1jc U. off VOL. V. No. 105. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. I OUR STUDENTS MAY JOIN.- STATE POLITICAL SCIENCE AS- SOCIATION OPENS ITS 000ORS. ,A Small Annual Fee Admits - A Member is Entitled to Society Publications-Papers by Eminent Aiebn-Students Should Join. As was stated iii yesterday's Daily students of the University may tie- come members of the Michigan Polit- cal Science associatioii and -will be ,eintitled to roeeive its ptbl(anoiis o paymvent of the annual fee of $1. Thiese pulblications consist of tie' pa- pers read by moenibero of die a sor.ia- liom a t various in.>cilns and gti' the results o'f las-'tigations of eon- omtest ind tlhe1r(10(0 toils of the dlay. The object of the aosoetat ion is the investigation and discussion of ques- tions of history, goverenment, econ- oltcs aind jliriolriilnl('iit. Amiong its moniutors arc sonic of the'imost talent- ed iiiemoin the state. 'The olbe ',rs at! Prof. Otto J~ireliiier, presidetnt; Peter White, of Marquiette, . . Go ~irdoni, of Lansing, and J. Sumner Rtogers, (of Olrciard ilke. -vitee tresitdenits; Prof. It. C. Adanlo, secretary. iiid (litrles 11. Cooley, treasiire r. Since the first inrettig of the tisso- hiatlois Ilneepublications havt eencii Isnued. 'Plese iiieliide the following papers: "Staite Btainkissues in Mieh- igan-A IRetrospiect of Legislatlin," And "Federal Taxation of State Bank Issues," biy Judge Thomas M. Cooley; ,"Sugg estions for a System of Taxa- tion," and "Publicity soid Corporaite ullted States," Prof. D. B. Waldo; U. of M. Silver Club. ) ? "Curreniey tReform in tlie Unitedl The free silver isieii met for per- Stubs" Prf. F. M.Taylr. ianient organization yesterday at4 Time aliueiidlii nt recently adopted p. in. in coonm 13 of the law tuildilng. allowss besides sliideiits of tie tom The first tihig eonsidered was the versity, all stunits of eolleges or iior- coiistitiitioii, which, with a fi-sv inal schools in this state to ticeomie changes of an unimportant nature, is nueumbers of ili a lssociation. Persons te-pr fteeuiuts i oi desiriiig to pureciase copies of the ttitoi publiecatious may obtain them at 25 Th eositiiissorniis cents a numbuuter at the bookstores. at oteIon.I ttshn h Troubie at the U. of Illinois. clib shall be knownu as liii I'. of StI. U'rlona. 11., Feb. 2S.-Fotilb past Silver clib. Thle Iurlosk of ike elobls three lays Ill'' eoiiiiiitt (If adlninis - is to cuter iiito aiioii-partisaii schitt- li-altiiii of the university has Itren ie study of theo' lietioii of silver, its is estingwit th tilililpiig fl-mnnberslliph is oipeii to till frieiids of utiiis (of tliiiviiiirsity, iiid ti ieeisoiiisilver who siibscribe li to i- oistilu- 5(55 i-i aelied this 'veiliiig. Niiie younIin NO GOOD STUDENT Tries to learii without books. Some people though try to use musical instruments with littlo or ostone. Weu Say Buy Ihose hWhich Hae oge.n W~e sell that kind. 51 South Main st. .k - , _..wrin N- mnciiart givren a vacatioii for the list Thle fotlosinlu officers srire elected: of thie school year for kiuinappinlg trde ,M. dvdItik.'i Julius E.Reiiniairdt, (lie president oflawr, (IfMtintanma ; iie ' prsideiit, Mi. thle ireshiiiiniiclas.I;. it. touse, 'lit1, of Co(loradoiI(; 2(1 'Th' youngimen ire ((hiong liiie 1(t vice poresidenit, Mr. ("tias. A. Ward. of andimost p1ular sitii utd~eints ini the ut. - AnArtbor, Mihtigan; secretary,.fMr. versity. Aliiiost withoutiexceptlionii1. IP. ic~ks, 'Ilt law-. of Miebiigtni they arei-eo-iiters of the leaiio treasurer, Mlr. Bayard F. Amecs, .1) (treeh letter featernittes and tire ipronei lit, of Illiniois; sergeaiit-ait-airiil;'Mr. iictin l otlig i' circests generally. Tiiler E. N. Hthl, specitil tiw, of Mic-higan. u-as fullaek oii the elevi St t oswes Tfhe clsib iwill tie puishi(diforward lalyed oii the niiie last year lit hird at oiice' Copies of thie constiltitioii base anti has been expeeted to p(1ay-are iiow- beiiig circultited for miembiters, the positioni this sprinig. Unless lb'e sixty beiiig alreandy set-irett. As ,sooni ardse of the iiitier classinen has tcool- as possible soitiecoilnout silier aithe I'd tdurinig tle last