THE U. OF M. DAILY. 34 0 f~.PLct11. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by THE H. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, OrFICE: Timea building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. 13. COLEMtAN, Lit. '07, Managing Editor. C. B. HISNeo, Law '00, Assistaent. A. W. SeM, Lit. bpei., Assiant. WV. A. SrotL, Lace 00, Assitant. J. A. LeRoY, Lit. 00. Athletic Editor. J. S. PEARL, Law V0, Businss Manager. H. W. LEVY, Law'00, Assistant. Assooiate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit. '03. I. A. Dlancer, Lit.5 E. L. Evans, Low'55. E.R.Sunderiand,Lit'li. Carrie V.Smith,Lit. '96. LR.. lombien,Lae'96. C.A.iioaghtos,lient'os. C. II. Farreil, Lit. '00. Mi Gilbert, Engr.'07. li.B.Gamono,Medic'98. Minnie Mi. Thompson, Let. 'gy, G. A. iHeatis, Ploormic '00. Subscription price $2100 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the oficer of the i)AILY, at Stoflfet's, at State st. new stand, with any of the editors or authorioed solicitors. Communications should resol en office by 7 o'clock p. m. if they are to appear the soot day. Address all matter intends'd for puloi- cation to the Mianagie. Editor. All boxiness communications should be senot to the Busi- ness Mianager. THE U. OF 50. DAILY, Asnc Arbor, Mich. The Dotroit Tribe ie MIoeioays issuBOplihes.ean exhautit c- outt of the Uniiversity sndcits iancioioil history. The re'port is of 001(11 a'har- etotr as ts lead to wronig infereceos on floe ic~crtoft+oseo-- io-1o- hst-c-i4- '- siit asl, ipossibsle ~ aimoBgtil ne i.OB, 3I0CY OCL S.LE T us foot it is somnethinxg that all seestthe greatest atlvalltlg ee , but we think tho stsgginstoti netleociof exprossiog scrie pir~ilt a mlost.unfortuinate toll. It loes nlis 001ii avery hlcly-likes101.0- ceeding for the girls of Micheigatn Uni- versity to adlopct that exor d. lgy boix- / toots weiy of greetieg thel legislators. - Ceortinily tieso' goistlision still not b1)2 very favoraboly iniptessedi with iii, re- VIYU 1 fiilig insliuenrecs of tl112 1"nis-.'iity FIRST CLASS. after such an exhibiticon. Allyeui- Reduced Price. Please rail and ex- turdrolyochigladcy insist fiel thit seiesilatB meSil. is ove rsteppintihec boileidls of docoii No. 88b S. Main. Cor. wima~m 81. by iscitlginxg iii yells juist b ,causo. iic nin do, and ni)o'thiitsosil wiioh roqfliro's this is wo'(rthi til ie 0. If the women.('anollet s'owsvtheu'1111)0 A npn ns'a: clationi of (lio el(gislator' 'visitIiia iiore woittwibyah1' i itaisolo tei..Vcos. :.. give iii trying to show it. Theio yoll*-km lug inii ts,'il. aside froinitie iprobabl- ~ Ss~t - ity chit it will prove) a very feel an S2TE,\'h1 aat2tleftI~, sislost 'oii VICTOR AHEI GOOD sbes-alieg occuptionorl 0n(110lii oilAHLTI wri shouldtiniik, to 1110 C floe oighlest are'daily demonste tinn their scopero- ority. it lhis beoeur 00aim to make appiroval ofis'he egislaSttr'.theoobeot, cod weDe i succeeed-sos we are assured by sicritotal putic-ico When tho Legislators Come. mosh i'soue line octBas'oeballsnoes, Glovtesd Mitts, Tennois Boall-sc- as t(l itioizes wiico assist i110icer- eto 1ceis, Boxecc' GlovesFoostballs, tainineg the legislatoors are very priop,,, r- etc., ie leaiders in oiuaity. ly furnsished ittitces too lie re- BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC HOODS. JUST ARRIVED!1. A SHIPMIENT OF tents' Eioe Jan Shos. FyQ, SP:Inxc. JACOBS & ALLMTANII Washington Blurk, Ann Arbnr. P. S.-See our Show Window. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE,. MARZCH I- HOY'T's A TRIP TO CHINATOWN' As piiyedctover 700 sig~lils at Hoyt's. 'theater. New York City. PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75e and $1. Retserved seatsonocostle at Watts' Tewelry Store. P latinotypes- Tioc latest tinicn iPiOTOGiIAFI1Y 3BRRYMX.AN'S, SF E.1Hroncot. Stc il RBoisto Stciors. Membcs of Guac1nteeTict1 0 rokers' Aso oiaciono of U. S. Conby & McKeon R. R. Tickcet Agency >0 Adamosstc., Chicoago. Rieduoed roles eo all poinots. tBranchii-lo'he Kiodergorten No. 0 N. Blaini st. AcinoArbor IMiololoas. REUBEN H. KEMPF,- From the 1(0000 Conservstory, Stuttgart, Cermany, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica. Composition; also thn Art of Teaching. Stcudio 21 S. Divioion St., Ann Arbor, Mich THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK_ Ann Arbor, Much. Capital Stock, 50,000. Nurpicon, $150,000. Organized under thceCGeneal Basking Lawns of tis State. Receives deposits, bays and sells exchange on the principal cities of thon United States. Drafts cashoed spun proper- identificaotion. Safely depoit boxes to rest.-- OrICER~oS: ChristianoHaclo, Prec.;IV. D.. Hlarriman, Vice-Poes.; Chss. E..iliscoch,. C'asier;. 1.0Fritz Assistant Cashier. MKetropolitan Cafe Lunch and Dininog Hoom. No. 1S N. Fourth Ave., between Arlington Hotel and City Officn Building. Open all hours. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. toiction and conceritItobe