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March 07, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-07

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The following annocetodt htas
UNVEILING OF COOLEY BUST. ben rcivied frot Prof. RichaitrdiT, TUESDAY OR THURSDAY. Smepolthuhryous
I ly, . of the Univerity of Wisonolsin,Soepplthuhryous
Oration of the Day by Hon. Alfred by fDr. Charles I. Cooey: Chorus of 120 Voices Will Sing- musical istruments with little
Russell, of Detroit-Acceptance T Service of Twenty VInutes-At- of110 tone.
by Prof. Griffin. It gives 01e'plibatsre ttili te ndne o Cmuloy.J Syy Thsel iHaToe
tedneNtCmusr. W a u hs hc aeTho senior laws I'heliaasmebb t -that D. LiniioEt.. of Saramen lto, 'lThe vesper servies whicae , to ilW''e sell that kind.
log yeterday moning to icear relnts (Cl. has iled at miy (disposal lihe commnie' net week wsill occlps
a11( for oileriiselaiieoii sliiess. 5sumiof $2214) te awrdedlliiprizes inearly te s' Sin ed in ollge llie ~ ~
The c'ostiutili ill s amenided I Otiit-fotel'(ssys 00tile'sbjeit f"'1.t ~ ht111h111e1 serie idtilformiely. 51 South Main St.
ting tile'comtpelitiors for te offie Of Agriullural Deression Sld itoIi ii'-tie services are nt to be computlisry ___________________________
poet-Attil May 21 to prpare a short dies. After carel oiiideraio 1 and1(1will hi' heldt Tuesday and Thcs- e
poem foe competiion. have decided to throw oii tcoil o c-lay aftenoons friont1:101 to 4:.30
'fTe cotuitle il.'1)e xrlciss for iihe petition tiolall stdeints ill lhe sttit oclc. Tie chrmsot iof 211 voeis US E5
uveilg o f tieoll b~uiltst iccoti- uivtts'rsitiiio's liihga.WAisconsie schich Pof. Sanliy has 1been taiinig
mendedll-taS.prolgrmich waitlis as11ftil- an111 Minneisota, ltferillgthre pri'eis; ill 50111e5of teill Sijh clii'ss swillr 0 LE +
liws: si.,. a firsizof t$125 ia mcoielsing. At tesi' vsers iiihe'ieswil be L-
Itrioiduciitin,1 :rsiiettiAgll. prim o (f $.. aSuiatShirt pize (f $51. aiii ttiwtiii, rspionsive rahdig Staln
irisintation of thei gift to'atiini- if is d sireit that te' facts cocecn- ciiirusistesids Sripuri reading aiiil 1
he ftecast esl'ti'. inig tie' agriltrl deutrssioni slinbipryr'by President Antgill. 'Lheinnto- i h LEADING SCHOOL OF BUINESndHORT-
herif 1w las totieHAND. Mgiitbildig; teteahrs; larg
Ai'diptanei'Ooisimihaf of faculty by bei'cartfully' an111critialty ix~tiiiiii ' se at 'aieuservici' sill b ii'iitlie aedspliedrain grodmdily;lectur~ es; Sat lla
trot. (ritthie rnot prsintie. ttthe c uss oft it' to snoleautor's woiks. i2e eigguecepios; oenictheentireyar. Esp
ioalifaciitis o paingsientedslis potios.
Oiration tiflii'l:iy ty Sou. Alfrd'dehprio sohouilll e discsstd. amldaity of extivek olswhichric es oarBend rd om 2 1o 2.71 per week in pivae
faiis. Tbes iaeslcdo sic0.10 by sll'
siiioltiie'ioukiol 1 bordig. For Ctloge addess
Iussiell, of Dtrioltiemidies fr lihe iepressionlhldeti - wl tnnei o kon syt. 'aFR- CLARY. Pres
A mustlical pogram swili Sh e hi'- mis-i atienticin. Aiotg tei'vaiols thu udtie'dipetndinig omStuiilat uthii
raniugdit. plan 1iicIb-l hav' bell advancetd fr complietioti of hi' tnss'iron sairsays. 130 1' UIr C TES
Boston Wants Sexton, iiupruvig tii' agriultulrl cniditionl Program of Olympic Games. O N YS C O OAE
it s iexiictedh thait cmeoiititrs oill O N YS C CLA E
[Fro'- 'Irin' erotFe lvs he rock coitttl i'plrisideidiiovir JS EEVDA
tow'ths Mreass11dc11I-ec res.] onlsider _l1. illiils proiosal chttts SCI.0A
SuxtonwseiiipIitchin~g at Brownl 4
Unis-irsity'was-abou ilpig wrs'ti 11ii ttutis shou~ldlbe iiid n tiiIOi-liieixiy hi niei'tl li 1s ct 11 .TTUE
of Crtr ailtXe 111111 ighlanlto ats i iol'liion ut stple' agriultituralir- the oficiai prormiofuttie Oymide+ 48 S. STATE ST.
tdtrvar, is wanltetdi by Boston.lie is duets. It Is tlso "'gu ti iitx tha~tti gulles to be celetratdi at Atenls,p
aowat theivelts-rsity'oit'Mielhigani.rrlation of transportationil to lgrilli April 5 to 15, 19.The aii'tth'ti('shors Go to RANDALL for
auudirefieurig ti hi..J. I'Morse, of tr hudrciecnieain l ilcnito otrcsa itne
Bostonut siwcritite:fioft00 r0 80 a c50tes , longe-sA rtistic tstc Photos.
