I4jHIGAN (CENTRAL Steps Into Journalism. St. Louis Alumni Organized. H A AH O~
Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. l[By Edwin L. Shaman, Ph. M.] FThe ollowinig litti r rolls an islliu-
Stall - 41iaago editor, fr all OungP writers. -. FORt
MaladE__P. 5. Al ------. 43 (hassthente~est nnif ust oh y i Ti litI, A .
N. Y. Special.... 5 11ON. Y. Special....- 7 0 I t lls how to get a start how to eacoOTny ~
Eastern Es--- iS1 25 N. S. Limited- 5 25 lelilalis sns hli.alin wly os, nli's d
A. M. Paca Ex------I1213 atruet 1 nwspaper artile, aiid gives a p
Atlantic Es .7 47 P.Mtosn eiis n1dlgtu t lalumnili sieety at St. Louis. EX S
1. N.Espress... 5 45 Western Es .212 hssuidtil i si illts tl.T X S
G. it.Express ...ll SiCi. Nt. Es - it--10 5 1111230; Price. $1,25 St. Lois.Flo.. March lo, 1895.
S . lRuaGLES, I. lW~..HTS "It is ithorughly pr.lleiell. I know Id. 1. of Al. Daily:LO AN E S
G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. At., Ass Arbor. of 11o other baskisii cass approachi I nlose you all it iii a liiiIi-A D
it ill reliability.,iutiliy 11115valule."- bosille osinstlo tel o t he liiI 'isis - ND
T., A. A. &L N. M RvBY. . t . wad, lI. .., LL. D., Lit. Critie ciy Ipublic asiid trust that you will ill. SAN FRANCISCO.
Taking effect Sunday. Aug. 1, 184. for Metineug & to. sint it In thcis olusisis ofityou ipisiler ill
Trans leave Ass Arbor as Central Stassd N sriswisehcl owie eriselst colveillI ee. Iughit Now Texas and California Sleeping
ard time.- Napr-lwhexettowie trtl,
NOT. SOUTH. 53ilclscsiinally, for liii' prss sould gsay ill ladlii1ion tliihorospets for Car Line.
7:15 a. m. ':15 a nm. bliwithout tlissinvasluasble r aise. It asalse csesfilsandl stive ,assoiaion
125 p. mn, 111:0a. m.
:i5 :00 i si n-rsssl'y eossslsli bitile tews5- here 'ass vegooudl and1 selipIs
only. Iushisr t 11heisslsthyatJTHE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RY.
'Trains rusbetween AssArbor asdTolrdo pprIosiecutr.bfiri'longitie St. Laniss banehls
nllrisdiyecetSsdy.sisis t Ihlt~.5'.ttltheYeilosw anislauie sill be" I:'uand sit Have inagurated a ew Diy Line of
R. S. GREENWVOD, Agent FAIM ssiH11iir r'hllty1111illi'111 l IlRST CLASS LEEPE5IS frmm
W. H BENETT . P.A. Thedo. ______________ sei to le very sitiesllio gil this CHICAGO TO LAREDO TEXAS,
ANN ARBOR &a YPSILANTI ST. Ry. A olltuest desiring to earns his boarsd slerliken to srt but Vss itleRak.Slher, osrnce 1a
_______ avase. eiiyn l 3eI nvc triitus e i o s ssilss~si stisi, Austsn and San Antonio. Pamengers ,
Time Table, October 7, 1894. iii:yousger gui st tiin ohumel, ant for Hot Springs have oly one change of ars
Leave Ypslanth from Congress s., 7:00,9:00 - vs hoise to hear that ohier otuliais of1 (at Aaivrn, :50 u. t. net day), arriving
and 11:00 a. i.; 12:45,2155:ito 6:4.,900 and Spe ia. scs isu ssi ssstei ssbat lit Springs at 11:0 :. m. Six flous the
hS~~~~~~~iiS~~~~l ppm.tImateer have I tishi quta icks hog teicerln ewe
1Leavein.Ann Arbor Junction,7:0,930an mple our ese isallisusl 1t qu adickreAsOttleno
11S am; l:15,2:45,5:30,7:15,9:30iandii1:00p.m. Ccsasgois dM lvr. Aso diylieo
SUNDAY TIMIE. -sorgansie fottirwcsill be:'iiiiihsiitiiiiiii Tourist Sleepers, eaving Chiago on same
Leave Ypsilanth from Cngre sst.,l:30, 3:30, the iii:' sishhigsse all Iis a sis wll, train, throngh to San Francisco via Is
Leave Ass Arhor 2uci :00,4:00,5:30,SAE- AVAcytrlngesC.
