THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundy excepted) during the Colege year, by .THE U of M IHIEPEET ASSUIAIUH. rece: Times building N. Main t., opposite post ofice. EDITORS. H. COLEMA, Lit. WP, Mnging Editor. . B. iiAoISsON, Low'i, Assiatnt. A. w. SsTH, Lit. Spel. Asistut. IV. A. Scts, Lose P, Assistant. J. A. LERoY, Lit.'i, Atheic Editor. J. . PEARL, Low'5, Busineso Manager. H. W. Levy, Law 'P, Assistan. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit.'95. H. A. Dancer, Lit.95. E. L. Evans, Low'5. E.RSnderand,Lt'96. Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'ii. Li. Honben,Lawtit. C. A.losghto,iDent'Pl. C. I. Farrell, Lt. '5. M Gilbert, Esg. 'i. II.D.Gamcon,Medic'8. Minnie M. Thomson, Lt. '97. G. A. Heath, Phrmic'0. Subcriptioss price $25 per year, ivrably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the iALY, at Stoilets, at State st. new sad, with any of thg editors or athorizd solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7ococh p. Il. if they re to appear the net day. A ddress all matter intended for publi- cation to the Managing Editor. All busnes communictios should be sent to the Busi- nsanManager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ann Arbor, Mich. Tho cuts of lie Chiecago Alinndfl miedal in yeterday's Daily werel' puii- lioled through he courtesy of tie Orilitorical associaion. Tle subject ofiesoil puitrity is 011e of vitl interest to every ioni, bt beeniso its treatiment requirs so mchiuetact antijudgent if is sldomi sistused. Ii soue colleges lecturs -oni, ubeiict haveti('ein prsribe, an ii, Connell, Awh' rs..for tie past twnty years, Prof. Wilder lhs de livered letures to ite frehilis class on personal purity, Our own Uiivco- sily los had too fiw such lectures. The ddrss which wii e given lt 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon y AMr. Jono i. Mlot, 011 "Personal lurity in o- lege Life," ie oie wiici should attract every collegeinaci.AM. ot speaks frou ie experience gained y visits in mnore tan four hiundreil of ltio coleges ancit universities of or country acd England. All ie men of thio universiy acue'd to e pos- cun, Oratorical Contestants Entertained Professor riidelfMs. Trueblood gave a very plesact sipper affer the contest last cight to the oraors. Tie cony dining rooci of their house on E, University ave., was prettily dcrated in yellow and blocs Those present were rProf. and "Mrs. Robert Pilton, Regents Barour acd Cocker, Professors M,. L. DOoge, Andrew "MLaughlicn, B. "i. Tonpo, I. N. Demnion, F. N. Scott and . F. Johnson, Hcon. A. J7 Sawyer, Messrs. J. H. Qn Lindley, I. R. Crozier, I . C. F. Kiimbal. J. V..Oxi M Say, F. L. In- grahla, ( an, J. N. Davis, J. E. ban Stearn, and H. W. Daf. Mrs. P. , Mrs. Eggleton and lr en a "swapping party" ln a a section of the Woman~ U. or Chicago Oratorical Contest. Tue thirii orutoical contest eweeni the sttdents of ite Uiersiy of Cii- cage occurred 'Fhiirsduay night, and re- sutedt in the awlrinlg of till first prize, $50, to Hary F. Atwood. of Iliceois; and ihLc, second prie, $2. to F. C. Shercmacn, of Iowa. Thoc~ speakers with their subjects wece as follows: I. F. Atwood, '"teasocs for ait N'wvPoliticaliParty; SaalestP. White, "obertHBurs;'IV. 0. Johenson, "Gustavts Adolphuus;' F'. C. Sheccmac, (i aunca, the uddlia. and(1Jesus Christ;' Emuory It. Yicri. "Laibor Risinig Sun"Cci'hlas. B. WVil- hialos, "An Orgacized tPublic sle- st'cice." The efforts iet with fre- quectly exiressed appcoval. Tickets Out for Indoor Meet. Tickets for tie 'vasity iiidoor meeet of Mtarch 2th arc eig priited ai' w~il e oci sale net wek. eac- while the enctry- list is gradually ii- creasinig. Alt who wish to copeite ini any of the ev('its are r'quiestdi to malie sit oce- of the enry tlacks whiche iiay always e fouicd oci r. Fitzgerald's desk. We rpublisi the list of events as folows: 4) yards dIlsh; runncing high jicmp for 1. K. F. ciii; topuiti iting7 ons slet; team races etweecn t1, '97 acd ')5, uand a ttaoi from the lawvdpairtmlet; srostiicg, four casss; toxing, for casss, subjet to actioci of oard of contol;speiadliifencig out. coeuse icc decetal anastoy to Dr. Itlh eucdt wil reeisvctii:'r star camibers ini the: sanme Monday eel S a. un., froml A to 'C i till'deicial demiiostiaion roou. The