IJE IL. of Al .1ay VOL. V. No. 119. UNIVERSITY OF MICH[GAN, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. LEGISLATURE INFORMED. total expenses of that department are COLLEGE Y. M. C. A. WORK NO GOOD STUDENT only $23,150. The proportion of non- giU UUUU iUU | PRESIDENT ANGELL'S REPORT resident to resident students be- DESCRIBED BY JOHN R. MOTT AT Tries to learn without books. SUBMITTED AS REQUESTED. ing smaller in the other de- NEWBERRY HALL SUNDAY. Some people though try to use ,Gives Information Regarding Un- partments, the tigures are not musical instrunents with little versity Expenses - Statistics Re- so striking in this particular. But if Advocates Institution of Y. M. C. A. or no tone. garding Non-Resident Students. a.ll the non-resident students were 'x- at Michigan-Talk on Personal clded, the same branches which are Purity"-Biography of an Earnest We S y ITos Wnhinae o Presideut Angell's report to the leg- now taught would still have to be Christian Worker. We sell that kind. islature, made as requested by Repre- taught to the Michigan students. John R. Mott, of New York, secre- sentative Wildey's resolution of Feb- "We have made careful estimates to tary of the College Y. M. C. A., ad-i ruary 15, was presented Friday.. The see how much the teaching force could dressed large gatherings at Newberry 51 South Main st. report is a lengthy one and furnishes be reduced, if no students but those, hall, Sunday morning and afternoon. -the desired specific statements of the from Michigan were admitted, and our HIs subject at the morning service We receipts and expenditures of the Ufni- judgment is that it would be a liberal was "The Christian Movement in tOur versity for the fiscal years of 1893 and conclusion to say that we could reduce iUniversities," and in the afternoon 1894; a list of the professors, with the salary bill by only about $20,000. "Personal Purity in College life." their duties and salaries; the number Set over against that the $60,388 re- The pith of Mr. Mott's address con- of students in the various departments ceived this year from non-residents, sisted in a rapid survey of the work of or aerEse- ments in part payment for a high grade Acme and the expense per capita; an esti- and it will be seen that they bringg us the College department of the Y. 1. C. biole, sisch vsesedthe m ossapposal. No srk doe untlithe biycle arrives ad peves nlate in detail of the amount of money at least $40,000 as a gain" A. in Oxford, Cambridge, arvard, satisfactory. required for the ensuing year; the BEYOND EXPECTATION. Yale, Cornell, Stanford and other Young Ladies iaa ete"? If bosr giieleapeirtbey ist be well eeoi- ommber of Michigan students and the prominent schools of Great Britain meded. Writrs foe prteaars. nulember coming from outside the state. Exhibit of Old Blue Ware an As- and the United States. "Mit-higaa ACME CYCLE COPANY, and the tuition paid by Michigan and sured Success. and Virginias led off in this grand ELKHART, IND. foreign students. The success of thi. Loan Exhibit oi movenmeint for Christ," he said, "and The statement of the University ac- Old Blue Ware is practically assured leaderis in this enterprise expect very I-O2'I .T Cx S count for the year ending June 30, as the committees in charge report a much of this institution as a suniversi- FRESH LINE Of 1894, is as follows: very large collection of china. They ty in this matter. The S. C. A. has LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES From balances, last year state ac already have the proise of over 500 in a wonderful way adapted itself to JUST RECEIVED AT count -----------------------------$ 13,49 04TUTTLE'S 'From sundry sources and state ac- pieces, from which those of most the exigencies of our situation, yet by + cot ----------------- - - 4,513+4 . T T T Fram defilcencytfer tIme year, state artistic value and interest will be se- all means there should be a college 48 5. S account----------------- O13.8456t -_____________________ W-- - .,506 lected. The collectors find the blue Y. M. C. A. here. This should not be -To disbursements, including build- ware craze to be even more widely in exclusion of but in addition to the Go to RANDA LL for lag anidother permasest improce- ments------------------------ 375,S6 68 spread than they had supposed and S. C. A., as there is not only place, butA Statement of the University account for are especially delighted with the large an absolute nceed for both t this uni- A rtistic Photos. the year ending June i0, 1894: - From sundry sources and state ao - number of historical plates which versity." count.