VALM. DALLY. Itublishied Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Coleg year, by THE U. DE M. NEPENENT ASSCIATION, OricE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN, Lit. 'r, Managing Edito. G. B. iAsaussoc, Law 'I, Assistant. A. W. Suss, Lit. Spc., Assistant. - W. A. SentL, Lao '9, Assistant. J. A. LEROY Lit. '6, Atleic Editor. J. S. PEARsL, Law '5, Business Manaer. 1I. . LEvY, Lao '0, Assistat. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, '5. 11. A. Da'er, Lit. E. L. Evans, Lasw'5. Eli Suderand,Lit'. Carrie V.Smit,LiL.'5. Li.liamblenLaw96. (..A.iiught,Iet '. 1C. i. Farrell, Lit. 'I. M. Gilbert, Eor.'7. i.i.Gammn,Mledie'' Minie M. Thomeon, Li '7. G. A. Heth, i'iarme 'I. Subsriptios price $20 per year, invariably in advance. Snggle copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office (f the fAILY, at Stoifle's, at State st. newstnans, ith any of tie editors or autorized solicitors. Communications sould resc ellfisice by I o'cim'bk p. m. if they are ill apperstenexlet day. Address all mater illteded foe11ubl- cation to tie Maaigf Editor. All business commnllicationsnshould be sent to tietiusi- amas Manage. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ass Aror, Mih. Tile editors do not hod teseales respon- sible for tie opinions or statement Ill corres- pondents, appearing in tie DIsY.v 'T'ere is much relsonli for congrt- lationi over the restl of thes'trck ilp- tain's' cal for canidsc. One Ini-ii dredtIsinfar iiore lhan wI' hiive ever hiad blfre, but it is not neiarly as iiiiny as we shioil has's. It is not alt nl extravagant to expect tsvo hundi'sd mieni out oii the traskandfid thisi spring, iid it in to be hoied thit3r. Vitzpatrick's determiiinaioii to reasi thai) nuiiber XwiII be'ressarded owii sulcte55.Thiere( is so doubt that thecre are now lit 'oat se hudrd andfifty iien in the University who expect to conic out for the track team. Lcdt all who have not doie o report at oiie to the captain. Above all let ecahi one aippoint hiiiislf a deputy captlin and bring out all the w Ivmun lie can If all wo"-" 'le two udred reached of 1Music is year its ieriianeny : .y assured. T'he advantage of Ann Arbor ats ia pe.' of residene, the large numiber of Ulniversity stud- suts wvho are musically incliesd,anid above all tbe energy ansi ability ds~- played by Professor Stailey in die mialnagemlent of the school are the chief causes wvhici have contributed_ to uakig into a condition the theory of the late Professor IFrize that, a school of muic established ii Ann Arbor would be a successful istitu- tion. Of course the school by no means apiproxinmats pefetion, mnor an it es-ems be siid that lhre are no imu- proveuents that cai be miunde One change that would unquestionably i- suit in great good to ue school is its absorption by the University. Coi- paratively fewv persons know the nerit of the School of Music, but wereIti a pufit of the I;. of M. every person knowing of its existence would feel assured, even though hs of thes depaitiieit. iii n high ranik, iecause of .. irt of timesuniversity. illiy ofitos-, wvio comec here evry year to study his'professions Ini svhichi courses are offered, kiiowv lilte or nohing about till' depaitment whlichi iitheyiter luy kiiosw that it is a depiartme-nlt. of till' Loriscrasily of Mihigan, adl that is of tilt dspaitmet of iusicst. Itswouldhnt ib' siecessry to uilliit interna~l canilgs ii 1(, 511100. -1o niewv iourse' 's ill'eoferd r a 0'ny 11111courses discntied.lI'I. ti w0u111 hnot hbsliesessar'y ill cansge ii lily waiy til'irsonmll ofl stheii'faclty.. 'T1h1 Univrsity MsilsiloIciey( c0u1111trnls- ferthe1111Schotol 1f uslI' anti theIre- Notlt11' lday's wor wXoldtl te lst. No chanlIgest'5111thllot'elotform 011u111 tbe madell. The frie111115111111his' 15tt515 lBut Ili(-, prrsit 81111101of Musis' soldl tblcomle a.bipa t fa grealt sniviersity; it wsold bt' ini Ia ltositiol wher'e{'its ildiits 5w0011dile'rcogillili andlIits fosunlders w0u1111be ena~bldto llSI'e tI'izil5I their highst hopes for it "I The Adephi In Ys. Atiost iteenii1me'mbtlIrs of the Adl- pil i siited tills (rescent socity sof Ypsilnti Fridaly inigt. Tie programs w515 giv'e'n bylme'mblIr's5 of ibotlinete- tills and was as followvs: Trio, iby originlsto101y, Slilss Smiiith, res'st; originllil 1)0 l ii.Sr. 'Thomals, Aielpi: 'reading ir. Iloiuse, Adephi; Iildly. SLis ss'el,trescet; tDebat'-fti- soIlveds, That somullsory laritrtiol ofers tie totit solution to the labor U. OF S. CALENDAR. Fri. eve., .Siar. li..