course oi the stdy of the: anatsoy of tielep)11 will egie Sto- day the 24th. Dr. VacDelou, '-t tent, is idoiiig somle iteresticg wvork ini the histology of tlithe neivouslmec- acismn of thete :thin c his 11osf grdubate work tucdr the directiocn of Dr. HubGer in the) histological lioratory. A student tdesiring to earn his boad can do so y apliying at 577E. i'civer- ily ave. The '95 Victors arc models of strengh and beauty The staunchest light wheel. vr ul You desire not simply a good bicycle, but the best; then you want a Victor. Eight styles, wits almost any height frame, giving as sure a fit as if the wheel waa made to your order. Catalog for the asking. Ten cents in stamps secures the Victor Pad Calendar. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers ofVicoe BiyleandAheici0ods Bostcn few Yrk, Chcag, D5etroi. Deae. Sn 'Frncisice. Ios Angels. Portincd,dI DITSON MUSICIJUST ARR~IVED!~ "Six Love Songs," A SHIPENT OF Hy Franh E. Sawyer. Translations ofSix rflflh' lie Ta hm ofheinc' e' net lyrics ice exq uiite musical UIigs. Hevy Paer. 7hcents "COLLEGE SONGS." 0G.SPR.ING. The standard collection og College Son'J C B & L M N Over 800,t00 sold. Heavy Paper. 55o J C BS eATi''T cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. L -. ~ '.1LL "COLEG SOGS OR IRL,"WashingtonBcsHnk, Ann Arbor. "COLEGESONG FO GIRS." P. S.-See Our Sow Window. Only both of uhee ind published. The ___________________ songs of the leading colleges for women Heavy Paper. $1.00. T THE GRAN I) OPERA HOUSE. ei3OYAL COLLECTION INSTUMNITALITHdMUSIC" SAT'URDA'Y, MARCH 16, '95, Eighty-ewo peers for the guitar from thee best sorcers. A spendid collection. Hand- YOUi ALL KNOW HIM some Cover 50 cents.,Te Favorite Epocent of Rural (haacer, Any bosh sent postpaid oce receipt of price. CHARLES L. DAVIS, OLIVER DITSON CO., Carefully Presenting the ply that has made 40-403 Washington cBt..Jintucs.all Ameia lugh, CH isn&C.N Y A LVIN 9 JOSLIN Seventernthleaver and farewell perorm- PULPT, l8t bugles is P80 miute. Nwan (MONHLY)Eaotse Sceic Productio. $1100.05 we Ic (IIONTILLY)of Diemonds woe,: hu the lst uet of Alvin SERMNS O REV J. . SUDERLND, os ill be on exhibition 0'ay of prform- SERMNS O REV J,1. SNOERANO ance at Watts' Jewery Store. Series of 1894-95. ___PRICES, - S5c, 50c and 75c. SEPT-The Soo's Cry forGod. Reserved eson saloe at Wots Jewelry OCT-Jesus an Humnity's Ideal. toire. RO.Scains:Its Evils, Canes T tiU(i ft~ and Cure. 17 1 nofyp i7 DEC.-"eThe True Cross of Christ." _____________ J'AN.-IeWas Jesus God?" Tie atest tinleg In PHOTOGRAPHY FEB-"Loyalty to Conviction" at BERRYMAN'S,. 50C, A YEAR. 5C. A NUMBER. oc huoust. Specal Retsto Senoes For tote at Sheeheocs nd Stoffits _____________________________Members of Guairantee Tiet Broes' Asso- ___________________________cetion of U.. Csy & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 5t Adams x. thcgo Reduced raeietoall pois. BHanchiTe eideraccen Nea N. Sate st AcesArbor S IChigan REUBEN H. KEMFF, From the Royal Conervatry ® Stutta.rt Germany, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica Composition, also the Art of Teaching ArP VAI E° ° Studio 22 S. Division St Ann Aror, Mis 3 Fremis{ita THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BAK Gra 61(ce Ann Arbor, Mc.Cesptal Stock, 100,00. ifs li Organized under the eneral Banking Laww- eal iildlui e of this State. Receies deposits, buys and sells echancge on tle principal cities of the Cited States. Drafts cashed upon poper Identification. Sfety deosit boxes to ret, Orrenuts: Christian MacPre.; W. D. Haerriman, Vice-res. Chas. iE. lseek POPE MANUFACTURING CO., Cashier aM. J. Frito Asistant Cashier.'L_ HARTORD, CONN. Xetr poia PROIDENC. Lunch and Dining Room. No. 8 N. As Art Catalogue oi Columbas cooSe hd free Fourths Ave., between Arlington Hotel at our Colmbi Agency, r i will e oaied or and City Office Bilding. Open all two zc-ent ctamps. Tell,,oo, oh herelihle hours. Hartford Bicycles, $o Sfs ;1o. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT ootryeeetoiTnhalarFl-t5pef CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Yosuhrherslieynobnsve tuhem, iconhe ansC, wruuu us ansuw1 endceelypou nbc infommaihuw yzs wansscnd ie-. . srntecatenalogu free. aPAmKERailNCOMPASYc~, eIIe, Wi.- 00 FlLe r Agecy - New York