THE U. OF M. DAILY. XjHoA INT(I At the G rand Opera House. Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. "Jane," thei beet of b'roliinan's col- EAST. WEST. idies, ilil have its first presentation Mall and Exs... .3t Maill-_______A.43lit the Grand Opera House next Mton- N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Specal---- 730 day evening. 'The plaiy is one of tli . Easters Es---10 25 N. S. Limited. 5 232 A. M. PacheicEx-------z12 1, best of its kind on thed roaid today, Atlantic Es _. 7-47P. 1 M d D. N. Express._5-40 Westers Es.. 12 an cral ily oiie of liii imost poiu- 0. It. Expreosn_.11 05 iChi. Nt. Ex-.--00 25 laii. It deserves its poipularity, foi- it. 0. W. RUooGLES, ,I. VHAYES, is clean anti ainusing. FrolIthe no- 0. 1' & T.iN t, Chicafo. Agt., Ann Arbor. iielt the curtain rises cii the first act / A " 7until it falls at tic- end of the play. 1T., .A. A.. & N. X. R Y. thet audience is in consttnt roair. 'The Taking effect Sunday, Ant. 1, 1894. results of Jaite,!s tdual life arc ticyi-f- Trains leave Ann Arbnr on Central Stand. ne d time. feet of Slhakltolis idiotic trotolicsity soo. n" oewn. to brag labole i Carriage, cauisethe 7:18 a. m. "7:15 a. m. ftn ' rfmiec s0W ll *12:2a p. m. 11:30a m un. Thilie I .la :isoeita 4:15 p.mir. 0:00 p. m. shotuld be seei by all wiltsijoy *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo laughilig. Tb ch:cmptaniy is Strcom. o.All trainn daily except Sunday. W. I1. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. Aet Kt os fod } Q tjst as wvickedl is ever, wastiecet- ANN ARDOR &_YPSILANTI ST, RY. iraltfigulrteandl thelimost ale chalracter Time Table, October 7,,1894. tCabin"' at the oplerai hotise last iiiglit. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00, 9:00 TPopsy still insists 111:11 sir-,was iever and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:0O, 0:45, 9:00 and 10: 30 p, m.born, athatl~t shie "nevi-c had tic Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30, 9:30 attdlfather 110 llltlllr, noisister., no trotloer 11:3ia.mi.; i:15,2:5,5:3,7:i,:0and11:top.m. ' SUNDAY TIMIE. nior had eveii ai yi,-loa doi."-he L.eave Ypsilanti from Congress st..1:30, 3:30.,tplay tdriw ai inimlenoc iadiece. NVil- 5:00, 0:30 and 9:00 p.mrr. imCry asnacoptbe-Vel Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 2:00,4-00,5-30,hmUlr a nlcetbi-tr: 1:00 antd 9:30 p. m. Til, exceipt whie-i: I: Oiig-, :i( MaIr- Cart ran on citytime. Pore: tingl rp1 crats; rousnd trip ticketa s cut i ri 5tics- ytilated Autlllit Sh~liawlEri-l. WMI. F. PARKER, Snpt. Evat Bell plaiye-ulall e-fectiiigEr. p'lliThosinginigoft thLoie- sitir Qua~rtet FLOWr YERiS, FLOW YERS was highly Ill s-lilgto tll i:uldisnc:-. For Everything and Everybody. ThleIpiecie:tltogi-ihl-rwill Cbine- ty COSN ALfoit,2s.Uelvhone 1yavr. the Stef-sol Coiili-tioii Chester Leadler. The NOTICES. M. P'. S. ASSOCIATION. Cliover L..eaf I will meect studetlis wishiiigltijoli BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices Inserted in tbis column at tbe rate nf 5 cents per linie. Special rates tsr longer time, and extra lines iun:isbed by applying at tbe 1DAtY office.] 1'O THOSE W1O EATr. Shoultd a party of 1t0 or less from aniy fraternity wish excellent bcord for $2.50 peraweikthey can1 Icolio hotter thaln a111111t5-\1o. 17 E. thive- sity ave. A bralndl new tabile waits for yotu. M1RS. 1L. S. IITEII. TO tRENT-A niclely furnished fronlt suite of roons. Furnuace lheat. 7:3 E. Washington st. A palrty tif live eciniotin liirot classs fatmiily tioard alit iS. Div-ision st. for $2.50 per week. Call1:1111dllmake TO RENT. A pleasant, large suite of roois avith furnaco heat, light antI bath. Price $4. 11 State st. THtI-4,LAST TERCA At Grangers and Mrs. Fosters danc- lug schools fsr this se ason commnlce-c hext week. Tickets for eiither sechcol can ho obtained at the Daisy oftice at greatly rcduced prices. STA:SIP COLLECTIONiS. We wvant Is buy stamop collectious and awill paty caish for the satelon11 receipt if price askedl is satisfaictory.