HE U. OF M.DA ,IGHIGANG G At the G House. JI-'FES. W N T D Tiee Table (Revised) I ^ St. John has hlad mny perform- ITO 11A WS. WN E ES8T. ances of Uncle Tlorn's Cabin, but the The ..-. laws Will have a final--- Mall and 1,x-. . ' Mi ;4 production of tbis popular play by examination in Fixtures and Ease- - - N. Y. special.... 5 15 N. 1 0 Sttson's company last night at the menlo next Saturday morning as fol- EasternsEx..10125 Ni f 1)2' ^ A. M. Pacs 115 opera 11ouse was the Iasat ever seen lows: Sectionls 1, '2 sod 3, froml 800' I . Ex press...._ 5 40 -We 2 2 ee teyoywas delighsted withl t o'clock, sectionls 4 and l a.lnd all(,1 G. it. Express .031 05 Chi 0 15 tse manner ill whirls tile cver popu~llar those hi thse senior class wiso have 1501 0. W. RUGGLES, 11. W. ItATrn, ilece was pust on. yet passoed on ths subject,, from 1t0 to G. 0. &c T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Ans Arbor. Kate Partinlgton as Topsy won 12 o'clock. ,, A ~ rounds of a~pplaulse, an~d thse Marks All the juniors will be requird tof v G ood, Strong, Healthy TI., A. A. & N. X. RY. 315( Unscle Toes were very finle. Tile take the examlinlations whsethe.r or not Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1804. comupany carry at large am~oun~t of they passed onl h:eit recordsr, Trains leave Ass Arbor on Central Stasd. cnr o ard time. scnr ole propler patttinlg on of 1TltOS. W.II t 1tt1E00. .. NORTH. SOUTH. tis piece. The sessie effect ill the last NOTICE TO 1NDEI'ENDE'NT9. 7:l~a.mn. x7:15 a. x12:25 p.m 111 . n. act was very beasutifull and clalledl Tea0110 ~etlgo h .o 4:35 p.m. 0:00 p. m. forths rounld after roundo of app~luse. A1. In5dePpieet llsooiatiols for the o'Tralne run between Ann Arbor and Toledo -St. John Timses. purpose of electin~g Daily editors for All trains daily except Sunday. tlse comsinmg year will Occur Saturdany, To have my Liar's Diploma, R.. SI. B NT GREENWOOD), Agent 'whiloe Esg"wsi ~ok W.1 ENT .P. A. 'Toledo 0."Oo sags'wsl110. Atpril (6. Accordinsg to a rale of thse lyn, Olse great steel bttle:ship Mliaunto- associastion thse editors sthall lie ops 12x16 With gold seal and of, ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Isomob~ was a1t Oh-x Brooklyns Nasvy portionled Is: folloows. L.Tes'e tts th fcil ta p tahesn Yad 'n apt. Itonltgomel(r- Siled literary tdeparltmlenlt, tree to thse law i als mp tace, en Time Table, October 7, 1894. as~signled twlio boastswa ill's 1plates to departmnt, too ton thb. medlical depisll- leave Ypsilanti from ConsW gress :4st,., 97:00,0: doe00 pipe the call ,to w htues, punlishmlOent" ll~t 10t 1: t:rrlt n (efe n eep fa2cn and 11:00 a.m.; 11:45, 2:15, 5:00,, 0:45 t:0 andrlrue ndoefe nrcep fa2c 10:10 p. a. 1.t eachl performanclse. Aihaly old sasil- to te dental tdepartmhen~t. It is di-- L~eave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:10, 9:30 and1117(toleltesieltstall::-wsin tory ta' SUNDAY TIME, call given Willsuc abeslu~Olte correct- f::r pliles b gill contrib~uting at once. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:30, u-SS. The work (11010 will receive' sue tiedit, - 5:00,0:3:) and 9:00 p. Q ILeave Ansn ArbrJunctio 1:00,4:00, 5:10, This play will lbe It thit tiellinl olpera ansd thosse whose writtig warrnlts 11 7:00 anid 100p. a., lioltse Fritday, _lsn'I: 5. p~osition l 015(le bossrsj. will be recom- Cars run on city time. Fare: single trip 15 _________ AM. F. PARsKEss, Sapt. Onl Thulrsdlay alftero-lonl the tCas- t~lan boarsd will hssve an1 iliportsIust HIARRY COLEMAAN. FLOW ERS, FLOW ERS smcetiug at 4 p. in. ill rooml 1) of te, 51:illgilsg Editor. 1330 MASONIC TIEMPTLHs For Ererylinug and Everybody. Illnbuilding. Public Opinion. COUSINS & HALL, Illl, 26el Unipte . 