tt. of 4'MP Von. V. N). 109. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. OUR DUES WILL BE PAID. MICHIGAN STILL IN THE INTER- COLLEGIATE ASSOCIATION. Men Will Henceforth be Sent to New York, if they Qualify-History of Michigan's Membership-Our Athletic Interests Growing. Michilgan,'will retain tieriiieaniler- suit)ini the Iitceolleginl e issocia-lioli of anmateur athliltis of Amcerica.,sal rfports to the eouitrary notwithstaind- ing. The boaed cif directors of the Aibhletic associatioin inistruetedt the se- retary to ascii hiiii tile aiount of ,back tlies to be paid lcd to forward the sane to the Iiitei'eolleg-iare assoc-ia- Uplon this action btacn a litble his- Prizes for Essayists. The American Institnte' of Sacred Literature, of which WilliaiiiIT. liar- lie, president. of Chicago U-niversity, is principal, offers the following prizes: 1. One huiidred dollars for the beat paper it.IHebrew. 2. Fifty dollnr- for the best liter in New T'estamient Greek. 4. Fifty dollars for the see- cnd. 5. One hiiiitred (dollars for the bis ofpaper cin tie EnugiohBibe.ft. Fifty idollars' for the second~. 'The ipirpiose in offertng tiii se liberal tirizes is to create ans interest ini college students for Bible studty and to intduce college faculties to add such ciiurses to thetr currieiila.-Moreover it is de sireit to refute the culrrent impression flint college, students are igniorant. on Bibli- Wisconsin Letter. tadtison, AYis., lMaceli4, Spie ial ("orrestiondence).'-'lTe students are rejoicting seer the result of the teanu nice at Chicago, Saturiday, Saturiday evening, as Wisconssini secured irst Place ini the half mile rin. The out- look for track athiletics is ciinsid(: cdi very tirightf. Glriat efforts are lbig madtetin se- cure' a niesv shell fiii'thii' uie if tie crew thits spilg. Thi- e me are train- tug actively hilt feel thait they eaunit idt their best tin the piresenit shell. 'flu intintioni is to compite against Situ- iiisowta and very priobably the crew wil be furnished with the hbest smell that can bielprocured. Prof. Kelsey, of Michigan, delivered NO GOOD STUDENT Tries to learn1 without books. Some people thougla try to use mulsica~l inlstrumenlt~s avitla little 01' lnt)tone. .We say Buy Ihose Which lava Tune. We sell that kinid. 51 South Main st. tory'. In 1886ia very fast stprintef cal subljects. a heTture on "Pomipieii," to a large - vas ini the Univrersity in the hs'1son fT'e examitintions will tieic-ld ini cl. large atutience-, 'Wetdniisihiy afternoon. of F. N. Boini'g. Michigan mlade leges where there are compeitlitors as0T'fl ecture is the firsf of a series '.o ,application for mcemlbershiti in flu' Iii- O-treoltigiate asciaitioni and was ae- cetited.'tr. Bonine a05scullntii the -associlation's champiilionishipls in Slay. 188(6, and captureid thii 1001yvrds dash Ihils giave iigsi;;nlive ptinits inlthe lists of tile Itieircillegiate chasmpioni- ships, t sumiiwhich- tornell has inev(er .equa~lled until list year. Thatf was the 0113ly ineflint Michi- gan has beein rilil'set'lit atn the In- 'torcollegiates, though the mem'iibershipl has r'emiained as n reinidlter of a cue- s.cessful attemnlt to break in~to iaste't'i ranks. Z'Ile lii'ubersiip loss beeun only nominal, however, for Aticlilgan has ;nevrer taken alnylattive inti'roAt in the asssociati ol's (oint~gs, at lealst to tie :.extent of painig Ier dues, whlichi are $10) a year. Atthle annultal businless umeeting of the association, Ileld Feb- ruary 23rdl,'Vermionit Uiversity antd Hobart ('ollege were expelled for lack '.of initerest. Whlen -Michigaln's case ,.amnetup, it was doecdede to give us until April 1sf to settle up our does er ho expelled. Last lllglt's action :settles the question of expulsioii. Henceforth Michigan will he aii ac- tive memnber of the assoclitdtsl. 'Whenever allymni show up on the track or field in form that seems likely to win a point in treio itereol- leglafo championlships, they will be sent to New York to coumipete. Here is certainly a good Inducenmt to track men to train. Vance Is Single Yet. In this paper for Saturday, MNarch 2, it was announced that Win. K. Viice, .5law, had returned from M11onoit- gahola, Pa., with his bride. The state- mont was -ithlout foundation and the -Daly desires to correct thle itemo and apologize to 'Mr. Vantce. Those wish- ing to display their talents by securing the publication of such articles as the one concerning 'Mr. V. would do well -to remember that furnishing newspa- 'pers with false -statements concerning fther prsonsis very apt to prove dan- -gersfor :the wnld-bie smart man.