THE U. OF M. DAILY. _ L6HIG NNGENRLAt the GrandOpera House. TIJF AASH R Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. Te pe S e al Thcoigttisiyofayf EAST. WEST. - Hoyt's humorous creations is ilways _ __ P. M. AM -h sinlfr-lrl sViby fFOIl Mail and En-I_ 3 8 Mali-_______8 43 SAVE SAVE -ll HOTli finNGS aARK.,i 10'11)7 N.Y. Speisi_.. 51 N. . Sp)ecial... 730 Glocal th atcrgoec.s alnd it 1i3 ill-rcfore O SRN SA K, Eastern Es-...10 25 N .Limited_-. 25o l lEIo"nytaouEtatr!es AlniEX...4P.A.M. Pacific Eir_-_19215 Q I9 li ililstlre tO alllElcXASttil l AlstcE 74 iP Uk Ui jlj I ~ t~' "A frces "A '171 to TE AS NEpes--540WetrEx...22 .I f50G. Express _.11 01 Chii. Nt. Ex--10 25 (itaown'" is annlouncedt fol thils C N E E O.W RGLE, 1. .HAE,- 1 y-1uin eco~ntng at the Gralnd oipeca hloils'. LOST AN E E 0. Roooieo -i satir HAhES, Sl lsin . emleSo G. P. &aT. Agt., Chicago. Agt.. Ann Arbor. STRCTL HIHGAE This is till .ciaatn tccoil-N- STICL HIGH GH d i igitel Ness Yocdecs for iwo years,/+ T., A. A. & N. XY. RY. Exame tbis w)1e)-l before purcha~sing your lltsnccdi reiigaircod SAN FRANCISCO'. Tabing effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 18~54. J. 1. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, for successfui rus ll5 11011) Itroilis.NeTxaanCaioiaSepn Traiss leave Ann Arbor on CentaStn.tNwTxsndClfrilepg ned time. It MONROE SvTEE. AGENTS. It is brine1 fuli of good tllgs in til11arLi'e N6osm. nouvE. shlape of musllical lIoreltil . 010n0iqauLne 7:10ap pm. '7:15a.115. WONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH GONCERT. diance's and~ taking" features of all dc .~7 p m 1i:;10s a . 4:11 p.m. 9:00 p.m. AT scriptilns. At tteisa time hl) Mr. THlE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.. eTesianranbetwees Ann Arbor and Toledo I setoEnnnr oyt hlas writtenl t probable Story andt R . g. GREENWOOD, Agent lUU t'it 1-11 A~ C ctl FIRST CLASS SLEEPERS frmm W. Hi. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 1. MARCH 19 taix tilt tlental fOrces, is faii Of iuterY ANNARBR _YPILATIST.BYest a11( altogether a. source of -intch CHICAGO TO LAREDO3 TEAS,. 130-IielI.Via Little Rx'I. 51st s. Texarkan,- a TieBUSINESS LOCALS. estisIe, Austin ad San Antonio. Passengers TieTable, October 7, 1894. f:___ oe !lot Springs hav runty use change of ears Lrave Yp.silanti from Congrss at., 7:00,05:00 SINOWOLS, 1(at Malvern, :50 a. in. ne.xt day), arriving nnd 11:00 a. a.: 12:45. 2:15, 6:C0, 6:45, 9:00 and " . IS R NG W OEI it:0 P. -n EI . at Ilot Springs at 11.:10 a. ia. Sihsthe , Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7-tO1,5-30 and s ln ( ' Our Mtr. t'larl(s nllllltlyer swilt bte quicest through sleeping c-r line between 11:30a.mi.;1:16,2:4 .. : .7:15,S:30andll:00p.m. -i (1 t the took house on '3tustluy, Mlirch Chica'o and Malvern. Also daly line of SUNDAY TIM~E. ~ - It), sithi t full line of spring Wo-oliens, Tourist Seepersu, leaving Chcag 'oen n'ame Leave Ypsilanti from Congresast. 1:30, 3-30, trin thog to San Frncsc vi,,i 5:00,03 nd.t d :po. m. ''w -~here lie will be: pleaisedto, Itt)' all tCragh toSn 3rnnoi Leav Ann Artbor Junction, 2:004:00, 5:30. /o/ f ily friendls. Ktinly reserve al 7:00 andO 5:30 P. m. Itrtr Ca rS run~ on city time. Fare: single trip 13 lcc' for him. cen ti; round trip tickets 25 cen~ts. A. x. =~)~, Fr- s ibtsadfl l .r~ WM. F.laon ut Of the Gu~i)lde 1aglt' t'tbtillg t~o. apply t FLOWERS, FLOWERS EI.'IETAl(1, J, H. GREEN J. HALDERMANC For Everything and Everybody. arcl s.Luokfo fu programm ein anoher Of~ hicago -11bea heE"k g PfHV1~tl 9 HIALL [lit/its 10 t1. Untvrretfyare.ei,tI otumn 5111011 ni tl esdaly el'lliltg. Siti-OR 401Wdd fl IXI.L f i elo~hn 110. lieticts 'ISn tc seerred it M1o1r . Wetmuro TC E FIE 'tCaks. ' CG' on illSi st. 1)14 On Staest als111 at B. &,,,I. tdents wisinig t) inlspet't his 0'titlle TIK TO FC:21 ixk t.C IC @ Druz Store on Statr st of samtleis stiould~ call befotr that F. H. Tritram, P. E. flombingl, Th etimle. Profesolrs 21:1 inlstrulcto~rs Its Cn. Pass. At. Pass., &'icket Agt PO. 7. 544 HE DE lso nviedCor. 