THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN CENTRA Time Table (Revied Nov 18 19.1 Mail and Es -3 5W Mail------- 8 4.1 N. Y. Speial--- 5 iS N. Y. Special--. 7 30 Eatera Es- iS-1 25 N. S. Limited092 A. at. Pacie Es-----21 Atlantic Es.---7 47 P. M D. N. Espress....- 5 40 Western Es.. 2 12 G. R. Esress __.11 05 Ci. N. Es--5-1025 0. W RuoLE,o 11i. W. HiAYES, G. P. A T. At., Chicago. At. Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taiog effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 19.. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Centra Stand ard time. 7:8 a. m. 7:5 e2:25 p m. 11:3 a. m 4:15 p. m. 9:0p. m. Trains rn between Ann Arbor and Toedo only. All trains daily eacet Ssnv. R.S. OBEENW OO, Agent W. S. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST Y. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s., 700, :00 and 11:00 a. i.; 12:45, 2:15,5:t0, :45, :00 and 10:90 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:3, 9:30 and 11:0 a. m.; 1:15,2:45,:0,7:5,:0 and 11:0p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresst., :3, 3:30, 5:00-6:0 and 9:00p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junntion, 2:00,4-:00, 5:30, 1:00 and 930 p.m Cars rn oncity time. Fare: singl tipl15 cents; round trip tikets 25 ents. W. F. PARKE, Sopt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Fr Everything and Eerybody COSINS & HALL[[ o slse Tlvon The Clover Leaf Route Cf"Pease keep in mind the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City R. R., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast. Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the West and Souhwest leaven To- ledo Union Depot at 5 p. M. daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central line at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. C. C. JEBNKINS. General Passenger Agt., Toledo, . DIETAS & SCHANZ, 8. OF Mg. TAILOa.S Our Spring and Sumner Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 8,State st.. SeondFoor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years in the Busiess5l. CITY LAUNDRY, X. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning. PressnR ad eparng dne neesly by Affe, SCFOENAWALNI.. 26E. Vnanhgonn EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 2S EAST HURON STREET. Goed Work Guaranteed. ods alled for and delivered, A. F. COVERT. Pp. AkNN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. ai-'sl and e Clohing Cleaned SIr. AV. T. Livin-igoi, of IC. 00. Vyfe( At the Grand Opera House. &Co., of Detroit, swill btoeilAnnloArbsor at thte Cook l0olse clitsoly.' 'is- I . (i:rlos I.. Ia:.sis Awill look: his silo- sissy aitd Fridaj-. 31:t-h l1:3,. 14. 15, m111111 lSttllct- 10 iii:(l~iol psi-il. oi so will ibe pleasedsitot it:shwIll 1-. of)1 ~i 31:11h ]lii iil ls rfsti1olos rr:llio~o of IIIill ihes afull liiieso~f a11lt e twest. "Alvinii Itslis.' - Eco l:::tha:s s o*s1 Late"st 1110nd oiHe st Mert~olilttll st.)-i 'Alyii .lsli.- I-, eelsr : ii:. ir: is nf, Boots, Shoses, Slipper's 11101 lt is- .5::ttesisola.t i loiiuttliwit :14lls her's tor bSpriing ildSu1lsisot wear. :he deseive, 0:o is: syolltltscizd-ith-m. - No~t lot so -5.leNiii losliti" ou3t::se<1li-l isl ois lis. Wi't-i l s torot-to 1 h lossoluiooais -wihO 1. AIlot loslii'- -° s-ill tlsoltllosos ot-s lily :1 1l'1::i;lttis pio- iniits iss:1s. if' 11t:1tilt owoso 1t k -1:111- oil :m101. .is lits'oi lilo Ilo l o i t"' - - o7rosillt o-1ti. It is o'se-ui:l-si yosli - . -, os its: -1'sllil sOslino' wi.s first pso- o^s' ( .11e.It iss ilit.,g-old i bos oo' Sts lthostltS sw1iss:- to-: e r olt,. sttl - ittlhs ob ab1illy boes 5.011 1)7 111551 1 e CSls-btlyiliitrCe,. OWil,tiateriasl so.d3110 t :Itly oue .iv!is-sit l.itt111 001 '"l workmeanshipll ~y cst::orsetesl. Sec tOelse s(noi Elliptic (Crants. Wsttiittlt ls aet. le:1 :itss. stwoitltnitslitl vhaf.1c', WT. P. DISTLER, tht thelt: 11:1 is still (olti ll 11511-. M N.Conivesity ave. sasndlist-o:l siw iiil. Itoi;-lti of its _______________________________ isiltlsrt}", .thils sill l1s: - iits :;ieeiosli WONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH CONCERT tlb. 1m-; M1r. siisAwill rtoile.1Io it- Al' sotio-lisisott of thits sssose. Pfcsbytedian Chuc~h Tvcsday Eviar t g The Youth's Cormpanion. MvA.RCH 1 9 1 An :to :111 Ohs 5paptof t1hsi is i- a (till lttr7.51:11: iS s s: sillily lI00tlsdor: li sth 'Youoill'so(.olt:ialislll. 