MJOHTOAN CJIA L Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 194. nail and Ex. 350 Mail........84C N. Y. Special... b 15 N. Y. Secial.... 7 a Eastern E.. 1 25 N. S Limited-_. 9 2 A. M. Pacific Ex-i.. .21 Atientic E-.7 47 P. N D. N. Express.... 5 405 Western Ex.3 1 G. R. Express ..110 Cii. Nt. Ex.---0 2. G. R.Ex-. . W Ross, iR. W. lAES, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Ag., Ann Arbo T., A. A. & N. X. RY. Taking effect Snday, Ag. 1,,1894, Tainsseave Ann Arbor on Central Stad ard time. 7:8a. m. - 7:5 .m. *12:5 p. m« 11:30 a.nm. 4:15 p. M. 9:0 p. m 'irais rn between Ann Arbor ad Toled. only. Aul trains daiy except Snday. ER. . REENWOOD, Agesii W. I. BENNETT G. P A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congrex x., 7:00, :0 ad 1:0im;12:45, 2:15, 5:u6, :45, 9:00 aiic 10 40 p. m. Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:30, 9:0 ax: 11:0a. m.; :15,2:45,5:0,7:1,t:0adli:O0p.m SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypslanti from Congress., :W3:30 9:00, 5:3 and 90:00pis. Leave Ann Arbor Juncto, 2:00,4:00,5:3:0 7:00 and 9:0 p. m. Cars ran ios city time. Fare: sir trip 1 ceis;x rond trip tickets 25 ets. Wa. . P1 AnE,OSup. FLOWERS, FLOWERS ForSEverytbLagand Everybody. MOISIOS & HALL HIIIIsns TeS. ubnis..ts-ae The Clover Leaf Route LWPlease keep in mind the Toledo St. Louis &s Kansas City R. R., The Clover Leaf Rote, "Fst Liner for St. Louis, Mo., and te West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at 5 p. m. daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St. Louis. early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and -Michigan Central lines at Tole do. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Fre and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. C. C. JBNrIKINS, General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. DIE2i.AS & 8OCLA.N, Q. OF 3M. TA&ZLORSZ Our Spring and Summer Wolens are now on sale. Pr ces Low. Call and see us. 48 N. 5Ca5.. Ft.. eend flonn, Asn Aror. 22 Years in the Bsines CITYLANDY, !r. N. SBABQLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave NEA 1ANT TAILORING:I ieala, Pressng and lRepairg=. clnae neatly by 5555, 5:c rrF7PMWeA. '.2.. alilgee Exdxm4OX + LAUNfR Y ! TILE U. OF M. DAILY. Alvin Josliii will apptieari'at 1h' U. OF A. CALENDAR. Grnd operas house:'liiSaiturda~y, Alarchs 1G. Tusrs., 3Marcs14.-0 lit casiox ste lg 1t 4 p.sns. in the chap:. Tssrs.37orhla3.-Faculsiy recial lit W T ip e e il Frieze Me'moorial hal Thiurs., Macl i.-1 ro. i'iitnsssoti SAVESAV liit the ososic land lwhiesa h * $1B~O ~ $18 ~ Fi., March 1t.-Sophloopar0171 -- Fi.s,.:Mrchs1,.-Dr. N. S.lilolf' Os-. By buyssng soTemp:lc. Speees::5. foet siDemliltoi teity :01'lBOAisum:- SSTRICTLY HIGH GRADE! ,istosso Plaste." T'.'amoinocthis wl efor'ep5': c asing.::,yoe. 'r i" , Otosrei1.-issivorsoOy ornstricaol 's, mounst. cote s t iUiiversiy 'al usner aispi- J. L MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, ce9 of s. L. A. o s150t:3000 xSTREE. Asoexox Fri.,March 'h13-P ror.F. 9-. At'. Vags:' 1: -fos:reteIsnilgib:':yingsi otl on0 t WONDERFUL PHONOCnAPHCONCRT Io)lsrell~oni, ss -AT- Fh. . Mrch 1;,3.:'.