l e . of At. al. VO .N.116. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUJRSDAY, MARCH 14, 1895. CONSUMIPTIVE STATSTCS. DR. VAUGHAN TALKS TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES Necessity of Hospital for Consump- tives Urged-Will Blot Out a Dis- ease Which Kills 3,000 Michigan People Annually. Tie joint commiiitt'iesof the lgisl- ture n 110)11lii alih liet lt.Lansig last night anidgave aohearig to the mnembes of the state boaril of heiat. Dr. Vaugan miade a requcst for in Appropriatiei of $(4000 for the stat' hospital for coopives. To show the need of Snech 1n institutionI higave an ilustratoni by charts proving tolt ,cosmplitioni cau1s 10011edatsoin Michigauithan any other disease. "Consnnptioli take1s law1 .0110111- pie in Michigaii every year, Dr. Vaughan said, "twice as1minaiy as di from pneumon~iia. te next ill order of fatality. It can tbe blotted eut. Jlut 11s typhoid fever has bea blotted 0out of some European ciis, where' it forinr- ly killed thosaids (very year. Before thils can be effectively doe hsihtlsi fr censumptive.l"lislttt. e' built1and the work of public eduatin ill re- - pit to infe~tioull diselses mlust be advanced." Dr. Vaugianlillavocated also the teaching in theipublic scollls of facts about infections diseases. If the 11os- pital is securei it will be bilt ill AnI Arbor andti ol be under10 iliversity ;supervision. American Literature. The prograin~ for Prof. Delmolons Anleica"Ltitirature semniay for the remainder of the semester is as fo- lows: March 15-Poe, by Miss Kieve. March 22-1lawtiorle by Mliss CDrale. March 21-ryant, by 'Miss Pst. Apr11 :,-Longfellow, by Miss ork. April 12-EmnersIon, by Mr. Gray. April 26-Thoetau, by Miss Knapp. My 3-Taylor. 'by Mr. Kelogg. May 10-Whttier, by _Miss Siens. May 1-llms, by Miss Goshen. -May 2h-Lewel, by iss Jane Cook. May 31-Howells ad James, by Miss Bennett. .effersoroan Society. Thai Jelfrsonan socity wilt give the folowing program tonight: ~s- ,say, Mr. Mclarg; oration, N. J. Smith; :peech. ;Iyaim 1Jones, Improimpt, discson, Melssrs. Oxtby and Crow- iey; debate, "Itesoved. that tes unity of present. reigous belief Is desir able," aff., Messrs. Has and True man; neg., cssrs 'lerpn ati -Rilca Current Humor. To examiine the cenlt numb~lleItf Wrinlet, which is 011 sale today, coil- v11101l the miost fastidtiolls thait tilt pulileltioli lias beens 00111111tt13' rcstseitat ci anti iow 'fullyitp tot ht standard11tl if its tialnilest da~ys. To co1111e1llt't'wilth iiere' is It mesv cover clesigll Which eclipse's ailythliig of. tile hall. It is illustraltive of all thalt itlikots collegel life whalt it is-soc't'.. athletics andl stralins of strinig musilic, 1an11 is indeecdi a ed iit tto t'iillliil the (designecr. le cleawiig oil thin litill 11111'is the work cf Miss Dllistcr. a. taike'-)o 011 thlt' tlll-t'stellane wedinlg. 'T'e ece 111ag'is it hint to 'i 111th1tlt'e tlleo foe ill.' scllitlI'swiiig-olit is 1111- thte conltribultionlsill tis liln' 11111w A Thought Measurer. i'lrttlitscopi', said 11 tt' ethe 11ost01w0n- 1110,0been11inventc'd b13' bullJ. Ho ttaii, ht' lead of t t'elmeccaniiicail lil'artliltelll ctf Yal's Psottogical liliatoitly. It moa'1sulres O w ithacural1cy' uosviu 1101111 c'111olost'o, olh v100 in luste'ill sciltitiie la~botloric's. cluanical instrumilt t oitli eAimtle' tlc- til 11f the potinter swings alolg Ilul' faeloef a1clrvell scale or' illiitttr. whichi is so graetlilatl't that it,01111'Ns Th'linilstr'umen'ltilt a~lcs liltt ' -e icetioll time Obetwsen tsighit, litvleilg 01 lieral''tion of hellsuill ilmusclalr movemenli~lt. It willcte'rmnine' the PRICE-TI-REE CENTS. NO GOOD STUDENT skettlo's. II.George' Ituirker' had11laipsc'of tinecc etloeci lbe" tiringlof a chiai'gtecf tile' geclrll akcl lul, util revolver ia1nd11thucstartimi of a l'lllllt'l. 111111y'of lt'eIi' so'features inllttcltro iue 'I'lh'timhe