THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN CENTR~AL.THAT MEDICAL MUDDLE. I Scholarships Open to Our Alumnae T AMT h Time Table (Revised) Nov. 1, 194. The Willard Sholrhip in Modern Af .NIE D. EAST. WET. CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAG=E. Languages t th American HIome V ___________ Mali sod Es 3 55 Mali- - said to the Lansing representative ofScoli Renfrshghod N. Y. Special.... 515 N. Y. Special....7 30thDoitFe rs:"hsPa sadtiinfrOo i pnt Eastern Ex .1 25 N. S. Limited... etoteePes 9Ii ol i2ndtiin5o n year, ipen t A. M. Pacific Es-_. 11 15 not intended s an attack oi the home women of our graduating class in the o AtlantceFx .7 47 Y. M 1 uuu ihop ti i h ftrs . N. Express... 5 i0 Western E.__ 1 pti1 ciotI si teitrs literary deparment or to graduates .Epos.]0 h.N.E___12 feooyadsmlct.TeIe 0.1.Epes .l 5C.. x .1__55o cnm n imlct.Teie of not more thian one year's stand . W. RUGGL.ES, H. W. HATES, is tom cnolidate both of tie preseit lg. G. P. & T. At.. Chicago. At. Ann Arbor. d( partients: into one. There is no Two fellowships are offered by the G o use of two schools' ini imedicine. The lssoiation of collegiate aumna.4, to GOd to g elh T., A. A. & N. M. RY. allopathic and homeopahic principlses our women graduates; one, yielding Takinlg effect Sunday. Aug. 1, 14. lre exactly the sane' in(le various$00toaproisuynabadth Trains leave Ass Arbor oCetral Stasd. $branchessonstdyiexcept, he ard ime. rnhs xetin the branch of mat- olher ielding 30 o aprsnStd. NORTH. I SOTH. terili meedica. It is our purpose to ing in yibli ntr.lW . ..7 7:18 a. m. '7:5 a. m. hive a oilairfo the t aseing in this Tecinasgiigflernfm- '12:2p. m. 1130a.. - 'h iclr iigfle non 4:15.m. :00 p. m. tbranchi of bohi theories to all studoents. to ili'frihdb rsd dolr between Ass Arbor ad Toledo Tiill beis iouinisdhofh byigPrwoichool oly Angl. _______.T ae La' Alltrains daily except 5Suday ecigtesm, ln T aem irsDiploma, R.S. GREEN W000,Agenttoahn110aiipllsf rgy W. H. ENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. and os have s:eparae Iloslit lv . There Will Be Two Team Races. is io such tiing as two schools ii 12x6 With gold eal and of ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Europe, and lhere s no use of having The committee oi he imdoislet the divisioni hire. As itl:' matter now has dcided that there wil be two fiCial stamp attached, sent Time Table, October 7, 1894. staiids, there is the coistant bikeiig t: iii races. Onle wilttebtwens Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s t., 7:00, 9:00 besecn(le tprofessors of the tO eat-ms from the '7 lnd '8l~ths and the free on receptofa cent sod 11:00 am.; 1:45, 2:15, 5:00, :45, 900M and Ohrbtentelwsad'e is 10:30p.m. shoos hofe'AniArbor.:andoiit would o:ohreweithelsan'21ti. Leave Ass Arbor Juscto,7309:30 sodweltheriofalts::huweesoeahf h ercstmp Ad es 11:31a.m.;: l:5,2:4,:3,7:l5,:0and:0p.m. v''lt h:rw o ilii. ilieowinnesoiieli fth sendfiael tm. Ades SUNDAY TIME. wilcb oeo i li lio :n ios Leave Ypsilanti from Cogresst.,:30, 3:30, E. . House Told the Prize Story. rce loo.Eits for boxlig andi 'orest- 5:00,:30 sod 0002. m litg vetnts in ho' meetwill close Sat. Leave Ass Arhor Juoction, :00, 4:00, 5:30, One of iii:- most PleasanOiti f the rc c Ioavy. arel:i, and oo :r ol oter E LS 70a An.m.Cars rosesn city time. Fare: sigl trip 11 ent scial ('vo-lts Ws the recetionl(wtls. Tlesocly (eoilg, Mt tre 21. cets; round trip tickets 25 crats. S~moa . o nr ~u~ cc cm na hltotennM ia stdn.,dFLOWERSLtL, FLQ"W 'ERS Theo'tmain feature of the evniing was 1330 MASONICQ '$MPLB For Everything and Everybody, tie "Prize stories" told ty epresnt- 1c..2Anita's Trial" Rehearsed. CIUSIRS & HALL, fl~ists. 26S.Univerrsitymav. lives of the varios sectioan (fshiuerru oho'ra of the oidy C I AG Telenboe115. ontry. Pefrtrbaslo h oey C I A O Mr~~ArtsL+. R. ItRose, of t'oloradto, recitedolrAntas Trial" whi(hi ti