Schalier's Hookstore!, Formerly with Gleorge Wahr, 19 E. Washvineton St. Headquarters for everything a. Student needs in the line of 'rext-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. M.ARTI SHALLER, IE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washing n at. oe block east of Main at. 995 LAWuTS!o HAVE YOUR VW. ANOJDS, Jeweler. AW TRAC7l tttaf; MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of nuwm a Delsarte. Saturday, 14 .m,en temanbegnn erselass. Tuesday. 7:35 p. as, iteginners Class (Ladles and. (snttemectl. Private le-ssons by a ptoatsaest. SCHOOL, 46 S. S'l[A'TB ST. HANOS FE R tn Second. e ete New and. Second-hand for THE~ U. OF M. DAILY. REMEDIES!I A.SLL KINDS -AT- E. A. Mummery's NEW DRUG STORE, COR. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgasntzed 18SM. Capital, $100,000. Sarplus and Pretts, $40,000. Transacs-t a general basking busisess. Foreig,. excbanges boagiht andsold. Furnish letters af credit. 11. BACH Prert. S. W. CIAtltSON. Cashier. MOORE & WETMORE GYM SUITS. 6 S. Main s., and State at., cor- net of William at., have a r complete stock of -, we have gotthem. i . .The heat goads for IVERI[SITY TEXT Books < - the, LEAST' MONEY. New and Second Hand. Oar gymnasium suits are made by the Nets Banks ard other Students' Supplies . 9Fine Stationery, Sporting Beads, etc , whieb OV IERMAN H EEL OI 0 they affer as tits Lowest Prices. - r (makes of Victor s-'r y 13eyciest and are fatty guaranteed. A Call and see s before purchasing. great many are in, 9 i2N N B oE - EXAMINE THEM. STEAM LAUNDRY CO. -AT- High. ( and Domentia Finish. M TBE' YCEEPRU, i .S. SERVISS, MSI[anaSgerEMOFIU, 123 SOUTH FO)URTH AVENUE. 11 W Washington at. r i ]HOW 'TO IEOONOMrvIZE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 pee Barrel. Buy Beat Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meat for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 734 Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. D0.EAR & OOMI'ANY 44 South Main Street. rl Law Noten. I '95 Lit Basebail Nine. Prof. Moceicsiusa s cxss-uithe sor The tilibeirs of last yearsa'95 lit laws fioiiariidi'giiig nct'es' ses oilbaelltmmtlstjghinroJ All Departmentts of thei Uuitevsity at Slieean &Co.'s Bookstore. State &t BEST NOTE BOOKS in the city for 25c. WATCH FOR OUR SPRING STYLES FINE SHOES. NATTY NOVELTIES. UGODSPEEDIS 1 t . 1 wilts. Prof. T. B. Clayibirg, sif teliena. foist., is expec-teui 1st--s iiextis-s-i-to letore-to tisen5liors o(I liii hissla. All iiisiide-sirinig isitionsiolitie junior law haltlsius 'wiii handsir t caiptalin. All '95 lasss esititiig tor thet-osffice of clas poet sri' reqosist-si tso5h51nd1 coisy of tiseir oem~s to broesitit Walshb linniedisitely. The junior laisiwvill tie qtizuzed oii Slthen's pleading bsy Instructor- Dwyi-r inext wetek iii resist13. lihi lesson extends frontpaige 2',)to Ispiage, 3233. At a metiiig of the juiins isw ls s-o yestertday afteriooniitisco-side~rhast- ball imatters, Mr. (.x. A. Mlasni was elected mnaiger of the tine. About thirty namits have beoen iio-nmls iniifec positions oil the iiine anti it tpromiises Is be on exceedingly strong out-. All seniors desiring credit for titoir notes on wills itust file the notes, with statutes and cases cited aba my office, rosin r, before Mtarch 26i. F. B. MEC.HEM\. All juniors desiring credit for their notes on agency must fle the notes of the entire subject at nmy office, room i, before Machl 19. F. IR. MItIIEM. All persona having reoms to i-st dur- iuig ticclassical conter'it -to tbe ld in this city the lasts'vws-k in Mfarch will please notify ll.'. HMtz bsy letter, or call at Newberry mll from 9:30 to 10 a. In., or 3 to 3:36) p. to. If notifying by letters pleuase state brimfiy your accommodations atnd prie' Jol day for roomis or roonis anid board. The Daily will be delivered at your room the 'balance of the college year for $1.00. All the baseball and other UIm- - na ietad.t..ondtoni, Ctat~tin. li ollowsing ii-llbers of ltse niste otf isti year irs i iti-- Unts-ersity. ..' C'todi, ft. ti. Atustin, P. D. Bouiriands, .1. H. Mallory, 1[. iRosenbhaums C. E. Balirid, I1. B. Leonairui anti A. A. I'as- solf. Altlsianitditaes for ills yeasi-- tsas itare'equested Ito reposrt to Caip- tsain J.('. (Cointoii or Mansager J. 61. Mitii. '"ity irt- tlso to siosvsip for t practice lin hs'gyiiiiasiuimitfroms nows util ouitdooi' wttork t-giuis. Manuager Msm\Irfiui is arrangiing for outside gaitss hiinigaire-aity cori-spnldedi wilsth le Noi-iial Seisott, Atiriats and Altbion. NOTICES. Studens-ts whsoare iiiterestedin iithe studty atiticollectioiiofos its' dinrsansi thiri'eggs Itre requliestedsito iinet m. it riomISb(nisritihs-iig of itain uttiild- iiig, ground floor), on Saturday, Marchl 1tt, lit 2?is. iii., wils a viewv steensr- ing a "Field Club." 1D. C1. WORICESTERI. Fresslimen.wits wish to try for a place on the '938 team which competes aigainst '97 in the relay .race; at ihe indoor mieet are requeste-d to" report to mns lIn the gyimnasiuns every day for practice. II. T. HlEALD, '98 Track Mainager. Mr. W. T. Livinigstont, of R: 11. Fyfe & Co., of Detiroit, will be iii Ann Arbor lit theCook house -Wedutenday. Tim-i diify atid Friday. M1ar-i 13. 14, 1i,. ansd will be pleased to siiowv all U. of lt. memibers a full line of all thie Newe6st. Latest asid Best Metropolitan, Styles of Boots, Shoes, .Silppers and Rub- ' -)'rinig and Summer wear. on whso took my satcele asement of the gymnasium. afternoon, March 9, -will irn the same to the office. inalsumn, or to 21 Packard ino and address are printed sliel. J. L. LOttI. Caps and Gowns. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meas- uretnent forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will he forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridlge & Clothier PHIL.ADBLPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America " PEACOCK STRIDE" + +AinD+ + WALTZ-OXFORD music stud description of dance can be procured at GRANG[R'S ACADEMY OF GANCING No. I6 MAYNARD STREET. BICYCLES "Swift, Strong and Beautiful." tienwood'n received the Highest Wenld's Fair Awaid as Light Rloadsters... Saleroom-il State -st. APMADOC & MANCHESTEP. BANGER, 'T IU S AND America's Greatest Riders have selected as their Mannatar '95, Yes, and there are others. This will he a Spalding year. /FWitted with Palmer Tires. ERE"RBACH rHARDWARE --CO. G. H. 'W'ILWD. THE LFAnlINA~ TAILOR and Impos 'reved the largest an Sot stock of IMPORTED ,A 71C WOOLENS for Spring . er of.'954In the city, b e pleased to have I d examne the same.