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March 05, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-05

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tt. of

Al . Wail i.

.VOL. V., NO. 108.



A. Brief Biography of the Poet by
Prof. Thompson -A Program of
Much Interest.
TIhe Seltill e r'telling' iY'Oinl tis
'I city ceuitcouse's.last ight wais one
ofthe list' oat ttr~ise ft'e 'itt riilltit sts
of te seisoi. 'Tse ebtitels was-itattli-
folly -ils'.t'ut'ttswsithlintigled'Ulnitedl
8lats a indal (itesiss i atituimsl colots.
Wilit itloes itlli'"w5mail5 ttt wiltitha-

lt)s ttsessiis ooioters'sting even'i to titose
wtun ss'sre tnttait Infollow tltt' ittwtin-
fo1g. Thn' voeal solos by Mlrs. t(isspt
sx1141 Mr.. teiltliis~g e were sartistically
stng and 111110ls iltltittedl by l te
auidtieince as tt'5t5 lrtis'ttl by tl i los:t -
suitce osits siseisitstinlt tcae..
The ILyrst Mss'ien elsiihr sandsLaItlis'
ChorssdItscsedit tthseir memo its tan
tos Pro'f. lipfill.thlssii' siretor. 'Ilteir
exatntess illtt t'tiianod their cassrefli
shainig is' se highsly couismendailes.
'lists ititli(r int whsil iichth sloruises
snutg totgeilher. Selsisisri's "indiiell-
listsis." -tessbPsIitil'tl. Thlalss st tis111-

A Trip Through Scandinavia. N OD TDN
Te susljecst if leaf. l)'iOssg's Inuhre
deliere heorothe)Inlnd x i nv Tries to learn without hooks.
Iss tgstwirAStiite Sonic pepic though try to use
las 3igh as '1mmr 15i musical itnstrumntus with little
Tl'luiis Srstssiisii:. 'e-iinalsisi or isistone.
is issi oiftensi tiiteil, li tie 5r s it 8a-s 'iiabu th s hc ae T
Isy" Aim frieuti strists, slthiss 'isii iit . 1 S ToIfU~ YPID lne,

favoriite!s's stirt if theits'Eg~itiaidsi(tr-
isusis. Tlosa iligs sit' alssi'iiilati
silistetive tos tsoiiists. lie lisiiig.
Ivitsh is s'xcel'ls'en tsn itamoutii of the
innnsy ttit antl salimonsstis is' founids
th ere, astis useeriy. 'T'oCrtai
Ittri's I stts'iitI~tty li' 'tissi iinlli{,-

*X~c sell that kiind.
51 South Main st.

