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March 15, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-15

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~~ FI ri., Mlacol is1.-Sophlomloret1ir13,__________
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) durinn g railger'n llcdin~ly . " HPETO
the College year, lby Fri. Morrls 1:i-Dr. N. S. I110ft bc"Six Love Sonigs," PETO
rr:Timen.OFMlINiEPNETAOIAIN.alt, aposi e lb IDental soriely on 'Caot lii'By lFranh E. Sassyer.Translations of sisxS oe
fIE ie ulin .Mi tpo ire 1set atig. Heavy Paper. 75 cents.
paFri.i'l., Mlli 15.-lirircsilty oratosricsal .UJIL
EDITORS. ranstilllTiveriiity liall cnder duspi- ''COLLG LEGE SONGS," Y s pRING~.
I1. CiLEAN~ua, Lit. '97, Managing Editor. cs of S. L. A. _________
I' I.llacli1:1-Prf'.I+' {'\l'gne Th stndad clletio ofCollege Songs.r
G. 11. fARRISONa, Lass '6, Assistant. liMaca 5Po.1.1' 'gir Th enadcllcino>apr 0T tU
Drer 3100,000 soucl. HeavyPae,5 CO S L t j
A. Wi. SMIaa, Lit. Specl, Assitant. l}.fairs'thoiii'l'lgiilir ing onrilfy hillcents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. ).L vv P 1&. ~LIL1IViA NI
WV. A. Spil.G, Lois'lii. Assisant. "Boile'r('iii'ilaiiiii." Washington Bliock, Ann Arbor,
J. A. LEltnsr, Lit. 'ii, Atlics Editor. Fri., Moarils1 i. x5'rf. (Craig 1 ofior"CLG COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" .SeorSa idw
J. S. PE~AL, Law '10, Business Masnager. P .SeorSo idw
II. Wi. L cx', Lass'96i, Assist anit. PIllilooii'al Socity sill "hi irs'ii On Dly bosck of teekind published. The_______________________
Associate Edi 'issiossa in lBablylonial." lliiatrsals'ilbisons aof thi leading. rsllegea forwoeani.
Asoit dtr.Heavy Paper. $1.00. THE GR ND OPER HOUSE
S. B. Shiley, Lit. 'I If. A. Dlancer, Lit.'so lt'eaStereopticons, at 7:1I.30 i.lini liii ___+_
E. L. Essas, ILass'9lii. ElSundeelanidCat '9ii ('lI:' Iroomlilof liii' ihysiial Issisro iiSOYAOLECT[IONINSTRUMETA CIIIH MUSIC."1ST R A ,MA C 6 9
Care-Sil Ei'i ~l lnilr aeh ighity-two pieces for Che gaieiir from lie
C.A.llougston,IDnt 'Si. C'. II. Faerell, Lit.'9 l ri., .'i'li 15.-IProf. 1Folitssll. of bestsurers. A spiendisd collection. hand- YOU ALL KNOW HIM
M Gilbert, Engi.'. 0. I.1.ammais,Mledic'90.sm oer 0cns
Missile M. TlsamasanLit.'5. 11hioI'slo'yai I'islty,Isefore'liit aish ar5 e ntsTozeFavori te Easassnt if Raral Chiaracter,
C. il. Iletis, isar Oaoriil 5555h5115ti015 st " in:,Isi..nllAny baook cent postpaid on receipt of price. CH R SL.D V ,
las' letrlesro1o)11.oill "Costoructisin:ofOI FIVEE.]DISON C ~O.CsrayPeeiiighslytthsamd
Suhscription price 52 50 per ysearInsvaribly Cin Orsrseninilioplasis."d
in advaisie. Single copiea 3 ciits. Subacrsip- 453-463 lWashilngtnn St., iontons. sK Ai 'ial~ah
Clans may be 1l'ft at the office of thie DILhY, Sat.. Marc'h llil. Al plos Nsi 111111All.1 ,htI-tso Ea NY T T F~YY'~
atStofflets, at St'ato at. sew sanid, with any 111l tchltOhi''.____________________11~VJ~P~ U L 1
of the editors or asithiorized solicitoes. Sait., Ilarelaihi, 3 p. I.-bZcct(llif CI ~ Svnenhya n aeelprom
Coimmuinicationxs sould rechcth le office by Alsn Artbordiision of f'hhlc'giaste OIOl- A CLLGt TW IS Se s.str ISO ear sdfa1 0mies.l lleifand
ocloch p.m. if they see hitoliaiperthis.'nex'tElabhorate Senic IProduction. $100,0000 worth
day. Addiess all natter Iitensded foir pubti- bit' t ast s'brry hauol forreleetion hf (MONTHLY) soflDiamondsssarnisni the Cast acet of Alvin
cations hi)thi he, aan ~isigEditor. Alutsiness officersi. .JtosIin. silltie sinexhibition day of plerforni-
communicatis should be sesit to the Buai- ISstn_Mohrch 17.-JhIsi:I. All, of SERMONS OF REV. J. T. SUNDERLANO.,since at Watta' Jewselry Stosre.
nss Massager. Nielbol:, at \ N'eI Io cI ill. Series of 1894-95. PIE, - MScad7c
THE U. OF M. DAILY., Shll.,CESls-7.35c,' f50C. C.ntdl75cl
AsissArbor, IMichi. , SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God. Resedseiila ts on0saeiat atts' eJewelry
toll before tlh' I nissisily Bible ClsisSoe
(I- -- ~ ~ ldetsalrl OCT-Jesus as Humanity's Ideal.
'I'll))S1ta1e'of liclligain illorderitor 'ihli a of (7'liit,"' 1 airlock. NOV.-Sectarianinm: Its Evils, Causes
'15 fp iup sher proudf recordt' f'iInlll.ilh ''a s. Slof' i ll. -Beeis'slCt plloi- and Cure. .~ aL 1 . L 1 e
(lilfot peaing s01111ilistitlt~ioii0N1-11ilch lars' grapil hoct at t l''hoyth'lian11 lihefoti. DEC- The True Cross o hitof ChseleyRnwad h lis Tus au r.,Aaci21'2-ee-JNtWa "u Gd"Te aettin n -0ORIB
Of wichhavebee adotedby1sv (rl (1 r' 'e iitilstCelnii' av'rsitx'. FEB.-Loyalty to Conviction."i
sht' li ~rtli .rlilsW il Stit., tlcl 2..1-'. of A1. G( iflah~te'B iF i. F Y lMiiA. N
clots morleeplustilsoI lieuitcredit. b00 AYEARb-. A UMBER P1F1luios '.1.1ipociil fishes to Senioirs.
hhl~ flh~OIsfhi 1) ai tf''li ly da , . Stotc ot. liar sale' at Sheetanaf's and Stofflots.
110111w ii'he cosumpltiv'e Iholitll. al{; 5t11., loceis2l.-Piof .1J. C. nil-I_________Mem_____________ _ bmers oatGuaaniteeTicliet Brokerrs' Anna-
on_____byDr.______iar.,_onbefreh__I_______yBibe lationof U,.S.
uhsflihs's la I~r 1'ffg~on tol lafor' (i,'Fhsv'roty dibo' t~tCosby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency
o__________ ef thell' ttttthhdist c'tBurchIo011'"I'Ilt.'T'11al15aSAdami sIt,.'isgs. II Rduce'sdrates to 'all
AlStil'is card'er i h1 e1(1' 1nlllof.(if C'lilot." 1'2 hclocki.pons.Bas 5.eA id egartenli No. 00
' ~~~~~~Sun.,as Is "5 24.Slierisood Ed(lN.taiity.n rorMchgn
oraltoy hb en'sf1t1 iloit tbrillianit one.secrehtarly of thel' Stildenlt I'ltllth'1's.
A rce ordtht ee' irlst place sleut(If ai bufoe'tli'S. C'. A. REUBEN H. KEMPF,
pohssitbi'lefour illIls'the hllh'i (If the" Morsi., Sllrhli25.-51. Ehfgeneflh x .itFrlons OhioRoyal Conservatary,.
No'ti'lllOraitoricls'lc sagu asa'111,i vl iohilis~tib;for hef'1' s' lissloity Stoh'al I Scathe' Ct, Gernauny,
lit' a,. hl'ostIIF' wihis pr llliII'lS Sochity lit t'nlitifity hIll1.I Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musica
'thi o. M~i'cl ..ii.-llnf~ils'lscaihlsConmposition; also the Art of
sifpl'isis. Aialiesot theleadin'111g 11,01- ihral 111'nislitfiers. iS.h, 55n.n.. ea..i,

