THE U. OF M. DAILY. Safs O store! A Solid Back All Bristle Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters forB1h line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS MARTIN SCHALLER, 7HE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, -AT- 19 E. Washington St., one block east of Main st. Y . '95 LAWS! FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 95 s AWS. OF ANN ARBOR. ]HAVE YOUat Organized 1863. Capital, $100,00. Surplus and Profits, $40,000., CANE ENGRAVED Transacts a general banking business. toreiga exchanges bought and sold. Furnish --AT-- letters of credit. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. P BnCisPres. S. A. CLARKSON, Castier. - ~A NOVI ath MAR Ti efamous Star& t .are now made ina LEADING COL G E 111 ouality supexrh. iM Pilo"patent.Price 1MEIOL A.7; in fine wool tL R NEW C OLLRR *a re.Returnablei not found at y7our t mentioning college MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S STAf & CRESCENT School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10a. sm., Gentleman beginners class. Saturday, 41pn., Lady beginnerasaas. YOU INTERESTE Mondayi :05 p. i-a., Ad - nced Class (Ladis' R n getee) Tuesday.7:30 p. B., neginners (lass (Ladies ad Gentlemea). Private lessons by appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. We have something new and superior in this l RAPID PEN PACTORN HANGTRFERmow'CSOATERE Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour Second Semest.r Buy Best Western Patent Flour Bn Bl~td C V Mr lrA fn 9R n MOORE & WETMORE 6 S.Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of UNIVERSI I T DOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Books w d other Students'supplies Pine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , which tiey oifer at tieLowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Glass and Domestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. 'EL 'Y IN Robes ! Cre centBathRobes1 all ti t ade r.ode o rA" t - - if uisatisfactor If c dtealers', send to us * earrdceclosingprie ;eu'ecoigpie ILL'S CO., Philada., Pa. D IN FOUNTAIN PENS? ine. Drop us a postal before buying others. Y. WASHINGTON. D. C. CONOI/IZE. x for $3.00 per Barrel. r for $3.75 per Barrel. ents per 1-16 Barrel. or 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. 25 cents. ts for 25 cents. lA~IN & COaIAT~ KTX BEKS New and Secondhand for All Departments of the University at Sheehan & Co.'s Bookstore, State St. BEST NOTE BOOKS in the city for 25c. TIL MARCH 1ST SALE. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. + + ALL OUR f + $6.00 and $5.50 Winter, Russria and Patent Enamel Hand Made, Calf Lined Shoes reduced to $3.85. Goodspeed's, - 7 S. MAIN ST. zuy oizea torn xeal orzoce Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour fo Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for Buy 7N Pounds Best Rolled Oa E)B GYM SUITS. vk-- , We have got them. The best goods for the S LEAST MONEY Our gymnasium suits +c - . are madeby the it BIERMAN WHEEL C0, (makers of Victor Bicycles) and are fullyguaranteed. A great many are in EXAMINE THEM. AT- M SIAEBLERS CYCLE EMPORIUM 11 W Washington st. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meas- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. All classes are under the personal strue- tiers ec Mr. ard Mrs. nss Grager. Private or class lessons given on any dance of merit requested. Office at the Academy, ground floor, 6 Maynard st. KENWPODSCOMING. America's Leading Bicycle. Don't Do a Thing But Wait. AoxTs W. T. APMADOC, W. C. MANCHESTER, 45 William st., Ann Arbor. SPALDING'S INTERCOLLEGIATE SWEATER. It is threnest seater made and is superior to any tter n the market. Made fronm the finest and softest Australian wool, hand knit, and was used exclusively last year by nearly all the college fuettall elevens. In white, navy and black, PRICE. $7.00. Spalding's Base Ball and Tennis Supples are recognized leaders. Everything requisite for the games. Spading's Trade Mark n what yu pur- cbase inguarantee that the goods a re the best. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NEW YORK. PAILADELPHIA. CHIcAGO. Wild, Wild, Wild. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE ! OUR WINTER AND FALL GOODS We Sell on Reduction. Fancy Suitings and Trousers. The goods must go. Please call and see. 2--Bast Washington tret.--2 I 44 South Main Street._ UNIVERSITY NOTES. Rev. 'Ir. 'Thomas W. Young will speak at the- S. C. A. afternoon ae- J. B. Brooks, '95 lit, is ill with La .ice Sunay er 'ourPresent Grippe. Duty.' t. Rev. Mr. Chas. Rulison was a Prof. Stanley has been obliged to visitor at the junior law lecture yes- terday. Judge C. J. Pailthorpe, of Petoskey and Hon. Stratton b. Brooks. of Mt. Pleasant, are the Democratic nominecs for regents. Freshmen lits ace requested to re- member the meeting of candidates for the class track team in Room 9, main building, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Socratic Union will elect officers this afternoon in room 14. After the business meeting there will be a gen- eral debate en the question "Resolved, that Gov. Altgeld uwas justlifiable in pardoning the anarchists." The senior lits have levied a per capita tax of $2.50 to pay for the bust of Pres. Angell. Tire collecting coin- niittee are now at work and only those responding to the tax will be given credit in the undertaking. Through a misunderstanding It has been announced that Mrs. Trueblood would read at the Alpha Nu this even- ing. Mrs. Trueblood's elocution class in the High School give a recital this evening, while Miss Mabel Fraine, of Detroit, has been secured to assist the Alpha Nu. postpone indefinitely the meetings for college scongs on account of extra work in his courses. De announces that some arrangement will be made as soon as possible for their continu- anee. Wrinkle. Wrinkle comes out today with sever- al new features, all of which are good. "Artemus Ward Comes to Col- ledge," is an excellent imitation of the style originated by Charles F. Browne. "Our Harvard Letter" is a satire or the weekly news letters exchanged by the college dailies. The best of the verse is "Spring," by Barker '98. Frank P. Daniels contributes a short poem, "Tire Gift of a Curl.' The double page "As Lent Begins" Is by Miss Dunster. The number is a bright one throughout, filled with now jokes and clever illustrations. Arrangements have just been com- pleated by the Gymnasium authorities whereby a chart showing the physical improvement of the six hundred best developed men in the University, will soon be issued-Harvard News.