P'ublished tDaily (Sunday excepted) during
tbe College year, by
OFruCE: Timtes building N. MNain at., opposite,
punt ofice.
Ii. COLE-WAN. Lit. '97, Mianaging Editor.
G. 13.H(I nuio, Law '96, Assitant.
A. XV. SIrn, Lit. Spel., Assistant.
NV. A. Sm'r, Late'Xli, Assitat.
J. A. Lnilow, Lit. '96, Atbletic Editor.
J. S. PExARL, Lax '9.9, Businesso Manager.
1I. NV. Leer, Lute '96, Assistant.
Ansociate Editorn.
S. iB. Shlery, Lilt. '9. 11. A. lDancer, Lit.'95.
E. L.Eaux, Lao '9.. bitSundlerland,Lit'9M.
Ca:rrie V.5nmitl.Lie.%i6(. L..llanblenLa'9i.
Loan Exhibit Committees. Stude'ntsxvwialing cooking clone a.nd l
wiii furnish pov9isions (also table! ) I S R I~r~Swohv ics fodbu itlr C-EDae 7 3
9911191 9whicht'l hey aro 9villiiig 1to0lotn
(or the ie b netit ixilibil to Ic' ; ivth
ll'e''ta't'of the collectitigeoiiiiittee.
Mi-s.Ch'liib oB. Nailered'.e, uailitan;
Mrs. .J. P. MeCI orrieli, Mrx. . I ,.
Markley, Mrs, 19. 1'. Adamo, Mixs
I).'Il ionMessrsaxc. .I9. IEtlriger, (1.
I'. Moorblan, iandaill, (labrco(-k aili
J1. E. IMeal.
'hoot 'tll 'ollillittet'0 99110 911"'in
charge (If iii. lll'Illlgl'iiet'll fo1(1't11o
('.A.lduglllonrDett'I(. C'. II. Farrell, Lit. '90. 9 xliliil <11(':
Il1 Gilbert, 7buge.'97.'90. Iniv tioni-Mr'. A'. IH. 1,19999,eir-
Miattie91. 'fTomponr, Litt 9,.
GI.91. ((eat, Iarud p i wn; rs. A. It. Lloyd 11n1 M1,(
o~f WFriokit' 99111(11i19oitl 10(1y19sholdl rtl; Mx . I.Illg.9t
gt''aioi )1 lat~l''.ittil c'hatl iraogiii D. . . iX~rsil.
(leit ouory.f''at'teryTatit tcani'ibeiisaid
'l'lt' 1. o B. x glili 11919 919 1 t l llxii-lee. Xt9 1A. X. XX' XX'li.
visait firoilte(lit'tirtlatetlt'gisalttlr(
119 1 (((lt If (t' ixpeding 11191olltiti.l
'('ila isttne (If to til iclle'0 Xwh(,re <1
111 liliatitolal college 1(asI glorious,
Albioii's sotund alllllto .9111he9909111
fare ininlitly9'bot(1 in the( future
19111 (reeni.
'T'his gt'iiof cli 99'011t11 fromn thell
whet'e'y organ o ef'a creed1stuffedlsoltl
ofn ofri thelloDilyll'11re'ders a.l i.
F"o'rltis l'l'(l'ioll Nv 1ll pub lishte parr-
Iii t'onidel~rinlg(lie 1111119'advatagies
which (lie tudle'ntstIits,119illsattuhI loll
havo l'forl'njyin'lg hilgh ('1110simusical
e'9'liO, (lie toursealaflfolrded'lby' (le
faculty of (lie Sechool (If litaic should,
not be overlooked. Dutring lb.' lot°
semeter tho 1ppltyr19 of (tiese con-
cert as sh0119911by till'Iairge linlmlIe
of 1lOlt 91 peope to. ittend(,. Probably' at
11no9 city ie 9west ia (bore a comae
offered at aucih1099'figures. Whlere iilo
clas (010111fulrninshea (le entertain-
moot. '1111'irat conctet for the sec-
ond aeileater, whiichiocclura toniglit,
sholdiecll forili alaret'attendance.
Sophomore Clans Social.
The clasa of '197, whlitch ionasalays
been ao sancessful inl giving socils;a
is nmakinig every arranlgemlent possi-
ble for (ies next event wh~ich talica
iplace Friday night at Granger's. The
numlber of tickets sold wiII be liiteld
strictly to sixty, so that every' one who11
attends will be assured plenty of roomn
to dance and participate in blue plea-
uros of the evening. Neatly executed
prrogerams are being prepared anti ton-
toin fifteen regolar dance,% consisting
of two-sqteps and waltzes, besitles (be
usual nuorber of extra& Mosic of
(ho best character mill be provided.
11(1991' (11111 H. ('oloixasi..
Tonight's Faculty Concert,
Tlix'firtix 119119lty lcielil xlof (tile
01111 pogI'm9911lbe (11(11 (11m tri from
Meethlo'e'n, fole plino, vi10111n(1111 'l'(ll,
119 Alberto 'Jonila, I'rrliii A. Voltt
(1111 ("retlelt'. Albol; ( l'il 's."Sonal~ta
numblliero sfroiniMacit 11111Schium~annti1by
Albtoonasian(1(119'oca"iiseletins by
'07 Lit Meeting,
'111e sllop oore lilo i' Iti till'hel1
A (lix of 2 cents for baseball11tu'-
((((la 910levied. L. Huitchrinsaoni 9(10
l'ltUdmhlollaly Ill ted htac=k llllliit'l'
Vice 't. . 1B ound resignied. 'Tlic
mneetilig 99as poor'9'lyat'ided.