tuteiossof thei'cestC al'lss metslut
shia olhep 'senthitIser fan' the'fifthlin111
toist whsichliis s oibe hldoat lhoa itiy'.
Whve10''r is 01101 11 11ffst Ihave h' Ci"frillI
suppilort of tha'o enireoStudeant (boily
a11(1thait cailly1119' h gisulbyat-
tenidan~e 1upon11tho'fiinal p 1relimina71ry'
this ev'enling. If nhinlg is claf' for
oratory it lh.'lloovs's (wes1ry' sttusent for
Ill saket of lolliing' spirit an111 huulor
Co the successfuIl canida~ilth' to ea sp~res-
111 liand. thes' 11111o011las Vic't'1ry,
'shlich, if formler'reorsi count r oiIClar
an~yth~ing.,ewill sf1101y'beo Ti~ll at Iowas~
aIssociaCion are J. IC. Quarles, prsi-
dent; J. N. Davis, vice p~resident; E.
C. Lindley, secrehary ; 0.It. ('rozier,
treasurer. The executive commlittiCee
is composed of Prof. T. C. Truelslood,
WV. F. Merlz;,'95 lit; C. (1. Cook, 'h9l
lit; Roland Whlitmn, '1)7 lit; A. It.
Shannon, '9(1 law.
T.he Giraduate club will meetC at tlie
residence of Dr. Vaughan, la" S. Slate