twseniy-four ious elite u-ill be secured to adiess the' theiro iiay be some 'aetion taken IIo cliil and its frieinds. iiidutee tie faeulty to rensider its Track Athletic Notes. action. Hoiwev-er, it is highly petot- Namnes of new ctandidates for ilie. able that the matluter siill lie perinlitted 'varsity leack felrn are coiing;iii to dreop as it now- stratds. good Iiunibers i's-ry day. D~istamncte Alpha Nu Ladies' Program. runiiers have been reporting thelt trainer every iday this wseek aiid there I The AlphaNu snprogram ihis 'i-euing Abuses," by Prof. It. C. A dtiuns; %vl i -"Bank Note Circulation," T. C. Shore- wl ooeo h eto h er aiid is to be entirely conducted biy wveod; "lelatioii of the Church to Poliicaland ocia Scince, A. Ilie ladies,. The society htas heels for- tuli-te ini securinig the assistance of Slocnmn; "Should Uited Statess 'Miss Maibi'l t'raine, an eloiutionist, ;Senators be Elected by ihe People?"- And Eminnt omai, is Grwthof Detroit The prograni in fnll, is iii fiillowvs: Piano sole, Miss Minnie and Limitihtions," T. E. Barkworthm; "Alien Suffrage," H. A. Chancy; "A Dais; reading, M: iss Gardiner: vocal National Reserve for limo Exigency ef selo, Miss Hill; reading, Miss Bush Hell; reading, Miss Cady; piano solo, War," J. Sumner t~germ; "Competi-MisDv;redn. isWlb; tion and Organmizaiomm," CharlesI-I.MisDv;redn, isWlb; Cooley; "Corporations in the Light of pantomine, "Nearer My God to Thee," 1f..- ,,..5. , ...1m...mtme;voca 5( 10, .slims 7mmi i Hlistory," Prof. J. I'. Davis; "A Sketch ,of the Origin, Establishmnt and Working of time National Bankinmg System, wvithm Special tReference to ho- ;sues," Prof. D. B. Waldo, of Albion .college. to addition to these time foliowing psapers read at the meeting bld ini Kalamazoo last week wiil be publish- ed this year: "Incongruity of the Divorce Laws in time United Statesr- A Legal Tangle," Hon. John C. Rich- berg, of Chicago; "Legal Education: Its Relation 10 11mg People and the 'Stte," Prof. H. B. Hutchins; "Esti- S. C. A. Prize Story Social. Time folloiving programt iill be given mt time 5. '. A. social Saturdamy night, March 2: Banjo solo, Mr. Mel. GIil- lespie; stories. M11essrs. House. Block and tyman; vocal solo, Mr. Harry Hedge; stories, Miss Anna Stevens and Messrs Short and Tolleson; pee- sentatlimn of prize. Prof. Thomas C. Tfrueblood wvill act as chairman of lime evening. Time father of Marquis B. Eaton, '97 lit, of Lansing, died suddenly Wed- nesday, while attending the funeral are a dozen or fifteenm sorkinig out every day~ on time track. Flyinext wseek the nummber wsill unmdoubedly be doubled. Fronm present indications there will be a large crowvd out it I hei mielting of candidates for time track team tomorrowv evening at 7 o'clock im roomI 24 of Itme imain bidtimig. 'I'h track mianagement is anxiuous ti) m' at least i100 out at thits meeting. 'Tratin- cr tFitzpa-trick wil oumlinme liiipuam of iwork for lime sprinmg, aimd the an- didates will he started t vwork ait once. A floor-block for. indoor idle vaulting svas received from Detroit today, and pole vanultermsivill now have an opportunity to get into form before goinmg outdoors. All pole vault- ers should not fail, theref ore, to at- tend tomorrow night's imeetinug.amid. msould reoret to tim' eaptain and trainer at once. Wisconsin, Illinois, Chicago and Lake Forest have cntemt-d terams. in lt'e intercollegiate relay rae, of time Ciii- cago A. A. tomorrow night. All these universities have also numerous en- tries in the forty yards dash, high jump and pole vault. S~Om T NC nZSEs LOWNEY' S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE' S, + 48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARG[ST OPERAING ROOM IN STATE NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, MVich. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop In lime city. E. ivasimiagonstm., lot door east of lis t. Ane Artor. MAMMOTH PIPE SADLE .J OLL.Y & CO'S H6 SOUTH STATE ST. Don't fall to come. Hoiean odCemiLuncmhies mat All Hours. S EC0 NID -H.AND1 V BOOKS M BOUGHT; SOLD and REPAIRED AT WAHR'So maates of time(told Supply in the I of Green Pack, of Detroit.