11GA Q (+ Wldld kie pI inforlmed of the pir 't('5 The ITHE WABASH rO l Thknere wa ah reuord whe dk-ar who CH CA O p- -FcOR-___ a1n11 iventionl, ansd the cu~re.ts of Clo er Le fll1masn thioughit, couldl andI indeesi C o e e f HOT SPRINGS, ARK., mus~tt rely chiefly ifmnotwhiolly usom' R oite TEXAS, we mus05t stil readshe rsalia "" ""."".. LOS ANGELES humanil~ thlought and~ knlowledlge'. Bt W'Please keep in mind the Toledo, -AND_ toda~y it is Oh> ne~wpaptr, the niga- St. Loots & Kansas City R. R., ~(1: thie hperiodial review. upon ~wiich Tile Clover Leaf Route, "Fast SAN FRANCISCO. we mlust cliiefly deipen-md if we n-old Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the follow closely the intellectual muove- West and Southwest leaves To- New Texas and California Sleeping hetsith da.Asl10 snw ledo Union Depot at 5 p" m.rLn. diticulty 1111 arisen. 'Th( iswspaper daily,,arrives New Union Station andt periootical literntllre 111s becomes (the largest in the world), St THlE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. 50 nItItituldilIous 5111 bullky a50 to be a Loots eary next mrning. Have Inaugurated a new Daily Line of I- r bl-elt hs us 111(I CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR FIRST CLASS SLEEPERS from womni, WhitOe (ve-l the person who 1111 liis-i' allo inclsiion to read and Michigan Central lines at CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS, widesly is often unsibloe to got imecss to 'romtdo. Via Little Rock. Malvern, Texarkana, Pal- the Culrrenlt puliciasionls. Espkeeially-- Buffet Heclinxing Chair Cars Seats Fre estine, Austin and San Antonio. Passengers imi this smhaler itie:'. villages, and for Hont Springzs have only one change of cars Drasl districts is 0110 Isick of such 01p- and Vestibuled Sleepers with- tat Mtalvern, 50 a. ms. neat day), arriving lotniytr.I 5fl yte lry qucetcag.at lint Springs at i1:10 a. a. Six hours the h~tlst rl.I sf-tt7 h l'm ou 7hne quicesmt through leping car line between ml~tll, the, teacihir, it)' laswyser, the C. C. JEN}(IN8S Chicago and Malvern. Alno daily line of physitcian tlio melsrc-haint, thes arfisal,_ Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago on same 011:-: farmler asn thes cultureid and Gencernl Passenger Agt, Toledo 0. train, through to San Francisco via Los tomgiflwnim ftl-Io iod DngelAs Cal.~gz With all theso- and1 malny otler Classe For maps, tickets and full Information, S&I7A f persons thsi great practloal literary V. OF7 M. TAILORS apply to iquestion is: flow- Csan I bet suppe- Our Spring and Sumuser Woles, H. GREEN J. HALDERMAN, 1111111t liy Indoissaleil home paspce? -Sme oln are now an sale Prices Low. Michigan Pass: AgO. Tray. Pass. Ag It twstis 00 demandanwer ht thils l~ucuestsill hinmkf Cal1n e s uo hs lmmi httIllt Opinion,'n . 48 S. State st.. secndu Floor, AanArhnr, T(ETOFC:n lr 5. HCG ow Publisheiin Ne-w York city) was 22 Years Mu the Busiess . H,. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh, fmnelmieylr g.i eet ln Cein. Pass. AgO. Paos. & Ticket Agt. best, conldesess it to thle last degrfn. i,.' CITY 4n Car. 7th ave. and Smith- 307 Madison ut., an1ud sierves it in convenient and at- CITY ~ fl field st., Pittsburg, Pa. Toledo. 0 tractive form. X. M. SEABdLT, No. 4 N. 4th eve. rp 0i Q} rn a THE TAiILOR. IiERCHANT. TAILORE G! ?iiI[~ Cleaning, Pressing ad Repairing A 2200Q to 2204 State $t. 1380 due neatly by- .,~ 1,0005 AirtO. 9Cft/ugre'tWAL. 265 F W(axhington 1.000Te peC cao EXCELSIOR + L.AUIWDRY I OSITIOkS FtLED aoi e plCiao 20 EAST HURON STREET. I~ ei ]8H Gord work Guaranteed. Good called fer u n - . jWill tist Ann Arb)or person. and delivered. A. F. COVE.5 PIrsp. ANN ARBOR Manual. allyduring week of March STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles'and (Seats' Clothing Cleaned Roston New vera 11th.. Location will be an or Dyed.. Chicago Los Angeles a W. RURON ST., ANN AsBOR. Torunass Seam nO~Uced in neat week's papery