requiired'toItratnslmlit anly a11' 11u1' tt his eterpcr'51ise. Prof. Rohert 1. Fulton. Prof. Fulto, o w 1100cltalnof lteIhict Weseyanl School eof Oratory, thte asso- elate of Prof. Truecblood fur iftc'c'l yeares illcnc'thliing Ia schl of ora- tory in Kanlsas ('ity',andsilli their sa- riouls publicateion,,,, ha1s b'e encl'lenas onue of the judes in thic'orastricali contet05. Itt'hills cliteel to give'a lecture before thlt Oratoriceal associai- tioni on thie':subjct of the "'olIstl'lll- tieu of ai11 Orationl." This lieture0 wvill be givenl illthe iawv letulro' roomi ait 5 o'clock tomIorrowO' afternlon. P10f. Fulton has consenlted to givt' someit reading at thic conclulsion of his lce- tur1e. All 0w110 heard his lectre an1d1 readeinigs last year were mnost ethutl~- siastic illexprlessionls of ailllat'ioll. Holders of memlbersilhi tickets to the Oratorical association oill be ladmittedi free. Othles sill be chalrgedl tell J. R. Molt at Newberry Hall.. MIr. JohIth. Molt, of Ness York, so speaks at dewvberry hall 'Marchl 17-15, is a graduate of Cornell '88. His inlti- 111te10knowvlege of life I i t'enlllivt'r- sites of tile United State, Canlldal and Europemakt's him a iloet ilbee estili speakcer amlong college students. He wil speak at Neowberry hail Sunl- clay at 19:15 a .Int. on "The Cliahn Movemaent in the U'niversities. In time afternoeon at 4 o'clock 111e address is for college men, "Personal Purity in College Life." Monday night al 7:30 U6: Wil speik on "Thle *esret of gist11 imipiressionu is lie'istll) ciby' press- i m~otion and lregisterilng the result oil the' scalel. Ithats bee-n sowno by11 cit'lnttiilsthat the r l'c'hl'action~ for sound111 occpit's011oil an llaveraige' 0.1310 of a1 secondlt. '110 inlstrumei.nt is abhoult twso fet.thighi ande1the' cotst oh c'onstl'lletillg 0110 1s11about1$2014. " Cornell's Greek Newspaper." AX stateenlt to ct'e iteffet that11 a llass i11 llodecrnl (rvs hk at 'ornlell is pulihing a (Ircel soothly nlespaiper for realiing exec- c-iou~ s h all d11a1 1 woiet ircullation anmion;g college ipaplers. '1111'foundalltionl fo~r this ws IlSn11alrticein lltho Corn'1e'l Daily Sun stating t1111 "the' class ill "Modelrnl Gretkisiusimig a Grt,'ksvee'k- ly ne'wospper forI 001' toing i'xlre'ieles.' '111e papt'r referred to Is .1the "Atlanl- is" whlichl is pubtlishied inl Newo York land is the only Greek newvspatser 1n thio iiito'd Staties. "Atiamltis" has enllt'e'edlits se'ondliy31a1r comnsideiraly3 iprioed 111111emlargd. It is toted for reainilg e'xe'mcises 113y1many c olle'ge's in this cou~ntry. Choral Union Election. The amnnual eleetion of officies of the Choral inion soill be held Tulls- iday eening, Mlarchl 26, followimng 11h1 regular Chot~al Union rehuearsal of that evening. The Daily will be delivered at your room the balance of the college year for $1. All th~e baseball and other Unai- versity news. Trios to learn lWithoulit ooks. Some peoipletouiigh try to uso mllsical instrumnnts wil littlo go Say Buy ]hose Which ae Tone, Wo tell that kimit. 51 Soulh Mai t. STUDENTS Wily wear and-Ol-downs PANTS When yell get themn made to your measure for $3.25 and Ip, by a practical tailor here at honme? All oork done in Ann Arbor. Suits prtssed 60 cents. JOS. W. BOLL,&TF, 10a g. Wahinlgtonlst. H~OT zLU2 WC38 LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, .48 . STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGES OP[RATING BOOM IN STAE NO 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, MVich. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop In the city. E. IWashingonst5., 1st door east of Main t. Ass Acor. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE' JOLLY & Co's It SOUTHa STATE ST. Dos't fail to coe. Hot sand Cold Lunchles at All Bass. Heard's Criminal Pleading NOW ON SAE AT Up Tows, DownaTewr. U~nverity ookstore, OpposteCort Rouse B0 S. stae St. - 4 N. aa St.' ANN AROR