Edlitor 1'. of M. Daily:
A bill 1111 beent introduetd iti till
legislatureo X'hich lprtovitiesfor (ho er'-
ireal of 111111portioni (f till' lihlr'liat'
fc:e of -$I for earr9'ilg onl (he wvork of
(lie boaird inii ts exainaliltions. undler
the Kttatt 1099. It ia frthrti oX'vi'ed
tbat inouey' shall be obtained try -ras
ing (be examuinuation fee 10 be clnrg:d
canrdidrites ferm $3 to $1). thusa e-
ig (lie pitrnaeiats of tile state iii
the' position of persons 9w11 to savXe $I
a. year for (besiselves.111lc a.burden
of $7 our studeiits just entering.(be
ranks and are tire least able to stand
tire expansae. I feel sure that ly'edor
not: desire to return: tirte old coil-
dillon "of affairs which existed before
the prvsent law was eaacted, but it
is air injustice for students who-0 are
about to graduate to be subjected to
expense whichr righitfully should be
Ients' fine Ian Shoe s
-,.-;. Washington 1lrris AnnoArbon.
P. S.-See our Show Window.
Rie a Victor
andyo wllexerinc te rer- THE GRAND~ OPERA HOUSE..;
adyuwlexeinetegw-et pleasure to be derived fro: THURSDAY, MARCH 14,17'95-
wrheelinsg,. Now in itstirad ioeetlle year In Louron,-
Made in the largest and finest btoland.
plant in the 9worltd, the V1icr TIOE ENrlItnU LAUtXtIPI[911l.
has juxtly earned te le c 111k. ley~s Aunt..
The Kin5 of Bicycles. A ComtetdyStory of clienre Lif, ran ~rrdon
Otur handxome 1895 catalog Phenomnenal C'omedy Reco rd:
wilI be mailed (reeon reque. 1. 300 Nights in New Yun.
-1150 Nights ian Boston.
O 'VEI'IAN WHEEL G0. 160 Nightn in Chicago.
9:llzt;e itt (loycie n t, .t91, Gki Lc;. lOoiNights in Philadelphia.
Bto ewTorteeee. i'reaerted llrr('withl te 1teplayen, that ap-'
peareedn l ltt1110 ruiiul ete.,
,,u rancisrlou. (9s Angeles. Munedbytitud.scney.
PRICES, - 35c, 50ech, and $1
Res~ervedseats oi a x aatt' teJewelry
j Shore.
"Six Love Songs," -__-
Thte latest thinlg in PHOTOG'RAPMY
11y irrnk E.Satwyrr. Transltions of Six it
of litt. ite nest lyricx in extar iemuily
settaigs Heavy Paper. 7 cents. B BiIN'I' .N S
''ICOLLEGE SONGS"~569F.lHurott tt. Special Ilateslo~lnors.
( J Members of Ticklet Boker' Asso
The stantdard collection of Clltege Songs. clarion of U. S.
Oee 300(000 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 Cosby & Mc~eon It. R. TickeAgency'
centtCoth Gil, $.00 "10Adamasr, t' lo. Reduced roles to all
point. tBranchTheb teindergitarer No.9i
"COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." N. Alai a.Atii Arbtor, tMichhi,'ai.
Sorngx of rite leadintgcolleges for wmnOlybcth 'idpb ins The R JJ 5N 1. R E MPF~
Heavy Paper. $1.00. Fo h oa osraoy
Teaeher of Piano, Organ nd Musics,
icltly-two pieces for tite guitar from tire Composition; also the Art of
bcst sourcex. A splendid collection. 11usd. eah
sonic Cover. 50 cents.Tehig
Any booll sent postpaid on receipt of price. Studio_22_SDvsont.,_An__________Mc
453-463 Washingtos St.. Boston. I Ann Arbor, Michi. Capital Stac ej,01,
I Onephan, 0150,0.
C, . uDitson & Co. N Y. Organized under threGeneral i3arlng Lave,
_____________________________of tills Stiare. iReceives depoaits, buys ad~
4 sells excilingoon tire principal clits of the
S.I .L T (United Stater. Drafts cashed uplos proper
identification: Safety deposit boxes to rest.
OFrIcERS' Christian Ibluk, Pnsr.t W. ID.
Htarriman, Vier-Prns.; Chas, . E inanek,w
Cashier; M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashiler.
Metropolitan Cafe
Lunch adMining Rlooma. Nio. IS N.
Fourth Ave., between Arlington flotol
-/ ~and City Ofce Building. open all'
1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis Prop.
FIRST CLASS. Corner of State and William%.
William atenteasnes
Reduced Price. Please call and ex -________________
amine saine.$10 SRIENW lfi
Nro. 88.S. Main, Ccc. William fi. $10SUBSCRIBE N lA 9st
3 ;
_ _.. ®.
1 fEO~fS&C59