THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GEN lime Table i(Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. P Y.AM Mail and E:---- 350 Mali.-_ - 843 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 Eastern Es-...10 25 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25 .A. M. Pacific Ex---12 15 Atlantic Ex__._7 47 r. M D N. Express..-. 5 40 Western Ex____2 12 0i. 11. Express __-11 0l 5 C. Nt. Es-...10 25 0. W RUGGLTES, ii. W. HATES, G. P. & T. st.. Chicago. Agt., Ass Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X. RY. Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1894. Trains ieave Ann Arbor on Central Stand. ard time. NOHHOTH.907. 7:18 a.m. *7:15 a. m. *12:5 p. M. 1:3a.m. * 4:15 p. n. 9:0p. M. - Trainn run between Ass Arbor and Toledo aly. All trains daily except Sunday. . .. GREEN WOODU, Agent W. HBENNETT G. P. A.Toledo tU. ANN ARBOR &YPSILANTI STRY, TimeTable, October 7, 1894. Lpe'rYpsilanti from Congress st., 7:00,59:00 antd 1:00 a. m.;l"22:45, 2:H5, 5:t0, 0:45, 9:0sod 10:30 p.m'. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30, 9:30 and 1:0 a.m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30,7:15,:30 andll:Op.m. - SUNDAY TIMIE. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressl.. : 30,3:30, 5:00, :30 and 9:0.'m. Leave Aun. Arbor Junction, 2:30, 4.00,5-.30, 7.00 and 9:30 p. m. t ars runs on city time. Pore: single trip 15 cutis; round trip tickets 25 cents. WM. P. PA KEnt, Supt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUS~INS,& HA1., florists, a56 ~tone 1135. The. Clover Leaf route c M At the Grand Opera House. Law Notices.' Ne York laughed so heartily at The next quiz for the senior haws "Charley's Aunt" that althougis it in Heart's Crisiniial Pleading will be could have been pliayedi all suisier to on chiapters 4. 5, 07anod,7. a large business, the (oflsequel5t s of ~Istrctor Siih will quliz tile senior, b-ll unrestrained miirths in list weaiti-. er were feared by Massager Froosslal. laws on lectures '13 to 1( iin corpora- Just as soon as thse teinperiiturl-ix'r- tiols11in000om 131 nest week. siitted it was anniunceel for reproduct- Prof. Chamspin will le-tare to the tion and iisisow drawinlg the sain cldot aws today. Prof. Thomptsosn will (te- crowds at the IEnspire Theater' liver an extra lecture at 4 p, in. to the l WONDERFUL PHIONOGRAPH CONCERT Theuniorr l ws ile isse th -AT- wiz nthyllstforeurestotoete Presbyterian Church luesday b~i ;:lstyerjsilast. forlectres ntorketh MARCH 19 examoilnationon n the esubtsct with the Th eirlawys will be qsuizzed on le:turs 5 ~to 8 inluslnive inl equtity 10510 ursrd nconet week iso coons 4,. - .. - -by Insrtoir tee lles o.Tufour lpre- sedinog lectuores oillibtieilew ed- 7 - ! InStructor HI1Les : will qiliz thse -junilor law's, o letures 53 to 10lin- 'Jillelusive ooxt weekL in roomoo 4. Tt.lere wi111 ilso be a reviwi:"on10the' f~utr li-- 1Susa or:'c--sing. Varied musseal'proar::am:w10h coiese yetis Entertainment of the Legislators.' snd gogs. Loot for fall pro.gram in another column. Tietets can be securedi atlloor& Wetm~ore Thoosgi: til - irsogri tll ImHel3sOfeor on Mist . andon0M1tst,als so at B. &5A5 iers Store o: State t. I the: :1ite 0 1111:11:-lt of the :ls-giseltA or dos:ng e iir visit to t hlis- oricrity a .n ~ B I ID B i1:10o:t beeu l5 t-lit' ly troaogrvd,. y:,t th,hm-mwootkerswilounoutebtedlyy1010:r of the: trasin:they, willi tootasite o: t (raooger'os least 'oily'orsre:suhlw: woill, beservedl. A s-oisiso't.witilooiae -i il iiversily i11,111 iso tt:e, '5v'ltilo7,.ltt -- :wicho th:~ieroai 'i'ons, oh:-y0G0:: asosi' trtly lisb Grade. Trcht, teiats.l .:nd 1S isolbs 1001:1Ptof.t ss os-will Werlnashi s~folly so.:a leesI Ocrthe I participatoe. Thein: oorn lgof ,1'ridb.y Elliptie Crank. tatel: this:spae iltoe s1a00 inspectisig thU tlilver- W.P. DISTLER, cty;,lt 11 oelsock tloo studlt:so will .10NN University ase. gather 'fiss 1siv:-rsitiy 1h:l11Avitho 10e vsiors aid falesslty wherrospt ecs- iiflflBATSHawill b 10 ide. lbs rellainsl' 0 of Oihs rr 0110isit il be- spe'lt in aslspaeti sss ofa TnthW Universuuy. '4 «- (-1- O4 "WPlease keep in mind the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas Cisy R. R., 'rho Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and tile West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at 5 daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St.' Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central lines. at Tolr-do. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Beats Free and- Vestibuled Sleepers with- out changze. General ,Passenger Ajgt.,,tl'ledo, 0.. Our Spring -and Summaer Woolens are now on sale. Pirices Low. Cal anehsd seetus.. : 46 S. Stsie Si.. Se-enud.,Insor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years tn the Businss-af CTY LAUNDRY, X. X: "MAOLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave. E HA11 T.AILORIN G! ohnndune neatiy byRpirn AVG. 5(ReFl1r.AL1,122y. Wanhington EXCEiLSIOR f LAUNDRY ! 20 EASTitUltON STREET. woed works Gusasateed. Goods called foe addelvered. A. F.47ViET. vrop. 0 C-1 z zFy " 0' 0- r I f" r. -:F-. - A CIIEAP- TIP. TO JACKSON HOT SPRINGS, ARK., VILLE. A party of ladies and geotlewas- TEX.AS, being organized 0o 1eave Ann Arbo Saturday, Mtarch 16, foc a two- weeks'~ LOS, ANGELES trip to Jalcksonville, Pla., and retun.s --AND- The private car "City of Ann Aor-or" SANw ill carry the pasty though and will AN FRANCISCO. b used for dining and sleeptng pur- Ny'ew Texas and California Sleeping poses during the entire trip. Car Line. The rate for the round trip from - - Ann Arbor will he only $02.501; and: will include sleeping accommodations THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. and meals for 15 days. - - Have. inaugurate4 a new'Daily Line of A stop will he made at Chatt - noga k'IH-ST CLASS SLEEPERS from to enable mtemtbers of the party to CHICAGO0.TO LAEDviEX s i V5t, Lookout =-Mountain. -Stops will le, O -IAR00 . TXAS bemade at other points that the piarty Yia Little Reck. Halvern, Texarkana, Pal- may decide upon. estine, Austin and*San Antunis. Passengers In caso of failure to organize a yart for Hot Springs have only sue change of ears of 18 the trip 'uill not he made. (at Malvern, 950 a. m. nest day), arriving WrtR.SGenwo Aet at list Springs at 11:10 a. m. Six hours the WieH .GeewoAetT"" quickest through sleeping car line between A. A. & N. M. lRy., at Ann Arbor for~ Chicago and Malvern. Also daily line of tickets and reservations of berths, rtc. Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago on same Coptnsevnswl copn train, through to San Francisco via Los optn evnswl copn AngeCl. car on entire trip. __________ I. S. GREENWOOD, Agt. W. 1-. BENNETT. G. P. A. For maps, tickets and full irtfurmatios. -- apply to LOST. J. H. GREEN J. NALDERMAN, The person who took my satchel Milchigan-Pass. AgO. Tray. Pass. Ag from the basemenit. of the gymnasium Saturday afternoon, Msarch 9, will TICKET OFFICE: 201 Clark at.. CHICAGO please return the same to the edfice F. H. Tristram,~ P. E. Domsbauigh, of Slhe gymnasiumo, or to 21 Packiardl Ceti. Pass.Art. Pass. & Ticket Agt. st. My name and address are primted (12 r. 0 t C>0 0. Si woza C>2 r0 OR0 r. 0 (D2 (1', oat, CD tr I) } 0