7:0 and9:30p. m. J3t55t1ttslG t'9IlAN.-
Cars run on city time. Pare: singlie trip 5 8nn- P
cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. p IJ . $- 18 w iiclsssgriirs i iitii Pesptces n ulifrain
Wu i ~ss ut -- -i. lowiingfothe hcSt. Lous iRepubi. appy to
FLOWVERIS, FLOWERS nby tyng aTempe Spcal. Thelocails' haui ofi tie liivrsty, J. H GREEN J. HALERMIAN,
ti e~ Everything and Everybody. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE! s it hhigsui1:et :a1 the,.Verist rth SMichigan Pas. At. Tra. Pass. Ag
COSINS & HAoiss, 26 s .University-ave. Esamine thu.isissheelose puchasng. yus dllis esit ya stels'ussiforstui iihilu- R
5E5~55 Telephone 15. '9 mount. cscsit peretinig :111 orgnizaionlii. TCKET OFICE: 01 Clark s., CICAO
JI L. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, Aboiut hissic-lii'mmibe's irc lies'- F. H. Tritram, P. E. Dombaugh,
11hle 11 MNOEs'SREsT.Au. '5C5slt.isugesJ .1. .Ac-legiiaii priinug Un. PassAg. Pass & Tce g
sunduli1('. Ily nsus ctus is ser' sues. Co. 7th ave. and Smith .07 Madison s.
Itiurs e was l httli cisilsu iiisl field t., PitsurgtPa Toedo 0
i~JV~i ' ti i etitus ta'ew hi~gar s nuiulnt' i
by :t usliisitta' .t~ ulip~ts'hftirtthe pliii
Rou TAD ipsit ftesssuuissaneii'tsit iiihiuuuiiiri 1.
S t.Louse keep in mind theR Toledo, ht ssg'..B Seegsui is
S.Louis &Kna iyR ., II tei isnsilsitJ. h:1'u . I. i-lliuh':
Thin lover Leaf RouteFs "EWLNPUF. aiui i' orsiet A I.Tn gy; ' i a' L/+
RNWLN CUFLine" for St. Louis, oand the i.Ws n otws tlae o 1.ttr5 suseiy.II (5.1Iysanli: eOsnric t C 5 I
WetadSuhethae1o _____________________Ialrut; dillecuosn tseis I. 12. M
edo Union Depot at 5 p m. $~y G., ,e .g K inat ill Ai . Terriy, I. lss l sx Is he LEDING SCIOOL OF BUSINESS nsSHOT.
daily, arrives New Union Station 31v L HAND.i.c.'ii'ssnl -i. t ~ 150Magificeentbildieg; t eneher; lares
- 11 ( Cea. e llnd \N' I%("ar t, aitenane gusod disiplioe; superir wrk; ell
(thle largest in the world), fit. leit uii ri..1 )hsu susppleddreading room:dily leture; alrdag
Lous ary extlomig.'liii sshtiioat 1 isohuisTi iii liii ou"evening reepions open ie eirnee. Eep.
