THE U. OF M. DAILY. MWHIGAN (NT'1 A'L At the Grand opera House. BUSINESS LOCALS. TimeTabl st Vi"d"o. ~ 14 Kate Partington, the Topsy of old, I Notice Inserted in this column at the rate W A N T E D ! Time Tble tevise) Nov 16, 894. of 5cents per line Speial rates for nger___-" ST, WST. jtst as wicked an ever, was tie central time, and extra lines furnihed by applying P. . A. M dtems bl isrce at the DAILY oilice. ____________ Mail and Ew.__3150 Mal. .._____ 3figure adtems becaatr TeShle vnn tUiycu N. Y. S0ncai. 5 5 N. Y,. peial.... 7 3,In tile production of 'Uncle T'oomi'sereein t olycu Eatern Ex...125 N. S. Limited-5925toih.Amson15ct. A. M, Pacific Ex------12 is Cabin" at the opera tose last niltnight. Adisioi 5 ens Atatic Es.._7 47 r. 5M Topsy still insists that she was ne vr TO THOSE WHO EAT.10 0 D. N4. xvoe... 5 0 Western Ex__-:- 2 15huda o 0 rls rt G. .i Eaprss ---11 05 Cii.Nt. Es_...10 25 born, and that se 'never ad o Sol party o 0o esfot G.wEoo~s i.Ew. HATES, -o- father, no motier, o sister, 110 any fraternity wish excelett board G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. brothser, nor had evert a yellow cog."fo$25 per weehy cnion A trts" The play drew Ol Immntstse saudiensci. bettr than apply at No. :37 E. Unier- Good, Strong, Healthy' T., A. A. & N. X~. RBY. 'Wilitans Curry ws an aceptatb ity ave. A branid new tablse waits Taing effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 194. Uicle Tom, exceptsswiens ti sang, tand for yos. MRS. L. S. Pr- lEt. Trisl.laeAnn Arbor n Central Stand. tri ytnati utOtei Apryo iecsiesai is xalMl.Mri ytnatdAn pei at ffv a banfrtNORTH. BOOx. well. Eva. ell played att aftetin class faminly board at 5f2 S. Divisiots 7:1a. m. 7:15 a. m. Eva. The siging of the Lotns Stsir t. for $2.50 per week. Call and inate L 1:21 p. M. 1:0 a.m. 4:15 p.. 9.00p. m. (qartet was highly itleasig to te arrangemeints at once. t. *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo attdience. The altog:.ttsuEr welt TO RtENT. only.Tohv m LirsD lm Alt trandaiiy except Sunday. done by the StewtsotsCotttsotot.- A site of rooms with heat and light To v y irsDplo' R. S. GREENWsOOD, Agent W'. H. BENNETT . P. A. Toledo hO. Ciester Leader. at 25 E. Jefferson St. Stetson's Comint~siton plsiyid ne Mr. Marie Kedote, fortimely frls 12x18 with gold Seal and of- ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY Tom's Cabin to fttll Isouscoy.strsisy Nnew York, is orgsnizing classes iitsfia stm atchd se. afteritoon aid evetitg. fihe hadst alt vocal tusic andi iiano [ore, and is as iso ISam tahesn Time Table, October 7, 1894. the aceassories for produttcingitse slay t iggmtl o occpr reo fa2 e1 Leoe Ypsilanti from Congress st.,I:00,9:00 ists ee nsioler eertssio cnet l'foreeo receipt o ,c- and 1:00 a. i.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:0, 6:45, 9:0 ad lt n te uetim na Io 10:10 p. m. highly succesfuli pii Isi isss theirtemaplat11tSAai . Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30930 o d tni pl titIS tit 11:0 a. i.; :152:45,5:30,7:15,:0 andll:osis.ns.attience.STe comspanty silt resiitt TH LAT Et\ Sam, dre, SUNDAY TIME, at tie Opers i[tess todtay, ant istlli ~ ELSTTI Leae Ysilntifro Cogres a.,At Granger's anti Srs. oster's danc- leae Ysiant frm eugesni. 1:0,3:hsgive a imatine this sft:rtssssssslssss thfe 5:00, :3o and :0. m, .. ing schools for this season commisenes Learn Ann Aror Junction, 2:04:00, 5:30, regtular lerfott thsis t tOlltttg.- C:0ars r:30. .WligtnNwt rn next week. Tickets for eithr school E L S cnts:rund ctiptime.eta iget Oeriosepftrsl75 tsr . can be obtained at tto Daiy office at E cens;roud ri tikes 2 cnF. f na, Spt. Opra _oussThusd_,_____eh7' greatly reduced prices. NOIE.Tebs detsn eimi h L W R ,FLOWERS city is the Daily. 