# fiillowis: ttebrew ainit ew Tlestamuenit Grieek, Oct. 10), 1895; on the EnglishI Bible, Jisc 1, 1895. tCirciulars giving full piarticiulrs can tie sectureit of Geni. Sic. f). F. Metn at Newberry hall. The Sallust Monument at Aquila. The Corriere~ dell' Aquilat of t+eliru- ary t9 publishes in iacknowleidgemsenst of tho receipt of 380 lire (abotut $7t0), contrilsisted liy seven Ameilricani uut- versities to th' fuiid which is bieiiig raised for a imiionunts Sallust in that place. This sum,. which the (Corriere says says lian a moral effect far beyond its itrinsic value, was eol- lectedt by the followingg nimversities: Chicango, Columbia, Jlohiis totikius, Michigan, Pin~ceton, Pennsylvania and Vale. Thi subilscripition of this univer- sity coiisisted mainly of ive antI ten cent contributions received from the ni'iiers of the classes ini Latin. Aquilt is a towis of 1110 Absruzi, abiout 60 nilles northeast of lhome, int' Is' near thie site of the ancient Ail- ternumo, where Sallust, "Rtomana pri- nuns in hisoria" as Martial calls him, was born in 8(6 B. C. Th'le fund at present amiounts to t,6t59.40 lire, or about $1,301). Pleading in Equity by~the J's. I Soet(ine ago' it was anniounced in the Daily that Prof. Thompson wvould require exitra work of the junior laws In. Equtiy pleadimig. Thle work in detail is as follows: Plead- ings in equity are to be conducted fromn bill to Issue under Prof. Thomup- son. The students are to be assigned cases in sections of four soon and ii', givnoil classical stibjects in( iovildiii every way a worthy Is 'guI- iig. Ali-xander tGrahams Bell, of tele phionei faimii,.has lieen lectturinlg Iftlt'ent- versity duriiigithe hiast week, Monday ifte-coisnlie spioke biefore the clnss ini Amiericani Chairities oni liii'"Edtuca- ti of the Deaf uind Dumib'.' 'tiues- oly mlorninug lie delive reid atlectiure cii ttahinhony." tdescribtig the traus- miissions of sotund, at Ioung dishsui-. without the' us(? of a wire. tOther lectures were deliveredh i the course' ii Americatn Chiaritites by Puof. Wilkins, of Virotqua,anid Presidenit Salisbuiry, of 'Whitevuther Normual seciooh; the former stsoke out "Criminu- ology," the halter on "Thle Feeble MSimidy." Stulunton B. Peek, of lCii- cago, lecftured Frida~y on "Conveyinlg Muachinuery." A special law coturse ts beiuig given for thle bemiefit of the ceirks at the slate capitol. 11 is exhorted to coin- tiuo thle study through the stummellr vacation uand in this imanmer give the benefits of a full course. Joint debaters hlave been already elected for th~e annlual joint debate wichl will occur next witer Athen, this yeair's victor, will be represented by G'. H. Miller, '96;1: I. F. Cechenis, '97; and Heniry L~ockits, '97. Ices- periat's dlebaters will be H. S. MtcCord, '961; J. L. McNab, '961, and P. A. Evans, 'i97. Chicago A. A. Indoor Meet. At thie Chlicago A. A. indoor meet Saturday night, Wisconsin won the Intercolle-gIate relay race; H. B. oLLi Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad SHORT- HAND. Magniieest biuilding; tenotiachers;lhone attendanice; good discipine; superior sect;welt supplied rmadinig rose; daily lecturrs; Saturday evenigreiepiions; open die sntiresyear.fEscep- tional facilitieslor plaing studentsinisposiliosa. Biordoond room $2 Is $2.75 per weekt is private famiies. These ratesreduced to Hs-us by sol'- boardi x . For Caalhogue address V. R, CLEARY. Pres. HOT zJ TOZZI2S LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE' S, +48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. [ARG[ST OPERAING ROOM IN~ STATE, NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. GADIBUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop In the city. E. iWashington st., 1st doer rant of Alale St. Ann Arbor. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE JOTC7LLY Z& co's at SOUTH STATS ST. Don't fall to comre. Hot sod Cold Luorches at All Hears. SECOOND-HAND BOUGHT, SOLD and REPAIRED AT WAHR'S. sible thlese sections tlhemlselves froom Crager, of Lake Forest University, persons of their own sta tes and quiz thle mile run; ttopkhns, of Wisconsin, sections. thle half-mile run, and Hirsebbherger, As a genteral thinog only issues of fact of Chicago 'nes tvute i will be reached. but should issues offetiv law be reached, the students can argue fc,fieIhes if they so desire. Prof. Thompson There will be some extra lectures, will hear the -arguments.- delivered to the laws next week.