7th av. and Smith- Si7 Madnon s.. riini'fieltr Od St., Pittuburg, Pa. Toledo. C, Clover Leif E LLIPTIC SPRNG A studetlt dein :g to> (aril his ___________________ CRANK, sity aye.Y _ Rou e T ty temis)oi e niacac th:1t tiey STAM2P COLLECTIO\S.Y Olre -11) whalt yo:u hlls b een lookli)to for. 4~ wan 10l buBtll/cllcin Fo)r rough) roadls. heill-elualbin a::: wringWeantobysap leclS 'Please keep in mind the Toledo, Eac)p -tue0su.11- lslteliCe.Ei attd will paly catshi tot' tile Samie oil cranbtcsted)to:O poun)dO Pric,- 5.0 )1e- St. Louis & Kansas City R. R., pair sill tih illy whteel. Beforee-h pu rcitnfIbd ioit I atolto3h CoerLa Rue "at 1uleieinuncgeIl) iu.WilIli01Colctosohtl b eltb rgs WY est and So t w s e v s T -tN . 1nv ri y e ing price un dter sepa~rate cotsee . W I, Seo nouthest ae To- Ciesy send superior alpprovlt oheets to rc- led Uno eo t5p.m Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINES and$iSORr' daily, arrives New UnTioni Station - "'--sponsible parties. }LAND. Magnificent huilding; ten teachers- large. (te.aget.h.wrl).... . .. ~ ,T J.LWINC, O atendance; gond discipline; superior work; wei (16l getin ' ol) t .J 1 1\ T C C . supplied rerading ream; daily leotsres; Saturdap~ Louis early next morning ----""' Kl-aaznoo, mich eveing receptions; open the entire year. Esc a inl cliis-o placing tsdents inpostiEn CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR avP0 it ll.l 0 e-Bard andenoom t 27 e eki e l iii 1L5A Cet~ 15le il th 1f1 famiies. Thesenrates reduced to 5t.5o by set AAA'001LIATL" sbts hn t h lly oarding, Fee Calolgue address and Michigan Central lines at jJ .- V. N: CLEARY. Fens Toldo.All juniors d esirtng cedit for thleir Toirdo.notes On iagency -lutst flei tihe noles 1f $255.00 for a 51. Days L'urv - Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free the entire stubjet at nty office, roomli peane Tour1. and Vestibuled Sleepers with- it before Mlarchi 1:3.____ out chlange. -RD F.R i. DIEC21E31. We are organiing aselet parly For axse-- C. ..J NKIar e toure t Europe helloing N em York, isss ' t". Coben, Fraont Anteidelbrtra ~s etg.e General Pnssenger Agt, Toledo, 0. 1.2Bden-Baden, Psit and ibepe, Srasahe -c )C~~ . ~sauilng fromaLnolllAugusthnd. TheparF -~~wl beC O'cotidnted b101:d 0 derthepersens r DIETAS 8e SCfHiiNZ, KI~a %! °- - chllegeof MtR OTTOls-):wttOtN Of tOlnmbns, QB50LUTLY well liewn as 0one of theist a sIa 'In- 'p- - strnctors of Ameriea an a, gettial gentlemans U. T!a1 TIIO . AL oflhrge spr ienc- in Irave 'I. 'h patrox #O_ ~ MEE~ wilaeahberthinsa largepromenade to Our Snring and- Sumoter Woolens bCY'CLrb 1l I{ttr, cantO the 011ip selected ar ner - sal Pere Lo 8,10 9totwin screw statert-.providd Owith are now On.l. Ire L .electric lights atnd ,teat heat. CoinpIet, Call and see us. i tiner-ary anld informaion naled on ret-rit 48 S Stae s,. ScondFlor, A n Aror. 1 ° - _ - - -- - .J of self-add'sn " stam~ped envrlope -251)., 45Sst bSend~n .n~bt' pays, every expenses of sight s travel and. htes s. Pll i)n)ouiation and itinec r 22 Years ini the Bu~lnmes.'aI 0' maleld on recept ofself--ddressed esvelope. QIT LANDY p~ Ge .~ .{jjt~n. Tosrist and Stramship Agts... X. X. SEABOLT,No. 4 N. 4th ave. )} ~ c' - 271 N. H1igh st., '--- (Low rates everywhere). Columbuns, Olt. MERCHANT TAILORING e,.~ae*t K -I~ V1U~A5I H CleanIng, Presing anld epairing #r' -EIPSL GATWO M4 MPUSR dose neatly hy . ATERIALTfIE INiEbT Lovell Diamond- Cycles, Ais0. NCSOJEikWLt,I 265.F:Wanlng~tn : r5 M0j./OD, WakicerS I8 TO 23 01!1f65- lhhCE565Tl !O- cat T.UARAST1I P 'Pr Are unsurpas ufor EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! IVERYI MAcAN FuLGAATE -° CATALL6LsEN FOir~,ciT5~ BEAUTY. SPEED AND WORKMANSHIr.. 28 EAST HURON STEET, if s ( G't LE ly (O l LeI a Good nio hanerand. eansecond- Gened Woeb Gnrantred. G'oods ealedl for .II~ G11jjn Flsenn W1~r D" PATru LAK Z hAD5and whels. and delIvered. A. F. COVERT. Prep. JI.L IUIAIR LA' &IAiED55. EDF ISR.get s.Un.A. ANN( ARBOR - 'PORTLAN D e -( w M. '_ 'TL EI, STEAM DYE WORK8S. pjtMJj S'. - AiPl FlaR~PlCQA~ _ FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORIIIu Ladies' and Gsents Clothing leaned _ -,A I. oW H rN Sre. -NN ARBOR -E C.. - 4~~5 55(t*oner of010tate and Willam. eta..,