1330 MASONIC TEMPLE. (t ForEverything and Everybody. NO)TICE TO INDEPTENDEtNT. Avrie teDiy COSN !H)Lt Ialfi 5. Uephni 5v.yar Te annuai ni etig of te V.. of _______________ _ CHI1CAGO. ptrweof electing lDaiy ceditre s rTirf iT T ethe coiing year wivilioctr Sttrsay, 11 IUL u-______________ l v rAprlG. Accorsding ts a1rules of te Clv r Leaf association the editosrts shsallibt, ap- - -FOE- pion i s a follows: Eevetn to the HOT SPRINGS, ARK., Route ltrary departmnent tres to tTEXAS, w~aa aayasaatmennt, one to the pharmacissy andisn ~'Peas kep i mid te Tleo t hiodental deiartmtent. It it , LOS ANGELES jCI"Piasekee inmin th~oldosired, that all thiosse wishing to tiy St. Louis & Kansas City R. R. for places begimi cotributititg atcice.-AD The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast '[le work dono wili receive due credit. SAN FRANCISCO. Line" for St. Loui, Mo., and the antI those -whose writintg tarraits a1 West and Southwest leaves To- position on the bnsars wilt be rcon- New Texas and California Sleeping ledo Union Depot at 5 p. mn. monded to the association. Car Line. daily, arrives New Union Station HtARtRY tOLEMIAN (the largest in the world), SS'Managing Editor. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN YS. Louis early next morning. JlUNIOt ILAWiS.haehngrtdaewDly1sto CONECTION WITH ANN ARBOR The Junior lw-,,,ill havie a final FRST CLASS SLEEPERS from andMiciga Cntrl lensat exatmination in Fixtures and Ease- CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS, and MiciganCenral inea Isents next Saturday isornitg as te-t Tohido. ltows: Seciomns 4 amd 5, antdtll thlock Via Little Roc. Mavern, Texarana, Pa- Budhlt Recliing Chair asSeats Fre in the senior class wrho iave not yet cstine, Austin and San Antonio. Passengers pausd o thesubectfi n1 1 to12.for Hot Springs have only one change of cars and Vestibuled leepers with- (msdo h ujct rit~t 2 at SMalvern, 95:0 a. m. net dy, arriving out change.- All te juniors will se resuired to at Hot Springs at 11:i0 a. i. Shx hours the rtake the exaumination whehesr or mot quiocest through sleeping car line between C. C. JEN IKI(IN. a they passed on thir rcords. Chicago and Malvern. Also daiy line of THOSNV HGHES Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago on ame General Passenker At., Toledo, 0.TtSO. ~tE. train, through to San Francisco via Los M. . S. ASSOCIATION. Angeles Ca. DIETAS & SCHANZ, I will meet students wishing to join V. OF ble Michigan Political Science asso- For maps, tcetn and full information, U*O nT I O S ciatio, In the small room off the east apply to Our Sprig nod Summer Wolens seminary room of the library any J H. GREEN J. HALERMAN, -- - are now on sale. Prices Low. afternoon except Satmrday betwven :1 SMichigan Pus. Agt. Tra. lass. Ag Call and see us. and 4 o'clock. The memibership fee -On- 48 S. Stat in.. Srenr.l oor. AnArbo.r. In $1, which entitles to the three num- TICKET OFFICE: 201 Clrk t., CHICAGO 22 Yers min the Business-RI . ers of the publications already is- F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh, sued. C. HI. COOLEY, Teaa Cn. Pas. Agt. Pass. & Ticet Agt. 1" .."" CITV A ND Y Cor. 7th ave. and Smith- 37 Madison at., For boarders advertise in the Daily. field lt., Pitsbug, Pa. Toedo, M. M. SEA.BOLT No. 4 N. 4thav.C0t Ut 'H TA L R MERCHANT TAILORNG!I leaning , (patl andy RepaIring ti 2200 to 2204 State st, 33Of' done neatiy b .0 Ari (, 1,000~i* EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 131aI'l POSITIONS FILLED Masonic Temple, Chicago, It0 EAST HURON STREET. IN as94. Geed Worh Guaranteed. Goods called f oro_- wlvitAn Ar rpes - a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Snd delivered. A. F. CQVE~iT. Proup.-. wlvitAn Aro pes - ANN ARBOR MaSndfo. Age lly1 during week of March, STEAM DYE WORKS. Boston New Yrb 11lth. Location will be an-- Ldies and Gent' Clothsng Cleaned I ( J N ? t .I~~ or fy.J ~u j a n~ Chicago Ls Angeles 8. w. HURON $T~. aiar o . Tromto Washington nounced in next week's paper...