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March 09, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-03-09

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,,~I§i!4N ENH~1. At the Grand Opera House. Convention of College Republicans. W
Time Tabtle tlievised) No.1, 84.i "A good production of 'Thie Ship of As has been announced before, the A N E
EAST. WET. State' was givelii at the Park yester- annual convention of the Aneritean
Mail P.M. AM ay tinee and eenngb5 aca11-lolceLau wiib
14aiandEx..... 1350 Mail -8---- (lay-nt--- 8i43. Republican)ColeeLegewilb
N. Y. Special--- 5 15 N. Y. Special--- 7 1W ble company. The story is based on
Easters Es.----10 25 N. . Limited.--5925hedaGrnItps,3il.Arl5.
A. M. Paciic Ex------12 15o the stirrinig times of thle Ihat War with 1101(0t(rid0tlis iciArl3
Atlantic Es-..7 47 r. M15Ferngland isi18112, aind brinigs into The preparations for tlhe coivelitio1 1 00
0. N. Express...- 1. 40 Western Es-___2 12
0. 1R. Express _.11 03 Ci. Nt. Es----- 1 25iromiinence the battle on Lake Erie are well snider way now. .'Ilie citizenes
0.. 0 RIOnoiE, H . HAY-_-- in which (:ounodore Perry wa1sVc- have rattsed a guaranrtee fuind of $,7t,
0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Anns Arbor. toriotls. Ini liii'first act the escapetilivii'friieitn ocitf
froiiithl British shit is shown. aiid Good, Strong, Healthy
T::.9 A.. A. & N. XV. ElY. fi-oiii thence on to the last act the dlegates. A lnimber of proinlett
Tating effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1894. scetniscshlanget the quiet hiomie lif e tIiepublican leaders have already at--
Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- of the frontier. Inihla tst tict a ine ceitted invitaitioiis to lii tires-ete'
ard S tie.U0TH. picttire of the ltoitbuiidlleltta te vii- Einoughi m uii haie already dieid to .iI A R
1:25 p. im, 11:300a. m. ta lssth tiy'lttntoD inCureilis la trger littsctiaiie
4:1 p. m. 9:0p.mL. At the Gtrand Mlacitt 11.
*Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo "Cl-h- s'sAut"t' e te itnha ieGrenliandlg isg
only. in~
All trains daily except Sunday. Ope.ra IHouse. Mairchi 14. convention. To iav~e my Liar's Diploma,
R.S. GRIEEN WOOD, Agent Popcsaego o o sht'
0'. 11. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo O. Outing for March.Potitsregti tofr1ht
_____aaiifight for lte presidency of the temitite 1 2x16 with gold seal and of-
ANARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Outing for 'Marcel conttins i1 ustial is took ila-c last year. Tlieare it il stm-atchdsn
Tabe, ctoer7, 894 qotaof itile icreotis. ii tust :tire icalddateis in the fheld now,
Time Tbe coer7 84 otqutaeuowor tliy poi ots of hietlicli i re a col- -
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,7-0 :00 ItOa fCiao.Hnig o reO Tee fa 2 c;
and 1i:00 a. i.; 1:45,2:15,5:(;0, 6:45, :00 and leettoix of lte scores if i istoeu foot- itiii.o Ihcig.leiinitfreo ic
10:30 p. M.b-l -heli o iia f ts-iin,111adakhr"tri1ei ofa c t
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,90:311 andbalam fr'4ada ouiof«scnu nd."dkhre"roi.
11:0 a. m.; a:lx,2:45,5:3,7:15:30 and11:00tlp.e. lt'Iini rles oii illticreitligilti ;iorts Michilgait.whoiiwilliprobalyhwit- stamlp.. address,
SUNDAY TIME. iditptedin theli:-wist. L~eezs woildl draw- at1 Ciie 1ast Illtin iifavrrof;
Leave Ypsilanti from Congressost., 1:3, 330, tour aiwliecl is Coltioud ihi tis 1i111i1- lbenlllg l~ir o.li r i
5:00,6:30 and 9:00 p . .nn.''edrICm h m
Leave Anis Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00,5:30, tier, as aire, also thei .rticl s itni.aipanl. i i.11 i~tsl its-l1 t1
7:0ansd :30 p.m.dithapoiieyrfsdosan
Cars run on city time. yare: sngte teip 15 Several lilt: rillilig tlcs of ltavel aidi
number fouteen New York colleges l, ie l
FL W RB LO "ER5 :L olthe Ikey to the situation. l;
FL W RS LO E S he Iie.I: itty ftxtlock will ,'liver ________1330MASONIC TEMPLE.
For Everything and Everybody. a course of coniiiw::tioli seritotis at NOTICES.
0111&111LFarls Teixlphone 115. tho hailf plist tell oclock seice ilit NO-rICE ' TO INDEPENDENTS. CHICAGO.
St. Andrews icihuri.cu, gii inti with h-Thetiul Ml xeting of the 0T. of
reshie inett Sundarky :a1111 oiltgiiiti l lii M. Indipendeint associaition for the - -c-- -


