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March 05, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-03-05

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&hle' Bosoe!ASld""! XOQ fI ETMORE IS IS
s6oS lMa litte st., cor-
AllX11Bric tner oa t.,have a , Whae he.
°+rrtiaerly with George Wahlr, 19 T- 1 cki h
for a-j'~nj-onI t.IIIHlaIqflr T flflflj the
eertiga Student aheeds in the jj(I,[j j IIVE
,Vte of Text-Books, Stationery aod LATMNY
itellaneous-SMock in general. ._Lt T ONY
ATISCALE, FOR TWENTY-Fl .New id Hand. ouryaaafaaa'
DOW-TWNNote Boaol tadents' Suapplieo
DOWN-OWN OOKSELER -AT-- Fine Stationery, SpartingGoaads, etc , which Ca.MNW~[L1
I~U~i'tL~t1,they off'er at .the Lawest Pri es.
h aington st., one block ft I ; l~' . ___ ~yeei 'and are
east ofAlaan st. EmEU.J lYE EYE L [X a.Call and see us-before purchasing. greatissy Iaeto
HAVY OUROrgooized 18063. -AT-
Capital, $100)00. So' plao aci Paits, $40,000,. lHig ta $a l s sai aesti a iia.
CANEENGRAVED Tassageneral banktng *tbsinss. .~ EVSS aae, Ma STARBLR'.S VYC[E [MRPIJM
-AT- letters of gyredat.
W'.ANL',eelrP ACII Preo. SW. CLAtIKSON,Cashier. _) SOtUTfl FOURTH AVENUtE. 1 IV Wash ington t.t
------------------------------------ ii 'I - aps and (Gowns
tT;c fa ions5tar& Crescent Bath Robes WVe are prepared to ftarnlslta os
are now maode in all tilt ~ "/~ and Gowns of the highaest quality
L"ADING COLTLL : StFiES 1 i~ to Utiversities, ollegesasiad fciansa I
CIa't u )cr.Md!t (I -r ot r ".rotaU1pghoat the U aited Stte, at
(1ajn, ic> o r" U srrsngylwprices. Slfanes-
i EM ) o114M f~. ; i n iCIo l r . 0 ifetrI f tt ? essory instructionas to secure ;per-
9"0 /0 i 1r'. canol1in tsfcof f eetly fitting garan ts witlalaiit
,. - - ¢ W ntc fond tyorclci1 r etot tus ~ a raetfrmcnaain l a
. a to2t found atolgartnt ec 0scut Ce - visiting thle store, will be forwarded
Sbiattrday, 10 a:m., Gentieman beginneraciass./
1' rdy, 4 p. ms., Lady be astnersils. A E OU[TTNT ~ ESTF'D IN FOUNTAIN PENS? difrnwdtatmeae
Mi tdte, 7:30 p. i., Advanced Clas(Ladan' a.idfern idha m drt
tl ete mn). prices.
-jze y, 7'00 p. m., Beganner Class (Ladies
atd Oentiemeat. Strawbridge &Clther
'Pri ae lessons by appointment.
'ISCOOL 46 S. STATE ST. Weitave sometitt"tnew atoaeitit it. ieitpsaotlbfr tyaootr. HLDL A.
RAPID PEN FACTORY. WASHINGTON0T4 D. C. The largest excltasively Dry Goods;
Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. G RAN G E FZ*
Second Semester Buy Best Wesern Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel.LOFDNIG
Buy Bolted Corn Meat for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. D G
Buy Hulled Buekwheat Flour for 3i cents per 1-16 per Barrel. _______
Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. .
"JE BU00KS Buy 734 Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. All classes sreceder tlae persanali lsstrsae-
IDE ~ OOVXP N''. ion of Mr. and Mrs. RMss ranger. Pr vat~e
ID EA N z 0 A Y.or class lessons glveenas any dasce of aserit
44 South Main Street. requested. Office st the Aciademny. gaoaaol
,NewandSecndhad fr Ifloor, 6 Maynard nt.
Ne n eodadfr UNIVERSITY NOTES.. Rotiert A, iliorron. '88 haw.waos
ilait-LA i. e w t's ii? .a ii0t.. tlt i ' f Xeli
All Departmnts5 Tinssenior lows will have on extin- jo ing'a gotd tic)ice iil oston,."aiid SeteNw $: oes.Laea
of he -.J. W. Harter. '05 hlvw,%wtas called toofit'stiMa. Unvrlya ashb i im yteteilio iOC.A.die eyeloltw os eW .C arCeST.eaer5
Siitothli rI Sigiltil his :ottO ic sct t ' iity eaat'oi' (t>>' 45Iilliast.nO AnArbor.
ieiai(~ ~~ Pint.-Atlatnsistiwathis bwueepiand Bricictll ~a osaltt )0.
Inall ork eept te quizaces is dropped Sition i in t'e.ofllt it eoa 0'lti01
of ,o ernSPALDIND 'S


