VOL. V. NO. 115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. SOLONS' VISJT POSTPONED. STATE LEGISLATORS WLL COME THURSDAY, MARCH 21. Regents' nvitatitatien Accepted- An Attempt to Reconsider the Vote of Acceptance Fals-The Vote COse-A Hot Discussion. At the clse of yestertay afternoon's sessio of tho Ihosis. telr('ouative Kemp'tf prsetedl the invitation of the regents of this University, Inviting the legislature to Ann Aror. 'fie tnvi- tationl was accepedI though the, vote en the aceptlle was neth I' po- nouneed nor general. In the evening sessio the grager ('1e00nt Ittempltedl to seure a reon- sideration of tiv vote on the acept- once. A fierce deate followed; IMessrs. (Camphell of Inghiamo, Red- fern, of ('hntoo, tovel, of IGrad~ 'Traverse, Linttrnan, of :.Mskcgon, Brown, of Isabella. a0(d Penn. of Alan- iste, favred at reonsideraton of th rote, while Mt ssrs. Waite, of MeInoi- it, Curtis, of (Calhoun, 1.inimis, of Oklaud, Chamerlain, of togei, Foote, of Kialamamoo ad IK' pf, of WAasltenaw, were tdecidedly in favor of inspecting the University. The genrtleusen favoring the trill staed that it was to them both unwise and unfair to cnd('nn the University without any knowledge of what it does or welat it purposs to do. 'The only husiess method was tr each man io go to Ann Aror and se for himself. The opponnts of the rip argued that it was a needless expense. Whtn the University on-i"t'gh tol bil1)11was pasted It was understod that 110 fur ther legislati~e ppropiations wr( to e asked. The m~tin to reconsiter was lost by a veoof I17 ycas hi 3 nays. Presidnt Angel reevd a telegramr fromn Lansing yesterday stating 1tha1 the legislature wouldr 's trrve until Thursday. March 2. ITe arrangie nents as made will tbeJelaed on" week. Webster Society. The Webster soey program for tonight wilt e as follmv : Delata- tion, .. F. Henry; ,2sclarra ,n M. .. Clwson; essay, I1. Iase: oratloit. L. A. Thmpson; r olang, w1\. f. " Smriley;,debat, "l;e-soltv1- that chrh kroperty should e ta 1," aff., J. W. Bingham and W. A. KC " rn:.; neg.. Bf. F. Cory and D. F. 1-idwads. The usual lripirompils will he 'ive Toe Daily WWl be delivered OLD CHINA EXHIBIT. 'varsity, while Dttcier anti Alexander were memers of the freshman t'rew. To be Given at Fins. and Mrs. An- Wisconsin will hold an ieroleg- gell's for Mission Work, late tdeate with Minnsotat next tnvitations, daintily pr 'tt in oIi 5spring. The (questioni id o)0the 'lettn Enuglish, will lbe istued this week for of(I 'nited States sealtors y Ipotular ot It antexhiibit of 0(ld t.-wre to tbe vot. Wisconsin has the thic~ie of L."hen at the home0 of resient aidi sides ait will tbe rilrescnted y W. i.1s Angell, Friday -i fterne n' i111t] T. asses, '15, (G. S. Ford, 't5,Ad w-i rinig, April b. This prom~lissIto C. B. flogos 'S law. he one of tiie' ret.ticst lndult leas 11- I). Lubin, of Saremuto, Cl., hs lit soc'ial (events (f the 'year. A offered threetpries (f $25, $73 and admllissionl ft.) will he ciargedtanld $0 tiroghl Prof. Ely, for essys oil ttit mloney rIealized( will ie se(Od by till'sbjet of tie caulses of teinil tio fruit a1(1( flower mIissionl (s the dustriallldepression. This will te opnu nuclekus of a isloanfunid fot aiding ipor to sttdets in tietuniversities of Minih- yolng awomleti to receie' trl'ltli~lit-at ian, Minnesotalant Wisconsin. The till hosi0tals. oly equreuot is tait ties)';COss~ys A colectionii tf rate 1(ie(, s of bltte distuss Ai. Lttin's artlicle 0n, te1 t'inaitwill hte tmadet'whichliwill be subjtet, cois of whichll havetsen carefully catalogued'(. ''eHistory of snt itie librries of the tretl th- tile tilee, its -age anditthOler iterest- versities. Prof. Ely is willing illftr- in~g facts conctrninitg it w~il bey st nilhin iformal~tion 0n till'sttject forth in aniniistrtuctive tiantier. 