THE U. OF MV. DAILY. 7 Steps Into Journalism." Opera House, Oct. 12. Dent forget to subscribe fer thb RMjCHIGAN IG N -Daly Time Table (Revised) July 1 1.54 iEDWINi1.. sOUaIAS, en. sM. A richlitreat is ini store fsr the pat- I yteBs oioanPna dl EAST. WEST. M wlhelpful ltndlpractical bookbtby rons of our theater. The attraetion icrystJeeystontin. e fe Hll Mail asd Exs.... 405 Mail- - -a__C__eagoeditor, fr 3l yug witrs being none ies than that sterling ex- N. Y. Special---. 5 10 Ns. Y. special--. 7 05 It tells how to get a start, hiow to psonent of Goethe's greatt ere~ilioii For finest boardi in thie city call ate Eastern Es----10 25 N. S. Limited.--- ; 5 <,5 15ahigo S. A. M. Pacific Ex----1',,11 construct a newspaper article, raud "Faust" in the person of John tiriltftli.53.WahntnS.f Atlantic Es....- 747 P. M. 1). NExpress---- 5 40 western it'. 153 gIves a tliousanid details in a ileliglit- This brilliant younIg artist iiade a. If you smok.e Cigars, buy the bst G. R Exres __11 u-Ci.t. E. . ..1o25fl tle. ists230; Prie, $1.25. iphenfomenal lilt in tiie piart last year. IltOSCOEt CIINiLINO is the birands. o. iv. RGGiEs, 15. w .ss-YEs, "tt is thoroughly pratcticall. I knssw 'Ie Chicago press as a ulit declars WAN'1lI!D.-A roolil-elalte' lt 15 i4_ G. r. & T. a.-l Chicats.'At., AnniArboe.of no otherbisok which can appslroia-cihiifint ebest Meisiisto seen n OilIll'Thaiyei St. Lit. '9S. ____________________________ it ill reliability, utility and v-sll.'- Metropsolitlan stage. The scc tS'511d Oe Dollauitlys ae first class 70111-- OA C t ode, Alt. A. LL. D., Uit. t'ritic electrical effects used in the productioii lin Peni, iiaide sy Ihand. McNally & FRAN (LN HOUSE for Mcflurg & Co. t are absolutely new, nothing finer ltiv- Co. Students! it will psay ye-i to try- DETROIT, MICH. occaseionally, for tile presosistuldl le with this mnagnificenct irlcasa. lihe Slate St. Sold bsy students. Ii seltefsoesleevigtease, s-heter without this valualbe treatise'. It is compansl~y is 'ompsiosed of ladies tioalsndorl 235 t3 1 Je- for tusiness sr pleasure, to decide apes a Frsulasbord,$ivelt33E Jt betel asd thereby avsid cefsaiona. un -esally commenided by he liiewlsw- gintlemencilwho have beeni ces-chilv sroiS.lsenl lle riicnps Whes you visit Detreit we would hae olles o theonllltr., sleceoindorhisurshefrromecivami-sts, pleased is bave yea step at tseold paesothconr.slcefrhioferepcivro,68 66Franklin HIlsea," ec. Larned Aiddress Cor. School of Journailism, giving 10 the varliossc-haracesratiosit adBates Sts., wlere yeousill haveeagood EasoI1 h ca n iihta nye - Dental stidienlt wailtedit10solicit for mieal and aeleas ted at smoderate rates. I-1-ntn'll heceih1111 iDaiihtly.~ i~bi The tease has lieen renovated from top tisndiiartists can1. Mr. J.1n1111 1 ilieDiy bottom, and issow-nlfists-class condition. Otter to Music Lovers. i i d lli yira ti-l ii [olers Jewelry Stire' for your Respectfully,isihithr-yaasatr.Is H. H. JAMES.chrteiaino th "Pic of outifns61 Stas IB ~igiga. --ain'l's Musical World for tOeto- Ei"ls c.Lgisa vil"ra5caiitie b o te t'ritic s f J-'uniariii ten. I dc ane Per Day, si1.0. ber cantains besides the usual large E f seaiss ycsiiit rlct Jasiorsrteiord.CalaMily'owfnteat amount of reainlg lmaltter, "Dancing tob upsedbioefavs;d_ MUSICAL GO DS Fairie," by C. Bohmi; "The Last voristInyils tis liikit iis- sidthti-is 715 hieveouwning. u i.