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October 10, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-10

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Ijc I . of

'VOL. V. No. 10.



S. L. A. COURSE. Field, "Bob' Brdete or Rtussell H. UNIVERSITY NOTES. NOG DST E T
Many Eminent Men Engaged.-A Conwell, a famnous Baptist preacher Tesecod eeveni ill psy the 'Nr
Core htWilGieSt- O Plldepliims at Ypsilanti Satuedi Tiys to learn without books.
sfcintAl.Teeialoaosiltyoocr- Norman W. Price, '94 li, is sudyinig Somic people though try to use
The course of the Studeits' Lecture lumxtrsdit arsn ledicine ill the nvesity of Trointo. muclistnoiswthite
Tickets will be placed oii sale Tisr- o1' 150tnie.
Association has dunally been arrainged, The registraion ii tie lite ary d-
and although neither exact dates io a a hneurpieor heco rseiemest at threcle of last week was WeO Say Bull I hse Which Hae Tne
subjects caii yet be given for all the o 2 il 25 o eevdsas about 1,7.
enetanets hy il esbsa-Sests will be resrved on esai'oim' A Prohibition meeig ii ioomss71 of We sell that kiisd.
tially as follows:pluau as last year viz: evey seconid te law building last night wa s aid
Ot ,th ustinl csilIs'row. The price of the sige letre t iOt 7 h is ubrwl e dressed by William B. Hatch iiidI-Hissr
furnished by lion. T. IL heed. ,, by Reed will hb' 75 cents or $1. The 5.Ois1 South Main s.
spekerofthehose f rprsens.course uwill be gisis as usual. iniUuss Te -New York laws held siu.ssatng S'TT'_TJ I 'IS I
ives. is subject is not yet anouss- ers-yal._asnihttarageforhodig__113
-eel. Mr. Reedl was ois the couseshre Shorter Holiday Vacation, lub court. Messs. C. J. Doiovsn idau -FINE-
iwo years ago iand vs ctiusistiealb' Thes University senate Mlosisly night A. A. -Meker wers appoinstediacinis- FOOTWEAR
rseseived. Its is ai iisiioinal chasrsieter disiss this advissabiity of sorteniiig usilee oss organsizationiA
ssiiesshioiisit.the vsrious vacastionso of the college rnixssisiiis i olssai
Itch. J.IB. (Gordosn, UnitedlStsses ysars. ft was dcidedl to shoreis ts' AmsercanssIitory will le hels isssse-
sesissor fromis Georgisa will follow Mr. Thlisiskgving hssliday to isis'dsy, in- diatey sfter iii'Chistmaisss vscatioss
Reesd, aiss will be here sbout the maids- sssid of having two, as heretofore. for the bieniit those lies whsioils'e
dills of Novemiber. His subjet vwill be Thcornusi iolly sil ioib'ssditionied iii thss sicsnt examssina~tiuon.
"TIhe Last TDas of l'th'onfeseay." bie shortienedto as'week or ess day, Chas. t. I ssoli,'Ii law, isi luen B A ' S O T R
Thlis oration swas girsis at the I(.A. It. andsl Ilo Rasster holiidays don isiev iosistslfrvuirsrsif o i' e od liue yi 1
issasiissli itPltlssgthsssssssewills stogethser. Tel'leslegi' yer ussit sswaill.Isi iis i sSTIUHO[N1TS
abs sssele shortieed by thss'numbsiiPri if hiays0hiByt lso esussisissr
Giordlons isfavrorably knsownss on iie f tssifoistevrou 1100as tanslliexsellet scssanse of electionss sysgya
tateniroalthevariosuseliaysoanlW0017 ATTIDCOAT..
liii 5et5~ors heSuh vacaionis. This will be doiin iiosder -OF
The extnuiner ill e i lecureRev. Minot J. Savage.
Tii ix ssbes-l i'~ euseto avsidl the sxcesive ssisssssr leat_____ G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
by Mturat Hasias, fsrmesry editor of whishsmaskes sudyingsalmost npss The Isiy(Cuhi leturee is ii s0sshi he suankes t h iis notice wiitsyisu.
useCietssssl tsisssis-sia f ss e l ii sus'.Wilthie exieptionisof le spnedsett Alondaisiisy seveni ing, [[tyii
ex-smiisiterto t(srusisiy. sisil iiiow at i'the:hassi igs hohlsiy, ihow evesrhRe.L.. Ssvsage, of ostousi I is.Li JeI O
the heads heii'Brookyn Ragle. AIr. nons stti' ut ius ss Io i'Saiviafgelhisuinthis'pissto isa 1 uiy
Ililste ashwisstivse his widely kniiiiiiedliupihosi. This whoe smstter noswi'church ii that city fr Iis' ot IS
letusre, "'hess'latioii of Journialsiss rsts sith a commsisitee sit the Deas'iiielars, hisi-ving goneis'her'from si ties 11 Maynard St. (stxt tos Schouol
to Iublic Life," said swil bs'hersiesout fhis'variouss ih'hiirlsiss'sts. g'.)hessomsthe flst his'tot tankuith -ftOif Muaic).
