THE U. OF M. DAILY. I F MIGHIGAN G, ''NTiLL Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. t EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex ..... 350 Maill-______843 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 1N. Y. Special.... 7111 Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.-..- 95 2° A. M. Pacific Ex.--12 13 Atlantic Es-. 7 47 P. M D). N. Express.... 5 40 western Ex. 11--2I G1. R. Express ...l 103 Chii. Nt. Ex -.--1025 G. R.Ex.. ....5 51 0. W5. RULo~ES, i1. W. IllAYES, G. P. & T. Agt. Chicago. Agt., Ass Arbor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Takisg effect Ssnday, Asg. 1, 1894. Traiss leave Ann Arbor os Central Stand- and time. 7:18 a.m. 7:5 am. -12:5 p. m, 11:0 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. M. -Tss a ewe AnAbradTld Al trains daily sacspt Ssnday. It. 8. GRtEE.N6WO0l, Agent W. HI BENNETT C. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY.' Time Tabln, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Cosgress st., :00, 9:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:4,2:15,5:00, 6:45, 9:00 sod 10e:10 p. m. Lave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:30 and 1i10 s. m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30.,7:1,9:0 andl1:00 p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30, :10, 5:00, 6:30 and9:00 p.rn Leoave Ann Arbor Jsnction, :00, 4:00, 5:10, 7:00 and9:30 p. m. Cars run on city time. Pare: single trip 1 cents: round trip tickiets 25 cents. WM. P. PARKaER, Sopt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Por Everything and Everybody. COIUSINS & NalI, Flds,2 T IniUeireityave. evoeThe Clover Leaf Route W'FPlease keep in mind the Toledo, St. Louis & Kaneas City Rt. R., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Louis, MO., and the West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at 0 p. i. daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Miichigan Central lines at Toltdo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out cloange. C. C. JEN KINS.5 General Passenger Agt., Toledo, . DIETAS & SCHA.NZ, v. OF M. TAILORS Our Spring and Sumnmer Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. Slate mt.. SrrcndFlnr,AnArbor. 22 Years an the Business-am' CITY LAUNDRY, M. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHIANT" TAILORING!1 Cleaning, Pressing and Reparng dune neatly by AnTS3. SCHOINIEWALtS.- 26j..Wanhington EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!1 10 EAST HUEON STEEET. Good Work Gnaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. I+. COVERT. Prep. ANN ARBOR STEAM' DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Serbs' Clothing Cieaned m Dyed. H W. 'HURON 8'., ANN ARBOR. All juniors desiring credit fosr thcie At the Grand Opera House. nlotcs on agency mnt file the noles of thie entire subject at msy office, roomil5, Bob. Ingersoll at thie erand oe-a~ before March 19. house March Is. F. It., AMEOJIEM. - _________________________________________ 11010"A Telsrip t.iii'ilies ii'' will TV E 00011nibelireselil ii it tihe (Grandiseceri. -**Or Hj.. SD I I1) S house, March 1., anitiiwill be ai 110- able,'ssligaigl'lis-l. Not Only becase .illsth toswn, commlences to g1.1-ilwhen- evr a1 Hoyt lprodutionis:annlounlcedl, bust wilIllith' lie t(50cssiiigof this fertile authlor' s mosliccesfusl plug it is t10li ltlelle:-tesl by 15 :oiipaiiy selecte thl le austhior, Me. Chirles hoyt, 1o cae:folly lportete:1eliicii- ':iac-tiers i,iied them. 'ilecast' in- Strictly 111gb Grsde. Weigit, Matia~l and chides(0 Feali Lanie is Wsllaild Steoug, Workimanship fslly guarasnteed. Sec the John P. Brawln as tilewssit-er, i11Cm. Ellipic CankW~stll Ols osec. luseinig his famous whiistlinig speciltOy, W. P. DISTLER, tl'laiiiiwuov(uyiseul- 1 N. Uiest h hrigCwdwGyr nrdc ing Sa.ia lddern, an111prettyllPatrice WONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH CONCERT Flirt. ____ AT U. OF M5. CALENDAR. Presbytedan Church TuEsday Evening, at, Marchli1(.