VOL. V. NO. 111. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1895. PAICE-THREE CENTS. r I- TAlE INTERSOCIETY DEBATE THE NICARAGUA CANAL MAT- TER TO BE DISCUSSED Three Men to be Selected-Prof Hinsdale to Act as Judge Instead of Prof. McLaughlin-Each Speak- er to Have Fourteen Minutes. 'Te Uivers-tiy will hol1(1heiannactcl inlerooiely db1at11 in te' law lecture roo1m1toigh ati; o'clctk. Fromnthlb eightt spea~krs it'e Judges 1mustlhoos' bole witi rtllesltrtll at (Chicago, nigtiglis the11ne 01(1 elto for tile Inter- 'lThe11de)at1 haliom(1111 t 101'tiltof the 111s)t interetilg events of the cl- le'ge'year. 111o)0 w111(1bteiany11 tie wi1111er ithtillsociety debtle. 'To gentlemlentlhtte spent a1motttttliotf to eonit of lore 111111n tet'raiiig flights of ortotry. Withti the 11s1 fetayiteNietra- gtuatctnal matter 1111s betotte a lie tootue tby t tthasaoil tf theetianl thill in tilt'snatte. The tqtttstionlasto vr- ed is '"Resolvedctt l te Inited lSlatto shiotld contruct and contrsl ttt-N i- nraegua canttl." 1'. (. Vottn, Westt; Edmttundt Block, Alpat Nit F. W. Nes- tttn, Adelphi; aidit. . Kimbtll, Web- ster; are 111p11nte'affirnative' of the qusestion, whilsin tte negative are «. I. -Wilcox, Atepi; P.. Crosby. Jef- fersonitit; J. V. (xoby. Jefftroomatn, antd. P. Sadler. Aliha Nt. 'VToetdebateroimttt ycteray in Web- ter hal at 4 p. In.. ad deciet by commtton conent to extndi the luim" tng eachdtbterstie foutrteelmiti- ttes. Prof. McLiuglin cotld not be present and thtierefore Prof. B3. A. H~inlsaleis 1to lt as judtg in his place. Prof. Mclhitn andtumajor Pond of the Courier, are the oilher judges. An admnissioni fee of f ien cents wilt be charged. The door recipt will be ned to sdefray the expens of sendintg tethree ateot~fu111con- testants as or reprsenttives to tmeet Nortiwestern. A new college butilding to cist $40,- 000 0w111 be erected at Iowa college this year for the use of the Christian associations. The Princeton baseball management bas decided to organize a secod nie, conmposed of candidates for the Uniu- versity baseball taml. The report of Princeton's 'athletic treasurer just subnitted to te foot- ball association shows that the ex- penses of Princeton football team for last season were $22,28.31. Shakespeare or Bacon?: At thei'Vniversity tf Wistositi Thutrodty inight. Mtrch Ia, Prof. .Fes- 10110 and(1IgnatoiusDoitnetly had11 a long tandl spiritedht iisctlOsittil 011er t tribtttdto InSttt otcae. Prof. F ret- littn sloth itt fatsor of t i tivaltt imihressionl white 'NIXDottiely tok ilt' hoppboite view. Te illitltst 01110 Shatkespearect. Itelate an1d1tilt' ovigt of atthoriy tf his argu ttha itt Prof. iFrtt''tntt trn ttrtodgingltneotitmatte. Tet itht a cmin of Staketseatr'ttucatiot of wsriig stir-itpay, 11111tilt'Ipoor' iqualiy of Satkspeactre's 'tiier swors. Prof. Ftrttematni tinseredt 1. IDot- wstuolyrt?'circutanll~tiltlan111 pro- els writers atitritingtheiathibo- shipi of thla111s to Siakespeaort. Het 1110(1eittsil ietions fromi ilttotto of ftteling syititathty ai( oit. If I Had My Life to Live Over. Beftiethet (Christmats hlidlhay lit'v. jDr. Coberitstint 0out a lrgeumtitbe (f questionisheetes to ttt, stdentni. 'VToelquetioni sers sci that frowotthe ainswers''5 01e' ootlt be abtltto iieti- mtinie ill whatttmianniler the prsoni antswetrinig wottldlive if lit' ittdlhis life to list' ivtr. 