isitilriat, i 'litirss. 'iT'hesrgramtsscesll- ser t'hisis' isscs ' Mr. Mi'. Ii ii ae-igit' sit' ' l'5'' "' I'' ('' I''''''' ' '"''I o I 7 I Ul")
iss if its silsri,,ssby IPsof. ''lll'ssss sslsssisis'siby tilt' Lyrai Masi ests i i ' ts ali t st i'aii tigi. asistt tuti tffs ' "
satl S'liills''s lii'.'r. is'sliisg io' sits'oit' asi e s ly r s "ed(l''i. 'i'11f AnntsAr or iiiii'iiss tt'i'iti i ii stiit
itilsillt's plins by l)s'. iitis.t 'sss'si tl zu lu's' itu ,a e iit isis'' "t"ns owstisiigttltwhsic r t li tstiti if .trt ' ~ 5~____
! e lis sss Sy Mrt. .I. tis sitinsr 1151 Avvo r'it'u'svo i t C1till 5 i isute 2Ii sithe lMsssss it' Nof i-ssitls'1iii Aitisii
Mss i ssillaiu ii siisse s usos'tip-s. 'liii' garsis o'i fii'tii'elit to it's
ti._ It I~ rol" nd f 11111be's y IIsthesiADNGSCHOOL OF BUSINESSanod SHORT-
iii 'rl an''s'i it Zuu lub:.Thess, is's lissi's' e sts sia issigs' is'l iitl isigolis's ii. lHii's is's' ts It' son (Is:Sit D. 0 Mogoificenti bsildiog; tintenshers; laege,
attedance; good disipline; suermior west; woesi
Profi. 'liThom 'a s'suiss ii s' .eoll f8 liilse's s sittush nsoi e suiil 'rs li bohi eil . I e~ts'silsssss ts(if sill kisislissirom stllsties' usplied rendig roem; doily lectures; Snturday-
'u''iisssreceptos; apen the entireear~. Essyp ,
lift' tiss ssss lO tsis'i's'stinisg. It isit' flileil. ('isitaisly 1si Cll t ' at way ft ' 'ssoteissts ts gllsssss fi'oryssiiiig tisdils's t ionaitaciitisfotr plncing studensispsosiions.
Boarsd and rootO$2lo$2.75 pmr eekisntoprivaie
lift' ot'a 55 g isa ttlsss t'sss lti aidsss- 5 tsi" tha. lt y haIss iui 5tjiysila ,'c t11(1h eriie'', lith sansi of Ip'opl'esaesi l isr. Thsme ratesoyeduced Inot$is5 by sell'
boairdiog. Foe Catloogue addres
filly lhandsica'ppid liii lss'sstltsissc'a- trst. e'vt'ry sissy titaksiss'uper u nds'ethu Its' rt-sP 'R-S.CLARY. Prea
rersi rt and ituill lissilis. Ilii Revival of Olympic Games. 15l1ii .l 1 r Z Z-LN 3
early lift'Ilie tss illigs ii toi 5 itilti''a55 Altalp selssof asottitoitt's usand rsssus 'ssssssssstslst'e ipsfessossr J5lJ~"I
snsd tyricasisl hlet'oftt ttisstt'nblg'.tt'''lev iitofurther's'thei't'stiis' of fis tiaura. 'u'bis City is5sisssil Isis'its biui-
Hin first, plsay. "'lsi' Robbses," 'itasisstiusisil stssssts'usspora rP'1 ' ~fis s'sss'+y.isiTg iissT't i lii S,
W''iitt'sl 'ii i ai siruit of t'ss'li. perhast movert i n, tsltis, rt a-iV'a]. is '2 t illi'sli ifsi+ss48liseS.iulSoTitTEssss'STi.
i'ssltiisg lausgs ty frointhels'lisi~ssifuil yptg ' 's'sssus lrisI'i' is'tue'sques' its~utttts. Assssssg l . 8S.S.A.E T
sstessisan ,51551uisilisis'ofisi iuth.i'ssstseis. tsi i isfiIsss's ssh s sinit'ressiissg sights if C'hristisanas is G t ADL o
'lus' eosssssstsl if lis' t~tiss as 1it .11 s e ossttiliy as a upr'omouter tof the
Sr'Cl)ills't' iflifiiteisi'ly"stusosIl' nes ssssyuhes.st belltheilos ilsS-'s'st lisisisstulusand (('ollt srs 'efil 'issA rtstc P o o
fti brinigout: sti t lt playlta i irsilissusl i si '155tiffs u d's1 i o rfuse (-,iissl s tilt-.11 Tilt't st e'ssssssssls'
shosuuld su u'set hisit elf. iit't't'af~t' tr to ,.,. >. Aio''usi sliss fs 'iilist'1t sf ls'-hsis''usutil s ''sy st ot
'isitingogniist1t'ly pioe'ssionasl sub- st si'is-sts' st is'nesuis'i'lisl''rinlis'ettisnitli's ii NEtN her.I. LB.Y,
jIs id auvsuuiu oil shdngerou ts thu'tus Teiastnl o Iuciitis st ~r'lst'sst'ristis'of itsat euiuss l I s1
sls''h 1 ed Sr'Iills'u' luasf le tcouldil 15 tautfust's sndsl islifinisi I'triv'ersi.ii'. il'l tls' ir'Ise Iid uisis.stl
loners's'snduee is'ess'ntsal lbssndusge Bs'foit msaksinlg tile bosldupropsasl tioleprsttre'ly . ' ''lus' isssre rius' NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
ssii'l i essulit tll oheu'eist alsitilt('eisstiotsssolihsussstt situsssshAnhntstAr'bils'rsiil sukysus
berg etailedl. Hiteefore 'antaiaiy'w-illsj111issiutioiitissesll spunts. lseiss u' tsiuroi'slessi'i''.. slits1 li icuielacsking,:n rbr l~h
andss bega,; iitiith ttuipedtts itlife 'isisielt sts issslss'stits IshuuAsiutbiteoldttitittlis ls'seanliness: D C.. C DIBUX.
'i-si s tsinedlto hlve ve' wi' th u it ias of stllueties inIi nhtlsnds thi 'Ititisi ''i'itilijs'tii le. i thell s 'ilss's'c hus 1'slst'OP' I ETOi'i 'F T HEii i'
'sstssst t lssoatt'e isS'-s' )onsert.Sst' iliuu usl(siuty.y. til ours, this'profe'ssurufe sssessait hasving Lts nproved Barber Shopl ad rer1111yan
toInttse city. F. S1ushiniotusss t., ist dosr
Maisilseitto,, psiusfiellsi snd Weitoaerossneluiulthtucsisels s nsuilts t tildet('lititbithanitti A rborelis. cost 5f+Alotnsit. Ass Asbor.
-w'ere'diwellinoglliess of lt'egroat 1iat't iosulldliii usesisiesil snouultiitestly iad- Fruits hire:tt is juiett'lidt'oitsthe
fho e lnge o oerr ls ie.IoeInd oio 'ssg'sIts'esemtar'eies'atls' 51' whe're Ssi-slutlsiis daslklsssnd~
ti reniiie'e lialf' i e tias' t idsisss'of proin'eniusit ipromoter's 'islf'ja'ii's'r:aly.b' sAT--st usi
li iut h istsi 'soui 'h betueatllileties al. sioehnitionoIs h iste i ig ldig.insilPassis,41s..J'Q LW ILdY& CO'S
Iis 'sift'; ansI hEeetion, lie eOi'nsie'l sot Jusiss'. All lise g2esat isiat1iuuset-to isuake seseieyth lat isi5 11t1pt, lisissi26 a She'llSTATEST:. DoaniSfoil Is cone.
IliaC fI'etudltip stuit oEethi' sIltieli Celpt Os~iint' Setit dlegates. is" sills- liy' til'. S'i'i't IS'ist ihuh arSs iil Ht~tl"d oliO isorhes at All Boours.
'sis'to Jgu en 0ins'aloab~le in bot il til lheisssssao lelntt ttsteistii s Nusewsit. A grist 15ar11)f
8ibe't egtunie sleathi Cut it Shorst. lsu sius'tellt et aeWi-it is unnllaluissluisul sand lesoili'. S iCO OINA D - H .AN ID
sie1 ut. ili "b le llt, is elim _t nt. Slssite. of P' ofi it'i' i '11

