Call after 7 p. in. lit 51 S_ The U. of Mi. Masonic Association '95 1N1)EPENI)ENTS. Tliayer at. 12 will meet in Masonic temple at 7:30 Meeting of the senior inidepecndents Lboatr this afternooin at4 o'clock in room A, LaoratrylAronsmad to order', p. iii., Wednesday, October 17. All adalknso eiga 0S tt for the election of ('sotalian editors. hdallid fswlga 05 lm 'Master Masons, studlents, are invited to Everybody come. st., upstairs. 1 attend.TCt1N. Don't forget to subseribe for the The jnnior iawa will be tizedeinext All iieni who expert to do anlyting Daily. week at S a. iii. oin thelirist foulr lee- in tho fall field day arc requested to Boy tihe Best Fotintain Pen at Htl- tnres oii "Domsestic Rtelations," as fol. coneouot for practice at tile Athletic ler's Jewvelry Store. 6-11 field every afternooin. 'tr.tFitelpatrick (One Dollar boya a first class bonn- lows:Se. , Tietl~' Sc. , 'rda';will bc ons hand from 4 to 6 and will tain Pen, imade by hand, McNally & Sec. 3, Wednesday: Sec. 4. 'thursday: render what assistancelie cani in adi- Co. Studenta! it will pay? yo i ito try Sec. 5, Monday. tion to taking cri of tile rootball oine at Wilsey's Music Store, No. 42 The quizzes on the first four lectulres teaml. The fall field dlay will teo'ldt State at. Sold liy stndent. oii "Agency" will ho held at 4 ocloek iii about three weeks. 1Ftest clasa board, $2.215, at 33 E. Jef- on thec followi leg afternooiis: Sec. 1, J. A. LEIOY, ('111. ferson st., second house from canmpus. tia;Sc2,Tuesday; See. :3. M201- iIh2Q'tnt.tENTS F it tIitAUYION. t 6-S All attideiita expsectinlg to graduate in Dental student wvanted to solicit for day; Sec. 4, Wedniesaiay; Soe' . 5'hus-aiiy given yeasr imust report to thc the Daily. lay. The iquizzes will b he ld ilin rooiii13. ThleL'. of At. is wet'1 reptri'senteddon the legislative a mllc'ounity tickets. 'tile fllowiiig oen are' on thc Itepublica~t tickets: JRiey tL. t eltie, pirosecustinlg kattorney; ArttutiiBaItes, crc-it coues commlliissionier; Dri. B. tt. IBeckwith, ,oroneri; ihitry'To vusendi, state' 5tflat tie. 'Ito' letitoeratictecket con~ta~ins the' naiies of Saimuel t'rety anod Au- guist 1B1511r lii 'ircuilt cort commllis- sionters. L'. Gb'1I. CALENDAR. 'T'huiis., Oct. 11_.-J.tfii'rsoia oh society meetts in ,leffcl'souiano1<1I, LIi"- liIth tug, at 7:i()ip. im. Tliurs., Oct. 11l.-Sejior indetpendoents meet in chapiel at 4 p. in1. to till ('as- tolian vacancies. S., Oct. 13.-Vasit vs. Albioinli Athletic field. Fri., Oct. 12.-Adelphil soetym11111 iii Alpha Nui ball tt 7:3 .;tO )1. Sat., Octo. 13.-Alp~hatNo meets in Al- M~on., (Oct. 15).-Rcv. M. .1. Savage opens Unity cltib course. Lesctiure', "What O'clock is it ini Ieligion?" Wed., Oct. 17.-loii. 'T. 1B. Itecil otpenstS. 7L. A. course at University i registrar at the opteniig of the yeare Htiler's .lewi'lry Stoic for youir aund ascertain what pirescribedi work, if Fountain t'ens. t6-11 any, is still lackinig for tie deg;-ec tno raeio Seie otdt souight,. act as stcward. Call at Daily office at 1P. 1t. det'C)TON. 7:15 this evening. tf '+001 1151.1. XlWlen youi wanttatgoodl Ciguar tsl: The claiss footballgaomes oit11b1)2' li the EOS CiIB CtNItL:N G. played euirly this yearc. S:tuagers intl_ '7 U TOI tN CxIni Latin, Germoan and captains are turgedl to get thiei r 11e011 renchi, teriiaii coinversationi circles, ou to ctet S IID d.Evening eltisses. iGerman draiiatic, C'H~tI1+, PA~tD l r"club to be forited. SMrs. It. F. Naii- cIol ISE ,.3.1"iTit's Ilitill, of Berliln, Germauy, U. of M2. The first lecture will bse on W~ed- graduate, experieniced teacher. Rtefer- nesiday, Oct. 10, 3 p. m., in room 21. ences-Piresideiit James 11. Angell, Thue regular hour will be changed to LL. D.; trof. Calvin Thiomlas, A. St. suit the convenience of those ivho 1-or sale ceap fur ecash, pnleum~atic. wish to take the coulrse. iroCounbai'yl' ~o ooi ALO'IED I. LLYD. tiou. Ctall afteruoonis, 14'N. lIngalls st. The Daily is edited, pub- If you wsish to bave your rooms' rout- lished and supported by the ed, advertise them ni the Daily. 1.7 students. The Daily baa beeii eilarged and is a noon editioin, but the subscription "Steps Into Journalism." price remains the sam~ie, $2.30 per col- BY IUWI L.SHI'HA\ PH M. loge year. Newc, hlutl and pracetic'al book by' Founhtain tenis and U.o f -,I. Novel- a Chicago editoi', for all younhg svriters. ties at Haller's Jewelry Store. 