THE U. OF M.2 AILY: SchaIIers. Bookstore! GRIP Formnerly with George Wahr, 19 REMNEDI ES E. W ashington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the AL L KINDS line of Text-Books, Stationery and M illaneous Stock in general. --AT- XARTIN SCH3ALLER, E. A. Mnmr' THE- DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, NEW DRUG STORE, 19 e.Iast oft Main astoe.blc COB. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVi 9'95 P- 9L AWSAT ! FIRST NATIONAL BAN1I HeAVE Y'OU Organized 1363 sapitsa l 10,0. upsaii nad Profits, $40,C CA EENGRAVED Tanssoct. a geneal banksing busine Foral,,,exchanges bought andoid. Prno --AT- letters af credit. 'WXI. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. P. IOACII Pres. 0.W.1LARKSoON, toshle ' ... ,. Buy Den & Co.'s Family Fl( Buy Best Western Patent Flo Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour nzcIAs~wBuy Six Pounds of Crackers]f Buy 734 Pounds Best RolledI '6)c/l 44 South Main Street. IE. DK. oh0 MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. AMain st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of VNIY[BSiT1TIXJ BOOKS New and Second Hand. NetseIBooks and attir Studests' Stapplies jIse Stationery, Sporting Goeds, etc , whi they otter at the L~owest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. AgINTN T 50050©R STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Hi1gh Gloss and Domsestis Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTII FOURTH AVENUE. 0 We hove got the's Tihe best goods for LEAST MONEY, - Oar gymasium salts - - ,. are made by tloe OVERMAN YWHE[L IC ,r t(mahers of Victor bileycles) and ore toutty,guarant sit. A - EXAMINE THEM, -AT- M, STARDER'S CYCLE [MPORIUM, 11 W Washingtotn 4t. I E"(ON0OIVIZE;. lur for $3.00 per Barrel. our for $3.75 per Barrel. ;cents per 1-16 Barrel. rfor 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. for 25 cents. Oats for 25 cents. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, ie a. mesGentleman beginnersnclass. 8atarday, n, Lady beginners class. DMonaday, 7:30 p. in., Advanced Ciass (Ladies' and Centlemen). Tuesday, 7:00p. m., Begnners Class (Ladles and Centlemoen). Private lessons by appintmsent. SCHOOL 46 S. STrATE ST. III ifl'Trrrn CATERER, 551111 1111 RU1 itn St. Second Semester New and Secondhand for All Departments of the University at Shieelian & Co.'s Bookstore, State St. BEST NOTE BOOKS in the city for 25c. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I Thii suminei'dittes lhoselndt: ar- s. rlald illentrtan apaarlngeiiients for a, 0s5(11 (vent at arners college girls tubi fternooio a her ngr' oii (lievening of April . lou e 5' h~w ~Tile '9)7 denits are donig tlit trot~ Toniorrowv eveningies. P. 7M. Gel- ssier platiessork e'srassigrned in ii h' stop will ilis~vet qutestiomns abot thi-eeartment linilthe fresiimainiyear1. spirlitaliiody 'andiltile linigdoli of uder tih: directio11n of D~r. Illidle. satan. Sophomore Party Last Night. The reglar ineini~g of the'Younug htenos giberalGld swill b1: hldto-' . Last ieveniigliihesociail spirit- ofliii nighlt Ili the parlors of t'etUnitainlass0 of '17eiipgagedIliit(le. joys; of church.ttoiricort' whicliho so ly o btini". Tho:seioiir ilass ssill hold a. no:eting Graniger's hallssas well hiled Wiili relatise. toOtleir(51105 and gowssli tie sophiiilo~iories iindialairg'eitnuimb'eri-the- chaptel, 'Tuesdaly, iinmediately afteir sentilig thoioteore clooses. Tlt ilitbtji' vserc service. fuirniostdwasof aIli;gilorner', lit Tile sophlomoire piarty swhicli 55a15tisto ciapOthe ecilimax anti 11ke(1t110eveni- have bee'n given Marco 29lhis loen il;oo ne1 of still greater clilleln. lthee chiangi-d 0 to Mrcho27 01n aceount ofgU. of 1M. DBanjo ednb, ofterfiiieoitiig tho' indoor mieet. thoeir eiigiogi'ei at the oratoriealot sno- Res. tC. t.