THE U. OF M. DAILY. SchII~ Hnksoe! ASolid Back __________All Bristle Formerly wit~h George Wahr, 19 19. Washington st Headquarters for a r , us everything a Student needs in the I l i r s line of Test-Rooks, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN ~FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS IHIE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, -AT- 10 Ht. Wa-shington st., one block M M E Y S at of main at. '9 5 X LAWS ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK. HAVE YOUR Organized 18653. Y Capital.,510,iiO.Sarplus and Profits, 54.. CANE {ENGRAVED maats aSageneral Ibastingbuies Forein - esha~nges bought and sold. Furaish -AT---ttesof reit. 5W.ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. P.i5ACII lPres. S.W. CLARKSON, (ashier. 75e have something newandisaperior in thisi1 rfRADE_ RAPID PENI FACTOR-S 0 Em N A Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour Buyr Beat Western Patent Flour )i A NEfV' CLINK CUFF Buy Bolted Corn Mfeal for 23 ce v. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour fc A Buy Bix Pounds of Crackers for MRS, ANNhIE WARD FOSTER'S Buy r7 , Pounds Best Rolled Os, MScho of Dancing and Delsarte. 44SuhMi tet E MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of Will ian st., have a complete stock of UNIV[RSITY T1[U BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note R)ooks a' d other Students' Supplies Pine Stationery, Spurting Goods, etc , which they offer at the Losest Prices. Call and.see us before purchasing. 9.NNT2W AJEIBOE STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High (Gioss and SDomestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 123 SOUlI H FOURTH AVENUE. GYM SUITS. * We have got them. The lest goods for LEAST MONEY# ' Our gymnnasiu suits - . are made by the IY OEIMAK WHEEL II rr (makers of Victor / i315ic 05e) and are rullyguarantred. A great many are in _ EXAMINE THEM. -AT- M, SIAEBLEB'S CYCL[ EMPORIUM, -11 WV Washington st. - I ID I~ FOUNTrAIN PENS? lne. Dirop us a postal beioehuying others. Y.WASHINGTON. D. 0. -CONOMIIZiE- Lfor $3.00 per Barrel. r for $3.75 per Barrel. rnts per 1-16 Barrel. ir 31 cents per 1-10 per Barrel. r215 cents. its for 25 cents. LAN 8z& OJMPANTYT I < ii Saturday. i0 a, m. Gentleman beginnersclans 'aturdaj; 4.. as[.,'Iady gisle. cians.M . Mtondadw. 7:3 p. m., Advanced Clas Ladies' Tuesday, 7:30 p.mi., Beginners ClasiLadies and Gestlessen). Private lemsons by appoiatment. 8OHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST. HAOTERFERI REubug Second Semester TEXT- BOOKS~ New and Secondhand for All Departments of the University at Shieelian & Co.'s Bookstore. State St. BEST NOTE BOOKS inotlie city for 25c. VIIULU~SALE. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. + + A.LL aOUR 4.a+ $6.00 and $5.50 Winter, Russia and Patent Enamel Handl Made, Calf Lined Shoes reduced to V17 IS.MA IX 8r UNIVERSITY NOTES. :Miss Winifredl tratt, specil lit., is iii wilhlasgiilie(. P'rof. ('arhart is spesidinig tihis stock ill Deinver and ChIicago. Rtoy F. Halt, '95 law, is eiiitleyet in the post office at Tuscola, 1ll. TIhieAidelpihi progi'am that wits post- poneiltwoiweveks ago ssiltlie givien i Adelplhisll sexi. Saturidaytiighit. Prof. ('arliart is to d: livekr bis at- dress at rthi' iediestions of Hlcsscien- tilit buildling, University of('elorado, on Mtarch ,3. Alt posus u-li have been aceptted is msenibers of Alpiha \u are reqsiesteii io ho present at the next moeetinig to sign tle, consstittitioni. Prof. Slaisley says thast vesper nor- vic'is will begin niext. Tuesday if the work now beinsg done on the nesv stairwasys is comptleted. "Knowing God" is to be the subject of the alddress by Rev. Mr. Gelston, of thre Presyterian chusrecs, at Neuberry ball, Sunday afternoons next. The mnembershitp of thle University School of Music now numbers fromi 1530 1o 175, whicls is an advance