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March 07, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-07

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THE U. OF 1;. C.
Time Table (tRevisedi L )TI CE To LAWS. r tty man of "'e Ensign " W A TED
ES.olaswl a afnlc eieasneohimotPM.MMail ad Ex-3 it50 Mail - ;43 - llini Fixtures andEase- (3;duIlportalt"prps" a big
N. Y. Specal.... 5 15 N. Y- 30' . t Saturday 11101ning as fol- tiimarked "Sntiago die
Eastern Ex -_1 33 N. S. 2
A. M. Pact 11 dolos 1, 2 and 3, fromiiS8 is usd to strike the 1ols110
Atlantic Es.- 7 47 Mt 0 11(11eton1 n 1 n llseeso h pa n
D. N. Express.... 3 40 Ws toi)o{Vk scin .ad3,ai isieso th21ayas
G. i. Express __11 05 Cii. 2 those in liii'seior cliswhti have nt longed to the Spaiish lnail-
G.ER. 5
O. W. RUonG1, 1. 5W. HAYES, yet IpassedI 011the Subject, front 10 to tigo d-'gt'ubai It was
G. P. & T. Agt-, Chicago. At.. Assi Arbor. 12 o'clock.- it a jun1k shop in Iasaua
T A A & N M R All the' junliors5 will be rqirstted tos st who got tti' two Good, Strong, Healthy
TA A.& N X.R take tie exlmintlation wiethisr or not 'ith'Esigi," stowiiigTtoe
Takinsg effect Sunday, Aug. , 189. thek pssed on thilr records. t1illl ltand is (lt'lirile.
Trsss leave Ann Arbor o Central Stand. O.W.t~liS
ard time. ____N'.___ AH 'S
7I8l a. im.7:l a.mitli Ellis. w10iis jlays the
*12:25 p. m. 11:0 a nm. T'fe annual Meeltinig of the t. ofl
4:15p.m. 900 P.m.n . td: p0 lds-lt lassociationi for thes 15s'ntluI rle 'of "Mslttsiits n tile
Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo . "Ship fsa(wihwtil (eta
only. psrpose of ele(tinig Daly esitors for isitSls. slieswlI;'s'iit
All trains daily e REEN Sunathe coisigyar wtlli ocur Saturday, teCrn pr os i l ilT aemy La' llx
1V. II. BENNETT R.G. .P. A. Toledo do0). AetAipril (i. Msastcgtsh is'st h .ii11 15 referrest to by 'ths.lpress
l'sociatithottss'ditors shiia ll o p-f hs'esarisus cii:s in whisi els ih'asis12x1 6 with gold eal and of,
ANN ARBOR 8& YPSILANTI ST. RY. isrtiones as fslsws: Eleveni tsthes'appelared ',ia s 'subt'tte whoca
TimeTabl, Ocober7, 194. lierary tI: ltl1tiiilt hee tsthe 11aw' "eslling sud 115 t. Shn, s Oneof ficial stamp attatched, sent
Lease Ypsiat from Congress st.. 7:00900 deiartinst. two itolhesiedil i'lopli% srsilt'tas ios isiioltl re o
and 11:Wa. i.; 12:43. 2:15. 5tt, 045, :00 and Isteoeli.01( s t is'he ipi tlisaseY iandtoe ' h'wl ii isis f o ei~ 5 a 2 c
10320.i. t m. etassssieu. tisdq- son sliriig is:'s's s n snsg tltis
trove Ann Arbor Junctioo, :30.9i10 and to the oieiiiesl sts'isvsEt-sseni. It is ai'
11:30 a~m.;: i15.2:455307:1,9:S0:ndi:0pm. sietd that ultiosos'wishing isirt ls'o55 sO tt vry'f l"stampdes
SUNDAY TIME. foi' 1pil'ce s bgillcntrbu 11gat 5'c..Aatlu('a"'ndleLiry
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s.. 1:30.3:30 Quorarl wl ~tes se rti. lltt w55i l lsos 11 'sii'ardilliit 1 111111-
5:00, :35 and 9:00 i.nm. list sirksisneasisllireceivtilduessredits
Lesse Ann Arbr Junction2, :00 :0 n hs lhs rtn arns 1be(fn~ tdpplrvCa ;~c
WadI pm sto ntebadwilb eon in"E LSGs city time Fare: single trip 15 ssto] 01th.ssis tilioit~S
cets; ound trsp ticseen ets. mned dtotheasssoci'atiosn. Ai'Es
FL1'IIFO'VEiS3:issii atdr.leest :t his'rantasiiis ,e twin. 1330 MASON-IC TEMPLE
For Everything and Everybody. .Adve-rtise in ths' Dly. 'he.Il:luis i fat l tie la li l t lus ist-
COUSIS & HAIL, l.5 F11111126 s. ueirosiye.aed'stnieisssin;,ig esou steti iargs'y is its
F rsmi-- ss-s 'ttssiI illu 115. iuis'in. CI CA..~GO.