-ri5 ho:'oro' tPhllgclscet-oReetIPrsbyterian Church Tuesday [E3 flg is i1-tios s Bsiyi::irios" ilsrotrosteoh b MARCH 19 th stropticoit 1 7:0 0. so.int d A.I Ool ot X:otyooI:ieoi- :to'so <4j OoitMarsi 7 11O:'i ih: . 50ofii so ~~~~ is'o 1--etoI-:' r:.i :000 btoon, Oitho an Oratioi.'' s i tt ioo ei,301, ). 0.-Ales"ii p of r. Ann~c~ Asios divs isi oof (Ctllegiatecosislso i e t -Nwberr ioil for lectiono t ' 8aots:,.Alrho 7. ItolnI.lMo0t,:: 7..., 81" m1s~.,Alarih 7. Irof. .. 0.Einow.- ton beor:e tie Piscrsit Bile clop andsontsgs. Look focfall 13orami : hrofteMtoit clr n"h coloranIe csiec trotsm..g imv ci of 'i rio," 1S o'clock. :o lsissiot. and ass Stair :., dol-a t Bi&i 5 T[:n-. Matcri1 03ieii'iti ioiois-oi tt 0001 0co0e (t t :0I lcreoiov criosschori: TH-EBThu0rsooandiFri.. Aloareh s133.3vg Lovell Diamond (cycles isOtr:' lrch210li.isrolty. l ii.rliel 1 to.s1 ' Ar1; , PED ANDsritox l tinsVS1 on 1)(401-oe ii Iloiscr iyi3' lii Cooti aloro tscvit'do:i::sct~od- of 'l-irit," 12 o''ock. GEO. F. FISHER. Agent, 3 . C s'. As. SnNlrh o4-ShOr'sooci Eiuy, 057oriii s. C. A. THE WDBA H ROM von ist i rlo2,.-l, t o'yst e soit tier t sois 010halsl. i TiOE- ADASD IUUIL Mrh 2i,-Annual iolooion of HOT SPRINGS, ARK., 0Chosal1 ii I olc'r' TEXAS, elecison. tS'o'l.,Miarchio27.-Allto-oOcaio il-(Xi ®ELOS ANGEEES lia"IstoBats tbefore':heuse Wbx:r hioll li 7:0p. i. oi laorvis.' -AND-XWe'll. sad Turs.,Alaceu 7-28.- SAN FRANCISCO. (Classicaol cof,'ronsi-cldersas'psoices ot Aiieiiin ieisoolinster's ciub. rNew- Texas and California Seping Fri., Mlarhi 2f).-Varsity ii:5(tf 005:0 Car Line. in Gymsnasiums. Fr., March u20.-Jnior liisocilin s'THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. GFri. isademSo. Xaes2 0-etn s.Have inanguraeddia new Daiiy Line of of .ihigosn Seliolmsaster' c'ill. FIRST CLASS LEEPERS from Fri.. April 5. -LtoniL'Xibihtiof old CHICAGO TO LARED, TEAS tbilis-,isryo'tot1(, Hilo'ieoos'of Allt. ,lois' B3.Ansgll, for theso sieit of tiso:1r tit Via Little Reels.,hMalvern, Texarkaa, Pal- ant Flower msoixios. estine, Austin and San Antnia. Passeng-er a pi . ..tn f.1.o I for Hot springs have only sne change f carxs st.Ari5-Mesigot'.:fM (t Mavern, 9:50 a. m. nex dsay, arriving OiO010'iit'is: a ltsscitioist1,117otte isiss as lHt Springs at 1:0 a. is. Six hsurs the 700100 fstieectiosi of Daiy ,editos. quickest through sleeping car line between Thuirs., Atril 1.-Fouely reill BO Chicago and Mavern. Asos dai~y line of riez.e Menooial hlot. Torist sleepers, leaving Chicgs on same ttrain,thrugh to San Franciscs" via Los Fri., Airil 2.-Spring vssasfisssslo'- Angeles Cal. Siis. n' - Mon.. -April 22.-5l-.rissg Vieisis1s or maps, tickets and full information, coe.EecssrsildI l l T - apply to partiBeits J, H. GREEN J. HALDERMAN, Fri., April 2F.-Intereollegiate debate r Michigan 1Paso. Agt. Tra. Pass. Ag btenNrhesenadAcia TIO tChcg.CT OFICE: 21 Clark et., CHIC AGO Tiurs. Msy D,-Faculy recital at Frieze Misorial hal. F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh, Tlur., Juiie (-Faculty recital at -pen. Pass. Ac. Pams. & Tcket Ag. Frieze Me rila al cFiiit 0? CL,, f z I, z z - 0 0r 0 W a-t-e ae- a+ 0 zDA 0 i 0P 0 0l .S 00 i o 01-3 p2 -- }d 14