over lnst year's resigtisation of about 30. Trhe junior dentn are experiecinitg their frst thesis writing upon various deutal subjects assigned bsy Dean Tail from his lectures on "Operative PrIis- eiples:, The awards of the Castalian prires have been made, hut the public an-1 nouincelnent will not be given out un- til the book Is Issued. noon after the spring vacation. A. BrandI, the distinguished profes- sor of English Pilology ill the Univer- sity of Strassburg, is using in his seminary the questions on the "Psy- chology of English Usage"' prepared bsy l~o colt, Prof. Willett. of Chicago University. was unaiile to mieet. his Bible classes at Newbvterry hasll, Satueday, on ac- icourt of illacss. It is epicethttislht'senlior class in eletrical etngilieeirig awill inspet the Wtlestinigihouse plant ill Pittsbusrg, P'a., duiring thie spsriiig vacation. Dr. Washingtoni tisirtiter, secretary cit stists. swill lecisire on "Bible Stitdy," at 5 o'clock iornight at ihe -Methodist church. Admiissiona will be free. DI'. Haidle will have (sill charge oi thie frishiman dlenits in their course on crown arid bridge woerk. Dr. Htoff having turried the wiork of dernonstra- tioni in itiat cosirse over 1toIhim. Work wvill biegin biefore ths Apiril vacation. Prof. C. ii. Doolittle, of Lehigh t'ni- versity,.ia graduate of T'. of AI., class '74, has been appointed to the p~rofes- Roreship of Astronormy at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Hle is well known here, having graduated in the same class as Prof. Thsomnas and Pres, Ilenty Wade Rtogers, of Northwvestern. Webster Society, Theo following program is given out for tonight's meeting of the Webster society: Music, selected; reading. Mir. M. L. Clawonl; essay,. Mr. Elbert Blakeley; orahion, Str. D. A. Edwvards; impromptu, at president's option;, mu- sic, selected; debate, "Rtesolved, that the annexation of Canada. ouold not }be for the benefit of tile United States;" aff., -Mensrs. 31I. L. Sullivan and E. SI. Shselby; neg., Mteisrs. H. G. Rteep and Goss; impromuptu, at pres- Idewj's olotioa; informal disousaslon, alid critic's report. GEItIIAN D. There will be but one section In .German, Course D. It meoets WYeenes- d cay and Friday at S. T. DICICtIOFF. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Csps and Gowns of the highest duaiity to Universities, Colleges anid Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self mess- urementtfoemis, containing all nec- essary instructions to secnre per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest excltisively Dry Goods House in America GRANGEBR'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. All classes are under the personal inntruc- lion of Mr. and Mreu. Poss Granger. Private or class lessons given on any dance ef merit requested. Office at the Academy, ground floor. 5 Maynard St. DO YOU RIIDE? See the New '95 Models. They are Readers. W. T. APMADOC, W. C. MANCHESTER, 45 William St. Ann Arbor. SPALDING'S INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATER. It is the nie sweater made and is nuperior to any other on the market. Made from the finest and softest Australian wool, hand knit. and was used eaclusively last year by nearly all the college football elevens. Iu white, navy and hiack. PLR yIE.1B"$7.0 10. Spalding's Bane Ball and Tennis Supplies are recognized leaders. Everything requisite for the aes. Spaiding's Trade Mark on what you poe- chse is a guarantee that the goods are the host. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Suw YORK. PAnLAnsELPuA. CHIsCAGO. G. H. 'WID.P THE LEADING, TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most (select stock of IMPORTED AND' DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city, and would be pleased to have you call and examine the same. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. 2 E. Washington st., near Main.