Bookstore, State St.
in the city for 25o.
S6.00 and $5-.50~
Winter, Russia and Patent
Hfae'Iand. Made, Calf.
Lined Shoes reduaaed to
2 - oodspeed's,

Soaie of-the, very latest, congressional
reports on tue \Niaaraguoaa caatl have
bteen r eeived at T'appaai]lall.
aInstruetor Saiiiia will quiz flit junior
lows on the first four iectureo .in Port-
nershiip next wet-k iiiroomi 4.1l oisn-5lw a ui11n
e(I to "his Homae ina Lewistoo,,1ll., by.
tie actions illatess 'of laiN. moithert.
Thejuailer lawrs cviii bp iIalii'ed to
take a fiial written exniinaation in
'eve r subject 1i the Course.tis year.
Instructor I1nghe5 NwIltiii'liz .the
seniiirs next «week on-- the fOral four
tecttes, anl Equity .Jaarsprudence, in
room 4.
-The senior laws will coanmetace work
in He6ard'sciaminal pleading,. Monday,
March 11. The first qluiz wilt-1be on-
chapters one, two and thr'ee; the la s
sire, also expected to read the proi-
sions regarding criminal trials in the
United States .coilisti fution a. nd that
oftheir own. tate. Quiz sections will
be the same. as In codoeahig.


en;aocirt o.Nvoss ini,.n4-

i. il igal t" Vlt l S D.fhaaii':o nr tt sI'olo 'ralental ,INT ERRCLLEGIATE
'psychlolgy is sontothla 'nTug at v i un;SETR
rts'er becat givel ti loit n a iiistI
tutiota. The waliras niatlinaed hbyID it Ais taae.Pest nwalertsaibt and tat satterles'
to aity ether on the market. Made frees tit
Sanfrd,'of lad.I~u~t'EI'stafiest and softest-Aaati'atla n waot,lisand knit,
Sayao"(IokIaiv'ci and was used -exclusnielvh]tet yeatrtoy nearly,
Those tlesirii,, to liealntoir s a. -it;t h e aeo f1ethsa1elevaeas, tn etilte,
ing in tal,ii~e ttliz i ion otixtiara's P I7.00.
ande EaseanelaP-07, diua.oso byianquta SpaidislinRsee ~a.BlJtlnd Tennis gattis
ing 'of InsiitcipS IIgtes at the are 'tognlzed leadere. Everyttig requiatte
. oto hegamen . .
close of tii tit oral0 quizzes which SpO astg's Trade Mark on what yn 515.
he conducts. .(heat. eaaIb oos'r
Preparatiotas are-ltii:Bade: for the A %.£PA ' N BO,
anual ProliioiiorA o'riatail route e Nn osP iA .--A iatneo
to'h w ltll alaediately af -. Wild,
the ptrilag vacariota. All v~hwishtoW 1ldWild
,enter statoullianth leir toametia o nX.
W. Mills at one. ST(JDENTS5 AKE NOTICE E
Itepresentitivcs fa~I'ozichas;Lake ,(IIIUWIN 1[R .A1OFALL GOODS
Forest and Northwestern, 0 avistetas UI 1
met Saturday i:incl sinned at conitractF We. Sell i n Rednctlonm.
for ain atnnual traiagalae fieliaseet for
tenxtwyera~iiiirtoIieane Fnd uiting and. Trousers.
he ween thiesa three _lest year, The goods must go.. Please call and
Subscribe for the IDafly. ~--East Washin nStreet,-2

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