w Z ,-F M. DAILY. Publshed Daly (Sunday excepted) during the Collee year, by THEEOU Of M INEPENONI ASSOCIAION Orrie: Times building N. Main t, opposite pst office. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN, Lit'7, Managing Editor. G. 13. iiA~soNo, Lw '0, Asistnt. A. IV. SMra, Lit. Spel., Asistant. W. A. SPItsL, Late 'l, Assittat. J. A. LOttY, Lit. it, Atltici Editor. J. S. PEARL, Las't, Bsiess Mansger. It. 1V. Levy, Last'W, Assistnt. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit. 11i i. A. Dacer, Litlit.. E. L. Evas, Law '(. Lt Snderlatd,Lit'll. Carrie V.Soit,Liit.'d6. LiR. iaoble,Lat'll. t.A.looghttt,llent '0 .11 .i. Frell, Lit. '. Al Gilbert, Otg. 97. l..arntotn,Nletic'lt. l aiie Mi. Topso, Lt '7. G. It. eath, 'iarmit' '(3. Subsscription price 2 50 pr yetr, itvarialy in advance. Sitgevtoies ents. Sbscrip- tions may itoleftt at te offie o lt'ieDALY, at Soliet's, at State st. est stand, with ay or te editors or atoried soicitrs. Cmmnttticatitos sold recht the ofie by 7 ococktp. to. ifthey are ts appear te ext day. A dsress limatter itetetdtfor pabli- cationt te lngig Etitor. All busiess cosmmuntictiosostould e sttt to te isi- lessManatgr. THE U. OF R7. DAILY. AAorit, ih. Thte editors do oitt old temtselves reoptn- sibt' foe the opinionstsor st~teetsttf cres- ponttetnts, appetrittgithie DALY. If titay not bs' gnierttly hinow thtt iponthe it'oniiv reeived'slfoe t~diitl. -tins 1o the' inter-scistyidebteltoi- 0111'seatker's, nlfrioitCiciatg'. 'Te Datily truists thtallitannoince- ntnt of tistftct will b lt tilt. to ilslirts ti rttstsIilioise. 'ieri"' tns of the vtrios spi' hsI-ill tlitit iye It woslu lit'wll foti the ltgilottrs lt Ltisiig who ate otaking stiehi t hoe antIcry oer xpesest ii lt U'iisvrsity to coiiptre Ithe porc ait expenss of Aihiganl willh thost'of sther institttions of etqtal inagnitde. If tisilowre (bie luereiiisiilubts butfthatIncitiiof he igiortniece- gtriiiigthe matetrlc wolt bsover- comeian tiiii t es ltiol iesyctii a dif ferent light. Th'lis is nt. loweeru, 1t1e'corse utstlly pusrsfed by htyils state's rresstotiss Tiey, art Wotito10gtince' ii atcursory iMatnneir ovter tilesbudgt oein''ig saltrioanti expess, ansi then wiitot coidetirig whait other states reiaiig for etu cation, come huridsly to the coiilusioii thiat ttXiityers are bintlg impiostd sentatives, should b ' thoroughly in. fsrvsi ,Is to1117g rlitiv cost of of learning throgout the contry. to this way only is It iossible for theiii to sial justly with Ilo problem, Slit real iatre of which Iliey kow so little oftIpresnt. Much oilplailt is btiig heard from stuitents who assert that they ae turned away from classes in sifferet subjects on the iea that thi sectios are already crowded. There is eason to believe that their grievances -art wel founded fromn inve tigaion which hals bieeniitiie. In sor sents arteobiligit. to st iumtetr sit liours or ttile sihty wouildi lit otlurwi it pssisbe for them to 1 otrigintilly otutlinetd. Thii especeially, in the rios', ltlliugsewherei'it'Ilies usuotllyiti nd'. the iit fuse 10oiadmittosnly 1a Suichi asttettof taffti det'riiintl t o li heIic ctussnoistendiIof Irisu ii lit whio are matnly I 'Ii ll it- Ann> Arbor ivision of Co? ii- idie t tNewberry 1iti11 f, Gf offisers. ''fed. anld Thiurs., Miar. k,- as- sictil conife'rene. Wed..,Mllrsb 27.-Annual S. C. A. eletion. 11ed. aiid Thurs., Mlareli 27.2.- ('Itilel conferene'untter asopiees of Michiganl Schloolmlasttr's clls. Fri., MNar. 29.-'Varsity indoor moes in Gymnasiuml. Fri., MlarcI 20.-Junlior lit tocial ini tGran;gei~ stcademiy. Fri. antiSt., 'Mar. 2B.3..-MleinT of'MiclligollSchoolmnasters' slob. M0. P. S. ASSOCIATION. I will meet students wishing to joinl flit'Michtiganl Politieal Scence 11sso- citioni, in thie small roomi off the etast seminary rooiii of flit librtary aiiy atitern~oon exeplt Stflrdlay between 3 anti 4 o'clock. The limemibertship fee is $1, which eiitles to the, threeo110111- tiers of fteimblicationis alretady is- suedt. C. 11. COOL EY, 'Tiasp i.. (". SI'ilti'l.X'S) lit, of Iowstis s isitilig tse Uniteresity. 