tt. of JTJ VOL. V. No . 1171. UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1895. PRIcP.-TH REE CENTS. i THE CHICAGO AL-UMINI IVIEBDAL. A/AD ED TO TO U:1EXCELLWNCE I [ 0 X (Obverse.) (To be awsarded to the winner of first bonor at Association of Chica"'o. - /et,'1-te ! 40 (Reverse. tonbt's contest. Presented by the Micbhigan Alumni NO GOOD STUDENT Tries to learn without books. Some people thongli try to use musical instruments wiih little or no tone. Wen Say Buy Ihose YWhich Have lone, W e sell that loitd. 51 South Xain st. ChICAGO ALUMNI MEDAL WILL BE GIVEN TO THE WINNER OF TONIGHT'S CONTEST. CONTESTANTS ARE GOOD MEN AND MARKINGS WILL BE CLOSE. Names of Contestants-$7500 and the,"Chicago Modal to the Orator -$50 to the Alternate. The ifth local oratorical cenmtlt v till tieheist tonight, iseginninig prompttly zit 8 o'clock. Two hotter nen will be chosen from the siVen contestants is repriesent 'Michigan is orator otnd 1101l1c(o1t11sfof the Norihetli Orated!- ,il lea~gue at Io twalCity. Ia.,. May 3. The genlll iditlissili i iXe is 25 to tic' contest. Th'e ioators are well mailtchied(tid the judlges' markings wvill iprobasbl'he close. The programi or' ili evenintg 10 as follows: 1. "Three A risloCrailes' C I. it. .Stearns, 'ti6 III. 2. "Webster andt the C'onstitutio," .J. N. Danis, '95 liro. 3. "Centralization ill out' (ovutiu- islent,"- It. W. Danrorth, '(9, lit. 4. "Thse('lasses or the Co' onters," I.L. Ingra hani. '90 law. 5. 'Titi'Baishmnttof lt . llortmns t'e-ople,". . N.Hickmtan, '195lit. it. "Brotherhoodl of Natinas" J.. Lautner, '95 lit. 7. "Internationalism," J. H. lily's, '115 law. Theo testimotniails hill problably tw awardedt by Iii gililt (cickel'. Music will be fulrnlishled. by th1e Inirtirsity Bttujosclub. 'The judges are P'rof. Jameis f0. 7-turray, of PriIlccetos. N. J., Dr. 'Rich. anrd G. Beene, pirin~cipal of tile State} N\ormal School, of Ypsianti, and Mfr. David E. Heineumatn. of Detroit,. on thought and comnposition,. Regents wil- harn T. Corker. anti Levi l.I,. bointu( IFIRST FACULTY RECITAL. attd t'rof. tisiert I. Itulton!. tf I) h -__-__ wire,(.,ion 011itiery, SECOND SEMESTER'S RECITALS -- PROMISE TO BE FINE. It addition I to'e nor' tf repre- settisg ft'eUnivrt'ity ilittie NortlIit, ttt Oratorieal Liet' l t'e wilsitr isffirst tptace' yill ri'iethtiCh'iceago Atttiottii associatiotn gohild m l and tot$5illit tlieo y. As ivtstne indicate's this nedal is tiresc utedth lrotughtthe get- evilt' of tihet'hicago Aluttni avs'ial- tion. It will he giveis *yelry as lthe first honor in orattory. Itn ristsidira- tien1 of tits gift tic' leeture aseiai- tions has agreed to permitit its dottors' to nti(',oilt- of tie' euterltittttcnts in the S. I.. A. course. which is ktiow'i lecture by 1li. 