THE U. OF M. DAILY. i + 1+~lrpit3+ Publishedtl Ially (Sundia ystected)t during the Collegeeoycar, by TUE D, Of M, IDEPENDENT ASSM~ATIMU OFFtICE:T'imnes bui lig N. Atatin st., opposite posttoafice. Subsriptionatprice $2.50 ptt'oye'ar, loalably in atitati. .Sigle opieos 3 etls. Sbscrit'p- tions mayla' loft at A tl'thf'thef Iil)AffY, at Stitflot's. at State st. new ttati, wth any of the ediftosaoauthoried oillicittos. Communiac'aati sold'reac'h Itheoffice Iby Stts'clotcek f. ti. if thicyttae to aftftt'iitlionet flay. Atddrss aall tmaitrintteneforatpautli- cattionto tt heo ifaig Etditar. Ailltuttitness commnicaionssho l et tofthe ut'sla-'' TH-E U. OF MS. DAILY, AtntiAroro, ihol. EDITORS. F. P. SATtiAfi, fit. '9t6, Aassittitt. 11. Loft MA-,, Lit. '97,Assistant. J. A. LEOtt, Lit. t96, Atlicl Edito. T. S. PEAoR., Laiw '95, Busitne.tsslaatio. Sb tub e'f'ftttoisonttt'ltt E. L..Evsoit, '5. Cari" V. Smtith,.5Sp'l. tftofoirtlttiiotttt So.tiioot'tttetiot' ~ctittttt.tifititttia 11.lit tf. amo . TAll Daly s;iat orooficeltt'efotlio0a titie ofr eop~tinion ttrnltsofcorresti fprnSlits, wpatingtin ty IAsILtY. ftt' fron thfis claisIatnot jusiitifedati election tandtIa positioni remtainas'iacant Football. Yeste'rdaty's practie's lisvlir atid brisker ilthanfiat' stirta'iac. A tiuitber of itewt'maitta eretttrietdtiinStestoiti e'lev'tn. Sevra'l slhowt'dl up very wetl. Price aatfinptituilta gootd gameit at tt' for the sectoadtlevt'lt''t and as't'ed goodl footblllmtattiatl.ISeit'lstley ltrge id pttoswer'ftul, an atlfy havtheflt maikimg of togooti guairdlitlim. Aglinlithe nitumbetr if candfidtets droptpett'd iff, lissathaiti "0 maen bt'ing ant. 'Iodti th le '"riyinyshut'stif