('otoernsleetoire oi "I Itest, canie to the scene.ol'aidt rendler-fad load my07 lifi' to usve osver.'"ssill bxsleliv- sesveal wa~ltze's oonotwvo slips. It was ereed tomoorrows'ev5einig. ('CrdpIIlaing, ainexper-imen'it, danhcinig iy string theater going. danocing, athltics011- nousie, boot its successos 510ilos-isI by ties, m~~oey'getting, anoolchoice of pro- (lietounsillingno'ss of to' colipany to fession wsill be touichoed upon. again 0t01e nil sitho(t'e110d1110anod boss. "ToheIprogram for Iroof. Dciooon'o The progriotm consist ol of tsveiiiy tiill- Sh~akeepeare seminary course next bees, beidoes sesveral two steps. At sweek is as follosvs: Subject, "As a seasonable hour thoc happ~y throng You Like It." Moniday 2 to 4, Miss disper-sed, bidding thoe chaperon('s, F~oley; Tuesday 9) to 11, MistRobin- Mesdaiom Green andolD'Ooge, good- sono; Wednesday 10 to 12, Mr. Simuons; alight anod toaniking ('. 0. Cook and Priday 10 to 12, Miss Ives. Missi's Selnoi aiid Ferry Ohe commioit- The Adclploi program (loins'vo'nihig te'e, for their enterprise Ino perfecting is as follows: Pianio solo.,Ste. Olosn;i tho arranogemuents. recitation, Mm'. Levy; debate, "Ite Fraternities In the H-igh School. .ols'ed 'that the president should hold office for one term of six yearo," aff., Tebado dcto a ao a decided stand against fraternities Messrs. Whier and Lobaon; geegal in the htighi School and a rule to this Messs. hiten nd ~amnt;genraleffect has beenio pted as followa: disecission, impromptu speech; vocal soloMr. Tomas."Attendance of studenits upon meet- Prof 0.A. cioana s'il bgin logs of fraternities or secret societies courseol of lectures on memnory at NVesiScol and all active coni- berry hall Tuesday evening, Mar cub1 such oiganizations is 19. The first lecture will be free and any studentabo epie- order that the student body can b hatnac rcuetoi come acquainted with the natuare y fe oiet es h the ours. Prf..Schrm coes vei(eels himself thereby to sue- the~ofetu couse.dro.lomraatcmesve highly recommended from Toledfretr f ilmso wh ere he has been lecturing for t. i, or both." pastefive weeks.i at tihe Daily office. if., I I Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of tile highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self mes- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America PEACOCK STRIDE" + +AND+ + WALTZ-OXFORD music and description of dance can be procured at GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING, NSO. 5Q 1MAYNARD) STREEOT. KIEN WOOID ELCYCLIB1s "Swift, Strong and Beautiful."' Kenowood's received thteftilieot vorld's Fair Award as Ligiot Roadsters. Salesroom--42 State st. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. SANGER. TITUS ANID C.ABANNE Aeserica's Createst Riders have selected as thceir Mount feer196, Yes, and there are others. This will be a Spalding year. AWTitted with Palmer Tires. EBERBAC-H HARDWARE CO. G. H. 1A TITLD, THE LE± TAILOR and Impor .eived the largest and .t stock of IMPORTED ANC WOOLENS for Spring a ' of '95 in the city,. an j pleased to have yot examine the same. Full Dress 1 pecialty. 2 E. Washin1 , %r Main. WATCH 3FOR OUR SPRING STYLES FINE SHOES. NATTY NOVELTIES. GOODSPEED'S A .