'JlTeiditor 111s bteii crefully etit- ing liii' tnswsers receied, to secueo-a basis upon hichitito swork fromin iihis steries of lectures "If I tiad My Life to Live Oser." Tefirt lbotlci of the series oill be gisen net Snday- nighttat the u~sal hor of etning service inl the Methotdit church. Preparations for March 2. Entry blanks fr the varsity idotr meet are ieinig rinted aid wol prol- ably be out today. They maiy be o- tained fromn J. C. Conton C. E. IBaird, I. Martin or J. A. leIRoy. It has 1101 yet been decided whther the distance for eah man to run in the relay races soill tbe changed front three to two laps, but uch ma5y quite likely be the case. The nosw rubber nmat for the high jump is nosw in the gymna- slum, and the competitos for the D. Ii. E. cutp for the running high jmpi will thus have a better chace for practice. The Ancient Jewish Courts. NO GOOD STUDENT Protf. ''Tompiton tilist'rt'thit'sectondi itetttre of lte cotrso'untte'MJiosaic Trios to leannwoithiout books. latdilaw, lats tonight ii hit' ~lto -titrt SioeJpople thiough tly to 1100 rottttt 'itrt- st o d tt naic niliicll instrume~nts oitli little dsiite other it'tttittto. 'Tlit.itettirtodtittipirincipally oitlit We Say Buy hosu Which Have Tlor evitnvrtin thi'te teerlie01st-ewishi lilt g~t-oof t-clottett. ttttttoltt, (151 South Main st. ttrt't'jtttg'.so 111tih ihad .1111itt (Idili __________________________ o a i ttt'd ittt tct n i slti g o f t ll t 1 1 - l th ' ( 1 bsrt'ritti l ts; ttttot. tir dly3-, tite g to t - t E S-- tail-ti riodi'icti ot'vr lt' getsot (tilt' such sini t e tu illr of false In till if thtts'e aritittocott he t'Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS aodSOlR- NAND. Mgiicsent boilding; iso teachers; iorga ;uttges0 011atbothi 00 jtlttgt's adj O". stnco di nroo disilsl soyrior ctrso; uat anI Ptrtr. oeid ssig Yor; leictures;OSaturdoy' itt rtttitrhigibtit steisitt tt l evening3 ssooreceptins; spen lbs 1011re year. itotip- 111 olidringthei de~siol a. ajorty hood fcilitiss for placiog studens inispostions, Boardanroom0001 Sto $.71 5 erssekin15private vote wa sltstll that 101s retlired. IFaoilies. Thesessatos rsduced to $.10 by silf' The it ldtia111( manniittr of ttls-witt bso p. Foe Csataogue address P R. CLEARY. Pres tevitittee in tilt'earlier Jewoiohltic liffeoAgreatly irothltiht a t t'eultsellt lug atosolto. trof. 'i'lttlboiao 101said that it thiis petriothetitre'seretic lawo- ant appthetareditttfortelt'e jttthgt'ttttt tiftr ttpleaing thttir ovnuen 1t0 sil- ill 00s w-ete itrotught it and extutt- itt-i 13-by tejudtgte indtlhit1'etOson lt-ti rendtred. Nt'xt'PTursdayevettintihit'sutbject tif liii-lecttute soultb' "ThettCottsutha- tiotn of lt'e JudgteAfter All this- itoh- 1111113 Waste It." More Track Men Wanted. 'Thet'etnitiluates for thit'v'arsity- tractk teamtt hase tio«o'for thit'stolpatrt dro-- ped 1ntler'gulatr pratcec. 'hhst'srilt- 'rs 11110 hirtdlers lilt' so1fttrehitol-ilg t4) mstfafithuhshlly anti n ttgreate'r11ni11- hers tan catidtates ftrtheihothler setetts. Thit' mile osalkin ilpairtitculatr htts atsoot no mseis tratining for it. Sostnutmen hatndeitn 1their lnamest'oas canidiates, bett otily flo e trainting. All tmetn inithie'Untiversitywoio rtlt wsillinlg to try for this es-cot ar(- re. (guest-d to reptort to te traitter ansi ioe set to sootk at otisc. It hes101ot ne('S- 51tr3 tht one10should have sdoe ily- thinlg ho thueowalk )efore tih. Will- ingliese to try is tll that is askted. All HOT JLTJN I-1EJS LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE' S, +48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGiEST OPERATING ROOM IN STATE, NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. OWsbhogson ot., 1st door east of BliSt. Annt Arbor. MAMMOTH A PIPE SALE .JOLLY I&tCO'S9 it hOUTH STATE ST. Doo't foil to corns. Host ani Cold Lusshso at All Shour-s. Heard's Criminal the candidattes for the distance runse sre- not ye't reportiingits regularly a~s 111e3 ehtoulsd. Liht ,w ork three timileP e d n at wee-k is all that ts requited of this-i. A gn'ater list of high jumpers must NOW ON SALE AT also be' securses. The, broad jtlnips tire to report on the track thireeedays (I)A ..I- YIS. - in the oseu-k for sprinting pisistice. 'Te dual gaines betwern Yale ansd U os Dw os UivesrsitylBookstore, OpposieCourt Souse,. Hlarard wsill be lield in Camburidge,. 205S. State St. 4 N. Main St. Mlay 18 ANN ARBOR