THE U. OF M. DAILY. VICHIGAN GCLN.j a Time Table (levised) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. P. MA M Malland Ex-1__350 Mail--------8 43 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special_ 7 30 Eastern Es.I----15 N. S. Limited--912 A. M. Pacific Es. 12 15 Atlantic Esx. 7 47 P. a D. N. Express---- 5 4t Western E s -- 2 12 0. 0R. Espresso---11 05 Chii. Nt. Es.---10 25 G. R. Es .----5 0. W.tRUG GLES, 11.XW. StATES, 0. P. & T. AgEt.. Chicago. Agt., Aon Arbor. To, A. As & N. X, RY. Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 3804. Trains leave, Ann Arbor on C~etral Statd- ard time. NORT1H.SOtUTH. 7:18Sa. m. *7:15a. m *12:25 p. m, i1:30a. m 4:13p.m. 9;00 p. *Trains ruo between Ant Arbor aid Toledo only. All (ruins daily eseept Sunday. R. S. GREEN WOOD, Agent WV. 13. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY. Timn Table, October 7, 1894. Lea:ve Ypsilanti from CongresosO., 7:00,9:0 and 11:0a. m.; 12:45,21:15, 5:00, 6:41,1:0 and 10:30 p. M. Leave Ansn Arbor Junction:, 7:5, 5:30 aod SUNDAY TOME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.. 3:30, 3:30, 5:0, :3 and 9:00 pr. Leave Ann Arbor Juncti:on, 2:00, 4:00, 3:30, 7:0 soil9:30 p.m. Cars run: 00 city time. Fasre: single trip 15 cents; rousd trip tickets 25cen'ts. W~i. F.IPARKER,0 Spt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS FOr Everything and Everybody. NUS&HLoist 'f6 el ephone 115. e The Clover Leaf rou~te At the Grand Opera House. BUSINESS LOCALS. U. OFe At. CALENDAR. Youn~g -Mrs. Wilitlhrop. whichi for [Notice nsneted in this column ut the rate . eight nionltliS crowdedl the Madison of 5 cents per line. Special} rates for longer Tior.le.2.- tiu of'4ll time, and gates lines furnished by applying iniilooli1 .), Mails building at 4 p. mn. SquareThieater in New York, io tlik-' at the DAILY ofce.1 next attractioni that will be seen at TO THOSE WVOI)EAO'. Fri., Slar. 1.-Ladies' program~ givena the Granil Opera Hotse. Tie lea11' Shioultd a party of 10 or less from by Alplia. Nu literairy society. Mrs. is rols ile eiioftheforlsist fa11y fraternlify 9w1s11excetllent board Trueblood, will read. Alllerieanhlalywrighlts, lBronsonl How- for $2.50 per week, they (can1 (10 n(o Fri., Ma~rchi .-lerting of eandi- aed, outhtior (If 'SlesatidoalTi." 1110 l bette9r thioanlaply at5 No. .17 E. Uivler- dales for freahiitau track team1 at 4 Henrietta," "Atristocracy,"' dans nly sity' are. A bransd new tbslse was . 11.,Rtaroni1.-11131s11141. (tiler meitoolitan 1 91101'so s. It 1s 11c- for you:1 M11S. 1L. S. POIYElI. caFrli., Slaur. .-Fehpla lamhswsso- ciatinGrares hall. cordIig00tilte aothor's 09wn13 (11111- FORk SALE'. Sat., lar , p0) li:M1'etfilg of can- 51(113 e etll'[('fpIlay e ilis tprodu(cd. Due bills aitlt'eDaily ollise. tf. didates for thetack 1t311miIRoom 24, and1( itsllunpairalleledsuess howl:tl'55l(9s A party'otsfiOX-ca5(1ll:obtain iiirst Ililtils buolding. t1ha1koh this occasionlthe ptublic a11(1cla~ss familiy -boa~rd t. 0566 S. Divii')o Sat.,11'r. 2.-Ann iArblor society of tho luthllor hav'e a1711" edl 111on10 is S1. foi' 2.50 per 9week. Casll 1a110 mtaieo' oll-g itte alumonae Will iticet at Mrs. su~bjeftluponiwhich they' oft'n is1-ara emnsa.oc. t HC.A msa> pi, llrl'lllgt'liselto :10011(0. f. 00, 6. .Alhlils l t7 1). o sl~rli. 11 TS1 111(tlll l r09'0 P 000011 t lrl: is0 if his lsewhellre. '111' company11 is 0111' strailiiest. that tcotuld be1'secu(red( 7 , I SIeWsde. Errol IDunbar, WXilliam itunt, Siss Lansinig R7os'an, Miss V ila. Abll, 'Miss,1.L1llian .5(1:09':lilt. SIrs. .Annie'MSortimier111(1]((lters. AEt the 1713110Opera IHouse. Sllndty l'9'('lilit, Starch 4. 'Jaile''"lt:'e(3(1:15 of comeiels. a tilltlrniedlby'itsogreait success5 in tiellk-ast, will tb,, scan1witht Slisos.tainlie ,toiiiitonii n iithe title 11(11' asissted by'la1yers who11119'''helped101 to m1a11e 0111'cotmedy famitos .0"J(01" is 0511011from1 a Fr'enc ure 1'''. A wXiltI young m11a1119911 11:(1 proplerty left 111111 illca(' 1'i:' iiarries, coinunti- ic11ing ill a lit of (isOil ra151i11 11n000(1 by7 debt., 991111 his truistee, iniforminlg slf a 9rife'.isllobliglationss are,' (110 lar ilitOlll' legins. t1111(009illc' rXife' 1s extrava'lganlt. fill'ti-lst:eI w9rite's itiatfhe11' 111vi-t15London iland In is (1i15l111:( Olle 7:1(11g1fellow'in- duced .Tatie, Illi,,chtse'ma~idl. 99-110 113 jtist been15secretly mtiedis'to( XXiliamn, tile aglree, to1 1110' 11 his ri'feS (itrill" the,(51(1 tttistee's a. the bridlegroomil Wiliami, furinishi the hlai'iouso full99hill-ilfollow,,. ev'e'ning before'1 1111rg1' and1 :11111(1501- tic autdience. Tho1' perforillmnce99w15 9017'mei0ltoious11 iin ('veryresO'p'ct.