THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pulislhedl Daily (Sundatys eeted) duelng the College year, by THE U. OfM. INDEPENDET ASSOCIATIN OFFICE: Titmes building tN. Maln St., opposite post affice. Subsiptton price $2.:5(0per yea',invareiably in advanee. ;j i'e cis 'ent's. Subscrip- tiates may be left at the officeofthetIALY n, at Statlet's, at state at. aew ltni, withI any tf the editors at auitoizedlealaitala. Coamaaicatiane.should reachetillfac te by 7oeclock p. a. it they 'rtoI appear the next day. Addresa all maatterin tenaledl foepaldi- cationetlathe Maeagng Edtorc. All busiaess. etonteicalioseshaldell en't lttelBusi- THE U. OF M. DAILY, Aen Aelor te, MbA. EDITORS. Junior Laws Organize. MSIMANNIE IIDO [OSTI[HI J. T. JACOBS. CRAS. H. ALLMIANII. At at mtectitngof tlhe juniarlaw s s 1I ~ COLO todtycimSCratOOLha01aJACOB Dancing and 0 AIIIALef appotlintedl the follawing comittlee tt Ttirdedcason openstfieat neck in Navenaber. termaleilt argatleotilit Mnace.Foertparticularenqeuire betwee 4 and 6 . nm. AESt permannt orlanizatorA: tte school, DAESI Liclacubtrger, of Illinois, eltirin; 46 S- STa' AT' S 'r Iteleheimer, itf Utaht, Lindlley, of ill- BMiss Hattie Long, + * SI'J30bi S. + + innis, Molt, of Miehigant, Willittitt,oatTEACEttRt afMtlttnGuitar, Mandolin and Banjo, COME ANI)DSS FE ..-. 'testtltttl6lllttMiylhldu ee., Attn Aertor, Mieh. Thtettonitittee ott trillkattltcs rettorted thtat the hield dtay oot- Sobb for the U1 of MI liji F The Washington Block. ittly becstIfortree Weltksfrom__________LOWVERS, FLOWVERS Saturday. The matter atf choosintg forEvLerytitg'atd Eveybody. The DILYo vcotntairis official notices 26& L Univrstetity ae tempofrary apalini.tutdltttanager at fron thtie Faculty, and ttotices from COUSINS__&_HALL,___________Telephone_____. Ite footbtall teamitwtas left tttete athletic teanms and othter sttdentECLSO +LA N R fotbttll ceaitttee. organtizations. D CESIIR+Lt AUNDRYfIFE It conttains complcte reports of all ho tnCt atii od ie o JunneDet Can ileeitE. University events of interest. ted deltavcred. A ". COV EEIT t p. .l..Ltmtt, Lt. aa~ttte~ttitt.tteepne ftt n e tete ttntn peann tt it F. 1. StDittl, Lit. ' 6iiisaet.t i tihrteiiedi laate-atid evcry otiter departmecnt. Itu.OEtMAa, Lii. '97, Assant, eig yestdy tatd electfedthetltcollow- ISrttSttj:e, Lit '95, Assistant. SUBSCRIBE NO N KEEP A FL .A. Lu.erttite,:Lit. 96, Atlticlt Editore imig:;Officers fur te eistit yetir: Pres- AD FL 1. 5. :Att,, Ette'00, Busiettss Matt'te ei, (. A.-Martint; vice plresiden't Assisant 25 NA V N E - .Aasisltilt, Miss Jessie Castle; sieretatry antd 2.0I A V N E A. litFtittare. I Iliitlo. 3.Iarll, 9.Suhocrjptions recceived at the A.F. Oiteelimso, 'i E.1iL. Evath 95 r DrIll>ben ~spo hat Catrrite '11 tothSe'i . I r rtttliitgitftle tlll DALtYoffice, T'imes huilding, Stoff- ___________ telialls pssedtaruesouttionit ilitultg lets anid hy all authorizetd oolicitora. H. ill ich nio 'I tits emibers toilordaely aitdrestpectfuil soMo atHacit attitntioin isla isses. This tesoltu- All copy mutstlhe t te orice'efotre o8i30a. tionistveryeaotmplimntatry IaoDr. Mar- 1 M.t ofi thedy of ilatllicatlitllt.raeea',na iiglily cetdittuble ItoSt'e Thae 'oritheonlitslioritota ltemntsfcorres e-ept ptiittentsa ilpeniilO intheii'DAtLY. INTER-COLLEGIATE. Jmianfgiomiiaipplernces tis villR, S'tttnfortd tni'ersity opeflits(ls year11 bc a y'ear ttf hard woirk in tteutivher-? sity. ft seeliliatat(lie stiffenting tlup r'tdWIl'lt' i'etili ls of somte of thit caurses in tte litertary ti el ~tbtfI) 11 departmtettstas ttt idle threat titt ltt'11ffehlfigec, te fatitouts Y' lo ~er. mainy fSnuthttat te limit Of 1 1011toti' is eaorhiiig Lehight this yeiar. is llthe cn cmfrtalycary, Te Cardina~l hats beett tiade lte alti' COTRELL & LEONARD, Lcssons are laonger and quizzes are eiat orgait of thtcUnth'. at Wisconusitt. ALNYN.., 42ND74BOWY harde and cvery hoaur of cedit gottent ttaes of CAP'S andtt(,OWNS to the Colnimbia's endowmentt fond is Amteit 'Ueerses. aIllastated this secmetcr will bc wel corned. $000,t sscn uy ~ f treautietac, tupoutreuest. $9,00,00.It s scon Ony t GiardA'.A. SMURRiELL, AgE., 44 WiltlimStretF. 'There havc beeiniitny inutiriesdof Coliege. FR T N TO A A K late in regard So te attendance, tutt TeAite'tGe atj lb OF ANN AtOR. as yet no satisfactary answer itas tteen tmade a muosical tone of Englandtt hue Otgatntzed 1ISI. tsat einoce. 