the middsleofsitDecemsbesr. thill i rooks, st this'hIadsof sthis'$2.5 SO Z_ V7'
Ex-Gtosernor Xliii . RIussel, forms- Tennis Entries. Ihstonipuhlit. Sices'his'ehills of FusLaesusi ctms.
erly the populasr Deiiocratilc governissEnRtries for this tennis tiurnasseut Boos Ssage lhsasiencooicredly'sh
of Massachustts, soil Ia possibli'esan- ssil cose tomiorross- night at(ito'cosckh, this'leadig preacher f Ness ii'gh~iiii, = TTIU 5 .
silssle for the presidiey in 'fli, isill aisilnamies shossld be hisideihito W. shie for freshnsess andssie. hi f LO ESH LNEO O E
follow Jas. i, andildelis-r i niu- D Menzsile or SA'. AV. hitkerisg thought cosinsesd si-thueo ( in g i 54usisECIViii
ptitsani poslitical asddress. before thais metus. The sinty fs' for hiser of satieintle hias s us:"eroi +TU LES
fDr. Talmassge, president of Utah Ifni- the singes is 501 cents andshfor tie I .i Ameria. 48¢ S. STATE ST.
versity', aidish ssel knioss-iMormain, sdoublse$1.The fehissst sieeoisiiy Ilie hl ois ebuseatenisve swositasa °
wisetpheak i on O som hase of the SMor- the centraince ay- ssil begcin Fridaiy' srier sis si--hi is treahers anidh his ii; CjRn . R c er n ,
nsosi question, about the middileiof smosriing iwithhle singss. er. Hthaos hpubiiisdIssswo hssiii' sitf SCHOOL OF DANCING
Febsruary. Suitiablse prizes seth be givenilliilii poemssossis'nisiel tawo ihshog .cii hi u.sesuossopei. uilops roeesii t anuy
Alarork". ad sventen oluursof sr- ie, tie esius-iting witih iiateif achnis-
Strh1, siill occur this'Unisersity- casss. Arnold, he jiweler' hisis-lg uork, ss sstis siuss ii', oin. Alclsses iareussde iiie'personiniii-
oraorcalcotes wichha no b- hadd te istwih Ilo.Sevuersal of Iis oohbs rs're- srasti isisfusMrladsir hs. hss Grsisge. Na
ortrclcats sieiui oe i-heulu h itsih ssier goblet, ~siirs to rnunsst. Oille andussinsshg Halio
comie a pasrt of the regulasr S. L. A. andsh leal folowsswithtsa hsiir sittensispuibhsheilissnsghsusns. or the passt 15 tos'grouand issu, i Ihs sisiesis.
cossr'e. The'iuoilsner of this clst tshloe. yesrs Isis Susiday sisirisisif sui isissishais IAAIJIO nnv nn
wiil represent the Unersity in the Ahei iecosMe. beni pubishi~edsvrs eki an ne-cleit rtrclcnett he om ne hitle of' " sL it OO V I4 lVflIIIU ~lFi
beheldsis this lear at the Universitl- of The bosarsd of directors of the ,,,f- tupit" sindliiss a circulua~tio issiceu's-
tosis, tossa CiIIy. hstic Association sut loafst iht asdinlg sll oe his counsty, to the ihleaig We offer discount on all
electedL ~rh,9 a u .on-cutiso uoe n oIda University Tet-Books,
The Lotuss Ghio Cub,ishichs i iswel olL irii I is isltns issti' i urjsssu oIsii Law, Medical, Pharmnaceutcal
knuowvn throughout the country,will ery withi '953lit, sice prehsit, andsi Jilan aoil Austrsalis. and Scientific Books.
bi' here iithi Prof. Clark, of Chicago Siller, 'h(i las,aid Rsaton, '97 lil, Ir. Savage's subject ini Anis Arhor We buy and sell seconsd-hand books.
Unierity a rede, Mrc 22 idirectors. 'hue eections of a sdiretor suihi be "What O'lok is it is le- Mahsemnatical Instrumnits and
University, lft ve uti tasigoreader o amisioS2larcs. Dritng22,lis tandia
isill furnish the seveisthiestertai- fo hShtia eto-ruitili'hgo? 'is fahiisos2 si rates. We oter
omeat.next sieeting. Sfeasures iere' takn Seasonsicikes admiitisg to -Ssvage'sBetLnnPpra20 PrLb
to hasve the teach-cat the atihtifeldtec ture asish20 ioe,inlseudisg othier
Senator J. Wl. Daniels, of Vi rgils, BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 2c.
cesared of weeis, so thast this'traseauskeralmsthusua s emiinenti, $1. __________
svhomHdi says is the geaest sorstor
teaso could get to wourk. The iiieeting SOLE AENT FORl
in the united Slates senate, wiil give then adjournied.gThere sre 19 college pubicaestioss++ WouoEoM'S DEL [OUN1AIN PEN ++
a lecture somue time iii Aprht. The ___________ in the tUitd States. There sre sino__________
subject is sot knuoswn. The 'Varsity ivipltshehis'Iighi studsent pubisatins ii this'ERngishs T7'WO STORE S.
The oler lecturer will be Eugie School tesam this afternioon. colleges anduiiverities. uieeslyBooksoee, has-s Ton,.
- oi State t. Opp CasertIHose.

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