Clover Leaf
£W'Please keep in mind the Toledo,
St. Louis & K{ansas City It. R.,
The Clover Leaf Route, 'Fast
Line.' for St. Louis, Mo., and the.
West and~ Southwest leaves To-
ledo Union Depot at. 5 p. m.
daily, arrives New Union Station
(the largest in the world), St.
Louis early next morning.
and Mlichigan Ceiitral lines at
Tolt do.
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free
and Vestibuled Sleepers with-
out change.
C. c% J1BNKIN.W6
General Passenger Agt., Toledo, O.
Our Spring. and. Sumnmer. Woolens
are now on sale., Prices Low.
Call and see us.:
48 S.:.Stitex.. Sxxanxt Fluir, Ann Arher.
22 Years inthe R a mnes . '
M. £.EA'tfLT, d. 4 N. 4th ave.
Cl'eaning, Pr0sing and epair ng N
dulie neatly by
Arr.. 55554 INIIWA5:i,;. . Wxnhingesn

Suiday tseorie Easter. 'Thtic oi'iriiia-
tion lectures to ltheeclaissNvill als:: tue
given, as before iaouied-t. In tlii
serions subh(its iof iiterest to ill,
tbothi church iiembelurs aiiii others, will
ibo treated. The sujict iif lt- sermonu
next Suniday imorninog wil tue, "ANhat
Churtchli lbei ershiii Stettls and What
It does not Btean"
Ans ArtCatalogue oeluoinass roebe ihad Iree
ox axuy Columsbia Agency,occii eilli be mailed ice
iwou2-cenustamps. Tells, tso, oi ibs reliable
Hnrtdord IBicycles. ,8o bo 500o.

turpuose of electing Daily editors far"
thie comting year will occur Saturday,
April G. According to a rule of the
associationl the editors shall be ap-
portioned as follows: Eleve-n to the
literary departilent, thtree to the law !
depiartmeint, twco to the medical dlepart
aentt, oixe to the phailrma:cy land one
to the dental departnment. It is do-
sired hat all those wvishing to try~
for places begin contributing at. once.

and those whiose writinig warrants a
puosition on the board will be recom-
mended to Chic association.
.Managing Editor.
Freshmeii whio wish: to r3-for ia
pslice on Clie '9S teatniwhich -oimpetes
axgainst '117 ill the rilaiy rotc at thie
indooir nme-t are reqiueistiid to report
to nits in tli:e gymniumioi every day
for pirictice. I1.. 11IIALD,
.15 Track 'Manaxger..
'9 TI: ACt( ME+N.
Ninety -%eveiitraick iiexi are retiiest-
ed to handI their namnes to Rt. C. Bour-
hand at oncie; they shioulit also replort-
at the gymnalsium n d int rain with thy--
canidtates fur the 'varsity team..
A VIctoi- Ihicycle at rutduced, pric-.'
As goodl as ilew. Inquire.,at 05 S.
Mlain st.
Due bills at the Daily office. itf.

2200: to 2204 "e tost., 1330,
Masoxiie Temple, Chicago,


EQ 0 FIK ot
Send for Agency

Will vialt.A
ally durir

or person-
of Marech

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