lie' wias doing tissili eOf his Uictst srlt- hnentin s ieilltI 0105111n(lniliiitiisil
lug. Schtiller sas iniia: containt slats' 1515's tinga. TheIi"first 'sill belie ldl is
of Ills greate'st lphytsica~l siiittriig. His ]183(36it Atliis. tlsi'secndlast Parin i
sleath oeeorefd in 1895. 11WO, antos hleitiirdl probalblt' ii use
Thf liwiorks sif tislgret pet 10Care full i'iits'slSlats's. Tfhe.sdistinetiassbi'-,
of a'*noble ad aiilfly idealisiso'ss'iihih t'is''sui 11an siatisir etIsts' susula soin
tsakes ill ,iust iholsisomes n d ou lellsfuirftssiunislswats strtit' ly rsaw'i. antlsll
reading. lstis f ni' ta'(terinoan PeOt noney prizes sweit'forisililsi. 'Nohrts'
slot's Schile' applstSo tehests ef fisasioutal 'silllie sallowedilto c enilois.
Isis countrt'moeil,. lieis -niost trulyt' the The sedulle of "speets inl elolssross-
i a tional 'OeriuiaX bsard. logallndinationasl spsorts t5elsillt'. l
'1'ie Geiissn.s'betiuoby'Dr t~uisesides all atlileic guies of rseitig.Ilssines
tias so pleasantlly read that it 's by stansilig-Dallt'. Peioct'toiiati.

cunt-of. its lecatioin itittli55group ofsi
tuoskys'islassl.its t'sstls'e sisouis.
sou l41t' sepuolces 'ofitnient'sikingas
lottah er lse. i'1ial istt'e grsstat u-
vesrsity towsn of ;Swe'dsln. Itconotais
abuot tss''ity'iis'e thusassndul iisilsh-
tsints andslis atypical colligs' hsusis.
A fsair sized u d iiienice ss'siprsenlt
saisithoeneirt'ainmeti' w s sesslt'e
whlole :i great sneg ess.
tfritee sult of thse Ageotey examttinas-
tion still be psted thile lsttiri'rilt o.
tibis sweek.


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