Wedi'i., Miscal 27.-Annulal S. G'. A.
Wed'h.. 5Ma1111127.-Sios lOcCava Wil-
lias Bate~l~s befori' Che Wo'hol ' Balllait
hI30P.).1I..011 "Dar-Nxiha."
Wetdo. ad Thturs., llasrell 27-28.-
('lassical conferie efnder aus0pice% of
-Miclhigani Sc'hoollaster's cleib.
Fi'., 31sfr1c1129.-Walrsity indoor mIO
Ii Gymfnasiunih.
Fri.. -ahull29.-Junlhior lit socil inIl
Crangers acaudemy3.
Fri. an1d1SatC., ,archl 21.0.- 1ISteIng
of SMichlgaff Schoolmasters' slub..
tri., Atpril 5.-.--1L0a11 ixhiiit of old
blafc O'Avare'at thll'homlhe of Mrs.la. Ihlhh
B. Aiigie11. fao' the;Rosbeneit of thes' Frulit
a1n11 tlowersf. mision~h.
Sat.. April Li.-Sla'a'iln if U. 'of IT.
InsdependeI.nt asociatioat laws'liotuc'
roo010fur electionl of Daily editoro.,
'Thuls., April .I.-Faulty recital at
Fcrfeze Alenasrial hall.
iF-i., April 12.-Spriiag vacationl ho
lisn., April 22--Spring I'lio21
rloses. Exercises resumed in ill do-
Fri., April 2(.--Iotereolegiaxte debda'e
hetween Northwoestern and -Michigan
at Chiceago.
Thulrs., flay 9.-Faculty recital at
Frieze "Memnorial ball.
Thlurs., JTune! li-Facully recital at
Frieze M2\eluorlal hall

As Art Caealogue of Coluehiascsosbhlietflae
atany Coubia Agenciy, or if will hbesmailed hoe
two zcentstampsl. 'cells, eoo, oh ihe raliahle
Hardford Bicesl, $Soo0. So-

Ann Arbor, Mhich. Capitol Stoch,1$5,tt0.
Surplus, $1aa0.s
Organizedeundrrthe General IanhlngLaw&
of this Slate. Receivs deposits, buys and
sells exchanige on the principal cities of the
Usilted States. Drafts cashed upon proper
idesntfication. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
OcFICERs: Chriistian Mart, fPres.; IV. D.
Harriman, Vile-Pies.; Chain., E. iscoch,
Cashier,;9. J. Fsstz Assstant Cashier.,C.
Metropolitan Cafe
Lunch and Dining Boom. No. 15 N.
Fourth Ave., between Arlington Hotel
and City Office Building. Open nal
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props.

I'T'S HARD TO IDO W ITHOUT cotrivselh~as~sdteefe
Your dealer is likelytoihae em, if hoehant, writeousmanthw'llseed you thes lnformation yous nunsaned
our handsome illustrated cataloguesfree. PARKER PEN COUfPAl5Y, Janeihle, Wit,
If rant, -coo
r or Agency
New York

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