TILE U. OF M. DAILY. MWGHIGAN C13AL~ [ine Table ilisrised: Nov. 18, 194. EAST.WEST.r Mail and Ex --4930 Mail --------843 N. Y Special---- 5915 NY.Specilt... 73W Eastern Ex----10 25 N. S. Limuited.--- S 25 A. M.. Pacific Ex---12 15 Atiantic Ex....- 7 47 r. M U. N. Expres.... 5' 405 Western Ex--2 12 0. 1I. Express --11 05 Cihi. Nt. Ex....10 '25 G.R.Ex-------9 7 0. W RUGGSos, 14. IW. HAYES, G, P. & T Agt.. Chicago. Ag.,Asoi Arbor. T., A. A. &. N. MY. RY. Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1804. 'Trains leave Ann Arbor on CentraliS land-! nrd tine. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:185a. m. *i:15a.in *12:2 p. n, 11:30 a.m.n 4:19p.m. 9:00 p.mi. iTrain run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except5HSuAgen W. 10. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 03. ANIN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. Lev:e Ypsilanti froms Congress st., 7:00,9:00 and 11:00 a. m:.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:G0, 6:49, 9:0sod i0:30 p. in. Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:30 and 11:30 a. a.; ::1,2:45,5:30,7:15,:30:ndl:04p.in. SUNDAY TIME. Leasve Ypsilanti from Congress st.. 1:3,13:30, 5:00, 6:30 and 9:00 p. m Leave Aim Arbor Janction, 2:00, 4:00,59:30, 7:10) and 9:30 9,p.n Coes run on city time, Fare: single trip 15 coats: round trip tickets 25 cests. Win. P. PARKERs opt. FLOW ERS, FLOWERS For Ev erything and Everybody. COUSINS 9lHALLFlOrIsf~ 0ts,5 .idephonya11. The Clover Leaf Ro ute. "Please keep in mind tlin Toledo, St. Louis ,& Kansas City R. It.,, The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Lotus, Mo., and [lie West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union_ Depot at 5 p. ini. daily, arrives New Union Staltion (the largest in the world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central lines at Toltdo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Beata Free and Vestibuled. Sleepers with- olltt Olangze. 0. C. JENKINS. Generl Passenger. A ., Toledo, 0. 17. O1r 3. T~atLOZ~S' Our Spri~ng and $uiner Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 4SS. State sO.. Meiond Flnoor, AnA rbbr. 22 Years in the BusineSS1__5l5t4X0 i CITY LAUNQRY X. M. BEABOLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave. Atlietic Association Matters. At the Grand Opera Houso. "Tn- directors of to Athletic assoti-la '« s i, sAllt sIi lrtfnc tion at their isicetiug hast iiight ('01- ttt eve ottipieteiy woni til wome01. sidered the proposed liews tcnstitutionl The fai- sex has heeii as eaistliulsiaict of t1e assotiation. Withiltf5 w in IstnicillE it ii New York as t- changes It was declils-to Isriel- it to ms aebeadltn ofa tiio annu~tal nin hg of ihe aissciation aese h heoealac i iii April. There are a numbeslsr of iti- or seven ififert-nt timeis. ii~hi .1 are* pol-tnt -changes i it-e new -onstits: iillf1alttdozen i pr3 loive stories it, ii a few losys. saindltiiye lave, lnslsli(-yosiiig iii111ill WMONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH COICERT tb~llst too0. The eomnedy Is tonhi- lilevliliol lat the l(randiioirope lhulse -AT__sniitomorros for the irst tmbtelI i. Presbyteriau £huch Iue dgy E tneMning, ev-n-iMcl 9,6i MARCH 19 Itobetrt [7 iogeroll AN ill deliver a lit' _ tre:-at it-e Grand opera slions's-, takiing I Varied mussical procrasm sitb collegi- yells soid songs. Lost ior foil program 0is:ainother columon. Ticbets can beSeerd :at Moorie&S.Wetmsore on ain st. andoiltate sis ., also at Ci. & Mi. Dirsuetoso onStatesit. 