- Daily Joulrna~l, Etraisi59'l0. Ind(. Duo bills for satle at a discount at the Daily office. Do y0o1 99311 boarderos If SMon., Miar. .-Stidiler night at tlio- 9 ertisl otlor r in iitile 1Daly. Onity Cluts. TO RENT-A nicely furnished front M~on.. Star. 4.-P'rof. f)'Ooire lectures suite of rooms. Furnace 1heat. iii af Inland Le .ague en "A Suimmers 1E. XwttlhigtsonSt0. Trip 'Tin-1otig11Scatidinivia." TO RENT. Fin., Mtar. 15.-[unive-rsity oi'itorieal A pleasant, lairge suilte of rolls wiiith ontest in l'019-ersitl' hail sindter auspi- furnace heatl htandl 17111. Pie ss of S. L. A. $4. 11 State St. Fri., Ml a.2i5):-'Xi'arslty indoor moot TO lIEN'T. i _____________ A stite of roomis 99ith itsat anid light Suboeribe for the Daily. at 25 E. Jefferson St. For boarders advertisr in 0110 Advertise in the Daily. THlE LAST TERM TU1 AA AL At (Granger's and SMrs. F'oster'0110 IILVnlU-i t neoxt wveek. Tickets for eihe1 school - 101R can be obtained at tile Daii loffc at HOT SPRINGS, ARK.~ crealtly reduced prices. The best advertising moediumli in the TEXAS, city is the Daily.LO AN E S A CHEAP TRIP TO JACKSON-LO ANE S VILLE.SA FRNIC A 1party of ladies and gsentlemen is SA"RNCS O being or-ganized1 10 leaive Aim Arbor New Texas and California Sleeping Satturday, Miarch 16, for ai 09w0o9weks' Car Line. trilp to .Jacksooivills', Fla. ansdretuirn. 'The privaite car "City of Ann Albor"TEWBSeN IO ONANR 99111 carry tie Oparty through and1 11TEWAAHwNiIllOUTINRS be uisesd for diniing a10(1sleeping pur- Hauve inauogurated a new Daiiy Line, of hoses dunrinlg tie entir. trip. FIRST CLASS SLEEPRS feom The raite for the round trip troll CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS, Ann Arbor 9will be only $62.30, andl Via Lithle Reek. Mhalvern, Texarkama, Pal- w9ill iiiclude sleep1inig accomimodationO estinle, Austin and San Antonio. Passengers and liealo for 15 days. toerliot Splrings have only one change of cars A stop 99111 be toade at Chattanooga (at Mlalveen, 1:50 a. m. next day), arriving at Hot Springs at 13:11 Six hours the to eniable membliters of the party to qoicksest throughi sieeping ear line between visit Lookout 'Moutitain. Stops will Chica1go and Mialvern. Also daily line of be made at other points th~at thc party Touriot Sleepees, leaving Chicagn on name olly dcid 01010train, through En San Francisce via Los fAPlease keep in mind the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas ('try TR.R.. The Clover Leaf Ronte, "Fast Line" for SI. Louis, Mo., and te West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at I p. mn. daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St. Louis earlv next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Mic1higan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. C. C. JEBNKINS, General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. DIETAS & SCHANZ, U. OF M. T.ASLO.LS Our Spring and Summler Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. State st.. SecondFloor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years in the Business- rZS; CITY LAUNDRY, M. X5. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave;' MERCHANT TAILORING!? Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. dsne neatly by AUG. SCSOENEWALwiO'26.E. Washington EXCELSIOR * LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERST. Prep. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladien' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 8 W.. HURON ST., ANN AREiBORi. of 18 tile trips 9will not be madoe. Writeo1R. 5. lreenwvood, Agecnt T., A. A. & N. SO. iRy., at Ann Arbor for tickets and reservations of berths, etc. Competent servants wVill accompany car on entire trip.. R. S. (thIENWVOOD, Agt. WV. H. BENN\ETT, G. P. A. $1.26j FOR ALL COLLEGE NEWS$12 eTHE U. of M.DAILY will be delivered at the your room the remainder of the college year for only $1.25. SUBCIENOW At Daily Office, Times Block, at Stoffiet's News Stand, or at Paul Myers. State st., News Stand. Ior maps, tic' eta and fail information, - apply to J. H. GREEN 1, HALDERMAN, Sichigan Pas. Ago. Tray. Pass. Ag TIKET OF'ICE. 201 Clack st. CHICAGO F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombauagh, Cen. Pass. Ag0. Pass. & Ticket Agt. C or. 7th ave. and Simith- 307 Madison at., feld st., Pittsburg, Pa. Toledo, 0. P latinotypes THE LATEST THING IN PHOTO© G RAPH"Y -AT=- BERRYMAN'S 6 E. Huron st . SPECIAL RATES TO SENIORS, REUBEN H. KEMPF% Prom the Ronyal Conservatory, Stuttgart, Germany. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Xnaic& Composition; also the Aft of Teaching. Stdo1 .DiSvison St., Ann Arbor, Ilicbh