- Collectionls should be sent by regis- tered msail or express witi: letter naum- ing price under neparate covir. We send superior approval.shleets tore sponsible parties. WV. J. 7AWSIRENCE & CO., Kalamuazoo, Mic:. A CtHEAT' TRIP TO JACKSON- VILLE. A party cf ladies and gentlemnen is being organlizedl to leatve Ann Arbcr Satturdaiy, iMarlchi 1, for ca two aveeks" trill to .alaescuville, tla.. and return. The private car "City of Ann Arbor' avill carry thie party through anti aill ho tised for Idining and11sleeplinutlr- 11001s durillg the entire trip. Thic rate fccrlthe routnd trill fromli Ann lArbor avill.he olty $612.50, andi andi meals for135 ldly-s. A s0011 will he lmalde at Chaitanooga to enablo leillihcl of the patty to visit Lockout Mocuntain. Stoplsawill he msade at other pointls that the party may decide:-uponi. III case of faiilure to orgalnize a party of 18 the trip will hot he Imalde. Writo It. S. G~reenwcod, Agent T.. A. A. R N. st. fly., ait Ann Arbor for tickets 111d reservationis of berths. etc. Comopefent servants will accompany ear on entire trip. tt. S. GRlEENWOOD, Agft. WX. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Sec the i110w 255 utodels. They are- leade:rs. WX. T. Apnntdoe IandNV. Cam. ManeIster,' ag enhs 45 ,William st. Route W".-Please keep in mind the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Rt. R., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Louis, Mo., 'and the West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at 5 p. m. daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St. Loois early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and M4'ichigan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. C. C. JEN~KIN S. General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. D3IETAS & SCHANZ, "U. OF 34. TAILORS Our Spring and Summter Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see uls. 48 S. Mnate st.. Second Floor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years in the Business. -4 CITY -LAUNDRY, X. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORIN(*! CleanIng, PressIng and Itepairing done neatly by AUGs. SCHOEsfffWALI'- 26.E.'Washingtn EXCELSIOR f LAUNDRY ! 24? EAST HURON STREET. Ghoed Work Guaranteed. Gleeds called for and delivered. -A9.COVERtT. Prep. AWN ARBOR. STEAYE DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Genie' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 8 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBO3. thic Stieligan PoliticailSe-ence n-so- ciatioii, ini the small taiom off the: cast; semnalry rooma of tCeli- birary !my afterniohonxcept Satutay between-:i3 aind 4 o'clock.,Ti mttemtbhershiip fei is $1, avhichm entitli-s to the three 111111- bers of the plhicationis alrc~edy is- stied. C. H-. COOLE Y, ':1 ia. Tile semii-aninual milling of tho: stckholidi-is of Cue iWrinklie Publish- ing a~ssociastion ilihioccur Saturday :at 2 p. iii. i 12001,1.lawo bmilding. All thloe iiihclitd in the 11:11- licatiohi of tile hater, lie desiriing011 ry for a hple oii timebcardl si~huldibe present'. II.CH. SMITHt, S:ecretary and 't'reasurer. Mrs. hMarie,1-iiidzi --formel-ly tromi Niev You-k, is orgaiiiig classis in voaistl musie- ill(]piaii orll', :11and is alsoi opeii to ce11g1171e-its fiir- conclert, hill- termls ripplly a:10-1(1 S. 'Miu st. TO lRENT. A suite of rootiia aith heat and light at 25 E. Jefferson st. -j t>emcr i;i POP: MAhiO ATIiT 4.GO, 51 a t , - e.~w A: Aft CatlognelfColoobtn rc 5I. W:cc(n ainypCoxwlni:Agec,: .'1 tw ui o i-so z-icntx el~la ells, txo, ofitS . : lej HnoBcleTHlE WABASH RU [ HOT SPRINGS, ARK., TEXAS, LOS ANGELES -AND- SAN FRANCISCO. New Texas andl California Sleeping Car Line. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. Have inaugrated a new Daly Line of IlUST CLASS SLEEPERS from CHICAGO TO UAREDO, TEXAS, ia, Little Reck. Malver, Texarkana. Pal- etie, Astin and San Antnnio. Passengers foar Hlot Springs hae only one change of earn (at Malvern, 9:5 a. m. next day), arrivig: at blot Spriregs PAt IlS a. m. Six bers te iquicklest ittroa'a bleping ar line between Chicagos ad Mialvern. Alan daily line nr Tourist Sleeper, eaving Chlcemge on same train, through to SniiFrancisco via Las, Angeles, Cal. For maps, tiekets and lll infrmaton, apply to . H. GREEN J. HALERMIAN, Michign asaxa.Ag. Tra. Pams. Ag TICKET OFICE: 201 Clark s., C7IICAGc- F. H. Tritram, P. E. fDombaugh, Cn. PasAg. Pams. & Ticket Ag, Cor. 7th ave-and Smith- 37 adIson st. firld st - ePitsbug, Pa. Tledo.O.. Platiotypes ThE fAT - fHIFIG N- PHOT O GRAPHYV -.AT- BERRYMAN'S, 6 1. Huron st. SPECIAL RATES TO SENIORS.. REUBEN, H., KEXdPF, rom the lteyal Cos rvatoy, tnatgar, Geraaay, - Teacher of? Piano, Organ andi Xuasca. Copositio; slso the Art of Studle S2_$ l iisina St,An Arbor. Blob1 $1.25 FOR ALL COLLEGE NEWS $1.25 U. of M. DAILY will be delivered at the your room the remainder of the college, year for only $1.25. SUBESO:)REIBENOW At Daily Office, Times Block, at Stoffiet's News Stanf,- or at Paul Myers. State+ st., News Stand.