0te tibnte mns Ina pnrtpayment frCchgti r.ado Acme bicycle,.ewtieh we send them os approval. go work dane until the bicycle arrives and prmves sisnfactery. Young ILadieSsmeermste If loyi orgiris applyvthey mustibe well recoma- aendedi. Write for particulars. ACME CYCLE CO11IPANY, ELKHART, IND. HOT SPRINGS, ARK., TEXAS, LOS ANGELES ---AN- SAN FRANCISCO. New Texas and California Sleeping Car Line.. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. Have, inaugurated a new Daily Line of FIROST CLASS SLEEPERS from CHICAGO TO LAREO TEXAS, Via Little Rock. Mlavern, Texarkana, Pal- estine, Austin and San Antonio. Passengers for lint Springs have only one change of ecars 1st filiern, 9:90 a,.in, neat day)., arriving at Hot Springs at 11:19 a. in. Sid hours the squickest thresugi sleeping car line between Chicago and Malvern. Also daily line of Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago on name1 train, through to San Franelaco via Lon Angeles 'Csl, NOTICES, Nin-ty-s vtn track oliiisarcsvixftsiest. sel to han tOh 'ivnnmes", soit. C. tour1 lanilt once,--;they slioisnialsoirvtport at thi-. ytiniitshniii aiid train wiltys lwb canida0:tes for:thelii-varsity te in)- of Ihllailtss of li9 V':iwnisdiaoy, 401'st 13i ilthiieitlillit 4lt'cluck. A 01110 .tltondaniits'is: s 'sho. 11. ii. PAUL, ir''s:. Xii ill ls iss ir:tio tsii btil -1 v tr~sasis o5 itlee Issiso 115tias it- toi lttak . tlrr'Iig:'1:tlilts fro- ilit- i- ltttires visit. HA1IItiiIN S*Oi'tE, 'it'ss.a hreslinen who wish to try for ta pl1acr511ltte '98 0ieion whiell coosovs-srs a~gainist ')7 11 int' rela0y tace!at the indooor mee-t are retl-este dtorepsoiri to i in ithei;gyiisit evrcs-y- day fsr ioaetici-. t1. '. IEALD, '8 Track Mttgr The ersoit who took lily suotiesI front tlthtibsi-oieoit of the gyniiuosnl Stuttrdaiyafte-rnisoo, M1-eh1.will please returniltill- same to [teyoffice tif Oiii gyrnsiol~ouin, or to 21 Pack ird s0. "My nameitiandsiaddoriss are printed J. fL. TlOarfO All persons 115 lorilig risolt'to -1A slur- ilg tl~e cluossicl lifser: -or.-to ise iItO idi' thiis city [hi' Itt svt:', in Maicli xvwilli-last' nostify t1. 1'_ 1Merlg by letter', or caiili t N\'vtlirry lviii iii. If notifying iiy letters. please stale hit fly yotir acu'ionooottiono. lusi 1 140 per- doy for roontis or rooii 11:1 hoard. A CHEAP TRIP 'TO JACKSON-: VILLE. A party of ladlis and gesslenaee is heing organized to leave Anu Arbor Saturday, ]ilareb 161, for a two Weeks' trip to Jacksonville, lFla., and retain. Tue private car "City of Ann Arbor' will carry the party through and. will he used for dining and sleeping pur- poses during the eutire trilp. The mat for Ihe round trip 'ti-ont Ann Arbor will he only $6l2.50S, and] will include sleeping accommodations and meals for. 15 dlays. A stop will he made at Chattanooga to enable members of the party to visit Lookout 'Mountain. Stops will he made at other points that the party may decide upon. In cane of failure to organize,,i party of 18 the trip wsitl not be made., 'Write H. S. Greenwood, Agent T.. A.° A. &;N" M. thy,, ut Ann Arbor fori tickets and reservaionis of berths; ssle," Competent }servants will a nspssssy tin entietip. R. S.GREE'WOOD,4Ag. - _ J Z j 01 c 0 d _ C'' . CT~ H 0n. 0 ol to m -to JN ,Y i Sor, maps, tickets and full informnation, applyta. ;FT. ,._ H. y p, 1. rLOEMAN , dsgcalled for F f .HLE I 4m. Prop. . liigan Pass. Agt.. -Trs,FassAg, R TICKET ,OFFICE:. 101 Clark at.. -CICAO