-AI~lha .u no d MARCH 19 1111 societies lieel. Ana Arbor ditivion of tolegiit l- l- nae at 'Newberry ha~ll firse lectiiuoncf officers. SugMrh17-onP Mot s-I ! e York, at -Newb:erry li tll. ' 0)k Soun., MarchiI7. -Prof. .. Knowl- t tonbefore tile niv-eiliy Bible (lli s ofthe Methodist church onl ''111 in111:- of Chreist," 1"oclisek. -i-.latie visits tile tniversity-. } r i a e f f f s E'. _ . Varied musical procram iwithi college yells Silt., Mlircb 2".--17. sif A1. (iielua~ti- oun'andscosts. Lokfor fall pro-cmle nan sothe cliii) wllime,1 with Di. l iiil::iii, 15TiktcabesurdtMoeRWtmeS.tte,. 011 Masinstc. sind oilStasat., also at 51. & M. Druer Store on Stt s t Ssun., Marchi 20.--IrisI. .. C. Itno-l Ioni efore'tl",- Uitoersily IBitlie ilat 'THE of tie lethodsist chursch oii "t'he Trial Lovell Diamond Cycles of (heist,' 12 el-lock. Aseiinspaissedi for SllIi., Alarichi?2.--ShiewoodsIEclily, BEAUTY, SPEEDI AND W ORKM~ANSHIPi. secretarly of tile Situdent Voluntlees. Cood alloansiis-madel-:n:1seconds- tiefoe- the S. C. A. han weel. lisis., Mliecli25.--A01. Lug-i s:-Yayc, GEO. F. FISHER. Ageint, a.s E. Univ. Av. violinist, teoe-the - Covsr iy Miusicail SOdity it lillis-cecily 11.i11. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. 'Tue:s., Marchi 26.-:annuaililections of peaii Tour. Chora:l Uiooicer~s-i. pears Tur.-We., March 27.-AinllIal S. C. A. election. We see organizing a select pa~rty fora1 sunm- Wi-i.. Marceli7.-Mliss Octis-lZ-iil)- mer tour toi Europe leavcisg New) cork. June" 22nd, for Lo:ndlon, Antserpi, Brussels; Cologncse, 1001115 llat:-c before ile Webstselihill ait Cosblentz, Frankfort, Hieilberg, Sransber, Basden-Badein, Prls and D~iepple, returening. 7:30 11".il. oil Diiwi." sailing from Lonidosn Augisat 2ind. Thse party W(eil.slid Thiurs., Alanelh 27-28.-- will bs-esonducted by andi under thepe-rsonlal elissgeof Mo1.OTOsses EcieSis, of tolulubaus, (lassical confe-re-nce tuhlde asplices of uwelil knowntsas onse o i firstrcmusicain~l-- structors of America, allis ceslsltcenltlemans Micbigaii Schoolmasters clib. of large experienc intravel. Eac-h, patrion Fri., lrchi 29.-'Warsity ilndsor nivet will hsave a ert insa lasrge prome-nadedek stateruum, and thsr ships celectedl sri nesw In (lylaslilll. 8,1i01tuntiniscreu cteamners, irovided witls rlectric lightus1114 steams heat. (umpirte 'itC) tlEPBLIC'ANS. itinerary and ingormlation iailed ous re-ss-spt of celf-addressed stanmpeud envelope. 01.5.00 The t. of l1. tRepublican lucit will pays every expense of sigbts, travel and hoels. ball infosrmatison5a14 itinersary llsiet foreOleslectionl sf officers oen maileud onreceist sif self-asdrhecued envelope. ..oayss IiiMr-i l~i :5 Mentimn this paper.ss1yivuz , irl 114,70 o'clock, ini iheisas letue-rooin. Thoos- WARD BROTHERS, dleiing to herolns: memblies will Gen.'fourist a1111SteamlshliplAgts., 111ea1100sign heli, constitutionl nIDSat 272 N. Iligh st. Low rates everywhere). Columbus, Ohio, hlwiselibrearian'sc ilj. ls'giolieUI. _____________________________________ oi re' soil sots'e -. eclvey Reistblicsan B I i" CLZ s 3 A 1MT y iusc 1111vesity turnllotut. 11I. .ZIMMI RIAN, Pes. F-, 0 H N.4. 0 0 Sr r -I 0 02 1-3 II ? Vp2 VICTOR, MODEL' FIRST' CA.s Reduced Price. 'Please call and e- amine samne. No. 88 S. Hain, Cer. William St. STAMP COLLECTIONS. We want Is buy stamp collections and will pay cash for the same on receipt if price asked is satisfactory'. Collections should be sent by regis- tered mail or express with letter nam- lug price under separate cover. Wre send superior approval shleets , to re sponsible parties. WV.JI. LAWRIENCE & CO.. Kalamazoo, Micb. Students wishing cooking done and will furnish provisions (also table! fset), address -6 Drawer V. 3 Advertise in the Daily.