'i'llo It- - V - s1-ll:ttltis, 1itottll ll ols:-lo-ii 0. stun; of toloetlirie, oste-fulle ss o-f i,isc: i- /1 1 tt 7. sir.. btits o-oit::sis: chiss-isi o'li- t j t illst" oil(111i 11: ; il l5(lt: , 8 (ole: l i , a 0rt eb:ltand s~i s iti : li ti(fItiis, :: It:l 1' s55. lotm"Iii-t n 1:: lioii upoll1. z ! ; 'I'lo : l::ttali::ol is t :1,1 i by sll tlb I ls- s-ill itlst esthci:- 1:11:r1(t01. 1t is a 11100er50eq01111y v5111ted:n1 :i'11:lj::V. ol Variednmusicasltwo-gssramsseit .11, ceyelts 111 . l( A 21 ~ l-l t1 ttnd songs. Look fisule utrtosgras: tnstanothter I-silsii 5117 i~tf:of-osl 'fiebrle~abce emr t-s MOooe&"'oetmo'e 5 5s- _i i on Alsaist. and onts .tlo- so,., aso t-l 3. M.I sir t11: .,ar 180 t it iNNillis-- ':111-ir Drus' Slore' 0n0Slates 0ii t 1 0.: r. :iii:I oseveroxeforlvt has110:-Il iundetoO 01111'. hei1: lit110o.AlWitols of L ovell Diamond Cycles 11i o-s AiO il 1111-11 b twos ai l Are unsutrpa~sseortrn if (JotoilVictoria; ite.I llslo:'t:'. BEAUTY, SP'EEiO AND WOIISO NS1, 1110 1tis:1 111110thit ;thill: tig satl auio. Cood allowantceimadstonIsecnd O'iolihas1fo~r 0tihetirdole11:wr117Itn slic ]lan wh(111 arli-li expresosifo 'lt-, I :litisltiol; GEO. F. FISHER, Agott, 5so5F.oniv.Av-. Sirld-S~iii Arno::il, '1. 'larsk fluios:1, Ilt-s tiiits. l'rtatk 11. Sisrsokou, $255.00 for a 51Days Euro- T '1 Trowbrigi1, 'tl t 'vk lins, (Cy pean. To-r.tor illt'1114, ls (otsssooi:ottoiv(,- W~e are orgtsei ciog a select prtlorse ssa um- m0 tl:'s NSltilov r:- ki1sonCi:' wili meretourlto Suroit evin~o-og Niw YoskTuneote ri. 22nd,for Lonodon, Antwerp, lirussels Colso'ne, CoblrietzFrausfort. Hiidelberg,' Sto .nsltco Ia 1"1111lrosso Ols stndtOsl.:-ist-'.scoi Biaden-Baden. Ports andiepereelstHtint;. soiltfros' upon,:l: Sli iolt. 'rio-i' sailing from Lontdon Augusti2nd. Thss paoty will liesodueled by astd ssdser theseusronai $1.75 1 yea1r. Itri 11118evertys oo:. chttrge of Si -Osco kst:us.SOts oft(' otuniboss icI l~ltac n-eli hknoen as-one of 0Itie frst otusicalsilon- 1 llllit~l -srcosnfeAernet ral. ass s''sstgistsas n tfl- i)1l"i'' 't550'.Nst(lN of large eie nr" s t-stelEch1"t ow1i haena bertina1a srge iromenatde decbklilstl, 11008. Oft tt z Fes 0 0~ 0 si Lt *A0 0< 0 Ct, 0 0 Hr 08 0 0I 0 0 o col 10 H. QHi 0M 8, 01 ton twin s-tie: steamers, tprovided owiths slectric lights and*- steitmIseat. Con)oiolr itionerary and informattion milied 055 recipt of self- addi eetd tstopeotto-eloise.02n5.400 says every expense of sights, travel ansd hosris. lull ingotrm ationtandidtinerairy mtailed on secehist of self-addiressed envelopoc. Mdenionsthis paper. WARD BROTHERS, then. Touriosot Steamshilp Ats, '.72 N.Iighlst., Los sates everywhose). tiolumbusOhso. W4Ve Employ Young Men endistribun .a++++++*"oar advertise- parh payment foe a ile ae Anne bicelne, whihe s e nd linensenapproval. Notff workiddnseusil tnie icyclearivlesad peaces saisfactery. Y oung Ladies a.a° If boays er giris appiyrheyvmussbeslirecom- mended. Write forpsartcuas. ACME! CYCLE! COM~PANY, ELKAT IND All junilorssossilun edooit for tiit"- nots on ag111encymst filoeIte notles osf te eulius' Osubject sit 1y1oice, roosit-, befoore ,StstelsI9. F. It. Sf1 {II11. STAMP ?CO1LLECTIONS. We scant to huiy stipcollectious aisd swill paly cash for Ohio saillSo0 receipt if price asked is satisfactory. Collections shoulid.ho sent by regis- loved mail or express svithl letter uami- hug price under separate cover. Wc send superior approal sheets to ye- sponsiblo partios. W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., Knlamiazoo, 'Slicil, A studentll shsiriug Isto (irinhis bosird 01115 sdo so biy uappilyinig a1 i7i1E. Uiver- sity 'ave " Studeouts::sihimigcookiiig done and il furnish pirovisioiis (also (Shibts:;(,), address (C-I(l Draswer '., Adverftise inthie Daiy. ...... ...... ...... + . x.. .. .. . n£,. .. tf ....