SchallI S Bookstore! Formerly with George Wahlr, 1,9 E. Washington st. Headquaertere for leverything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHTALLER THlE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st ''95%0 LA WS! HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED WM. ARNO3LD'S, Jeweler. A E IKCUFF1 MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Dolearte. Saturday, I0 a. m.,OGentleman begtnnaers class. iaturday, 4 p. m., Lady beginnaers ctisss. Monday, 7:30 p. ra. Adlvanc CAflass (Ladles' and lGentlemen). Tuesday, 7:30 p.mi., Beginners Clasws (Ind es and Gentlemen). Private lessons by appointment. ' SCHOOL,~ 46 S. STCA'S 6?. HANGSTERFERI to Second. Semester New and Secondhand for All Departments of the University at ~heeliin Co' Bookstore, State St 'BEST NOTE BOOKS in the city for 25c. THRE U. OF M.'DAILY. GRIP ALL-,KINDS -AT- E.. A. Mummery's BEW DRUG STORE, CDOR. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Or, ANN ARBOR, OrganrIzed 1863. Capitol,.$400,4®0. Surplus aned Prefits, $40,000. Transacts a general banting business. Foeig'. excbanges boughtand sold. Furnist letters of credit. P. BAA P 5res. S. U'. CLAIRKSON, Cashier. MOORE & WETMORE GiYM SUITS. 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., save a complete stock of 1JNiIEBSIJYI [TET Books New and Second Hand. Note Boots and otter Students' Supplies Fine Stationery. Sporting goods, etc, wisict ttey ofr at bhe Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. A,3 JU4 AR:BOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Bigh ( and Do~mrstie Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, E I __'_ Iv Y- ....., "n We htoegottem' Ttee bent goods for LEAST MONEY, Ougmoimsuits 'a re made iby to OV ERMAN WHEEL CO (omateen of Victor l Bicycles) and are fullyguneno teed. A y great many are in * EXAMINE THEM. -AT- M, STAFOLERS CYCLE EMPORIUM, 11 XW Washington cit. { '23 SO)UTHI FOURTH' AVENUE. i , IOV\1'TO IECONOIVIZE.. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Bent Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 rents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 7i4 Pounds Beat Rolled Oats for 25 cents. 44 Booth Main Street. D A 8,C M: N'- UNIVERSITY NOTES. ( RECENT KEIFER SPEAKS. 11., .)t' 1lw, lea scisleil He Han Somewhat to Say of thea a isosit isa issi Isoror oil tll'.lDetroiit Medical Department. Trhibn. -Isg'ilK'-r il' .'ctiysot T'i'r i- ObIs- 11 it-clingof tint! Assos' issoisi-atiiisto theliii' rulliig Detroit 'isitisilsf ('ollei'gi.ti' Alumniae- it Nw-1,i11)('lO iil111ilhe slatsshis views%-ictt hi-rry 1lull ,asorldzy. l ii: lissslissllillii- sitiuationl. 1(a dis- 2 0. 5)ttlis-8N-will1ib' ili's-ti id iil r- ico s lithospirit.1ofithe lets of 185,-i I'll iensi'its sivdo for thie lug iii 't, sid 31i6aosnt iiicise-s II ie.rrluLri sof* lag iff Ii. lDetroit b1 obeas heI'11-( i'llll '(ihteoalsiie doctorsi 5mase s hofoni ibis Sociratic Vlionsi« illhuld is ri-gilsis'wesekly lEint';ttO issaffsr I~olill lisits1:1Vlit 3:320. "It(solved. abholishsedu.''isthsu' osstisi fiii'dIbtes; sff.. Mossrs. Frilsiniss'nsdsir1sot; nio .. 