'I. tB. Reed wstethe 011, sdesignated this yl'ar. ''. ' stmedall was designed tby Lollis it. Sullliv-an. thie arehite'ct of tier Attl- itoriustet tiling ill Chicago. and lis a, v'ey lhtItdntei e'.'lih' ('Iictagi issocitiontalisofturnishet'v$511 of tile heastcavhizite'' Tic' University's orastoriclassocias- tiotn is in its fifth year.,ibting orgian- tzed ill titi' saint' year ass tl ticNoti1in Oratorieal League. '.'Three of theiitr contests of tie' league'h havea. ' i wonl by) :Stiettigai. The first cotest was ihdiin Ann Arbor a1nd1Avas15wtl tby A. ('.,(Gorelty, '91 law'. tn ic'e secoidi i'(nteist, which was15heist atR' atss.toti. Stiehigan reeived third plalce, Noithi wtrnt illlilg hfirsrizo. 'Michiganl 'soas retresented by J. L. Roerts, '92 lacy. Itll93 h(- ceitest was lieldt at Oberlin tund 'wa5s Aotnby IL. (T. Loang, of Michligan. Last yeatr fthe TL'uivers ity was represented by F.tP. Sadler, '06l lit, at Madison, Wis., whit }se'curet tile first itonor. 'The off'cer' of the 1octa1 Orator'ical CO 'TL'UED ON SECOND PAE.11 Frieze Halt Welt Filled Last Night- Mr. Jonas Rendered Fine Setec. tions-A Good Trio - Excellent Vocal Bolos-The Other Features. of the irltst faetity cotteirt of tit" vi' tilstir. 'li' pro rintewas till imd eithiieaiitri)'r itanoeviolend elivilng fully re'ndi'red to'\Itt°vary. Jonts, '/eitz .IttitAbel'. Mr. tittltonifollowved wit a. groitti tf voclttoos isy' T1einhew- skyi"Otwtildlthtat for ottltietliil ," ttiii'I' tils tte o'rfoelmltle!sb' Mi. tettas iof ais(vius itf tilel'te inoo 'it"A, 1a fitgit,' t itlll.,)iie hiyMacit, a to- ltrlttt'k(', tiy Scitittlaun. A brilliantt piece of violin tplaying tway givollin tttti' iierfoetttttwe'otf Neitty, 'whiicht wit fellow i'd byir'hl. Ilttnsoll'5 sittgittar of tti'foloinestg son1g ii)by Ittuts'Ist'ie: ;"jleilg. "'rlti' sea. "'"til et' is sparkling," Is tho LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORT- SLAND. Magniicenst builiding; ten teaches; large attendans; goaddiscipline; suyerisoweek; well supplied readingeroo; daily 1e0tures; Saturday eveninogsreception; open te entire yeae. Excep tionalili's toe plaeing students in yevtitent Bioardladod em $ o e$275 perlweek in private families~. Theseorateedaced to $.51 by solf- boarding. Foo Catalsgue address uR- CLEARY, Pres FRES LIN Fxz~ LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES. +TUTTLE' S, 1 48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGEST OP[RATING DRO~M IN STATE, NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, MVich. ED. A. CADIBUJX. Latest Improved Barber Shop to the oity. N. SWashingtonSts., 1t tdoor east of Mala ts. Ano Actor. MAMMOTH A PIPE SALE JOLL.Y & CO'S 23 SOcTHSeATE ST. Dn't faillto come. Mlot an~d Cold tLunclies at All Hoors. [ owi t like wito a flou r, ' and "Golden rolls beue-ith iue.- The, pro- Heard 's grain closed wills a sointa of thttee ttiniits fee piano and violina, by) (let ig, wNiictt wits piefored to it-inct ilhilitst' by Miss Jaffe anad hie. '/etz. 'The YotttsgWonnan's ('Itistiata asso- elation of tths city- will giveO an tatter- tainiitst at Newisery 11al11 Fridaty Iagllt, Maxech 29. The Daily will be delivered at your room the balance of the college year for $1.00. All the baseball and other Uni- versity news. Criminal Pleading NOW ON SALE AT WIAHR'9S. tip Towo, Down Towr, Uivthersty Bookstore, Oppouite Cort House, 24 S. State 51. 4 N. Maln St. ANN ARBOR