THE U. OF M. DAILY. I I Schaller's Bookstore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. M ARTIN SCHALLER, iHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, .19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. '95 LAWS! HAVE YOUR DANE ENGRAVED ---A-kr- 'WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. SCIENTIFIC! SUPERB! TRIBUNE IBICYCES . LEAD. Seethe Tribune Cycloidal Sproket. M. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLAND ST 1RS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday. 10a.m.,Gentlemanbeginnersclass. -Saturday, P. m.,Lady beginners class. MKonda 47:3 p. rya., Advanced Class (Ladles' an Ientlemen). 'Tesday 7:30p .Beginners Class (Ladies and {gentlemnen). Private eonaby appointment. SCHOGOL 46 S. S'rA'T ST. iii ~ # tiO rrn CATERER, 20 E. Washing- Sten aR~ o t.. Second Semester TEXT BOOKS New and Secondhand for All Departments of the University at Sheelan & Co.'s Bookstore, State St. BEST NOTE BOOKS in the city for 25c. f GRIP REMEDIES! ALL KINDS -AT- E. A. Mummery' S NEW DRUG STORE, COR. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000. Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. MOORE & WETMORE GYM SUITS. 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of IJNIV[BSITYTXT BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Books and other Students' Supplies Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they offer at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. 4N M3T ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gloss and Domestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, ,3 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. We have got them. The best goods for the LEAST MONEY. Our gymnasium suits are made by the rERMAN WHEEL CO (makers of Victor ti Bicycles) and are fullyguaranteed. A great many are in use. EXAMINE THEM. -AT- M, SIAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 11 W Washington ft. E i I HOW TO ECONOMIZE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75' per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 7% Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. I.ELA-;a & OOM2/.ECPA. YT .I L 4'f isoum Main btreet. Prof. Knowlton's Lecture. At the University Bibe class yester- day Prof. J. C. Knowlton lectured on- "The Jurisprudence of the Jews in the Times of Christ." 'The lecture was intended as an introducitory to the lee- ture on "The' Trial of Christ" which will be given next Sunday. Prof. Knowlton began with a de- scription of the Jewish courts of the period. The village, town and provin- cial courts were so great and exten- sive in number that justice was laid at every man's door. Then above all these courts as a court of appeal as well as of more extended authority was the great Sanliedrim. Modes of punishmeit were many and varied from flagellation, the light- est and least disgraceful, to crucifixion -the heaviest and most ignominious. Great care was exercised in criminal trials to secure the rights of the ac- cised. Nowhere in the history of the judiciary have there been such careful and studied attempts to protect hu- iiian liberty. NOTICES. TO REPUBLICANS. The U. of M. Republican club will meet for the election of officers on Tuesday evening, March 19tth, 7:30 o'clock, in the law lecture room. Those desiring to become members will please sign the constitution now at the law librarian's desk. Registeri~- fore you vote. Let every Republican in theUniversity tor out. H. ?I. 1MMERMAN, Pres. M. P. S. ASSOCIATION. I will meet students wishing to join the Michigan Political Science asso- ciation, in the small room off the east seminary room of the library any afternoon except Saturday between 3 and 4 o'clock. The membership fee Is $1, which entitles to the three num- bers of the publications already is- sued. C. H. COOLEY, Treaa Thera will be a meeting of the ex- ecutive board of the Orator cal associ- ation Fr'iday, March 22, in Room 24, U. OF M. CALENDAR. Tues., March 19.-Benefit phono- graph concert at Presbyterian church. Thurs. and Fri., March 21-22.-Leg- islature visits the University. Sat., March 23.-U. of l. Graduate club will meet with Dr. Vaughan, 15 S. State St. Sun., March 24.-Prof. J. C. Knowl- ton before the University Bible cla-s of the Methodist church on "The Trial of Christ," 12 o'clock. Sun., M'arch 24.-Sherwood Eddy, secretary of the Student Volunteers, before the S. C. A. Mon., March 25.-M. Eugene Ysaye, violinist, before the University Musical society at University hall. Tues., March 2G.-Annual election of Choral Union officers. Wed., March 27.-Annual S. C. A. election. Wed., March 27.-Miss Octavii Wil- liams Bates before the Webster hall at 7:30 p. io. on "Darwin." Wed. and Thurs., March 27-28.- Classical conference under auspices of Michigan Schoolmaster's club. Fri., March 29.-Varsity indoor lu-eet in Gymnasium. Fri., March 29.-Junior lit social in Granger's academy. Fri. and Sat., March 29.30.-,Meeting of Michigan Schoolmasters' club. . . Fri., April 5.---Loan exhibit of old blue ware at the home of Mrs. James B. Angell, for the benefit of the Fruit and Flower mission. Sat., April .--Meeting of U. of AI. Independent association at law lecture room for election of Daily editors. Thurs., April 11.-Faculty recital at Frieze Memorial hall. Fri., April 12.-Spring vacation be- gins. Mon., April 22.-Spring vacation closes. Exercises resumed in all de- partments. Fri., April 26.-Intercollegiate debate between Northwesterii and Michigan at Chicago. Thurs., lay 9.-FJ 1 at Frieze Memorial hall Thurs., June 6.-F1 at Frieze Minorial ball The Daily will . gyred at your room t: of Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meas- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America "PEACOCK STRIDE" + + AND + + WALTZ-OXFORD music and description of dance can be procured at GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING, NO. 6 MAYNARD STREET. KEN WOOD BICYCILES "Swift, Strong and Beautiful." Kenwood's received the Highest World's Fair Award as Light Roadsters. Salesroom-42 State at. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. SANGER, TITUS AND CABANNE America's Greatest Riders have selected as their Mount for '51 Yes, and there are others. This will be-a Spalding year. A1N7ltted with Palmer Tirns. EBERBAP 0'ROWARE CO. THE LE TAILOR and Impor °eceived the largest and ect stock of IMPORTED AN SIC WOOLENS for Spring an or of 195 in the city, and - )e pleased to have you 'examine thsa . WATCH FOR OUR SPRING STYLES FINE SHOES. NATTY NOVE :TIES. 1