THlE U. OF At. DAILY. XIGHIGAN 'ENTL Al At the Grand Opera Hlouse. BUSINESS LOCALS. Time Table (Rverad) Nev.18, 1894. liiletrl. cI 01t1;gAlrs. Miiihrcii [Notices inserted is this iclumi at the rale E of15 rests per liar. Sprcial rairs for ionsger EAbT. WEST. -wihh wiill bit sc-i-i here, Saiturdaly 1h11l timer, and eatra liars furenishied by atpplying P.Alr A. at at the DALLY Oaice.' Mail and Ex----3 500 Mail-____- 8 43.1 To TanIIOSI17 j t teho ra-IAT.e hiNYSpeeial __ 7 301 is simlple enoighliniuthemei, hut its 111- T('I0.«X Easters Es--10 25 N. S. Limited.-il92 ;hud cpry-o t)oses ra A. aM. PaccEs...... I215 fiililiig a-i se'als liiiei ste l and of iiilla iil i il ils ci D.N. Expressa-... 3 ac Western Es._ 2. 2 0 Ii giaetcicrdthiiit.-,-il rlriy csiiti-yI(i-i1 scord G. ItI. bpre;es _.1 i1 0 Cli. Nt. Es- ic-1025 Ecueforvai. I is a c Ic 0. lO peri- wiee-. l dr i 1i ti <, OtIt.x-La --- 51 bittrIthnIapty atN-.i. .1-. liii i-i-- 0.. V lr ca i S, IH. cv. liES, sill ave. A lbrandl ne111c a11111' srii~s 0. P. loT. tY i., Chicago. Act., Annt Arbiir. lbana n Ail vifii llii-cag11 iro?c aseis - oaf aeglec-c s c-li are-the i- ii dclioiut fo -cyo. 81IS. I..- S. IId -It. T11.I A. A. & N "lX. RY. -g'csc-ll oii itu-hitiaialliliiii-t10oclosi 'ORENT-X. ilecly furnlisheiidciiin Talieg;effect Sunday, Aug. , l8l4. Iln l i i-iiliiIl ~ 111suite cof acooms. h-'sirnacc heat. i78 Turaisleave Ass Arlice oun Cetal Stanid- alovritc iiull---uint- uxurills (111) E.Wltsllilglca hi. and time.i cilial cafer and tel. hf cnie if-atlilc. class ico-ly ii lit-d :tall6 S. iisi on iTrains run betseen AiiiiArba-rttuToleudo glllltl ,il.1 ii111'illiill -r uic- uil 1r idi.i only.uem tatoc All trins doily except Siuday-. huit isbaintia111111ciitiu I lseiartflhiu1<11 O IE I NV. H. BENNE.TT G0 P.A. Toletdo i.. i i cli allMlily ldiciprlle ci A tpleasant, lar-geolie ci ritoomsciii ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY. t1(,ilto ,"tlerata:1il a ilistingliiliiul$4. 11Stoie St. Time Table, October "7, 1894. fronliih s rtii ilii tis iticailly EL7t2TR Lesre Ypilaitl romCon<'res st, '00, :00At G'rangers and.illts. losleic hun- anti 11:00ia. cm.; 12:41, 2:15, ,xt00, 1.45, :0and .ro hub iciy evr 1Diiv:1n iit liiiheI i sholYo ti- ao oil~e~c 1011107p.i-.icics ici hcltp0n1Oct11 eiillllittllit Leavt AiaaaArbor Juiicioni7:30, 9ic0-aii necti cecek. Tickets fr icc liiichoil~ct SUNDAY Till lit' cblhillcillilit1iltr tOoiile010111 tI Les piat rmCn~e~t,1 03',ieu~ oet cia:o ipVl50, b 0 antiti9:00 . i. ST AMIP COLLEC TIONS. Laise Ann iArbor Junctionu,2:100, 4:00, 110, IWink~le~- fitm' Coln K prfr70ad9:0 .M.111e yar it I d li 17:-i: 1 WI.ntto b y tap'tic~iul (Fars ruonicity time. Put--.single tripi5ill -ll ) C51 o' h celtic; rounid trip tchets 25)CetalI.1711-11ill I)=Oil's t-is-e llIlorik 010ncdilT1111'cas lit it Shit -o11 coi.. PR. ,Sut.Iopaie.L. A. c7-v 17-t frillrecipit it prctaslkedlis sat~ifactcr7 FUOX E11, F'LOXVEIRS I olal Ly.8iiititt a--t v 1,71E1rol1Collectionsslshoul he stliit1byresgis- 'oc lEver-ything and Ev-erybody. I l_ inc.-. t' rciitlcc,, ttun cl ii:se1ra 1Cr.111111 311% IN{& 1J I L fl E111111126li niversit ae. Eastern Athletica. scud stuperior lapplroval:ll shcetscto rIi The C11e 1 le-Pin~toie ymn~ti (ties- W. J. LAWRENCE .& C;.. The uhl n\evI~vuN"elo:a ~laizo 1~h NOTICES. 