THE U. OF M. DAILY. Schaller's Bookstore!~ GRIP Formerly with George Waher, 9 REMNIE DI E S ! KWashington st. Headquarters for "everything a Student needs in the ALL KINDS live of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. -T MARTIN SCHALLER ..Mu mr' #ME DOWN-TOWN BOKSLER EW DRUG STORE, E. Washington st, one block east of Main st. COIL WASINGRTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. '95 LAWS ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK. HAVE YOUR Organised 1863. 'Oapltsi, $sit,0(. Surislus and Profits, W4,000. (AME ENGVE D Transacts a general banking business. (wceig-- exchanges Uaagkt and sold. Furnish --AT-- ietterssoce dit. XW'. ARNOLD'S eeer VAi Ps .W CAKOCashier. A.RE YOU TWT1IRET i1_ We havssomething new snd-superior in this1 pk~Jvy-H HOW ITO© IS Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flow _.___Buy Best Western Patent Flour Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 c- ________E_______ Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour f( ANNIE. ARDFSTER' Buy Six Pounds of Crackers foi 11,ANI AD f SG# Buy 73/ Pounds Bent Rolled Os School of Dancing ad Delsarte. =)E - .,..,. 1 . ! .1.« ..1..,:..,..,. . a 44 South Main Street. M31OORE & WETMORE 65S. Main Rt., end State St., or- ner of William St., hiave a complete stuck of IJNIY[SII IXIBOOS New and Second Hand. NoesBeaks ar d ether Students' Supplies 1Fine Stationery. Spsrting GOeds,.etc., which they utter at the Loeest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. 4NN EMT EBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Giss and tDnmestic Finish . S E. S. SERV'ISS, Manager, 123 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. (GYM SUI'TS. * . We have got them. The hest goods fer __ LEAST MONEY.. Our gynasiumn suits . . are made by the WO ~ EMAN WHR[[CO (makshn of Victor Bicycles) and are fully guaranteed. A great many are in - EXAMINE THEN. -AT- M, STAEDLE'S CYCLE- EMPORIAM 1t W Washington st. ' I D TJV FOUNTAIN PENS? Hite. IDrop us a postal before haying others. YT. WASHINGTON. D. C. CONOI.I Si. rt for $3.00 per Barrel. xfor $3.75 per Barrel. subts per 1-16 Barrel. For 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. 25 cents. ats for 25 cents. .SALN 8&COMlIPAN~Y - - - t5aturday, 10 a. m., Gentleman beginners class. ___ _ , _ Saturdasy, 4 . in., Lady beginneris ess. Ileista ,7;3 p. nn., Advanced Ciass (Ladies' and untemen). °vssssds ,7:30p.nm., Beginners Class (Ladies and Getiemen). Prvt vssns by appmointment. UNGVTERFER E$i? 35fSUW~I5l5E .511 ton at. Second Semester TEXTm- BOOKS, New and Secondhand for All Departments of the University at lieelian-&Co.'s Booksstore, State St. ]SST NOTE BOOKS in the city for 250. WATCH FOR ~OUR SPRING STYLES }FINE SHOES. NATTY NOVELIES.° I UNIVERSITY NOTES. { Gs. F. Well, '93)law, was admitted toII the Ohio lootlloot week. !iownril Coffin, F9T Ht, is ivoav o vkinslow.No. T at the post t- Kawada, '94 it, hits been dt-oftet' Atho the. Japajsa navy. Ltit. firttdte-bate in the s la tw ci ass itt oral discus-sieuna will be held On accouant of the ideath of Mr. Wal- lace, a moeiker of the class, tCo ban- d'uet of the '94 its .has becen lostpsoned v, the first week In April. tOwiiig to a change in the sroonge. niuls, 1ltse funeral of" Mr. Walter G. Z- all ta, will be hcld at Ili Cogre gat nial church at 1:30 today. 1Rey. Il-lahaw will officiate. Tho first faculty concert of this se- imester takes -place next Thursday evening. Instructors Hughes and Smith made a flying business trip to Detroit last Saturday. Col. Robert G. Ingersoll will lecture "s the Bible at the opseix house Mon- dlay mga.maccetis. Miss Octnvia IW. Bates, '96 law, is to enterttaln the Webster society at thei-r meetIng Mareli'2T, by a short lee. vwe an- a"Darwin." Cu. Ft. Lotbrop, non-resident lee- ~turer on {patent law will lecture to Te post -gradtuate lawn this week com- vnaing Wednesday. Prof. '361m. W. Champhliia, of tis 'law leeslilty Is 'talked of as a i enio- -emai"-_ -ominee for mayor of Gra.nd ,4l"34.4 at tlie.reining spriug v~clnime Air. IH. Prisn, '96.,dent, will sail for Ilermay about April 15, wherelp -WlS gis's a course in crown aod brtdge work, retsurning to graduate with his 4Studeiits' Ministerial baud niet:*t at Mfe111ilai hail Thucasday evening at 61:301. All studeiits conteinplatiag the iminisry are. invited io be present. A constitution will be adopted at this nmeeting. An entertaininit of a uniqtie de- sription will be given at lbe Presby- tenoan church, Tuesday, luchi 19, at S It. i. It will consist of Thie Irou- dlerinig of the, most diffietdt music biy Prof. IHowe, on a plusnograph withiout esac tubes, so that it can be. heard by the entire audience. The prograit will include music by (diisoces aiid the Marine bands, Baldwin's Cadet band,- cornet solos by Jules Levy and Walter Enterson, and of music by artists oii the piccola, banjo, flute, clarinet and xylophone. The following nic-ses have beens added to the list of las?-ball candi- dates% as It noW stands w henk cut down: Vanunyl, Baird, Bryant. and Hurd. This makes a, reduction to 33 in all. It does not, however, mean that any candidate for the 'varsity nine not nmentioined Is necessarily debarred from any chance of making the team. When outdoor practice begins, every- one who wishes will harts a fair aind equitl show for the teami and the choice of the men will depend entirely upon the showing; rtlehlou. Program at Vesper Service Today- The program of bhb. vesper services ^+ T.,v rslty hall from 4:10 to 4:20 twilt be as follows : Organ tendeIssolon; hymn, Gloria :hem, 'For-,III;.ethoLord Mendelspohn; orgopn pow~ Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools tiiroughoout the Unsited States, at surprisingly low prices. Self mess- uremnent forms, containing alt nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fittiing garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded uposs request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORiS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADJBELPHIA. Th le largest exclnsively Dry Goods House in America PEACOCK, STRIDE" + +ANgD ++ WALTZ-OXFORD music and descriptison of dance cau be procured at IRANGER'S ACADEMY Of OAHCIR~f NO5. 5 MAYNARD STPENtiT. DO YOU RIDEB? March. Relay DIVPC and Kenwood BIYLLES W. T. APMADOC, W. C. MANCHESTER, 4o Wiliiam st. Ann Arbor. TITUS ANID CAB.ANNE America's OreatsiSl iders have selected as their Mount for 195, Yes. and there arPeother.. This will be a Spalding year. M"-itted with Palmer Tires. EBERBACH HARDWAflRE CO. THE LEA TAILOR =and Import jived the lamest and It.1stok of