Wonam's Leage is to give March 2, took place:_____________________ The ~~~~i verse' the story of "tat and the audy is obr a hrl C i LIf1i," callimg forth prolonged applause. of it. The enertaiinitet is to be Clo er.Lea Miss Anniie Stevems, of Maiiie, told in hilot in High Shool hallni is open, taimost pesimg maineriat in otertaim- olly to me:mlbrs of tie' WoIa'S ig an('(dote of P'hilipiistBrooaks.'TheLegeRo tsuhwarpeendbyEmd " a. >. Bloc, of Tonnessee,womooestory f -Ar. Flyod I. M'lemeu nterlaimed, hioodarey amio his ml:' was receiveod a setiomi Ot the WVoni' Legeefat- (WPlease keep in mind the Toledo, with shouts of lughter. Theo' last of urday aftermiomn. St. Lois & Kansas City R. R., tie "story telers' wasI. It. Lymiln, Tie seior laws wilho qized oil The Clover Leaf Rote, "Fast who toldi a nmlber of shortitanedotes C'orporatiomns this Week. Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the ' i a very eintertaining wy. S West and Southwest leaves To- A ballot was takemi oni tire melrits of BUSINESS LOCALS. tedo Union Dpot at 5 p. M. he Several stories amd the Irizo, a ~tcsisre s hoclm ttert daily arrves ew Uion tatin loook o mtitled "Atieia u luuor," was of5 cents per line, Special rates for loner (lelretin the world), St. iv to yIrf.Tuelodu eitme, amnd extra lines urnished by applying (the largest.Treboo. n natat the DALv stice.1 Louis early next morning, little speech to Mnr House. 'Plo' Shillr c-vning ltitmiy club CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR The musical part of the program was: tonight. Almisiomi 1 cent;. furnished by Miss Minnie Davis, To THOSE W1O EAT. and Michigan Central lines at piano, and Mr. Mli Gillespie, banjo. Should tt party of 10 or less fromn Tld.E. M. Houghiton, 'hd deithissbe:en any fraernity wh me(xcellent board Buffet Reclining Chair Cars eats Free elected a iliC uber of the' Daiy board for 2.0 per week, they (an sdo no and Vestibuled Sleepers with- of editors. btter thami apply at No. 37 E. Uniiver- Out chnge.iy ave. A brand new table waits ou hag.At the Grand Opera House. for you. A11R. L..S. PRYEl. C. C.' ENKINS. 'To the Grand otera hous this even- A party of Live ialt obtain birt General Passenger Agt., Toledo, . ing collies "Jane" an Englishi comedy class family board at 5th& Division wlihi his had a successful creer St. for $2.0 per week. Call and snake DETAS & SCHANZ, diouautte country. The humor arrangements at once. f. V. OFWMC. TAILORS of the play is sail to be so bright and TO hRENT. th opiain oauigta n ut froswt etadlgtOur Spring and Summler Woolens can go and see it a dozemi times with- at 23 E. Jefferson St. are now on sale. Prices Low. otlsn neet rocmayi Call and see us. ouMoigitrs. hecnpn s Srs. Mario Kiede, formerly froms 48 s. Saie n., ScndFlor, AnoAror. an excellent one and incudes Thea.3. New York, is organizing claesenihi Reynolds, Hlugo It. Iliks, C.B. Gil- vocal music and piano fbte, and is aso 22 Years in the Busness- 1 SS lingwater, J. Brandn Tynan, A. J. open to egagements for oncrt, par- CITY DII Edards, Helen Siger, Adelle NOt, o and other enteraionmenta. For LIe Fee and Mamie Johnstoe. terms apply at 104 S. Aain si M. M. SEA.BOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. [ 1[( Q TH TAILOR. MERCHANT TAILORING! i ~J (KCO (} - Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing 1 2200 to 2204 State 8.,130 done neaty by pat., y AUG. SCHOENEWALI,' s EaWashington ,000O EXCELSIOR ,+ LAUND)RY!i PSITON FILLEfl MaaonC Temple, Chicago, 20 EAST HURON STRFET LEINISiOo& Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called forĀ°0_ will visit Ann Arbor person and delvered. A. F.4COVER.T Prep.- - ________________________Send or Agency ANN ARBOR Manual, ally durtng week of March STEA DY WO KS. SoteeNo, York 11th. Location will be a, Ladies' and (Gets Clotig Cened or Dyed, Cicage LeAngises 8W. EVEO0N ST., ANiN ARBOR. TrnSe WasIdsstou ouCed in next wee's paper,