-, tl Glreeting," by C. L. Keck; "My Dc-sr gi1tllite sii ssis isi i ci71 an odCgi 11 AT T~~~lE Little M1aid in tue Moon" wvaltze, by oa~isi on- ise s li ra tiCeltSiEC)Kl.l TI'rs~st~~'~-~'~-Anita Ow-ens, a11d1"Farewell, 1'ol- eoi's idlyl thsin isis-s Ilisit -f lily si diet ''itlhIC iiats c-inal S IAILSJR[[ MU~L ice," by George SMaywoodl. T.his ncissic whoiisiesl e sisasyieilthiatrole. F-renichi,Gerimanilcons-ersationacircles,. Cheaper lhan aniywhere else in thii'Cotintry. HANGSEREEFRF A NEWLINKCGUFF- Big Four-Route l51sT LINE TO is aloiie vorthu $2. The World is 51.5 o 'Eseniug classes. Geriiisntlraiisatic- ise yer, 3 ciit pe coy. ~iiiii 'li, licotssof liii'Nisrtli«-sl -isrisclub to lie formed,.lire. it. F. Nail- lhils msonththe publishers offer Ito send-nil iviersity riri e tiih-lii'Si-liiers Io w--it110111, utfiBerlins, Germian-, U. of Is! the Musical WXorld ons trial for fotir casand csi gsiwii uring(cO-nc cgrliadt', experienceid tesscher. Refer-- llloiilleoin receilpt of 25cenats inn 1l xerisslicuselii-it is s~-ic ces-l'rcsidect James B. Angell,. stamps. This will include the beaulti I.os il ~-- isiiiis L. D.; Prof. Csalvin :'hocuas,. A. M.. fill Chiristlmas and New Yese's holiday Foir sle -elili fore sash,.lsplemiatic. numbers, aniil the fouii'issues 'wvilcisn- i,i fepilisi, 111151 s iitly ts lii, tiredilumsllbia bicycle-. t(Woouucoiidi-- talc about 10 pieces of ncxv ic-, be- bccasionl. lion, t'all uafternoniis}1 N. Ingalls et.. sitdes a lar-ge amount of interestiiig musilicail reatding. No muilsic lover should fail to accpt this liberail offir. Aedress The S. Itiaiisri's Conls Co., Chicago. Tcwo tHtstlers can niake good money soliciting subscriptions for the fU. of ISt. Daily. Call at the oflice icy 'fimes block. INDIANAFOLIS, ~t55Glwseaai5uS LOUISVILLE, V1SIR3 and CINCINNATI. INTLERNATPIONAL Ne-r ,' DICTIONARY ELEGANT Ctai Througli sleeping Cars ii nFngcasy, IET '«'IEN ' Bdegropdu-y, Petoskey, Louisville and Ao, e raid Ud!I al Cincinnati. nAratothTrn i ALbrary ins Ilse 0 Hlon. 1)JJ.iBacw- ASK FOR "'lICKCETS VIA . tu L f-I ut - BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. 'SofrsSscir h Is ublu1 1. 7 E. 0. Mc1 OR-Ci5tlff. I). B. 51 'sTilN, c7 :1,h:111o stls ts. PsssenngcTraffic AZr. tGen.iP. &T.sAnt. )Wt 41 ;e rsEct Wrla t.oEll(A bEuy 15 u ~l5 c -i U. OFi-ll. C ALENDAtI. If yion sish to have your rooms rent- ______ ed, uaidsertise themuin l the Daily. 1-7: Tfhuns., Ocst. 11.-Senuhor indtependie-nts The Dlyhy asuueacn enlahrged anids. is. mieet illcheishia t 4 p..ius. to fill f'a1- a nooni editioni, butlt he ue sbeription- tailianl-vacanies. pirice reminls tihe esme, $2.50 per eel- Sal;.,(Jet. 13.-' Varsity vs. Albion a Ieet sac Athiletiiild. -Foiiulsiii ens anh U.o f5.\I.Novel- tics at Ituilles-ewelry-- Stiore. 6-li NOTICES. LS h-ll-tliltENihsxTs hFll tl:tAil,t