1. P. S.ASiSO)IAT.IOw.. I ccill 1111-11 cllieIll i s hliig tl i n 111 ttl 4 li itI Poliltilllli511 i sii ito i i n c lih c lillsr10 miioff11cc-i- 11east 1111 ii lii omli ofil theii lib lrlliy 15- il1f sttillici cxca i clat' btweentl 3 a sNOTIlC.TO1TII0O 111-IN 'iitie sii- 11ia t-ula 01-11111 Sorcitla cuiclic 4.11- Ill ccf 11117 iii l bit 0111-- i stil i tion wllccu5 Saur1ya A1)c m.lin 11 ie D~n bidn IIl tIse ABArsedin heVu ;-icton 1 hepae,) r eirn-t Hr oT pRINGS, 11c bar K.old, TEXA fSmrI LOSANELESt n Tesue: ill-lit- wns a Ilc"c(,"-, throtn"hliut. Tho i it-1 cLlltttGV V ,\1 At; 11. Clover Leaf Route '~lease iteep i in indthe1110Toledic, St. Loais & Kansas ('ity R. IR., 'Tile Clover Leaf Rosatc, 'Fast Line" for St. Louis, Mo., alndthie W~est sod Southwest leaveo To- ledo Uion Depot at 5 p. m1. daily, arrives New Union Station (theo largest in tilecvorlcd), SI. Louis early next mloring. I i I CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR aind 'Michigan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cara Seats Free and Vestihulecd Sleepers cith- out change. C. C.. JENKINS, General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. DIETAS & SCHANZ, " 17. orFSA. TAILORS Oar Spring and Sunanier Woolens are now on sale. Prices Locv. Call and see us. 48 S. Mtets t.. secenl'Flor, AjnArbor. 22 Years in the Busine .---zZS.t CITY LAUNDRY, M. 2M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning, Pressing anti Repairing - dons neatly by AUG. SCIIOENEWvAL1, 26Ex. Washington EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 2S EAST HUREON STREET. Gioed Worh Guaranteed. Goods called fee nnd delvered. A.SF--OVERT, Prop. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies and Geets' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 .W . HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. 1101-c sthlirsfittuiu ofiiPrtint-iltn's cx- A CHEAIP T1IiiTO JAlCohSuON. -N bbtin ccvire- the.- ulluhhliul ld pyra- M YLLE. ii:-alit's be'st' ha it ,v tilln A patIoutilaie~ts a1111 gthic'ttcllis SAN FRANCISCO. thei Hotrse', rilitus util lu'tlllb1'ts. bing11orgatized17t io li-tutu-Ann Arbor!-New'lexais aind California Sleeping 'l zit t he u it:i't i xltlitilt of ies Saltuty, 1Malell 1i,ficitwOto tirtlis' Caiii neic. kitd and11hu lids lrto 1 :1 n11hiliai tillu-iptho lacscliill', hFla.,11110 reurn'l.! fieldl illcllett;:, atultu itt,. ' - iprivaitecear" 1C~it .01111 Arottr"'e NO~rO 17110 17 N 011 1 will5111tcrry Stepattroug h tillg i 11 ciii THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. y'iii- - :1s: iittlth:TO SE I htilIll11 liat lic ciilu 11 , tih it- hitsve i inauuriatediia new ltly Lnte of Th classii iolliiitt: appinlt 1 1.15'dlilhltchhr rp110rt IS LAOSSLEEPERIS ferm 1111iutsc-i-tllit-hitgtil'he rate for l teroluund ti co .CHICAGO TO LAREDO1 TEXAS, pay7 ifor t titchrk. ''hil(,t- ss?:'t uArbori kill bec o111y'$62.510111n11;8ViatLuitt ockhMa ier, ':Texarhkanua,Pal- 11111 ill llltth 1117' 111n tu'iii ccill inludeiillsloit 111aciiiommoaihlhios -titeAstiutand Saut Aitontiou.P'asiengera .11111lihetls, icr 1 15 70y. liarIhut Springs have only tier Chatnge of ears befoireit opiitO v tt' illt. 111 th 11ii ot--i-cc(at Maltvern, 9::80 a.u. e xtrchday), ar-iving ieot, ccill hb' Iltailetohtu-itilcon 1 ~ ot c-ipttte stbw1 iblmd thtOiiClhataooa. (at iPot Spchngs at 11:10 a. ci. Six bears the cllecthi~t ions t e.A1to lr