-------------------44i,80101 To dsurements, deciecy of lst1328456 have been secured. Some very rtare "The sin of impurity is the great NEW GALLERY. year.--------------------------11)5 -To disbursements, including build- and valuable pieces will be on exhi- national vice," said Mr. Mott, speak- in sother permasestl-mprove meats-------- ----------387,789 11 bition. ing to the mno's gathering in the af- -To balance Is the treasury, state account ---------- ................... 44,831 34 Gamma Phi Beta Reception. ternoon. "Without making sweeping Totai------...--------- ---o445 i 01 charges it is true that there is not o, The expenses of the different depart- The Gamma Phi Beta sorority gave half-score of colleges in America who i V1MWA h lNTl DLObN, ments for the last fiscal yea were: a reception Sturday afternoon amt would stand free froni this curse on Ann Arbor, Mich. Literary, $130,711.75; medicine, regu- their house on S. State st. Over 200 the testimony of their own stument lar school, $46,333; hospital, $10,394; invitations had been issued and during body. The overt acts alone are not ED. A. CADIEUX. PROPRIETOR ca,$310 hray 1,7;hm-tehusfo o6teor THE law, $23,150; piarmacy, $19,271; home- the hours from 3 to 0 the parlors were the sole formers of an unconue-alte Latest Improved Barber Shop opath, $16,065; administration, $15,500; well filled, while troops of college girls, habit, but the impure thoughts that In the city. E. Washington st., 1st door library, $7,457; miscellaneous, $68,050. with a generous sprinkling of faculty surge through the brain." east of list Anss Arbor. -The estimate for the year ending June ladies, were continually coming and The music was a pleasing feature of 30, 1896, is $377,365 for current ex- going. Dainty refreshments were the services. Miss Wetmore rendered M IPE L ;penses. served and the pretty rooms made a very charming solo at the general - AT-- In the literary department, 990 more attractive by artificial lights and meeting at 9:15 a. m. At the men's JO LLY &CO'S Michigan' students have paid $28,015 tasteful decorations. meeting the solo was by Mr. Bend- 2t Soua STATE s. Don't fail to come. in fees this year, and 521 non-resi- Notice to Pole Vaulters. imger. Hot and Cold Lunches at All Hours. dents, $22,738. In the medical and__ surgical department, 191 Michigan stu- Pole vaulters are requested to report John I. lot was born in 1866 at Heard's dents paid $6,240, and 183 non-resi- at the gymnasium three afternoons to Livingstone Manor, New York. As a the week from now until outdoor work boy be was neitther more nor less than dents, $8,770. In the law department the ordinary youth, but when thrownC 215 students of Michigan paid $7,270, begins. They au have the use of the into the crucible of college life the gad 443 non-residents paid -$22,340. In east side of the gymnasium loor frommetal in him was shown. In the the homeopath school 10 Michigan stu- 2 to 4 every afternoon and probably autumn of 1885 he entered the sopio- pleading dents paid $400, and 7 non-residents, iio the evening also. So far only two more class of Cornell University and or three have reported for practice. was at once associated with the re-diwetmilthe8re- $340 Inthe entl dpartent102ligious element. Time year 1880 found NOW ON SALE AT Michigan students paid $3,520, and 80 All candidates for the event are ex- him president of his college Christian non'resdentls paid $3,905. pected to begin training this week- association, which ofice he filled with In regard to non-resident stu- The co-eds in the Gym. have been honor to himself and friends until T IF{H t( . .. dents President Angell says: "It photographed for the Castalan. 1888. Mr. Mott was graduated in 1888 and entered the T. S. C. A. work. A Up Town, Down Town - will be observed that in the law de- A meeting of the junior lit class is few years later he became secretary UniversityBookstore, OppositeCourtHouse, partment the fees from non-resident called for 4:30 o'clock in the chapel of the college department of Y. M. C. 2055. State St. 4 N. Main St. Atudetsailonie are $22,340, while the this afternoon. A. work; a position he still holds. ANN ARBOR _i