'N ssi's. -'a iri-I and lneiy. A. J. Peters, . is'. of1M. hoy swhoi Nviit ito iCornll oliisifi-llsiwl-iii has 'boit .lppoiiitediiaslo asiesnatililiii'e de'lasltlliiltuif btlssy of liii'agricul- tursal sl-lartnss'ltf sftile isits-sStsate's grst rs~lisslit. f so has bhen irt so n a saslary of $+1.0010 for the first ;rear. { U. of M. Miniterial Club. Absosuttwenty-six-c youngtsincmclefat Mlac~illan hail yesterday saftersnoon sondi perfe'ctied the organization ssf tie- Ministeiasl Wald of the University. Thes'abject of the cluib U-ssdselaresl to be to faster as far as psossile;l the ("iistian fsllowslsip amionig thi sts- f(huts, 'us-Io ars-tusdyig for the ins- 'ists'-, to strs'ngthria and prep'arelthemts'i )y' s-onfi-s's'ees alyd sisdrs-sscs for the slss'ssf sssistsesisal lifse, snssltIness- coutrasgo ysongimen to liii calling of Ihlls nisisiry. 'fle conistitistion was adol~pted. It providles for miionthly smaeetings, asnd smembters shate shat tle C-lib will bs'ing proinenctisrofessors of oilier unsiversities. here to nioki ndslress CitonBibical topics. A. A. Fiorosee, 't97 lit, acted Is chair chals, ansd B. H. Kroec,1p- g. lit, a secretary, of the sneeting Perintasnen {ioficers o'ere elected. 'lieclubs e- peel largeonesmbershiio. Dune bills for sale at a discountn tih'essholl usso orilt e i's s lsMarh 113. In slsi'skl ii f tic leailis if thei'hoi- 111tsloat'lili iIlss s 5h- i isnat in ftt- viss'sf thains lltl;llgilatisil s-hlie. 111r. I~-if'sap1,0ltha)tissstl(is all aiaius- tiosiissis propolsiedt wousld lint only leadii to g'I'slrtot iss-n sios btintslt- lnaly del'sstrosy- the' siliial ciis -it liii 51. lls ,vit-Nissas tolIssssiitl):tly sit li. 1,111 ossity lllota-rs sissslsssunn au is, foi- lists's: '1. 1 litle'5patly sit to. isc.'augihs os tihi liis'cssily ssf Mi-ligslliiiit;s s- liuiiii'fealture's. 2. 'I'll(s' siniulse filatuoir of Ilitrlli (iity 5illit5555505505i iei-tielanllitthelrlapc'uties. 3. All stss- desnts to has's a c-sssllsts-sms-dicl('(lit- cation oosglit to Itearl matisiahCiiislldi-l and tllil'lllsis4 of Isoib olsls's. 4. ilonleItly is inst lileli1sel is'ints l lbscif, hsutsunly asri ssll partssf it. 5. A IchaI' ir f lsi sslsi e S illtcfi n sis-siest andsi lieras'nlit-s illthssde- partsient of ssnwdieln, isasnd ssrgsesy ouosg, hfesrefors' to beis' sa'llisls°d, Ills cousstheirein Iss begiess isbyaniei-ss clated'lilu op155'ic li'Ihysisis indiisoIabe: coimpultsoryuossssasll sltudt('1. Freshman Clans Meeting. Tb:- frshmass classss llsIa. storsiy ni-sotiug sot 4 p. iti. yesltersloy in1 shey 'soiosomattelrs of'-cboes ill- Y dsicses'ssld .1Olilig 'Wshichs -ball, footbaill andisI ges"sasi a lliiliuc5l'i. Seabosry asillishri svsre, aivsomitteerio srocusre! so yelIl. fiso Iresurer wits ills to collect a (iffy cent lox. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps anti Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meat- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS, different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America PEACOCK STRIDE" + +AND ++ WALTZ-OXFORD music and description of daisce can he procured at WR'ES ACADEMY OF DANCING, NO.) 6 MAYNARD STREElT. K.EN WOOID BICYCLES "Swift, Strong and Beautful." Kenswood'sareesved liss Highst Worlds Fir Airds as Ligist Roadsoter:.. Slesroom--42 Stale St. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. SANGIER., TrITUS AND CABANNE America'us(Greatesi Riders Save seiected an their Mouentfor195, Yea, and there are others. This will be a Spalding year. KfW'Fitted with Palmer Tires. EBERBACH HARDWARE CO.* G. H. WILD. THDE LEADING TAILOR and Importer td the largest and mo .ock of IMPORTED' AND ' WOOLENS for Spring and f 195 in the city, 'and ' pleased to have you xalnne the same. WATCH FOR OUR SPRING STYLES r FINE SHOE S. NATTY NOVELTIES. euOODSPEE'S