c 4e . of iju 16 i,. V\OL. V. NO. 113. UNWVERSITY; OF MICIHGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. ]REDUCED TO TWENTY-NI NE SOLONS TO VISIT US. Legislators Will Inspect the Uni- NUMBER OF 'VARSITY BASEBALL versity Friday. CANDIDATES LESSENED.___ 'lo Rlegilatilre is ('onogto towin. Baseball Practice Definitely Ar- M. EUGENE YSAYE COAMING. No GOOD STUDENT ranged-Names cf Candidates and Practice Hours. The lbastlball itifiitnig atio thas dI cide d on a ihinnitig out of ft'e conti-i doles for Ilte lbaseball ti em in aecord- linco Withi 11w' plaii followedi at ol ihe caslil u tniv ilEio. tromt tow on, therefore, tho 'followingn: ii will :apt. or for liar-u ic'e as desinated be- low: Blooniingston, Bradley, Butler, (.Ctndoin, ,overt, Crosby, Deans, Dollbs, Fox, Farnthamn, Glates, flall up, ,Green, Hart, Holmes, H uber, rirt' Thutrsday inighit aitd till spend Ifriday ittopeciing 1the Unit ec it. ('onptititearcang 'au-tlewill be niatite to shtowvt'e visitors ow '-the ianag, , naetfof ite i'tiivi'roilv is es~ntet. Thoy w'aill lI- tenderitd a rteeptioii I- liv. problylvittlt' ~gytniasititi. Indoor Moot of Engineers. 'fit'iigiiiu'e to' inditl os'etbro-tigt a large ciroldto ft' g'--itiasisitumfiat- riltiay and was lii'oliittix-''of aOil lttii anti a half of gootd 'ontests. 'Itte eletiritcal cogineet's carrietd off thi' huooi's of firstplate.,'ititlitiugtolo-ty engine i-s got l t' i't'iftiling two WILL BE HERE MARCH 20. A Bater of the Violin-Securedt 'Through the Enterprise of Uni- versity Musical Society. Itivece of 'ilolintimic 'ititi li e slat1 it to ai'n thttM. Ysaye. the falloti; Bl'tgtnvii'lnostt ims ani' isetc~ueti fur Stali 1125. 'lii-'iiiittittie t Sattol(- s'houll b" siitti'iit to fli 1i(ivtyi hatlitfldt'e l1iiversityMnlsi("al sot-i- ety eitlot be' too highily eotsgcallatt't fit' it sti(ersinl Itavitig set oreit s t'ttiiit,11t fiti ilt. i'tugeti t' sye. was bort il in 'l'gitint1 ttirty-six years tigo tldhas wonitifor hmself t acefit amlong uliheg(retrst tetists. His fatitr' wtas rft gettletlir t'ttipalitiit trou gh 1this ( uuitr't. Vtlt' Meeker, MclClay,stl on° it ael Mn-ecg McKenizie, Miller-,wrsln'stttttrutac. itet.li'astliiiigo'tnitt °oeRutssell, Thfli'olltowing wereis ts' evt-rts ainthe pt'nse, tititci'such ttachters aisAMite' Seslon, knelling, tfl it''aetrs: at t tuu"'iienawsihi, whttse iutiullne St. Clair, Waite, Fence'vaidtltiitc'liiisoii, '1l' I:. st;lieitiwrgtitfititt.It's Watkins. thastbee'tilry Igeatu;poein"i'iil'('eiis Intfiltdtrs, ttirowingitutd catchinog, '" '' thu aertiii'of the mottderriititrgian vtulsisl Iliii'hegyflfisio ifl, 2:t30 to schtf''t thulr.ootl of vitolinists whit r'epresenit.thte 13:30 p. itt. Runiniiig bctttttl .Iiill-I'flolei, '.3f rieli school iitiitbty tPolishi in- All cantiiidt' a. on 'lust -wuiglils, L, lst; Horfton, '015It, 2nd; Htchlt'in-iPuci'ii'ti. 0:.10 to :45 IIp~. sll. rt;i-ilit, 8ft'.Sy Sine(' 38811 \t. Ystave' basablitro-it- All canudidiate. oenthi, track 3:15 to incites. f ositi' of violin imusit' tt the Rouyal 4:15 p II.IIi t'e'arestling bottbetwxeenil-or ('ttnst'rvtoi'y ittirusels, 'alen'his 'liding, 4:13 p. ill.tint, '"1i I, aid Staltt't '9) .1 , Hton puttifPdlinhits btetn fully' estabtlishett. ttetries ini cage, dowitafirs, 3 10 secuired t. fall in two)iiinute Paris tini LontdonIfhave joined in p.l. ~ltl'cibn'stlis'ft rit irtetg lil abailitit's. Siince'lilsfirst In aseanycannotcomly 8ith -5 seconids;t'almeir.'."Ill-Ets eec Di es a tiaotpipel 'ii ll:arance itiforit'hlii'P'hilharmiiitci tlits they' wtill'itlease rport to the capi- onds; Dyt', '115 '. 111'k5 seconds.s co