-Soponore party at Granger's academny. Fri., Sfar,15 -University oratorical contest in University hal under auspi- ces of S. L A. Wed, and Thiurs., SMar. 2-2.-Cla- slil colnfere'nce. FrL, Mar. 29.-Warsity indoor neses In Gymnasium, Fri.aind Sat., SMar. 2930.-. etiig of Michigaii Scoolmasters' cdub. DITSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," Bay FrsnhFE. Sawyer. Translations of Sin of Bine's Snet lyrics in equiite musical ettings. Heavy Paper. 75 cents. " COLLEGE SONGS." Tile siandard collection of College Songs. Oyes' 20,000 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.0 "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Oly bmok 0g tie ind published. The songs of te leding colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00. nRODYAL COLECION INTRUMETAL GITIAd MUSI" Eghty-two Iiece for the gutr from the bet sosrer. A spedid clecion. Had- some Cover. 50 cents.. Any booh sent postpaid on receipt of price, OLIVER DITSON' CO., 483-463 Washington St., rtum.. C. B. Dton & Co. N. Y. Track Me Vantod. t Thie galls'ry a Jun 11A1 ning track is ost all the lillitsnU WOi t ;'.11 1 11111 5 alid wanlke-rs eI.bausball vandidinetss sils . inpers anid 2II. hurdri's of till' crack teanhrls I'icivsatn n pitng ofrtiig 1 swaslers lire slot rep~ortinig v-ry fist to TiratineIr Fitzpaltricki, who wiill assignl taeli one th111'work hehi1s to . 'lie is I AC is 111o51) icbik of candidatssfoi ihe Wae tralc-istt'l itheil'high jumphi, Xvllit'hhis P. .s-s silliige t'ollsidellig tlitleliuiber of iills Cmm svlio 11aveI practicedl at it tisX5winter'r E in tilt gyillllill,1and1this'fact that tlstithliere is thue D. K. I9. cup ill coln- Th'lii 1p11e foll this lI'lar. QsrtI'r-miiile rihil- I- nIIS ts110, oss ai to be scarse. All cai- G dl~ida's Wh11101'billes ldll hot iappia , ini ye'sterdally's Daily a1r1eirequesstedIlto lj' (hil hoiurs orh' erl c'ase, pr ~lI'eeni thil fromlhlstartilig to train rig ht The Bar lawasy thesy csalnlmakle li'h'lo-5'iel'ts a~ness I wiith ill 111 start ii55as1111oon a lsi- 50 Me ills. Cat'a~in LItoly may ill' fouinI 1Double B; Illsr gyilllI.ilillllevsery iftseroosnfrt-siu pny 3::(1 ill , miss - PRIG p 1 T: PH(C The '95 Victors arc models oIsO trength and beauty. Thy staunchest light seheel., cvcr BE built. You iso ire not rs'diay a goodi bicycle, btit the best;t 1 e't you scant a V ictor. Light ttyles, with alaso: saniy SPEI height tramse, giving r_ . e -a fit as if the svheel swas rade tosyour REU' order. Froi Catliog for the asking. - cn cents in stamps secures the Victor Teacher Pad Calendar-. Corn OVERMAN WHEELOI. o Studio 2 Makerssof Victor icycles and Athleicools, HEA Bostn.New Yrk. Cicago. TH A1 Detrot. Dever.Ann Ark Ssnfrriscoe. Los Angeles. Po.imosd. Orfacle( oftits S1 sells esch. :NT OF sI an Shom- 0 LMAND' sh ,... ils'rh, Ann Arbnr, gen our Show Window. GRAND OP1ERA I1IUUSEe rsday, March 7th.- >ORGE STETSON'S Big Spectacular iETMS AI1 'xnnm ef rise nil. Under tile mac- oI .. VWXashburn. 3n, Women and Children. 51111 and Orc-hcatra.. A Great Cons y. A Gres~tlCast. Twso Topshes, treladcd by KATE PARTINGTON.. ES, - 35c, 50c, and 75c, atin otypes MhE LATEST THlING IN ST O G RAPHY -AT- RRYMAN'S 6 E. Huron st. ECIAL RATES TO SENIORS. 'BEN H. KEMPFFr m tile Royal Cocservatory, Stlmtl;srt, Germany, of Puano, Organ and Xnsmcas iposition; also the Art of Teaching. S. Division St., Ass Arbser, Rich' HN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK .bor, Mic'h. Capital StockSSW,0QS Surplus, $150,000 zed under the Generai Bauhing Laws' isle, Receives deposits, hays and iamngeo _tue prinicipal cities 44 than i { United Stairs. Drafts cashed ison proper" Members of Guarantiee Ticket Broker' Acne- identification. Safely deposit hbes to rent.- elusion of U. . OFrmccEnss:('lvristian ) lack, Pres.; W. D,- Harrimans, Vhie-P'res.; Chas. E.. Biscock, Cosby & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency Cashier; 90. J. Fsritz Assistant Cashier. 50 Adasms si.. ('hillago. Beduced rates to all points. I3 ruchOe.MNain a. Ann Arise, siuua. Metropolitan Cafe 'WM _ R_ 'UTI..D.SL, Lunch mnd iiung Boom. Na. iS1N. FIRS CLAS CUTOM ~llOINO Fourth Are., iletween Arlington Hiote FIRS CLAS CUTOM AILOING and Ciuy Office Building. Open all Corner of State acd William stn., bourn. wimarst.Lesntrance Mr. nnd:Mrs. Edward Lewis, Pro'ps $1.25 FOR All COLLEGE NEWS $1 2 U Ofwill be delivered at the your room thle remainder of the college year for only $L25. S UBSCRaIBE NOV[ At Daily Office, Times B~lock, at Stofflet's News Stand,. or at Paul Myers, State st., News Standt