'Capitei.,)0,000.Sueplas aed Profts, $40,000. given. Time Daly cottld tave fttr-'at umeTcanstactatgetueal bantitug beuness. Of te 1 prncile ollgiae tackFareign eaxctangeesought ted sold. Furttish niisited time desired informtatiomn in de- OfSt1: liltl cleaecch letteet ef cedit. tail in today's paper hut does hnt, 0o'- records, Harvard, Yale, Ptrintcetontaund P. liAf hI.Preso. S. Of. CLARESON, Cashuler. jug ho a request of Secy. 'Wade, wottis St .a tec odtre u cdT E SM n ir afraid that a owrong itmpresesaio on e isi ade by a AVtsitgtonatttutii1y LA Fl l~ arine if the numiber registered is given a jumap of 23 feet, 6 indie. A ntew invention for dapiceating out Shine early. Mainy of those naw ntt Tte Utiversity OfParis hias ttver copies of wvrttings anti draitegs. the university htave toot registereuf and 1,000 stttdentts, anod intohiis, as weucltie a nnumber ace entering daily. There is oie iieste fftne leetc quite an incerease, hto'eeover this nohlase oaheisn ouln timec last year and we hope So be able mnuet day, tao callege periadictals, tta So give the authentic numiber entered glee clubs atud no fraternitite. in flue early part of tuet veek. CupaW.WitygveSefnlov Froman turiegisal, tutuordinuaey amitte lii ________________ ing list of te All-Amuerica basebttll auy peut, ton copies can ite tade. Fifty copies of typeweiteremanuscripts peoduced College Libraries. teant for 1S94: Cattet(reettouy, ef in limituutes. Send foeecieculatreaedsameplcs ____of week. AGENTS OWANTEII. College librarcies are increasing their Yale; pitcher, (actor, of Yale; heast 0 lisle. Harmvardmowv htts 430,000 vt'i- TO base, Goeckle, oft'ettttyhattia; secwond L.AW TON is;Ci&g, CO0;Yae.,5,00 unes Ctiao,21,00 Yle io bo; asee Stearmus, of Amherst; third tuase, 90 Vesey SC., New York Columbia, 155,000; Conell, 11,000;Cook, of Harvard; alotarsatop, bSere, FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS of Browvn; loft hield, -Mackenzie, of TROY THE fennsylvania, 100,000; trincetaun, 91,- o P'rinceetoni; cemnter fieltd, Tlhomatts, of 000; Lehuight,0,000;, Unive'rsity of ELITE vl N IN G P RL R Pe00; ~ntnylvtaniat;ight fildt, vaise, ofP RL R Mihgn5000Datot,7,0;Ytuie. Cot. State amid Liberty sts. Amhest, 01,000; Johnms Hitnts, t60,- SEDWARD LEWoxS, Prp. 000. To give the "BeatonEtaratht" is blue Board et-s Wattted. _______________ motto of Witters' Palace Ltautndry, DEA C A Z AthlatmeigothAdll whclevsntigudnthtcnliterary society it woe decided to ac- be done to give perfect work. We col- "U. OF W. TA6ILORS leetMnasaddlie Tusas cept Secretary Wade's offer of omue of ftn~y n llvrTusas Latest aed beatsthyles at Foreign and Doe- Leave orders at Fuldes Tahloe Shop, meetic Of, atetis. First el asste Satd frstclas the rooms M or N, no better plan hay- ec fSae n ilust. Wra-aoekguaatnteed. C.leaeingf.isesief antd cor.of tateandWillam ts.,or d- epairingnecatly done. lug presented itself, dress card to L. D. Caret 21 N. State St. 48S . State st., Seondt>Fleer, Ann arbor. 22 Years in the Busness.- -B~ CITY LAUNDRY, M. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. It the LEADING 1S-HDOL OF BUSINESS and ISOT- HAND. Magnifienstbuilding; tee teachers; large attendancet good ditcipline; superior mock; well suppied readitng roam; daily lecese; faturday eveningerceeptios;:epensthe entire year. SEep- tiounal facilitiet tee placitng studentshe potitios Hoardand room $Data $2.y5 pee week inepiate families. Theserates reduted to Siteo by selt- barding. Fee Catalague addese P. R. WARY, Pres, T'I I GRANI) OPERA HOUDSE.. ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 First proucritinhutthisa theater ttf MrHehntry Ieving'aictoriaoltatntd realisticaspecttu- lar versiont of Goethe's mastecpiece, + + + FA..UT. + + fnttrodacinttChic young romtl~eactor, TQOiKt + GR=IFS P . tattle original titud artistic cotnceptiott, D1Nt1atelTC Yo'm Li.La Prices: - 35c, 54c, 75c. The Evcunt at the Season. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cluing, Pressing asSdtiepalit-le daonenecatly by AUG. SCHOOENEWALI),O2t E.Wathigton T1HEz CRANDALL TYPEWRITER PR=TCE ~$50. The only atigli(Graide tachire onthe- Macket solit at a Resoenable Prie, Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight;, Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent,, 53 E OWashington at., Aen At-bar, STV1YE12Th1TS T __TIlE FINEST RESTAURANT is Antn Aebor in G-jASE ,'S_ Give it a trial. 2 E. tHuean at..