6-11 It tells how to get a start, howv to LOST. conistrutea~ newspaper article, amid Lost, 100 palges of mianuhsript notes, givea a thous~andt details iia a dlelighut-011 Zoological laboratory papiler. lRe- ful style. tpp 230; Price, $1.25. tiirii to Zoological laboratory anld get "It is thiorouighily prihcal1. t knowv reward. 11 of no other boiik whuio'h call apiproachli The Daily has already more stub- it in reliability, utility and valtue."-- scribers among the co-edo than ever S. C. Wade, 51. A. 7..D1., Lit. Critic before in its history. Co-edo, sub- for MlcClurg & Co. scribe, you are represented on theo Naocrson who expiects to write.,revei board. occaionlly fo th prss hou isb Three reasons whly ,ou should bate without thio valuable treatise. It i us do youmr laundry work: 1. We aroc universally craenided by Ohe' nevs- responsible if any articles are host unfit papers of the cotuntry. will replace same. 2. We will return. Adoreo Cr. chol f tounaisii, your wvork when promeised. 3. Uni-- Evanistonl, Ill. formly good wvork. Wagner & Co., 21. l1inctomi plays Corniell tt Ni'w York S. Main st., representing 'T'oledo Lauii.- cia Oet. 0. dry Co. 1-13 Do you want boarders? tf so, ad.- BUSINESS LOCALS. vertise in thle Daily. 1-4- [Notices insered in tis u'oleumnu'it the raie Nobke's Star Clothing blouse sells tkc'- cr 5 cents per liner. Special raites toe ituegee" best $3.00 Derby ini the city. 11 tisie, miii este lnlues fiieiishied uy lipplyinig at tile tDAILY ofice] For the next two weeks we will TO RIENTJ.-A pheasant suiti', fur- slioe you 0110 largest and best lines nan hel, igh toilbat, inh~ $3icof Suito at $12.00. Others will charge week. 19 S. State of. 13 you $13.30 and $13.00 for the same Tawo students fromn the School of thing. NO5BLE'S STAB CLOTIN~G Music wanted to solicit Daily sub. h3OUSE. 1-13 scription s tinuht school. The best in everything, aluvays glvis LOST1. the greatest satisfaction. The ttOSCOoti Sir. Hlumiphey, '95 lawo, host at hair CONKiLING ('igars are the best anid of gobd rimmocled -c glaisses betwe-eon cost no more than iferior bratnds. either 40 Fifth sSt. aind the city or the 'Iry' them. base buildiiig last Thursday. Thie Wagner & Co., 'tailors, will he findier may leave tlihim at thisofohioc or pileased to interest you in the many with the ower at 409tFifthi st. antl le nesy thinga thecy see offering for fall soill be liberally rew-ardeod. ttf oweai'. 1-13 For finieot boarod in the city call at The Daily will print full accounts of 53 IP. WashintonSt. Of all football games this fall. If you sinloka Cigars, buy tihie iist. Wagner's & Co.'s U. of SI. Collar, IOSCOE COINbLINtI is thie brandi. tDo you wear it? 1-13 BETWEEN TwooHustlers can make good money Petosskey, Louisville and -soliciting subscriptions for the I7. of Cincinnati. M. Daily. Call at the office he Times !{ loek. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA 1-- - BIG. + FOUR + ROUTE. F. C. STEBBINS, E. 0. MhtcIXI2IICK, 1). B. MhARTIN, Passrsg.- - Traflic5Mcr. Gen. P. & T. Aant. R' if A 01 E U IAUIINIMAM -W -R v ,FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Wil call fool'aiidtdeliver stork Corner of Stilte and William sts., ptnp Will1ainst. entranice.rmty KSC - I :ED s 303JiltG- A St CC 32N BILLIARDS AND POOL. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Choicent Line of Cigars and Tobaccos. ___ Nit. 3 N. Main Strict. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK '°S -T l T~ II.T AA br, Aelich. ('aiial Stool wO$x000. THE NE Surplus., 01 )0,101 orgauizduncildlethieeiGeeralBhiingeoLaws of tis State'. Reseivees iepiositso boys and it uellsoexchanligeon t'e pricipalctitsusfsIe Unte taes ratsc suon50propN IA OenititicSttitto. Safetyfdcosiut boxspoet. idi'E~tit Cristianolety d h, tis.;1 . t u C D NTA 1-trirs ll ta Vi iice-lrs.;thtas. E.lit-coil, Y SL NTk1M tCashiem; OhJ. tutu, A oiittCir.YSIANIMIH STEAMNLAUNRYR SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK. Hgh (lens and Donistic Finishi. Stadeenotiead citizenus should mathisht ________ their headquartlers whlin~ Ypsuianti, amid f asoue'them theyewil fid me,is eem. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Moat cordially, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. W. H. LEWIS, Prop. I 11 I i