ThATE AflASuHIROUT S'551 ':dEt.Aywirdl as lihatts:' .---_______________ .._____......-....W
Clover Leaf "IHR--s'fste ssastIt'll of ills'sesonsat
HOT SPRIN'GS, A:RK. houls io tsn s iisisisisgri11sain
R oute TEXpASlparties5srslboosk'dlfor te 'ltelparti
sit this'wis. 'Thes' l atisliiis sr
LO A GE ESthat 5'5-o l5 5e:57ill tie'(0201551 silhtse
WPlease keep in mind the Toledo, -AND- ssss'st." At5 tls' (irand MrthtIt.
St. Louis & Kansas City RR. R.,
The Clover Leaf Route, 'Fast SAN FRANCISCO. stsi' 85. underit'rhis'manahge
Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the NwTxsadClfr tn fdr .A.laillape
West and Southwest leaves To- xsadClfri leigs'iI"ses sissli1l5 s sIsg
Ledo Union Depot at 5 p. m. adCarecatvLine.ceabth
daily, arrives Ne-n'Union Station (Grandstopesr. hiuse o'last 5'vetning. 'his-
(the largest in the world), St. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. est;ss is is stongo nie. Ini ills'thirdl acst
CO N CT O Louis early next m orning ,bH a e inaugurated a new D aiy L ne of t l h ltlsig of the: b o st, .. E. Le s'e"
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR FIhRST CLASS SLEEPEROS from 1and this' hasppy trieswo~rksing:oth1el
and Mlichigan Central lines at CHICAGO TO LAREDO TEXAS, ihittisl in10this' river sld hrsesi
Toledo. Via Little Ro. Mlviern, Tesarana, Pa- by Tom s itli hfe' iture. l-ls-ls-s':'I
BufetReliingChirCas Bat Feeestine. Astn and San Antonio. Panengers te Iaets Sttso's llhifslthlest lsasst,
Bufft Rcliing hai Cas Sets reefoe Hot Springs ase only ono cange of cars whihs is milstsly i'soshost of c'olorsd
and Vestibuled Sleepers with- (at Malavern, 95:0 a. m. next dy, arrivisg i1
out change.at Hot Springs at 11:10 a. m. Six ourn tbemen'lvndt~she 111'551tlet' bys sf0:
quickest troagb sleeping car lne between Coursisgsou55terni Isstinllls. h1rs'sions
C. C . JIB1JINrisS, Chicago and Malern. Also daily line of to this' performanciuse the compuuauy gve't
Geneal Pssener At., oled 0.Tourst Sleepex. leaing Cbicago on same a0 sie t pasrde:-s'iu -XSnlsgtili iDel.
Genra PasegerAg., oldoO.train. trougb to an Francisco via Los OSsdaystalur. Sttson's "buiges''foos'
Angeles Ca.-
DIETA.S & SCHIA.NZ, ('sbist"sill N, 'It this' Grnstnuigt.
- or AILORS For maps. tckets and fulhInformation, 'hi5'TR'C'IIA5 EN.
apply to i-'u's'siusn sho wish to try for tI
Our Springanod Sumnuer Woolens JI H.. GREEN J. HALDERMAN, llac'ionithis' '50t1:alim wuhicousuustee
are now on sale. Prices Loss. Michigan Pass. Agt Ta. as. Ag against '97 ili-e resy rses' at thusn
Call and see us. -OR- inoorsell':tts.re'qustedos'hi)sprt
485 .Sltte at.. essd Foor, AnArbor. TICKET OFF'ICE 201 Cark st., CHICAGOOs o iiateilii:'e gytihasilull every day
22 Years i the Bushsess.-'1 5ii9ยง. F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh, for hratice. 11. 'f. IlEALD,
Ce. Pass. Ag. as. a Ticet Ag. ')55 Track Maiuiiugr.
CITV A NDY Cor. 7th ave. and Smith- 307 Madison t., - - ____
IAlHlfV feld s. Pitsburg, 's. Toledo. 0 Subscribe for the Daily.
. 81. SEAIBOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. [j c H A L R
Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing ri20}t 2.i4SaeS. 30
AUG. 5CIOOE.NFoeWnaly2- by5. Wsehin gten- 1000
Goed Wok Garnteed. Goods called for ' .-. will visit Ann Arbor person-
and delivered. A. iF. C4JVEMT, rosp.'
ANN ARBOR Mtanua. ally during week of MarK
Ladles' and Gets' Clothing Cleaned Boton New York 11ith. Location will be an-,
or Dyed. -Cicago LosAngles
8 W. HURON ST., ANN- ARBOR. -Tronst Wasigtonse-nounoed in et weeks paper..


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