L~n1 ealy nxt ornng. he eietio ofa erinntle oi, lt(',t-inal lotinen oe plaing stden in pstion~
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR Boardisans roumsrates hi ulsidhnieiuteuk.iususil
:5 s'iiuihlswa s sulsltiiiit I'I'Iiiiide l se kn1ofa ii. TFserCaaegse deen o/.ob el.FzCtlge adrs
and -Michigan Central lines at ssi iuatPt.ths ui'&'ei Ilicsd tnw Pts
Toledo. siis'lu will i-t St. Lousuis oii Apsril 1t.255.00 for a 51 Days Euro-
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars SeatsFgene l 'isus'catyth s'arToucussirli
and Vestibuled Sleepers with- L'niiaesily sitMiulutausresiding inStn.Tur
out change. - - -OR 'a"ifielhedirsntltRslto lecoimei Weare oraniig a sslet p rty r ta .-
C. Cis "IEN.KIINS. V L 1 V IC O MO EL J4 et s sitthis iiLtsiiumastiii ticiuuci1d r22nd fourLsniAtceyiustCoE
yeseayunls~. ta(biritz. leashff st.leu etie g , 05 nsber,
General Passenger Agt., Toledo, . FRSBLASa~des-Aei, artu s lnimd IDipiurn' eing,
FIS-CLS.At the Grand Opera House. ' siig from Losdoi August sul. rhe party
DIETAS & SCHANZ, Reduced Price. Please call and ex- will becofnucsctdsyuan ssun ofrthesa
amino same. Issl .IiNo.saShS.suaitheCor. Wiid olsiSt. stuctors of America andia gniall gruieisn
U-O bTeLn o 8 .Mt, o.Wlflm ~ ioss' this eveninug. of large experience in lessenl..Each parson
_____________________________ _____________ wil luve a berrth su lrge ranunade duk
Our Spring and Sumnier Woolens BUSINESS LOCALS. saterosom ad tue sipsele~ced are ear
aenowu on sale. Prices Low. WONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH CONCERT R.'_ 505 ton twin scew stsamns, providedw shh
ar etic lights and steam heat. Complee
Call and see Us. AT SPRINT WOOtRN S. itinerry niformatfionii maile nct's-
488 SState St. eendFlerAsnqArbor. of li5l hrhTiPdllFsis ti l 'iis ~lessis s~ s uaevtdey ed if' upenc sg . $aOe n
22 Years n the BusnsmesbtrnCurhTesa Eeiga heCo hue n. va mrhlules sell nformaitiofnseafdihe s-rd n loe.
MvARCHE1 1 9, wis uifull lt Of sirisng sussaes, aintiass thinitaper.
IT I I , -- ( ,hsere sil hePlelasedl toislestall VW.ARD ..BROTHERS,
till( f il iueds. Knl.rsreal e.TuitadStemhipAgts.,
X.lZ 9 BV,'o _q t v. ordss frtsshllsn inlras il2enTo 2ot N High St,
X.~I BAOTN.4N 4hav.A. 1E. R5SE,] (Law rates everywhere. Coumbs Ohio.
MERCHANT TAILORINCG !Of ltsa Golien lagl e lhig c.TH
Ceaning, Pressing nd Repalrng / i ELtLIS,THE TAIL.OR, y THE, i
- - ealyyOf('hiesgo ciiibe at, ties'C'iok 'Lovell Diamnond. Cyce,
AU. AIIENWLIc5.. Walege hone, unsitil 'Tusday tvening. S- Are unsurpassed fee
EXCPILSIQR 4- LAUNDRY! {denHts Wshiling to insiect his tise line BEAUTY, SPEED AND WOKMSANSHIP..
IS~EAST 11EUNON"STREET of sanipls should call i laee that God alowance ma'dr oss nd-
Coe ' QpGaraat ed. Goods ahleth Cnni iliac. lrofessors and iii tructois r ( .hn a els.
and ddelivered. P. CovET. Prep -- aio, invted. G6EO. F.FI HR. .ar. Aget,55 . 17v. Av.
API ARBOR All Juiosdsring credit for their "~.~ F L E
STElA YExi WORKXS.varIed masical program with colege yeIols notes o agnc ilutst fintho noes of
and songs, lee for full program In another tho entirsbject at my office, room 5, FIRST CLASQCSTM ~AIORNg
Lads ilClothnegleaned colun. S UTM-ALRN