"So 'Piunt Murua ittht Sxtoneultilibrares of etuctioue of the icmi- o 1t ll) 01111 15 luiu5 ou
to lilt pitcher hBostont 11110had i il eiftioussitlhi' fouundi ustmiiets S, Jututpitg. highjutpnoug adpin
fr next seatsout, uuud'Mauage' Si'1i'iting otti Mr. L~ubi's proosli11111 tti'shot. Tluuthousaud dolars tits NEW' GALLERY.
haus hieen so qieuht about. Tiu tteuur- his st'guuuo'ues. it sioutlutle clery been utrtscbth 'li'ecoumitttefor
saly peksbythecad.Hekn unestoodtidhasttill asvoicy~l of tesi' leauiiuthit'ruuibisi frouiutoaii ent LARESlOPHC lIN BOOM I SlTE
nosy attendlinugmedial letturisb,-t-i.'plans ~is not f tsiuird.tbut thatitefi s. aecous',sh'r'teopoui't05il_____
liese, uitfle Uivesursity' of'Mh'hutgatl't stnpy exetedii tanth ey Stouttibinbeihlcd. Tere siltli tei' uss1,0NO 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
Ann Aboruutii if is eXpeetef ha ite i'freely discussed dtheltit'coulehiis eoutr ru of -48 kilomtetres oser tti'
wi;ostinOthe ti tostous inthe soutt. if rettched sttd sshetherthuygaren'av-coursi' folowsed by ti' legnldry Ann Arbor, Mich.
lindiic'tious mean'tantt-hing te soill ibe' tralli' soldieii'of Mtrathoitiuifromt titi'tattle-
it.foabe powver i h t'fati. tait:nts 1 yr. fedt tes Tegmatce- ED. A. CADIEUX.
Ho lts lobeen inthte mlitst of manyta Tit('flu'folloosiig gu'utlcuuuuuhavile ot- h-Pt tits lii yuuuou~ReORIEOR Oaoree
fight and wheter in most. He is tSetted to act as judges; viz. Professor ursiseewoill be the usui fats of tei Latest Improved Barber Shop
goo, hady pieller, an excellentufielt- William A. Scott of fthePnioersityoflprtesent titme, suceh as trapee prformi- to thect.of.Slashte St,sboor
good, ciaty.of.Plaslett n o.ltdo
or as oell, antu a very fast runner-a W isconsin, Professor W. Wt. olsoul, altes. oork on the parallel bars, u'c. ____________________
Ismnondeyr'ltat o me ot clu eeticogof theUnivrsiy of Sint eso, ad Wrstling5 will lold an iptnt utIAII
gal him efore. Boston hadlirto1111Dr. Carles if. Cooley, of theii usc- tplcee ouAtheOTrgratl, uttEui Au17i u
claimed ast season, bt Sxton ceder sity of Siltigall. 'Tle essays, wsichsi uJOLLrtldYtu ty'iteCotilihfs
took to dictate his o5511 termls to ihe it Is disireut.althtoughi not aiuolusf Tht''iero' will also betthootung siimmuing JL' Y & C B
N6 oueaTS5. Ds alt is
c, and tothis the ownuers demured andiei liullbet bosrttIl 0t51mi ot, bicycle andl lorsi5 raing. Ho Aad xeCold Lnchs at All Hoss.
sos the negotiations were off and Sex- b ctt h rcelw ensadfobl
ton wet to Neov Bdord, ovhere heb e ote udersigne on or be' icut lasonteltis letIfouhimself____creditably______in__fast
-acqitdIiscfcrdlbyi atfore Jail. 15t, 18901. Itetisoill also e tplayed. Alli-S B BGCO0N D - HA.N ID
comnpany." RICHAkRD T. EtY L, tes oly oill be allowedl to cott-
Prof. White Not Coming. Director of ithe School of Elonics, Pete in allt these eent. In audition PltclSineadFitr nte'hr ilb eiso ecn o-' X T
Prof. Keley has 1-en tnotied by PltclSiected1tilr nhstsere illboaprioffels-ilycn-_________
Prof. JotteAN. White, of Hlarvard, Uivoersiy of Wisconsin. tsSoe opocso o-al
thaot the latter will not hi' able to be J. Taylor, '94 law, is nowlocVlated ~ B 0 0 Ki S 1K
present at the classicul conferenice s in an office at Springfield, Mo. Fed C. Graham, '90 muedic 1is1100
was annocnced. His p1.ac ill be Te annal S. C. A. election oill e mrried and Is practicing medicie t
filled by Prof. Paul Shorty, of the hield Wedesdy afternoon, arch 27, Sumner, Mic. BOUGHT, SOLD and REPAIRED
University of Chicago, who oill in Newberry hall. Frank C. Kennedy. who capainedi
-speak upon "The Classics in Modern There owill be a meeting at Neo- ld played third base for the Sacred___ __
Education." Thiursdaiy evening, MarI berry all net Saturday night to pr- Heart College, of Watertowvn, W6,.,
2g. pare for the meetings to be held by ast year, has enteed theliedoical de. AR S
Prof. "Thonpson will lecture to the General Secretary Mot, who will visit partment and will try for the 'vrty lasATdy Ad 1111' '112)y'newek (2e. hi yar

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