'ivitli tte sdcmatnds of thit n lstrucetorls. Somie liproviisinshtotulidbe nmtiee wli- bsy till maity b ' tiiaccommlodatte withot. lest hatie p l r oss' ii 'i'tiiialiy 1wr- son wlho et sires tlipursuec a cirlaill coulrst' of stull il na isis'sthtlaeltis tics crowded. Stuilntltesths' tits Illetenlt tarrantgemeni Il t f 'cltill.t is suffilctciietore' shldililbe' prov-idedi. U. OF M. CALENDAR. 'l'lttrs.. -Mathl''i7.-Prof. Tltetltllsons~ w\ill leitelsr'ini ltw'lectture,10ro111sn "ThlIt troducetionl of IEvsidecte li lthe Jewish(Couirts.'' i-ni.,S'tarchi 0.-Lectuire ill '5. 1. chutrchl by Dr1.fC. St. I 'tbern,011 'All Afternloonl with Grieat Menl." Fri., 'MtrirtS.- Pirilimiintary dbaite "Shlolthl"Unitedsi 111a tivsuil atis tiiisiilti 15 cenits. tin "Knlowitig Goid," it Ne'wbs'rrty hitll, 4 ii. in. Su~n., , tarch 1(0, 12 tii.-Prof. I..IF. scisity IBibls'eltass at eMhehodist cchitl. Slotn., -tircht 11.-P'rof. Slecezllbii- tortefteUntiy elubtiott"The(Origin of Sotiic tamiilitar Instittions." F~ri. eve., Stiar. 1.-Settlonlort iparty of Granger's academy. Fri., Star. 15.-Unisversity oratorical contesf in U'nisversity hall under ausopi- ces of S. L. A. Sat., lrchl lil-Firt tainnutal alumni baniquetIofSt'ecltistsitf 'l9t-lit. Sat., 'IMarch 16l, I1 p. inl.-'Meetinlg of DITSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," By Fransk E. Sawyer. Translations of Sis of Bet's finest lyrics in esquisite musical settings. Heavy Paper, T6 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS." Tie neandard collection of College Songs. Over 1i00,000 sold. Hemv y Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" Only bosh of the bled publinshed. The songs of the leading colleges for women. Heavy Pmper. $1.00. ,,ROYAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL CUIT~d MUSIC," Eighty-two pieces for the guitar from the best soureers. A splendid collection. Haund- some Cover. 5O cents.. Any boosnt pospaid on' receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON CO., 4113-463 'Washigton St.. Bostoms 0.1H. Ditson & Co.. N. T. IIPMIENT OF no Ian Shoe& t S& ALLMAND h ;tniBlock, Ann Arbttr. P. S.-See our Show Window. THE GRANO) OPERA HOUSE,- lThursday, March 7th. GEORGE STETSON'S Btt Spe'ctacular DNCL[ TOM'S CABINI The Barnum of th~em tll. Coder ste man-- agemest o1 L.'it. W5ashbuorn. 50 Men, Women and Children Doubtle BandsIandtOrcestra. A Creatt Com ptinty. Atirett'stast. Two Topsies, .MISS KATE PARTINGTON. PRICES, - 35c, 50c, and 75c. P1 atinotyrpes. TSE ILATEST T~iINt PHOTOGRAPHY -AT- BERRYMAN'S 6 E. Huron St. SPECIAL RATES TO SENIORS. REUBEN H. XEMPF, From the Boyal Canservatory, Stuttgart, Gerstany, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Monsica Composition; also the Art, of Teaching. Studio t2 S. Division SL., Ann Arbor, Mhich THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS DANK Ann Arbor, Situ. Capital Stoch, $400 aurphin, 150,400 Orgunnzed under the Genetal Bathing Laws- of thtis State. iteceies deposits. bsy and sells exchtanige ontthte principal cities of the Usited States. Dtrafts ctshed spots proper' identificationi. Safety deposit hoses to rent. OrrICnoSs Christian hack, Pree.; WX. 0.- Hiarrimans, Vice-lees.; Chtas. E. 11ihscockr" Cashsier;,M.1J.tFitz toAssistanlt Cashsier. Metropolitan Cafe Lonchlaisd Dining Room. No. 18 N. Fourth Ave., between Arlington iotil and City Office IBuilding. Open all hours. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS ats, daily diematstrting t,~thirrs spei- orsty. Itt hs beie tratismsto make thse test, stnd sic stsse succeeded-sss we ore tsssure'd by as critical public-its Mtahing"or lustof Baseballs, Btts, Cloves ansd Mitts, Tennis Balts, Rlack- ct, Netsoisxinsg loves, lFootballs, etc., te leadeis in quality. BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Mtakters of Victsor iclycles. Bostnil. Philadelpia, Derolit, Nre York, Chiago, Dreer. SansFranrinco, Lesusgrhss. Pertland Members of Guaraistee Ticktet Brohers' Ans- eiation of C. S. Cosby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams st., Cicao. Reducerd roses to all poinsts. Brunchl The Kindergarten No. 3 N. Main s., Ann Artor, Mihigan. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corner of State and XWiliam sts., Wiliasat. entrants. $1.25FOR ALL COLLEGE NEWS $1.25 -THE c AI. DAILY bie de,- the your room the remainder of -e year for only $1.25. -B )IBE NOW ly Of$ Block, at Stoifet's News Stand,: or at.' o rs, State st., News Stand.