THE U. OF TN. DAILY. Svha1Ier's Bostoe! Formerly with George Wart E. Washington t. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock ina genera. MARTIN SOHA LLER, IRE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, lid E. Washington t., one block east of Main t. "95 x LAWS ! RAVE YOUR~ COANE ENGR&VED VX. ARNOIL'S, Jeweler. A NEW LINWt CUFF MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Du mcig and Dlarte. ,dSatrday.10 a. m.,Ontleman begnnesclass. Saturday, 4 . a. Lady beginercass 6loaday. 7:0 P."ns", Advned Cx'5 (Ldls' and Genlemen). Tuesday 730 p .n Beginners CMms (Lades Priate lessons by nppalntsent. SCHOOL 46 S. 'ra'iE'r . IGTRSecond Semester TEXT- BOOKS New and Secndhland for All Departments of the University at Bookstore State St. BEST NOTE BoOKs in the city for 2:e. WATCH FOR OUR SPRING STYLES FINE SHOES. NATTY NOVELTIES. 9SO IPEEfl' GRIP REMEDIES! tALL KIN DS --AT- E. A. Mummery's NEMW DRUG STORE, COB. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. FIRT NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Satrpas ad Pre ts, 040,000. Transas a general banking business. Forelg exchariges bought and sold. Farnish letters at credit. P. BACHt Pres. S. W. CL1ARKS0ON, CashIer. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main at., ansd State st., cor- ner of William at., have a complete stock of lUtdY[BSITYI TITBOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Rolka,.ad ather Students'OSpplies Flee Stationery. Sporting Goods, etc , which they offer at the L~owest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. N N J4' RE8BOI STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Hi1gh G oss and Domuestic Finish. E. S., SERVISS, Manager, '23 SOUTH rOURTH AVENUE. W~e have got them. e- The bent goads toe __ LEAST MONEY. Our gymnaasiamanita se ae made by the OVERMAN WHEEL CO -, r (makers at Victor Bh'ycles) andase tally gaarsaneed. A treat nanny are In _ EXAMINE THEM. -AT- M STA[B[[R'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 11 W Washington at. ARE YOU TNTPEIRETRD TVT 1VOTTNTAIN PEgNS? We have something nansupaerion In this. litre. Dropu s a poithefore haying athera. RAPID PEN FACTORY. WASHINGTrON. D. C. I . .1 ]HOW TO ECONOVIZES. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn bleat for 23 tents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 centn. Buy 73% Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. D7EPN 8& CO2I7 PA±TY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. '1 T eP Iadlalloinllrd is lolloy tolltct- Irof. anld'Mrs. -1. N. OCooley retu~rnl- in; fornpblicalioll the lint: of ho-noras elI frolil Rochestenr last Monldal y oell- 30011by inenl b~zrs of the senior clasn. Ph llilololc.-A society aidl 110:1 Aboutlt iventy-fire candidlates arc at 7:30 li. 1in., Piily, MaveCll21, ill 0111 xxonkinsg for plles on the 111111lilc basneball teanm. Prof. Fran~k C. Wagnler will spec;L at thle meeltinlg of 01h1'Ellgiueerillg society ne5xt Satunrday nlighlt, 011 "Boiler Circulation' R. L. Waner, 33-110 xas cllairznual of Wrinle's art salff last semnestl(r, isow ox memtbler of 0110 like stalf 011 011e ree Press of IDetroit. Yllarsslay mlorning Prof. I '.ao.1o7 :1nlt iz Iis .olassn 1i1co 'lrIi v llyof edlucllci.XAl yntoleln":il l ln!irtx nd eorrospondilng sit-4: 1-oeo'. T le junior laws lheld I a ca wecetinlg after lecture Wedneolao' 10 elect a permlanet mnaiger for the baneball teamn,. nothning wras done an no: quBtrumB1'xas Ipren-sllt. Aii;,isr iroeting will be called toiday. Cushman K. Daxvis, '57 lit, fornorly governor of Minnesota, nowx' Unitoed Staten- senator fronm that .late lasan 1 ertiele in the cnrrnet nn'.brtr of the North Amnerican Itexteix' on: "'win lrllrns of DeinocrostiR Diloimey." Thle '9)5 nave elected C. 31. tthowalter, malnager, antI W. C. Mlich- aels, captain, of thin year's clans bane- ball teaml. Oxer forty candidates arej at work. The manager will probably secure ganmes with M. :1. A., Albion, Olivet and tlse Normnal. The entry blanks for the Indoor m' Iet are out and have been placed in tie' office at the gynnnasiup~. (islding to enter In any of theo in go there at any,0110me, fill )lank tand.leave it. The say also he obtain4 d from [toy. lectunre 1roo111of thoe'hydieal Ixabora- tory. Prof. ('raig aill Ioer1.11n"lRe- ce111 excavtions 15in llaln.llia. and 001110 glililpasinto tho 113' of Ithe Assyrians," illustrating111s talk toy 111e aid of 111e stereopticonl.j Law Notices. P'rof. Chlanmplinl will lecture the re- liaindnel'of 01110 week. Ilntrulctor Itaghes xwill 1111131110jtu- niors o011lectnnres 13 to 1611 1101101ie inl -Wlts nextxaek ill 1001114. Tll-re xwill alno be a reviexw 0n1tile folur lec- fallen s p'1e inig. All seniors desiring credit for thleir notes an xwills Imunt file the notes, wi11 th ttuten and cases cited at nmy office, room 11, before March 21." F. It. MECHE'M. All juniors desiring credit for thleir notes oit agency Imutst file the n1101s of 0110 entire subject at, my office, roonm 3, before March 19. F. It., MECHEIIH. Students whlo ale inlterested in thle study an~d collection of our birds and thecir eggs are requnested to nmeet me In rooim I18 (norths wing of mnainl build- ing, ground floor), on Saturdasy, March. 16, at 2 p. nn., xwith a x'lexx to forn- ing a "Field Club.' D. C. WORICESTER. Mr. W. T. Livingston, of It. H. FI+yfe &Co., of Detroit, wvill be in AnnB Arbor at the Cook hlouse Wtednesday. Thurs day andl Friday. March 13. 14, 15, anid will be pleased to llow all U. of M. mom ,11line of all 0110 Newest. Late - t1 Metropolitan Style of a. Slippers and Rtub- ber and Sunimer *wear. . siring to earn° his board de Applying at vi E. Unlver- .rs advertiseia the Daily. Caps and 'Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowvns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meas urement formns, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garmnents without visiting tile store, will be. forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate .prices. Strawbridlge & Clothier 1PHiILAD0ELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America PEACOCK STRIDE" ++ANxD++ WALTZ-OXFORD music and description of dance cau be procured at GRANGER'S 'ACADEMY OfEOUNCIR~ NO. 6 MAYNARD STRSEET. ]DO YOU RIDE? March, Relay DIfYLfIES11 anid Kenwood GENTS~) W. T. APMADOC, W.-C. MANCHESTER, 45 Williamn at. Ann Arbor. S.AN GER.,- TITUS AN>D C.AB.ArNNE Amerlca's (Greatest Riders have selected as~ their Mount for 15, Yes, and there orPe thers. This will beatpalding. year.. /"'Fitted with Plmker Tires. EDERBAH FARDWAHE CO. G. H."WI LD . THE LEA NG .TAILOR adImI" 5 r S h-- «--jived the larg est a ck of IMPORTED : - OGLENS for Spri '95 in the nit: ' ,seed to hav mine the gar 'ti l3 ialty,' 2 E.' fain. I