'l'le first tmilitary balll of the seasoI Arranlgement'ts will hoepertftctedt to was held at Library 111111.Sturday ilti te el'xhiibit a. comlete sccecss eveniinlg. (It s accss, there' teig in every wily. One0 thlotsanld, two over fifty coplells presnt. hundltre'd ivitatons will e sentit Th'ell'annual coicert of tie glee, man- a11111thle reipieints willirinloetie dolin anti baijo ctbs o'illb h11lt membIlters (f till faciltites, the seniors ntst Stturay eveiing-Daily (att- and( studen'its ini other (eatmilents. Homeopaths Show Fight. Tile work (f tcolcting the pieces foi' the exhibit is ill charlge of al commilit 'Te dottors of tilt'thomepathic te wull is. Charls B. Nnier.ie shool i this state 1111've Ot illuptie Is chairmanli. Tilne 115s tof thlose 11710 ite'I'il~oi n1w eilgtariet oil te- halve charge of 111e inetcesry' arrange- tween tie twe scools at this t'livi7- ilents will tbe givn ii tomlorrow's -sty. A meting was 1101( at Lnsing, Daily. 'Tuttay, ovtr wichl Dr. I. S. (ope land11 preidet. Two tplns were ati- WiscnsiLeter. vante'(d to settle tie dispute. O)n0 Mtadison, Wis., iMacoil 1l.-Spec'il was15tat 111e homepathanti sllo- Correspondteuie.--ArtoeIdoor mlet ipatths shall eacl iav' a c'hair of 15.1- ilelli Saturday evening the universit'ytria ileCaisnd tie tieory antIpac- recordt ithtie pole vault wis broken ie of medltiineO 'The chirs in str- bly Jacekson; '9, who cleared 10) feet. gory, gynecology, obstetris and(1op- (crane was second with p feet, p0ilalmology are to e e'ualy divided inchles. Good records for indoor work tetween tie scolsi. Tie allopaths in te oherevetaiaerc mde,10 re giveis the remlaind~e. illhut ot,'ceV'Ot wee mdeLi Till oiler plan advancd is to c- feet, 1 inlch steing cleared in the broati IIIove tieihomepatic departmlelt to jsump, witihoutIt raised take off. Two Detroit, tie school realining unsietr imare of thlese indoor, metta will e tie cotrol of the rgets wit tie held. They have1 succeded in bring- understanding tat ho expensce of con- ditlting the school shall not be I- lugou 1101 Ot'tstiild o oil~el'creased. Tie biuildigs now ocupid tion. A medal will be giveu to tie y tie homeoaths are to be turind tviisn r of tile greatest numl~br of over to tie alopaths. 'Thie legislator points in the sries, Is then to give the homeiopais ti' Th'ieimoney for the purchase of a $5,(iXX) applrpriationu now Inteded for the allopaths. new shell is being aised rapidly. Dr Le Sre, of Detroit. and Jones, There are four crews owing oni the of this city, are to co-opemate with the maclines at present Thre will be State Homeollthic Board of Control a fresisman crew formed from the in presenting the mater to the legis- candidates as soon as tienmen get lattuc. Both plans are to be submit- ted to the legislature. on the water. Tieice breaks up be -yesterday ills mater cane up bI- tween April 1 and May 1. The men fre the house esommittee for a hr- on the first crew ae rowing as fol- hg but the homeopaths were uniable lows: Pyre, stroke; Rohn (captain), to agree upon- a number of points. ; Weber, 6l; Knapp, 5; 'Ap. Roberts, Dr. Obctz stuck to iis pet scheme of - -amalgamation Dr. LeSeure and th 4; Dutcher, ; Soith, 2; Alexander, era were in favor of the removal to Bow. -Of these, Pyre, Itali, Weber Detroit The comsuittee adjourned at and A P. -tobe~ts rowed on last year's 1 o'clock without takimag action. NO GOOD STUDENT Tries to learni witiont books. Some pooplo thoughi try to Ise mtusic'al insruments wiih little We Say Buy Those Which HaelToe We sol llt kind. 51 South Main st. STUDENTS Wily wear handmedowns PANTS When you get them made to your measure for $3.25 and isp, by a practical tailor here at honme? All work done in Anni Arbor. Suits pressed 60 cents. JOs. W. XOLLA17UF, 10 E. Washigtn t. H~OT TI1UJ WO-h8S FRaSse IE Or LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES JUST RECEIVED AT +TUTTLE'S, S48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL fof Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGEST OP[RATING ROOM IN SIAIE NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. CADIBUIX. PROPRIETOn Or TEt Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the cty. E. Wlashington s., st door est of Main St. Asn Arbor. MAMMOTH A PIPE SALE JOLLy & CO'S hi SOUTH STATE ST. Don't ail to come. lst andmIColad assehes at All Hers. Heard's Criminal Pleading NOW ON SALE AT JA HRS Up Town, Dws Towe, Unlversty Bookstore. Opposite Cor House, Ea0S. StatesSt. 4N. MalneSt.. S ANN ARBOR